The Villain Just Wants to be a Salted Fish

Chapter 1 - 【01】

“Ye Zexi?”

Jiang Ran shook the drops of water on his hand, mocking his face, “What kind of a strong enemy is he? But he’s just a good-looking rich second-generation, with a straw bag.”

The man next to him nodded in agreement: “Yes, you didn’t see Ye Zexi’s singing yesterday in their rehearsal group. I thought a crow flew up somewhere, scaring someone to death.”

Thinking of yesterday’s rehearsal, everyone around couldn’t help but laugh.

There was a lot of laughter, and Ye Zexi, who was sitting on the toilet in the cubicle, raised her brows slightly without making a sound.

The discussion outside continues.

Jiang Ran: “What else is good about Ye Zexi besides his face? Don’t worry too much. If I look at their group, only Tang Jing needs us to pay more attention.”

“Speaking of Tang Jing, I heard that he and Ye Zexi also have a leg?”

“real or fake?”

Jiang Ran took the words: “Have you not heard of it? I heard what the staff said when chatting, Ye Zexi came to participate in “Time Idol” this time to chase Tang Jing!”

There was a sound of inhalation outside.

It is said that there are a lot of right and wrong places where women get together. Ye Zexi can tell, where men get together, they will inevitably be chewed.

“He’s a rich second-generation, he came to the draft just to chase a man?”

“It looks like he squeezed a place as a trainee in Starlight Entertainment in order to come in?”

“The rich second generation now can do whatever they want with money?”

“What about the rich second generation? Can he compare with Tang Jing? Tang Jing family assets are…”

With a “creak”, Ye Zexi pushed open the compartment door, interrupting the discussion outside.

Hearing the movement, everyone turned their heads and saw the expressions on Ye Zexi’s face in a daze.

Ye Zexi had a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and he couldn’t see the joy or anger.

Chewing his tongue behind his back was caught by the boss, and the atmosphere was very embarrassing for a while.

Just when Jiang Ran was about to pretend not to ask the group members to leave together, Ye Zexi walked towards him slowly.

Ye Zexi was tall and tall, and expensive fabrics made him look great. Standing next to Jiang Ran, he was half a head taller than him.

Looking at his eye-catching pink hair in the mirror, Ye Zexi’s mouth bends a corner, and he turns on the faucet to wash his hands: “I heard you say I can’t compare with Tang Jing?”

The faces of everyone were different, and a few of them had thin skins and even their ears were flushed.

Ye Zexi heard everything they just said!

Ye Zexi washed his hands slowly, took two paper towels and wiped his hands, with the same expression on his face: “I’m sorry, Tang Jing really can’t compare with me. My company has a daily turnover of tens of millions, and Tang The family’s money flow… If I remember correctly, there should be one or two million.”

No one answered Ye Zexi’s words, and the bathroom was silent.

Ye Zexi didn’t feel embarrassed, and suddenly turned around to look at Jiang Ran in the crowd: “Right, what did you just say?”

Jiang Burning noodles are delicious, but they really don’t like Ye Zexi’s arrogant look. He gritted his teeth and said: “I said you’re’what about the rich second generation’…”

“Not this sentence, the last sentence.” Ye Zexi interrupted Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran was taken aback for a moment, and then subconsciously said: “The rich second generation now can do whatever they want with money?”

Ye Zexi’s smile deepened, and her peach eyes became more dazzling. He only heard him say: “The stage recorded by “Time Idol”, all the staff and the villa where the players live are all our property, including The bathroom where you are now.”

The expression on Jiang Ran’s face froze, his eyes widened in astonishment. Not only him, but the eyes of the others were filled with astonishment.

Ye Zexi threw the tissue into the trash can and smiled arbitrarily: “Sorry, if you have money, you can do whatever you want.”

Abandoning these words, Ye Zexi turned and left the bathroom, leaving everyone staring at each other.

When there was no one, the small smile on Ye Zexi’s face had already turned into excitement. First he jumped twice and then twisted his waist on the spot, almost starting to dance tango on the spot.

Excited to him!

The pretense just now is so handsome!

so cool!

As expected of him, Ye Zexi!

The acting is awesome!

For the first time in his life, using the identity of the rich second generation to pretend, Ye Zexi was thrilled with excitement.

That’s right, this is indeed the first time Ye Zexi has used the rich second-generation identity to pretend to be forced. The previous pretends were all in the scene. Sometimes the pretending cannot be completely pretended, which is uncomfortable at all.

There is no reason for him to be able to pretend this time, because Ye Zexi came here through a book.

Just last night, Ye Zexi discovered that he was wearing a book, dressed as a villain with the same name and surname in the book.

Ye Zexi died on the night of the Best Actor Award Ceremony. He had just won the trophy and passed out before taking a closer look. Although his consciousness was vague, he could still hear the sounds around him clearly.

After the agent rushed him to the hospital, Ye Zexi clearly heard that the doctor said that it was a sudden death caused by overwork, and they did their best.

Ye Zexi couldn’t hold back his bellyache. He didn’t close his eyes for three days and three nights. Can he die suddenly?

Wait for Ye Zexi to open his eyes, and he will become the Ye Zexi in the book.

Lying on the bed, Ye Zexi quickly understood his identity.

The original proprietor Ye Zexi, twenty years old, is the biggest villain in the book. He fights against the protagonist, competes with his step-brother for family property, suppresses all kinds of people he doesn’t like and can’t understand, and is completely a wealthy dude.

Those who oppose the protagonist in the novel never end well, and so does the original owner. The ending of the story is that the company was taken away by his step-brother, he was kicked out of the house, and everyone betrayed their relatives.

But these are not the points that Ye Zexi cares about. He only pays attention to two words-“rich”.

The original owner, the wealthy dude, there are valuable sons in the circle, the rich second generation, and rich!

Very rich!

Ye Zexi’s eyes glowed.

Then he is still fighting for a fart! Fight against the protagonist, what kind of protagonist will suffer, and what property? Isn’t it good to lie down with shares at home and eat dividends and salted fish?

Isn’t it also for money that he climbs so hard every day in the original world?

Now that he has everything he should have, why should he work hard?

Ye Zexi was excited all night, ready to go to the director in the morning to talk about retiring.

It’s just that Ye Zexi looked for it all morning and didn’t see the director’s shadow. It must be busy.

Ye Zexi was not in a hurry, thinking that he didn’t know much about the world, so he went into the toilet, sat on the toilet and swiped his mobile phone.

The villa that can accommodate nearly a few hundred people is naturally not small, and it is also suitable to say that it is a castle. Although the original owner was here to participate in the show, the rooms he lived in were all deluxe single rooms, separated from other trainees.

So what happened today is really an accident.

But so what?

Today is not what it used to be. Ye Zexi is no longer the same Ye Zexi who won the best actor in ten years of hard work without a background. Now he has the resources and background, afraid of offending people?


Ye Zexi didn’t even want to stay in the entertainment industry.

He just wants to experience the happiness of a rich man.

When the excitement was over, Ye Zexi stretched out his hand to tidy up his clothes, put on a happy smile, and continued to look for the director.

What Ye Zexi didn’t know was that the scene just now was seen by He Jinyun from the corner.

Seeing Ye Zexi’s back, He Jinyun’s eyes showed a slight smile.

The voice in my ear continued: “…Did you listen to me?”

He Jinyun replied softly, “I didn’t hear something just now, please tell me again.”

The other party was angry, but was helpless, and could only say: “…Alright! Anyway, I’m used to it. I’ve communicated with Director Li. You will be a guest flying for two periods, and I have sent the specific contract to your mailbox. .”

He Jinyun nodded, chatted for a few more words, then hung up the phone, and walked towards the rehearsal venue.

Thinking of Ye Zexi who was twisting in the corridor just now, He Jinyun raised his brows slightly. Maybe he didn’t use it for two-stage selection. He felt that Ye Zexi, who had just twisted into a twist, was not bad.

However, the probability of him being rejected will probably be 100%.

He shook his head lightly, and He Jinyun felt that he still had to look at it again.

Ye Zexi looked for the director all morning, and finally found Li Changjian, the chief director of “Time Idol”, in the rehearsal hall, and also a good friend of the original owner Ye Zexi’s father.

Otherwise, the Ye family’s big villa can’t be said to be free for the program group. All this is for the face of Li Changjian.

Ye Zexi just said that even the toilet belongs to the Ye family, which is certainly not a joke.

The Ye family has a great career, and the original owner, Ye Zexi, really grew up with a golden spoon in his hand. Just because of the need of the novel’s plot, he grew into a complete dude, and finally made himself dead.

Just now Jiang Ran and the others said in the bathroom that the original owner came to participate in the audition to chase Tang Jing. This is true. Tang Jing is the protagonist in the novel. The original owner is also required by the plot to chase the protagonist.

However, it is unnecessary to say that the original owner squeezed out a trainee’s quota in order to participate in the draft.

The last dress rehearsal before the game will start soon. Li Changjian has been busy all morning. Hearing Ye Zexi, he immediately lost his hand and walked over.

“What’s the matter with Jersey?” Li Changjian asked as he walked over, “Is it because yesterday’s repertoire is still unfamiliar? I will ask a vocal teacher to teach you again?”

Ye Zexi smiled: “No need for Uncle Li, I am today…”

“Why don’t you use it?” Li Changjian interrupted Ye Zexi, frowning, “Your dad asks me to take care of you. Although tomorrow is only your first performance before your debut, it is still your first show. You must give The audience leaves a good impression to attract fans.”

Ye Zexi smiled: “I’m here for this, Uncle Li, I want to retire.”

“What?” Li Changjian paused, but his expression was not surprised, as if he had expected it, “You want to retire?”

Ye Zexi’s expression was firm: “Well, Uncle Li, I have already thought about it, you don’t need to persuade me.”

Li Changjian: “Don’t chase Xiaotang?”

Ye Zexi nodded: “Yeah.”

Li Changjian: “Don’t want to make a debut?”

Ye Zexi: “Yeah.”

Li Changjian: “Want to go back?”

Ye Zexi: “Hmm.”

Li Changjian spread his hands: “That won’t work.”

Ye Zexi: “Huh…huh?”

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