The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 603 1602 A large part of "blood lust" comes from "spiritual addiction"

Chapter 603 1.602 A large part of "blood lust" comes from "spiritual addiction"

The birth mechanism of the time vortex is inseparable from the "cosmic string domain" produced at the moment of the singularity big bang.

How to end this "2000th year of dragon breaking" initiated by the shelter players, the lord is also racking his brains these days.It is said that because of the "paradox of cause and effect", the clockwork giant driven by the "mechanical heart watered by Lockhan's painstaking efforts" will probably fail to open the "Second Red Mountain Dragon Break" and "end Dragon Break with Dragon Break" .So the lord does not dare to act rashly now.The best way is to follow the established goal and wait for the Storm Prospect, which is looking for clues to the ancient prophecy of "The Assassin of the Sun", to carry "Snow Prince" Melanie and Pale Lady Omriel to find the traces of the clansmen and open the third route. For branch adventures, let's talk about the final roster for the 6th covenant day.

Speaking of which, the "Shadow of Patunax" isolated on the Roaring Peak by the Annihilation Storm is also the exclusive shadow magic of Patunax.

Arrive at the Lord's study by taking the "Lord's Elevator" on time. The librarian Dawn Warhammer Siri has already prepared today's reading materials.The female companions went to the lord's bookshelf surrounded by layers in twos and threes, and chose the books they were interested in.The lord sitting behind the desk started today's "reading time" on time.

Librarian Dawnhammer Siri's recent selection of ancient tomes are mostly related to vampires.In fact, "sucking blood" is similar to drinking "Alchemy Potion", and "Blood Night Potion" belongs to the category of "Blood Magic".

In fact, the "Dharma Ring" engraved by the lord has completely changed the way both lycanthropes and vampires absorb blood magic.There is no need to use the most primitive way to bite the prey to "drink the blood".And because of the endowment of the golden tree belief, it also fundamentally cured the vampire's "blood lust (Blood Lust)".

In essence, "blood desire" is also a powerful and distorted spiritual energy.Just as the lord ordered people to use the "Whispering Creation Circle" to engrave 8 ancient standing stones (6 on Southheim Island + 2 on the creek collar) to condense the divine skin of the golden tree's grand phantom.The power of faith is spiritual resonance.This is the so-called "spiritual resonance wave".Apart from the body's need for blood magic power, a large part of "blood desire" comes from "spiritual addiction".

Wu Chen picked up today's reader.

"Research on an elusive vampire by Fenorian of the Ravwang Family":
"First of all, dear Gwendis, please accept my apologies for the delay in answering your query. I know we have not been able to always agree on our responsibilities to the Raven Hope family in the past, but please believe me I have never Belittle you or disrespect you. Even when our arguments reach fever pitch, I will never forget that you are my sister. Our shared devotion to the cause of Lord Verandis transcends any petty quarrel.

Speaking of our family mission, the reason for my delay has something to do with it.Your letter asking me to investigate the Lady Briar did not arrive until after I set off for Bancorai.Before this, rumors of a previously unknown ancient burial ground floated to my ears, which I thought was worthy of investigation.I must tell you about the incredible adventure I had in that ancient tomb - I met a lady there who reminded me of you in many ways - but that can be said later.Needless to say, now I can understand your appeal and the excitement of wilderness research.

Once back at Ravenwatch Castle, I immediately began digging for any information I could find about the Lady Briar.It's quite reasonable that you don't know anything about her.The name is rarely mentioned in the Vampire Index that Verandis set up.Surprisingly, considering the title "Madame", it implies that she has something to do with the upper class.I'm starting to wonder if she's just a legend that rural Nords exaggerate to each other while they wait for the three-tusk walrus meat to cook.You know, she won't be the first phantom we chase.

But then I recalled your description of her castle being on the western edge of Skyrim near Reach.You wrote in your letter that it has a very vampire-like design.Your exact words were 'it has a monstrous point, and our countrymen just like to put these things on it. 'While I agree with you that the vampire architecture is rather bland, it does provide a clue to Lady Briar's past.

You know, I don't believe the Lady Briar was the original occupant of that castle.Solitude records indicate that a vampire clan calling themselves the Snowbrood built the castle sometime around the seventh century of the First Age.I can't put an exact date on it, because, you know, the Nords aren't good at keeping track.They do, however, mention that Yuki had built the castle using local slave labor.Snow chicks often raid local villages at night, taking away those who are strong enough to work as laborers.Apparently, the clan would use them to the point of exhaustion, then drain their blood and return the corpses to the village, sometimes on the dining table or bed as a ghastly mockery of life.You'll probably agree that such vulgar evil doesn't quite fit with the Lady of the Briar as we know it.Her reclusive character is a trait we can be fairly sure of.I also found more.After the Snowchild clan finished building the castle, raids on nearby Nord villages dwindled, but did not stop.Locals may go years, if not decades, without hearing from a vampire, and then suddenly another attack strikes.They describe those raids as pointless - just a manifestation of their own evil.After that, Xuechu became quiet again.

Then, in 1E1030, an Altmer (High Elf) lady arrived in the area.Various stories describe her as demure, elegant, and slightly pretentious.A Nord wrote: 'Just as the last light fell below the horizon, the elf lady appeared on horseback.As far as elves go, she's beautiful.I don't know if I've ever seen anything as beautiful as the one she wore, and probably never will again.She certainly wasn't dressed for the cold, but I didn't see the cold bothering her. '

' She came to the bonfire at the outpost by night, and said loudly that she would meet our lord.Her tone sounded like a firm request, though the words were polite.This made me laugh for a while before replying to her that our little village is not yet entitled to a lord.She gets a little offended, and then asks who is in charge of the town.Well, obviously I couldn't call the person in charge just because someone was passing by, so I asked her about her plans.That's when she told me she could kill snow chicks.You can bet I immediately ran into the village and dragged Thornir over. '

I have repeatedly checked the information of several small villages surrounding Thorn Castle, and they roughly match the details.The enigmatic Altmer arrived at sunset, demanding a meeting with a leader who could make the decisions.During these meetings, she asserted that she had the ability to destroy snowkits, ending their raids.In exchange, she demands permanent possession of the castle.Since the Nords wanted nothing to do with this accursed place, they unanimously agreed to her terms.Afterwards, she told the villagers that once they saw smoke rising from the castle, it meant they were safe.Snow Chick will cease to exist.

There is only one report of the last time anyone saw her outside the castle.The full text is as follows:
'I saw the elf woman riding towards the castle gate on the mountain road.Others told me to stay away from her, but I've never seen an elf, and she's acting weird.I followed her at a distance, hoping she didn't see me.As we approached the castle, she stopped and looked me directly.Don't know how she found me - I'm the best Creeper (meaning the best tracker) in the village.But when I looked at her face, something changed.Her eyes darkened and her skin turned white.All she said to me was, 'Satisfying curiosity is not worth risking your life. ' Then she rode up the hill. '

'I stayed there gasping.I mean, she looks scary.That's when I heard screams from inside the castle.They rise suddenly through the sky, and then are suddenly cut off.From where I stood I could tell the screams were coming from different parts of the castle.It's as if she's moving from room to room.After a while, everything fell silent.Then smoke came, as she once said.But she didn't mention the smell of smoke (killing and burning corpses).It reminds me of the scene where the hunters bring back a mammoth and we gather around the cooking pit and feast together.Anyway, I ran home and never saw the elf lady again. '

Gwendis, if this story were really about the Lady of Briars, I am sure she would be of great concern to you.This vampire single-handedly wiped out an entire clan of rampant and terrifying vampires.The power she wields could also defeat the entire House of Ravwang, and perhaps we should take her silence about social events as a sign to leave her alone.

I can imagine you rolling your eyes.I never asked you to stop investigating.However, heed my warning.I can't bear to lose a member of my family.

With sincerity and love,
Your brother, Fenorian. "

(End of this chapter)

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