The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 585 1584 Go to the ancient tomb on Hawke Island and take my place in an endless duel of hono

Chapter 585 1.584 Go to the ancient tomb on Hawke Island and take my place in an endless duel of honor
"Take this ring, go to the ancient tomb of Hawk Island, and take part in an endless duel of honor instead of me. Become the final champion and complete the final redemption." Wu Chen compared him with the demon god Melunes the Great Dagon's agreement was told to Gray King Radha.

"This is Namira's ring." Gray King Radha did not lose his memory.

"Yes." Wu Chen didn't hide it: "Now it belongs to my "ring". At the right time, use the right method, and give it to the right person."

"Obey, my master." Gray King Radha grabbed the sacred sea recast by bitter blood, and with a light wave, he split a crack of annihilation that reached the present world.Then it turned into a bloody meteor and rushed into the crack, disappearing into the lifeless gray heaven.

Since the resurrection of the "Heart Ring" was fabricated by the earl's conscience, there is no need to worry that the Gray King Radha will betray the lord.

Watching the champion warrior Gray King Lada leave, the lord took out another staff out of thin air.The cloaked man by the campfire shouted from a distance:

"Sangjin, come here."

"Yes!" The cloaked man by the bonfire suddenly stood up and walked towards Wu Chen without any resistance: "Lord Baron."

"Do you still remember this staff?" Wu Chen asked with a smile.

"Of course, of course." How could the man in the cloak beside the campfire not recognize his magical weapon: the staff of the bloody rose.

Wu Chen owns two magical artifacts related to the King of Carnival Sangjin, a ruby ​​seal ring "Death Merchant's Feast", and a staff: the staff of the bloody rose.

As a powerful magical weapon, the Bloody Rose Rod is usually not owned by a bearer for too long.Each use of the staff causes the rose at the top to wither, and when the entire rose has withered, the staff loses its power and becomes a bland stick.At this time, a new rose will bloom in Sanjin's plane of annihilation, quietly waiting for the next person chosen by the demon god.

"So, this staff is actually a rose off your carnival garden." Wu Chen thought of it.

"Yes, my lord." The cloaked man by the campfire didn't hide it: "This rose vine can only bloom one rose."

"However, each petal has the power of annihilation fragments that make up the 'Carnival Realm'." Wu Chen asked with a smile, "Is it?"

"Yes, but how do you know, my lord the baron?" The cloaked man by the campfire never confided this secret to anyone.

"'One flower, one world', this is very simple." Wu Chen smiled and blinked.

"Really, Lord Baron." The cloaked man by the campfire was also very convinced.

"Of course." As the lord said, he inserted the bloody rose stick into a gap in the middle of the valley.Then roll up the sleeves and lightly touch the long stems of withered roses with henna fire.

A miraculous scene happened.

With a "Hula", the bloody rose wand that burned its outer skin, like a magic pea breaking out of the ground, roared and grew into a giant tree of flames.

Where it was burned by the raging fire, the rose branches gradually solidified in the cooling.Soon, the bare dead tree with sparks turned into a leafy law section - "Blood Rose Gold Tree".

The light released by the blood rose, as if the giant fire tower illuminated the entire gray heaven.

Bathed in ten thousand rays of light, the cloaked man by the campfire began to show the magical light of the magic ring.It was engraved as "Revelry Goddess Sanjen" by the lord's law.

The curled ghost horns of different lengths on the head are full of the evil beauty that belongs to the devil from the plane of oblivion.To describe a human beauty, it is often said that "long hair reaches the waist".The goddess of carnival in front of her, Sanjen, is clearly "horn-length to the waist".

"I am willing to serve you, my master." Binding to the Lord Lord's Dragon Breaking Law Section Blood Rose Gold Tree, the goddess of carnival Sanjin has become another "goddess of the ring".

"What do you plan to use to build this 'main domain'?" Wu Chen asked with a smile.

"Master, do you have any suggestions?" Carnival Goddess Sanjin had no idea for a moment.

"Use the advanced technology of the Clockwork City." The lord gave a convincing answer: "Build a city similar to the Brass Fortress, which is enough to protect you and your people."

"Okay, master." Carnival Goddess Sanjin readily accepted.As Wu Chen said, whether it is the mechanical body, mechanical structure, or the latest composite body of Clockwork City, they are all ancient crafts that far surpass the Dwemer dwarves who once ruled the underground world of Tamriel.

In general, as long as it is born in Clockwork City, it is a magical mechanical creation, no matter whether it is a mechanical body, a mechanical body, or a synthetic body, it is essentially the same.At its core are the soulstones of Dwemer golems created by the dwarves.

In fact, even Sousa Hill himself experimented with the black soul stone in the creation of the original Clockwork City.As a result, all the experimental subjects went crazy.As a last resort, Sousa Hill permanently terminated similar forbidden experiments.When he learned that his most proud disciple, Mesina, had recklessly followed his old path, trying to merge with wild beasts and resurrect the corpse, Sousa Hill couldn't bear it, and expelled Mesina from Tiaocheng.

This is also one of the strong evidences that Sousa Hill has regained her humanity.

The law section of the Immortal Golden Tree is engraved with the "Clockwork Ring" by the Clockwork Goddess Anuvanahi, who is now the "Ring Goddess".Completing the incomplete body and transforming it into a "clockwork costume", the perfect realization is the final interpretation of the perfect life form created by Sosa Hill.

Therefore, this adventure Wu Chen experienced has a similar spiritual core to the adventure he experienced in the golden age of the 9 broken and restarted shelters.The near future is the fusion of man and machine rather than replacement.

The plot of Clockwork City is exactly the same.

Of course, as a member of his "Ring Goddess".It is natural and reasonable for the Clockwork Goddess Anuvanahi to share the advanced skills of the Clockwork City with the Carnival Goddess Sanjin.Don't worry at all.

It's like the greater the mass of a celestial body, the stronger its gravitational pull.Transforming the "a large piece" of Ash Paradise into the main domain of the Carnival Realm has a very strong anchoring force (Anchoring-Force) for the sub-domain assembled from [-] annihilation fragments.In addition, the blood rose golden tree as the section of the law is a natural extension of the law of the golden tree bestowed by Long Po, making the entire carnival realm "intertwined" and "deeply rooted", and will not be easily torn apart by external forces.

To put it simply, no matter who wants to devour the carnival realm of the goddess of carnival Sanjin, he must use the only means of "Dragon Po defeating Dragon Po" to achieve his wish.

This is the ultimate confrontation that must rise to the level of rules.Obviously, it is not a height that ordinary people can reach.

Ash Paradise, also commonly known as Gray Harbor, became the main domain of the Carnival Realm, also known as the "Main City of Annihilation".According to the request of the lord, it was fully supervised by the goddess of clockwork, Anuvanahi.Serves as a sanctuary for the goddess of carnival Sanjen and her followers.

Return to the Apophis Endless Library, the realm of the canon of the Goddess of Knowledge, Hermous Mora, through the "Dharma Ring Portal".

A huge soul gem is quietly hanging in the center of the magic circle of the Tower of Annihilation.

This is the secondary crystallization of the fragments of the consciousness of the former demon god of knowledge, Hermous Mora, gathered by the Icetouched Witches through a storm of sorrow.

It is also a demigod-level mantra gemstone.

It was handed over by Wu Chen to the two wise men who own the "Huan Shu·Infinite Wisdom Code", Dean Freya and Curator Brelina.Design an exclusive "Ring Device" for your own "Ring Goddess", the goddess of knowledge, Hermous Mora.

(End of this chapter)

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