The villain also has spring 2

第581章 1580 您怎么会认识1个‘第3纪元末和第4纪元早期’的古人?

Chapter 581 1.580 How do you know an ancient man from 'late third era and early fourth era'?

In other words, in 1E 1029, the Gray Army was defeated in the Bankelai garrison, and the souls of the Gray Army members who died in battle were trapped in Cold Harbor forever.She escaped with the help of Lady Thorn, the Direnni family of the high elves who ruled the High Rock region from Radha of Saran.It took him a long time to finally comprehend Daedra's secret and understand that what he was missing was "love".So began the grand "True Love Completion Project".

The primary goal of the Radha plan is to rescue twelve gray army privy advisers from Cold Harbor, treating them as parts of his own body, hands, feet, brains, etc., but the most critical heart is empty, belonging to what he considers the greatest My dear friend Verandis.

"Privy Councilor, My Beloved Siblings, the Exarchs" by Radha of Saran:
"Time begins to flow when my thoughts rest in the arms of my beloved brothers and sisters. They are in the very stupid Styriche (King Styriche of Verkarth, leader of the Gray Army) and the Daedric God Molag Bal made a deal that the souls of the Grays would be tormented in Cold Harbor under the terms of the agreement. After all eternity, I will soon get them out of that dire condition Move out. Would love to get them all out at once, but I need to get the bridgehead into Cold Harbor first. Only then will the return of the Grays be assured. They are my body, my strength. My limbs to deploy And organs not only set brothers and sisters free, but gave them what they deserved in return.

They are my Privy Councilors!
Ezze of the Creeping Dusk, my crown, my glory, the first of us, and the greatest.

Tzinghalis, my brain, forever on, unraveling the mysteries of our recovery.

Gazes-Red, my right eye, gazes longingly at past mistakes.

Serevur Rouillac, my left eye, looks proudly into the future.

Braxhard, my tongue, whispers my truth to the outside world.

Ulfra Redclaw, my spine, stand tall against all misfortune.

Kraglen, my right hand, stands ready to ward off my foes.

Uls Grimlantern, my left hand, held aloft wrought terrible and swift justice.

Vem the Dirge, my breath, brings life to every part of me.

Grand Nezbi, my tendon, holds all my favorites together.

Caia Avernico Sanctus, my bones, the bedrock of my strength.

Ritia Longstep, my steps, bring me closer to my goal.

The above twelve will be the first to be reinstated as leaders of our new Gray Army.But there was one whose betrayal was so profound that my hands tremble at the thought of writing his name.I once loved him as my greatest compatriot.Now I just feel hate.I will find him, my No. 13 brother, not for freedom - but for judgment.

He is my heart, broken in grief, beyond recovery. "

Undoubtedly, the "No. 13 Brothers" who made Radha of Saran's "heart, broken in grief and unable to recover" is Earl Verandis Ravenwatch.

What is the plot world of other swords and magic, the lord with a broken memory does not know.But in "The Elder Scrolls", reading books is really useful.

Tower of Oblivion.

The Nengling Feihuo all over the world is divided into two vortexes, inner and outer.

Gather in the foreign exchange to form a tragic storm that connects to the gray harbor, and reshape the new body of the bleeding queen inside.

At the same time, the unique light of the ring suddenly flashed in the bloody storm.Like fragments torn apart by a storm, drifting with the tide, looming.Then connect into larger fragments the moment they "collide" with each other.

Soon a complete loop appeared and began to operate self-consistently.

It is as if a high-dimensional magic ball wraps the giant bloody storm inside, and it is dividing and reorganizing the space like turning a Rubik's cube.Then this magical spherical Rubik's Cube (Magic Ball) is interlocking, and the entire storm, together with everything related to it-the Ice Touch Witches, the Blood Queen Lady Essenia, and even every ray of psionic fire, is handed over to "Golden Tree Upper Ring" can be cast into a complete "Ice-Touched Ring": "Secret Fire Heart Ring" + "Ice-Touched Ring" + "Miserable Fate Ring" + "Golden Tree Upper Ring" + "Chaos Bestowed Ring" + "Magic Bracelet".

"My God..." The goddess of knowledge, Hermeus Mora, who witnessed this miraculous scene, couldn't help but admire sincerely: "Master, your law is higher than the world, even Mundus."

When the "Ice Touching Ring" starts to drive and give the law.The last one to complete the engraving is Lady Essenia, the blood queen at the center of the tragic storm, "Blood Queen's Ring": "Heart of Secret Fire" + "Blood Queen's Ring" + "Linggang Girl's Life Ring" + "On the Golden Tree" Ring" + "Infinite Gift Ring" + "Magic Bracelet".

Obviously, she has been endowed with divinity from the Demon God of Knowledge.

"My young and handsome master, the (gray) gate of heaven has been opened, please complete the final ceremony. Heck, heck—" The blood queen suddenly opened a pair of blood wings and flew around the eye of the storm, sending out a long series of deceptive words 's charming smile.

"Let's go." The lord who was in a good mood led the adventure team to vacate one after another.A group of people rode the wind straight up, and flew out of the eye of the storm that connected to the sky of Gray Harbor.

The Goddess of Knowledge, Hermous Mora, protected everyone and landed in a dead wasteland of Gray Harbor.

Although it was torn from the continent of Tamriel, the creatures that originally grew in the mountains and ravines had long since withered, withered and lifeless as far as the eye could see.

The valley road surrounded by mountains on both sides is the only way.Although it looks like a gray outline, Wu Chen can still recognize the unique landform of the Ruichi River Bend.

"Master, look quickly." Following the housekeeper's finger, Wu Chen found that on both sides of the valley road, sitting or lying down, stood one after another ashen statues.

"Those are high-ranking vampire warriors turned into gargoyles by exhausting Blood Magic, probably from the powerful Gray Army." The goddess of knowledge, Hermous Mora, thought of it first.

"En." Wu Chen nodded slightly, his eyes were quickly attracted by a gargoyle surrounded by everyone.

Because it is completely different from those gray and white statues that are as rough as rock carvings, the female gargoyle that is heavily protected in the formation not only has a body that is as smooth as white jade, but also has two bloody red lips.

At the moment of seeing the female gargoyle, a memory copy related to it emerged out of thin air.

Wu Chen blurted out: "Countess Alessia Caro."

Countess Alessia Caro.She was the wife of Count Marius Caro, lord of Leyawiin in the province of Cyrodiil, at the end of the Third Era and the beginning of the Fourth Era. The Countess was famous for her beauty, wit and grace, but Perhaps better known for being the victim of scandalous pranks.At one of her formal dinners, the countess and her guests suddenly find themselves stripped of all possessions - including clothes.Darker rumors were circulating about her and her husband at the time.There were rumors of a secret torture chamber in their castle leading to the Countess's private quarters, and rumors that the Argonians were never seen again after being brought to the castle.

"It's just... my omniscient master. How do you know an ancient man from the 'late third era and early fourth era'?" Hermeus Mora, the goddess of knowledge, blinked innocently. Big eyes, full of curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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