The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 41

It was a long time ago.

Back when I was busy bugging the game, I had to get something from the imperial capital, so I went there.

At that time, I was investigating some ruins to obtain what I needed, and those ruins were related to the imperial crown prince.

I discovered that it was linked to a mad emperor, Termaio Yggdrasil, who was infamous for his insanity in the game.

I could have just ignored it, but among the events related to the mad emperor, there were many annoying mandatory events that rewarded me with pitiful rewards. I just wanted to charge through the main story and take the fast true ending route after entering the academy.

I thought that if I resolved Termaio the mad emperor’s insanity event first, I wouldn’t have to engage in those pesky mandatory events anymore.

So, after conquering the ruins, I healed Termaio’s insanity based on the information I obtained, but a great demon appeared to stop me.

In the end, I fought the great demon alongside the mages of the Ivory Tower, Termaio’s lackeys, and got recognized for my skills, officially becoming a mage of the Ivory Tower.

…that’s all there is to it.

I shared only the parts I thought were okay to tell Lena.

Lena listened with her mouth agape, and as soon as I finished my story, her eyes sparkled.

“W, wow! M, master is amazing!”

Lena, who was clapping excitedly, suddenly tilted her head.

“B, b, but why are you, um, wandering around like this?”


“M, master… you’re treated like a noble, right?”

According to Oscar, being a formal senior mage of the Ivory Tower is equivalent to the rank of baron.

Additionally, I was granted the title of count in the empire for saving the crown prince.

But what does that even mean?

“What are you talking about? Being with you is more important than that stuff.”

Living in a country with noble privileges only drags you into useless matters.

Instead of wasting time on that, I’d rather focus on teaching kids and qualifying as a sage.

“W, wowww!!”

Was she flustered, surprised, or just happy? With a confused expression, Lena didn’t know what to do.

As I patted her head, Oscar lightly applauded nearby.

“Your love for your apprentice is impressive.”

“Of course! I should love her, right? Hahaha.”

With my already low self-confidence, I needed to shower her with love to build it up.

As I scratched her head, I saw Lena smiling widely, melting away.

So, grow up strong.


As night fell, Lee Hyun skillfully prepared the spot.

Normally, it would be right for the apprentice to prepare the master’s sleeping place, but since Lee Hyun told her to just chant spells if she had the time, she had only been continuing her magic training.

But she couldn’t focus.

– What are you talking about? Being with you is more important than that stuff.

‘Is it really that great being with me?’

There was no hint of a lie in Lee Hyun’s face I saw in the carriage. That must mean he was sincere.

– Thump.

Her heart raced.

Her mouth kept curling at the edges, and her face felt hot.

Lena stole glances at Lee Hyun.

He was busy sitting down, sipping beverages with Oscar.

She couldn’t tear her eyes away from his face illuminated by the flickering campfire.

“Ah! Sister! Lee Hyun uncle is looking at you!”

“Oh my! Sister likes~ the uncle~!”

“Eek! That’s, that’s not it…”

“Huh? Then does sister hate Lee Hyun uncle?”

Hate him?

No way.

How could she hate someone who had taken a hopeless and clumsy girl like her as an apprentice and devotedly taught her so much?

If anything, she liked him.


Her heart thumped again.

As Lena placed her hand over her chest, the two girls tilted their heads at her reaction.

“Sister, your chest is small, so why are you holding it?”

“Our mom’s isn’t this big, you know?”

“W, well. It’s the growth stage! I-I’ll get bigger!”

In her embarrassment, Lena hurriedly said. During that moment, it seemed like Lee Hyun finished talking to Oscar and began to approach.

Again, her heart was pounding.

“Hey. Didn’t I tell you to train? Are you slacking off?”

With a hint of alcohol on his breath and a softer smile than usual, Lee Hyun ruffled Lena’s hair.

His rough hands were undoubtedly filled with affection, which Lena could easily recognize.

“You too. Don’t disturb your sister while she’s training. Come here. Uncle will give you something tasty.”


“It’s cookies~!”

The kids cheered as they received cookies from Lee Hyun and rushed over to Oscar.

As they left, Lee Hyun squatted down in front of Lena and smiled.

“Is your training going well?”

“Y, yes!”

In reality, she hadn’t accomplished a thing.

She had only been reflecting on what Lee Hyun had said earlier.

But she didn’t want to see a disappointed expression on his face, so Lena gently deceived herself.

“Yeah. I believe in you.”


“I think before long, you’ll be a senior mage.”

“…C-can I really do it?”

A senior mage.

That referred to a mage who had mastered advanced magic to a certain degree.

She hadn’t even entered intermediate magic yet, and he was talking about being a senior mage.

It felt far away.

“Don’t worry. You have me, right?”

“So, until I become a senior mage… you’ll stay by my side, master?”


“Hehe. So if I take my time…”

Then will master stay with me forever?

“Well, I don’t quite like it when someone doesn’t put in effort. Especially if they have potential but are lazy…”

“EEK! I-I wasn’t thinking that!”

“What were you thinking?”


How to say it.

Pretending to focus while zoning out and half-assing the magic training to stay with master for life.

Of course, Lee Hyun had probably already caught on, but the flustered Lena could only hastily deny it.

“No! No!”

“Right. Of course not. I can’t imagine my trusted apprentice, Lena, would be lazy.”

“Y-yeah. That’s right?”

As Lena hurriedly laughed and nodded her head repeatedly, Lee Hyun patted her as she resolved to work hard in the future, and stood up.

“It’s late. If we’re to travel by carriage tomorrow, it’s best to get some sleep. Good night.”


And so, the first night of their journey passed by.

The next day was uneventful. The day after that was the same.

They were employed as escorts and riding in a carriage, feeling oddly peaceable considering there were no incidents at all.

Eventually, they arrived at a massive city.

“Is that… Greenhilde?”



She never thought she’d actually see the grand city she’d only heard about in stories.

With her eyes wide open in amazement, as Lena gazed at Greenhilde’s city walls, Oscar wore a regretful expression and spoke.

“It has been an enjoyable trip. I’m sad we have to part ways.”

Lee Hyun made a great travel companion.

We had endless stories, and he performed fascinating magic, entertaining lovely girls throughout the trip.

Perhaps it was thanks to Lee Hyun that no pointless incidents occurred, Oscar thought as he extended his hand to Lee Hyun.

“I hope we’ll meet again.”

“Haha. If there’s delicious bread, I’ll come visit anytime. Lena, it’s our turn to go now.”

It was time to get off the carriage. After Lena finished saying goodbye to Oscar’s daughters, she leapt out of the carriage like Lee Hyun.

After a quick farewell, as the carriage moved further away, Lena turned to Lee Hyun.

“Don’t we just need to, um, take the carriage into the city?”

“Oscar’s carriage is a freight carriage. To enter Greenhilde, we need to go through a search, and staying in that carriage would take too long.”

As if to prove that point, Lee Hyun pointed towards Greenhilde. The entrance for freight carriages and that for regular people were different.

The line for the entrance meant for people was decreasing quickly.

“Ah, I see…”

“Alright. Shall we go?”

Lee Hyun took Lena and headed toward the entrance.

As they stood in line, waiting for their turn.

“Hey? Is that you, Lee Hyun?”

A relaxed voice called out.

Startled, Lena looked over and saw a robed old lady grinning at him.

An unfamiliar face. With her extreme shyness, Lena quietly moved behind Lee Hyun.


“Huh? Bella?”

Seeing Lee Hyun casually speak to someone who seemed at least double his age made Lena panic.

Although he held a noble status, Lee Hyun would usually address townspeople with respect.

For him to speak so casually, Lena was surprised.

As she looked on, Lee Hyun pulled her forward.

“Say hello. The head of the Ivory Tower’s Red Chamber, Bella.”

“The head… of the Red Chamber?”

Not knowing much about the Ivory Tower, Lena repeatedly tilted her head, and Lee Hyun chuckled, pointing at Bella.

“She’s known in the world as a grand sorceress.”

“Ho ho ho… More importantly, Lee Hyun.”


“This child. Can you give her to me?”

Bella’s eyes sparkled as she looked at Lena. Lee Hyun snorted in response.

“This girl is mine.”

He hugged Lena from behind, and at that moment, Lena felt her heart racing yet again.

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