The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4797 - Lack of ammunition

Persia, National Army Command.

“Launch an attack? It’s impossible. You know the situation of our soldiers. They are all recruits. Launching an attack means that our defense has become extremely weak, and we are inadequately trained. How about having weapons? Can we kill our people if we have weapons? If we continue to fight like this, we won’t have to fight at all. Our losses will be completely collapsed. We absolutely can’t do this. Absolutely can’t.” General Wang Bo objected. Although he commanded the front line. How to fight is entirely up to him, but the problem is that such an offensive will also bring him great troubles. These troubles are mainly concentrated on the fact that they can’t launch a larger-scale offensive at all.

But the conditions of the Seth people are like this. Aid weapons are okay, but the Persians must launch a large-scale offensive. It is best to attract the offensive from the enemy in front of them. In this way, their situation can be greatly improved. In a self-serving approach, the Seth people hope to get some opportunities to rest. They don’t want to face powerful enemies. They need time.

And time comes from sacrifice. They can also sacrifice their own soldiers, but the problem is that they don’t want to sacrifice too much, so the Persians become their first choice. The Persians lack weapons, while the Seth people have weapons. Weapons are not so easy to borrow. Everyone can understand this. Because such a situation is definitely not as simple as they think it can be done.

Wang Bo was extremely opposed, because he didn’t want his soldiers to die in vain. They were all good soldiers. As a result, they did not defeat the enemy themselves. Instead, they were defeated by the enemy because of some weapons.

“I know, you have troubles, but we also have troubles. Without these weapons, we can’t hold our position either. We have been pressed and beaten by the rest. It is not good for us, and we are not good for it. Brothers are all holding back. In a breath, if we can launch a counterattack and launch an attack on the enemy, we have failed. Let the rest also see that we Persians can attack.” Li Pu persuaded.

There are no fewer people who have this kind of thinking. Li Pu is very clear about the thinking of the low-level officers. The continuous failures have reduced morale to an astonishing level. Wang Bo is also very aware of this point. Therefore, for such things, he himself is extremely Agree. But what he wanted was to restore their morale a little bit, but now it seems that this approach cannot reach such a high level all at once. The reason is simple, because many things are better than they can be restored all at once. . To have greater development, they must have a greater role to achieve this point, otherwise, they simply cannot achieve this point.

“I am also aware of such a situation, but the problem is that in such a situation, we are still able to do relatively little, morale, and various offensive ability changes, etc., in some cases like this , Many of our things are difficult to deal with.” Wang Bo said with great embarrassment.

“I know, but if we Persians continue to be like this, we can’t get the aid of our international friends. The Koreans have weapons, but their officer advisory group forbids us. Why? It’s because our battle is extremely disadvantageous. If we If you can launch an attack and change their attitude, I don’t think things are enough for such a failure. What do you think?” Li Pu asked.

“Well. Well, I reluctantly tried to attack, but what I want to say is that we still need to do some other things to get everyone to attack as much as possible.” Wang Bo said.

“I support all your ideas. In addition, considering the necessity of the War of Resistance, it was decided to restore the organization of the First Army. If necessary, a new army can be formed. If we have enough troops.” Li Pu said so.

“Well, I have some concerns. In this way, all the student soldiers will be transferred up. In this case, Persia’s future war mobilization capabilities will be greatly reduced. I don’t want this to happen, and I don’t want this to happen. “Wang Bo said.

“So, can you think of a way to hire from other regions, or transfer some people to help us fight. In this way, Persia can hope to survive.” Wang Bo said.

Consecutive failures have resulted in huge losses of personnel. The total number of soldiers killed in battle has exceeded 250,000, plus the casualties and missing persons, and nearly 500,000 troops are gone. Persia’s war mobilization capabilities are almost exhausted. Under such a situation, their situation is in the most unfavorable situation. It is simply difficult to accomplish such things. How to accomplish such a thing is really difficult.

Under such a situation, Wang Bo was very worried that after they launched an offense, they would have no more ability to do such things.

“Well, I have learned about your situation. So, I hope we can achieve such a state through other means. At present, what we need to do is that we can hire some Indians through Koreans. Soldiers, some of them can fight, in short, their situation will become extremely advantageous, and even our situation will become much better.” Li Pu said.

The solution is to hire. The Shazhou cavalry is very fierce, but the asking price is very high, and most of them are unscrupulous. It is impossible to support them with the current financial situation of Persia, and the role of the cavalry does not seem to be very large. In addition to their great advantages in speed, they are not very useful in the face of modern weapons with ever-increasing firepower, and the price is not worth it. Li Pu’s suggestion is to buy more fighters for protection, and at the same time. Attack the rest in peace appropriately. This is the result they need most.

However, the lack of army strength is an inevitable relationship. They need a large number and a large number of people. As for combat effectiveness, they don’t care much. After all, such things are very different from them.

Under such a demand, the cheap and large number of Indian soldiers were favored by the Persians. Instead, they valued their combat effectiveness, because the Persians firmly believed that their numerical advantage would make up for their peace. The most important thing is that they are easy to control, and the docile and unruly Shazhou cavalry are the best to deal with them. They look down on the Persians at all, and they are extremely disobedient to orders. Under such circumstances, if they want to accomplish such a series of things, they simply cannot achieve such a result. This is their current situation, and they simply cannot accomplish such things.

How to accomplish such things requires them to do more advantages in other aspects. Under such circumstances, their situation will become extremely unfavorable, and even difficult to work.

The war situation has developed under such a situation. As such unfavorable situations develop, many of their situations need to be changed.

In the face of unequal conditions, the Persians can only accept such situations.

In the north, in the occupied area of ​​Shah, the allocation of the Shah’s troops here has been reduced to a minimum. An infantry squad is responsible for a very large area. This had to choose some local Persians to serve as their assistants, transport logistics materials, be responsible for checkpoints, and guard and patrol tasks.

Some Persian scums are willing, because they can get a lot of benefits from it, but they have become more careful recently. Especially the fleet of logistics supplies, they are very cautious. Because they are afraid of encountering an ambush.

Heiwa is still an ammunition hand. He carried a box full of bullets on his back. It was very easy recently, because they didn’t have much ammunition at all, and they could count it clearly with his fingers. Because they don’t have anything to add, one serve is missed. And his task is to wipe the bullets clean. Unfortunately, it is getting less and less. He will find the bullet shells. This is their situation, which is disturbing.

They are best able to bring more soldiers. I heard that officers from what kind of troops are good at fighting, but they all fight in ambushes. Ambushes are different. Officers command ambushes on all sides, and they will all have ambushes. , But also to avoid, hide, and cover it with something like a sack, and you can’t see it from far away, thinking it’s a big rock. Before they were lying in ambush on one side.

“Bang, tutu, tutu.” The fierce firefight began. But it was okay at the beginning, because their ammunition was not much, and after a big round of concentration, their ammunition was almost exhausted. Then all the people rushed over in a swarm. The enemy was wiped out in this way. Because they can’t run at all. Surrounded on all sides. Then they were caught. They began to search for all kinds of supplies, but most of them were eaten. There was very little ammunition. The ammunition on the Persian lackeys was also very pitiful, because the Parthians did not believe them at all. They have twenty rounds of ammunition. Even if it is the top of the sky. They won, but another very unfavorable situation emerged.

ammunition. They lack ammunition. Heiwa pitifully counted the five bullets in her hand. This is their remaining ammunition. If you don’t add anything, there will be nothing. The predicament of the guerrillas is very great. Even to the point where it is difficult to move. Heiwa was worried.

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