The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4778 - Quick choice

In Tupuli’s headquarters, the defenses here are extremely strong. It used to be a storage warehouse for a trading house. It was built very sturdy, but now the Tupuli’s headquarters here is covered with extremely heavy silk curtains. The reason is It is here that extremely serious light control has been carried out. The Parthian pilots are bold. They will carry out night attacks every time, and once they are recorded, they will carry out bombings. The rest of the people judged that if only to find the most lively place with lights, and to carry out bombing, it would inevitably kill the other’s senior officials and cause a great panic effect.

In fact, it is true. They did do this under such a situation. In addition to killing dozens of innocent civilians, most of them were civilians pulling carts in brightly lit areas. , And then some police hit some luxury vehicles, killing the mayor of Isth City, as well as some ministers.

Since then, Yisi City has entered a state of light control. In many cases, they have to pay some price before they can know what kind of situation they are facing. If they don’t know such a state, they will naturally. I won’t encounter such things anymore.

The headquarters is airtight and with warm heating, it feels a bit stuffy here. Because there is very little air circulation. The illumination of the light makes people here ignorant of the day and night of the outside world. It is easy for people to enter a state of inverted black and white. If this state continues for some time, their situation is really not good enough. But now, this can only be the case for them. Otherwise, they themselves would not be able to achieve such a situation. This is their current situation. To complete such a state, it still takes them some time to do it.

“The twelfth and twenty-first divisions of the Parthians have entered our army’s position. Under such circumstances, the situation of our army will be very unfavorable.” Tupley said worriedly.

The occupation of the Fifty-Eighth Army was broken. At the time of the breakthrough, Tupley still did not send a reserve team of even one person, no reinforcements, and the troops strictly adhered to their positions. It was difficult for them to move. Such a situation was unbearable for them. With such a result, faced with such a method, they themselves felt very broken.

“The situation of the Parthians is crazier than we thought.” Tupley said. Seeing the two infantry divisions of the Parthians burst in, Tupley’s mood was extremely complicated. He was extremely annoyed. The reason for the extreme panic is simple, because he himself doesn’t know what to do. Under such circumstances, he really doesn’t understand what he wants to do, and even he doesn’t know how to do it. Things are fine.

“Sir, the enemy currently has two dynamics. The first is that they will directly attack the rear of the various army groups. If this is the case, our entire defense line will completely collapse. My brother’s army may be annihilated. Our army, Our army will be annihilated at least half of its troops. Such a large number of troops is a huge disaster for us.” A staff officer predicted this.

Tupley was silent. In fact, he himself didn’t know what to do. In many cases, his situation was worse than the staff expected. Because he can’t make any decisions. In such a situation, he can make a decision, that is the strangest thing.

“Sir, the other is that they directly rush to us regardless of the situation of each group army. In this case, the logistics supply of each group army will be cut off, but the only advantage is that we can still retreat. The troops can Keep it. If we attack the front line, we won’t be able to keep it in the end, but the only advantage is that our military factory can be relocated, and at least 60% of the military factory’s equipment can be dismantled.” The staff officer suggested. Until the Parthians broke through their defenses, Tupley did not make up his mind to do such a thing. Under such a situation, many of their things became extremely weak. Under such circumstances, many of their things were practical. The above are all in a very inconvenient state. It is almost impossible for them to complete such a thing. Under such circumstances, how can they achieve such a situation.

Tupley remained silent, he hesitated. Because he wants to keep his army, and at the same time he wants to keep his armament factory. Without an army, he might lose some. Without an arsenal, he would have no weapons and ammunition if he kept the army. In that case, they would not be able to keep some of these situations. This caused Tupley to want to give up nothing. He couldn’t make any bad decisions. The staff officer looked at his chief. He hoped that at this time, the other party would be able to come up with some decisions decisively, so that their situation would not be too passive. But the problem is, no, their chief is still wasting his life in hesitation, and even the last precious opportunity he plans to waste. Under such circumstances, he really didn’t know what to say. After all, it is too bad for them to lose such an opportunity. It is a pity that such a thing cannot change such a situation at all.

Because Tupley didn’t want to give up anything. The end result of a person who doesn’t want to give up anything can only be to give up everything. This makes him feel very difficult, even difficult to solve all the problems. This is the current dilemma they are encountering.

Rest in peace, in the high command of the Third Army, the observer of the State of Qin, Xu Zhong participated as the representative of the observer of the State of Qin.

“What we need is victory, victory, or victory. The domestic expectations of us are very huge. We have a great burden on our shoulders. It is not easy for such a burden on our shoulders.” Yang Biao said. Speaking of.

“Fortunately, our Third Army has done very well. We have torn a big hole in the Persian line of defense. This hole needs to be further expanded. At the same time, we must continue to go deeper and deeper. Go to the enemy’s city, occupy there, and completely smash the logistics supply line of the Persians and make them completely collapse.” Yang Biao said excitedly, and Matthew said proudly.

And Xu Zhong was a little shocked when he heard such news, and the staff of the Third Army Corps were also shocked just as he was.

Because according to the habits of the people of Qin, they didn’t value the attack ratio of the city too much. What they valued was the consumption of the enemy’s viable troops. Such force consumption will play a big role in the future. The plan that I want the staff of the Third Army to make is to detour directly behind the enemy’s line of defense. Attack the entire back of the enemy’s defense line, then force the opponent to collapse, and then attack and squeeze from the front. In this case, the entire defense line will completely collapse, and the 200,000 army will completely collapse, and the Parthians can attack and take the opportunity to eliminate Most of the opposing party’s active forces put their situation in a very favorable table. Under such circumstances, their military advantage will be further developed. Under such circumstances, their situation will be further developed. This is the most favorable result and also the most effective situation. In this case.

The Parthians may end such a **** war smoothly, but the problem is that this war is not as easy to solve as they thought, or that their own situation has not reached such a favorable situation. Under such circumstances, what they can do is too limited.

This is a good battle plan. They not only eat up the other’s vital forces, but also make the Persians not have enough troops to establish a new line of defense for a period of time. In this case, they can only face one situation, that is Surrender, surrender completely. Because there is no defense in Persia. Can only surrender. In that case, the city of Islam, the capital, and even more southern ports, the oil-producing areas are all in peace, and the war will come to an end.

But the current situation is that their chief has even issued a revised offensive combat plan. They are no longer the main purpose of destroying the other’s vital power, but the method they adopted turned out to be to attack the other’s main city and occupy the city, which is far more important than destroying the other’s vital power. They just don’t know why their chief made such a big mistake, or in other words, why his chief made such a big mistake under such circumstances. Many officers are extremely dissatisfied with this. They really don’t know what the other party’s intentions are, and even the posture in doing so is obviously not in line with their combat posture.

The ghost knew what they thought, Xu Zhong thought so, but soon, he got some answers he wanted from Yang Biao’s mouth. The answer is simple, it lies in victory, victory, and victory.

The rest are desperately in need of victory. The large number of prisoners of war and the enemies killed cannot explain how much victory they have won. Only by occupying the enemy’s city and conquering their land can it prove that they have won a great victory. Under such circumstances, they naturally like it. To reach such a level, but the question is, in such a situation, how should they deal with such a situation.

The Anxi army chose the most eager for quick success, attacking the opponent’s city, so as to reach the point they need to achieve. In this way, they can achieve their own victory, victory, or victory.

Because the military has too many bonds. They need more people to buy bonds. They have to tell each other that bonds can guarantee their wealth. Buying bonds is a brand new model. Under such circumstances, what they need to do is to sell so many bonds. How to sell so many bonds, the answer is simple, that is, they can find new ways to deal with such a situation. Therefore, in such a situation, what they need is victory, and only by occupying more cities on the other side can they show such a victory. The idea of ​​quick success brought disaster to their military operations.

Their goal is no longer the opposing military’s viable power. On the contrary, they began to adopt other ways to deal with such a situation. This is the current situation that they should pay attention to. Under such a situation, they can only enter a new situation in this way. This is what they should pay attention to in the current situation that they should pay attention to.

“The rest are crazy. They are so crazy that they have to pay a price they shouldn’t have, but their chief doesn’t care about it, because they don’t care what happened to them, because it has nothing to do with them. They need It’s victory. Victory one after another can ensure that they encounter such a state. This is the situation they most hope to achieve. If they fail to achieve such a situation, they themselves will become extremely troublesome. This is The state they encountered, under such circumstances, what they can do is really very bad.” Xu Zhong said.

Hearing the remarks of the Anxi generals, he knew that the Anxi people had made a wrong decision. This decision may only be a battle decision, but such quick success and quick gains brought them huge disasters. Such disasters, It may cause them a lot of trouble, and this trouble is something they can’t bear. I really don’t know how they did this. Maybe they didn’t expect that they would encounter such a situation to deal with such a thing at the beginning.

Just when the Parthians were talking loudly. In fact, some special circumstances are also appearing on their borders.

The Parthians and the Seth people, they have a disputed area in the occupied Persia area.

It is marked as 200 heights. This 200 height is a very important point. It can defend and provide good observation for artillery. Whoever occupies such an area can take the initiative in the next battle.

The rest of the world knows it, and the Seth knows it too. Such a contradiction between the two sides has always existed, and neither side recognizes that the other side has control over the entire region. As a result, the patrols of the two sides broke out in a small-scale conflict here.

Although it seems innocuous, there are contradictions.

The 200 highland issue will involve extremely sensitive nerves on both sides. In such a situation, a small highland may become the point of a large-scale battle. Such points are real. Because it can really cause a lot of trouble.

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