The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

The system laughed treacherously: “Host, this mission is not a war, I guarantee you like it.” ”

Chen Fan immediately came to the spirit, not a war, is it a concubine?

His idea was immediately disdained by the system: “Host, you have so many women, why do you still think about this kind of thing?”

Chen Fan also looked aggrieved: “Can you blame me for this, it’s not that you made my ability so strong, you can keep going all night.” Besides, this is the normal idea of men, I have territory and an army, and I can’t have a few women?”

The system coughed: “Let’s skip this topic, in fact, this side mission is to make you king in Shanxi.” ”

Chen Fan’s eyes widened instantly.

King? That’s right, there’s still this one in the mission?” Two, four, three”

What era is this, the Qing dynasty is dead, and China can still be called king?

The explanation of the system is that this title is only a small number of secret kings.

Externally, Chen Fan wanted to name the troops, redivide the composition of the troops, and seal the officers under him.

His position to the outside world is that of the general of Shanxi, and he said that Wang could not be announced to the outside world, at least not so early.

It has been a long time since Bijing and the Qing Dynasty were overthrown, and now the country is in danger again, at this time, if Chen Fan dares to claim the throne, he will be sprayed to death by the people of the whole country.

Only when the right time is right can the news be made public.

Chen Fan felt that he was happy in vain, and he couldn’t announce to the outside world what kind of side mission this special mother was.

“Host, if you claim the king, you can justifiably establish a harem.”

Chen Fan came to the spirit again: “Really?”

“Of course.” The system said seriously: “Which king does not have dozens of wives, as long as you complete the side quest, then your women will be justified.” ”

For this result, Chen Fan was still very acceptable.

The next morning, he summoned Zhao Changsheng and other high-ranking officers to announce to them that he had become king.

Originally, Chen Fan was still a little apprehensive, afraid that someone would object.

Unexpectedly, after he finished speaking, Zhao Changsheng was the first to take the lead in agreeing, and all the cronies applauded, and Zhao Changsheng also bowed to him.

Chen Fan stopped it on the spot, and asked them not to publicize it for the time being, and when the time was ripe, he would hold a formal ceremony.

“Sir, you just now, you want to correct the name of our troops. What’s the name of that?” Zhao Changsheng asked.

Chen Fan had already thought about this problem, and at present his strength was already more than a hundred thousand, and the size of at least four armies could already reach the size of a group army.

Chen Fan smiled slightly: “Since the establishment of our troops, they have advocated iron-blooded expansion and iron-blooded combat. Then our troops will be called the Predator Legion. ”

“Iron-Blooded Legion, the name is good, domineering, mighty.” Zhao Changsheng and the others all agreed on the spot.

That afternoon, Chen Fan summoned all officers above the regiment level and convened an enlarged military meeting.

First of all, the title of the Predator Legion was announced.

From now on, the unit will have an official name, and everyone can proudly tell others which unit they belong to.

Second, Chen Fan divided his subordinate troops into four corps and two special units.

Two of the corps are elite combat arms that are specifically designed to go out and fight.

The other two military towns guarded the locality and closely protected the security of the entire Shanxi.

Two special units, one is a rapid reaction armored force, the formation is a division.

It has a tank brigade, an armored brigade, an infantry brigade, a heavy artillery regiment, and a supply regiment.

Since Seishiro Itagaki successfully implemented the blitzkrieg, Chen Fan has fully realized the important role of armored forces.

He has sent veterans of the armored forces to train new ones. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

To this end, Chen Fan is also preparing to set up an armored training school, which is not large-scale, but can train a large number of armored talents.

In the future war, tanks will definitely be tigers on land, there is no doubt about this.

Therefore, Chen Fan should take advantage of the present to vigorously cultivate and lay the foundation for the future.

As for another special formation, it is the Air Force.

The size of the Air Force is expanding every day, and they will become the killer tool in the hands of Chen Fan in the future, just like the armored forces.

Blitzkrieg could not do without the support of the Air Force.

Of course, if the ground forces want to move on a large scale, they must also have the air force as a guarantee.

If there is no air supremacy, then the large-scale movement of armored forces will become a target for the enemy’s air force.

Only when the air and ground work together will the greatest effect be achieved.

Chen Fan had already decided to take the air-ground coordinated operation to the extreme.

After rearranging the army formation, the next step is promotion.

All soldiers and officers who participated in the battle this time will be evaluated and promoted according to military merit, and if they are not promoted, a part of the material reward will be given.

This time, Chen Fan had obtained a large amount of silver dollars, which he couldn’t count quickly.

It was a busy day until late at night.

The next day’s affairs would be handed over to Zhao Changsheng to deal with, and Chen Fan still had his own things to do.

“Tomorrow, I will arrange all of you.”

Chen Fan smiled and walked towards the house, it was Yuriko who was waiting for him today, and he couldn’t wait.

Early the next morning, Chen Fan was still sleeping in the house, and Nuan Zi had quietly gathered all the women.

Nuan Zi stood in the middle of the courtyard, prompting 0.9 that everyone had to be light-handed, and absolutely could not make Chen Fan rest.

She knew that Chen Fan was tired yesterday, and she tossed from the early morning until dawn to turn out the lights and go to sleep, and Yuriko’s voice called for almost a night.

All the people gathered in the side room.

Although it is a partial room, it is actually very spacious, and more than 20 people can seat in just one hall.

At this time, there were a total of seventeen people standing in the hall, and Nuan Zi seemed to be the leader of everyone, standing majestically in front of them.

Among these seventeen people, there were those that Chen Fan had seen before, and there were a few newcomers.

They were sent by the officers below after several cities in Linfen were breached, and their identities were very noble, and they were knowledgeable and beautiful.

One of them is even Emperor Hirohito’s cousin, Itaka Kyoko.

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