The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 606 1605 A Witch Standing By The Throne Cannot Be Trusted

Chapter 606 1.605 A Witch Standing By The Throne Cannot Be Trusted

"Royal envoy's account on meeting with Ard Caddach's chief advisor":
"During the first week of Hearthfire, I traveled to Macarth to confer with the tyrant Ard Caddach on the Reach raids on the border of High Rock. Upon arrival I learned that, after being granted permission to Before the tyrant can state High King Aymeric's orders, I need to convince his chief advisor, Lady Beilein, to arrange an upcoming meeting. Luckily, Lady Beilein is not averse to hearing me finish.

Before going into the details of the discussion, let me explain Lady Beilein's position on Markarth.As the tyrant's close friend, she was never far from his side.Oddly, no one I spoke to at Rich was able to figure out exactly when and how she came to have this significant influence.From what I've been able to ascertain, her first public appearance was when Ed Kadak, the Macarth tyrant, was Reach's Imperial Governor under the appointment of Emperor Moricar.Many foreigners came to Macarth during that time (so her origins cannot be proven); Lady Beilein describes herself as a Brighton noble from an unnamed family, with a definite academic and arcane interest in Reach .She established the family longhouse in Markarth Highlands, bringing with her a small army of tight-lipped servants and bringing in luxurious furnishings from faraway lands.

Once settled in the city, Lady Beilein soon began advising Ed Kadak on arcane matters and foreign affairs.She quickly developed a reputation for her cunning political instincts and tempering the tyrant's draconian edicts with gentle and perceptive words.The people of Macarth call her the 'Witch Steward' of the tyrant Ed Kadak.Witches are greatly respected by the Reachers these days, but as far as Lady Beilein is concerned, the word isn't exactly admiration.I learned that 'witch stewards' were seen as too politically active to ignore the duties of witches.In the eyes of most Reachers, witches are supposed to deal with the elements and spirits; a witch standing on the throne cannot be trusted.

My conversation with Mrs. Beilein began with the customary politeness.Mrs. Beilein inquired about my travels and my comfortable lodgings in Macarth.In fact, I was surprised to find myself discussing these personal issues with a woman.On previous visits to Macarth, none of the Reachers had expressed the slightest concern for my comfort, and the well-bred lady I was drinking tea with now cared about this neglected aspect.

When the time came, I turned the conversation to the message of High King Emeric in High Rock. 'Thank you, madam, for your warm welcome, but now I must address the order of the visit. ’ I got down to business, ‘The devastation wrought by the Bloodthorn Cult of Glenumbra and the Dark Witnesses of Mournoth is unacceptable.The High King wants peace on the borders, but as long as the Reachers raid our towns and burn our farms, there can be no peace there.They say you can blow the wind in King Markarth's ear.So, can you convince him to take control of these tribes before drawing both of us into a war that neither of us wants? '

Mrs. Beilein weighed my question for a long time.I noticed an unusual demeanor in herself; she was young enough to be considered a great beauty, but there seemed to be a disturbing depth of wisdom and experience in her eyes. 'Bloodthorne and Dark Witness are indeed a problem. ’ she replied at last: ‘But Eddard will not order them to do what you High King asks.Kadak couldn't be thought of as Aymeric's pug. '

'My lady, I must at least try. ’ I objected: ‘You must be able to do something. '

Belain looked at me again with those dark, deep eyes. 'If Aymeric is going to strike hard at the tribes that entangle your borders. ’ She said: ‘They will turn to Kadak for help.This would put him in a position to protect these tribes, allowing him to dominate them. '

I frowned, not sure if I understood her clearly. 'You said let us attack your people (Lady Beilein used the army of the High Rock Kingdom to drive the Reach tribe into Markarth City, preparing to unleash the storm of misery)? '

'I didn't say that. ' Mrs Beilein replied: 'I'm just saying what will happen if you strike hard for your own benefit. '

'It doesn't help much.I am here because High King Aymeric wishes to avoid combat. '

'Oh, but we're not talking about trouble this season. ’ Mrs Beilein said: ‘We are talking about ending these troubles in the future.If that's what your king wants, he'll find Ed Kadak's iron-fisted policy the wisest strategy he can pursue.He doesn't have to deal with a tricky tribe, just a Rich King.It is in your best interest to help Ed Kadak. '

I've thought about this, and I have to say, it's so plausible, so attractive, that my mission seems accomplished here.I pictured myself returning to Wayrest to explain the cleverness of Lady Beilein's plan, basking in the praise I'd received for bringing it to the High King.But some stubborn seeds of doubt lingered in my mind.

'Perhaps it is as you say, my lady. ’ I said with effort: ‘But it is my duty to convey the words of my king to the king of Markarth.I can't just leave without success. '

Lady Beilein's eyes sparkled, and I felt it might not be wise to irritate her.I was sure that something dangerous was moving behind her gentle face.Although I flinched in my seat, she just smiled at me calmly. 'All right.Since you said you must do what you should do. ’ She said: ‘I will give you an audience with Ed Kadak.He'll whine and ignore your concerns, and ultimately never get back to you.Then all the questions come back to me.I'll help you find a way to explain the complex situation before you to your king. '

Disturbed by her words, I soon took my leave.Two days later, my conversation with the tyrant of Markarth was exactly as Lady Beilein had predicted.But instead of going back to the 'Witch Butler', I decided to write this report and seal it.

I don't think I'm sure I'll have any other ideas for solving the problem after talking to Mrs. Beilein again. "

Gently close the ancient book.The lord has obtained enough information: "This Mrs. Beilein should have used blood magic to control Ed Kadak, the king of Richas at the time, and made him obey her orders."

"Yes, lord." That's what librarian Dawnhammer Siri recommends the book for: "As the book says, 'Witches should deal with the elements and spirits; a witch who stands beside a throne cannot be trusted of.'"

I heard that the lord intends to let these wise and long-lived blood ladies take charge of the castles, fortresses and towers hanging outside.Therefore, the librarian Dawn Warhammer Siri euphemistically advised: the lord does not need a "blood witch steward".

This is clearly the collective aspiration of the ladies of Gyssing.Therefore, by using the "reading" method that the lord is most accustomed to, I gained a warm "feeling after reading".

Traveling through countless plot worlds, the Lord Lord, whose experience has already solidified into intuition, can fully understand: "Okay, Xili."

(End of this chapter)

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