The Unseen Angel in MHA


Surprisingly there were no active villains that the police couldn't handle in my city for almost a week. So Lucifer and the three women stayed in my house with Chole getting to know us better and her daughter practically became best friends with Eri. Though they still had a language barrier problem, both girls were slowly teaching each other their langue. Then I got a call from the Senior Commissioner of our city stating that a group of villains I now know are possessed, but we have started calling ‘enhanced’. Then there are the ‘Super Enhanced’ which are the group leaders of enhanced villains, while the rest are known for their names, like All For One or Shigaraki who has started calling himself the ‘Symbol of Fear’.

“Lucifer come with me, you need to identify what demons are involved,” I say to Lucifer who is reading a book about Japanese culture. Though really it is covering the real book he is reading with is a manga of Cowboy Bebop.

“Fine,” Lucifer says with a sigh while placing the book in his suit jacket’s inner pocket.

I then turn to my angelic form and fly to where the police have spotted these villains entering. They have begun raiding the south side of the city and seem to have killed three civilians, with a handful injured. At my appearance, the civilians and police fighting the villains cheer in excitement, while the villains try to run.

“So anything?” I say before I blast everyone with my holy fire.

“Nope need to be closer, remember ‘Dad’ took most of my powers,” Lucifer says to me while I land us a few feet from the fleeing villains, but their leader charges me in a crazed frenzy. He is the only one who appears to be possessed.

“Got it,” Lucifer says to me before the man reaches us, then I blast him and his allies burning them to nothing. Right after I turn to the injured civilians and cops blasting them with my fire healing them all, though the dead remain dead.

“Rapture, thanks!” One cop yells out as the rest immediately begin yelling thanks toward me. Then grabbing Lucifer I fly us back home while asking him what type of demon it was and who was its master.

“That's the freaky part, that man was possessed by a Quasit which is very similar to an imp. Meaning any demonic lord would be in charge of it,” Lucifer says to me while I sigh and place him down.

“That means things are worse than we thought,” Lucifer says to me and I turn to him confused as I shit back to my human form as we stand outside my house.

“If a demon lord is willing to let a creature like a Quasit possess a human, it means he already found hosts for his more powerful servants and themselves,” Lucifer says to me and my eye widen at the thought.

“So your saying…” I begin to say and Lucifer nods his head.

“Yes, a demon Lord has taken over my throne and is wagging a war on mortals,” Lucifer says to me with a sigh.

“So then ‘Dad’ didn’t remove your powers,” I say to him and he grunts at me since it is true that the throne holds dominion over hell and whoever sits on it is the King or overseer. The only way is to kill the current holder of the throne, since Lucifer still lives whoever took over his realm doesn’t have complete control or they wouldn’t need a host to be in the mortal realm.

“Then they are looking for you… You are the target and once you are dead, a war between heaven and hell will once again occur,” I say now realizing the fine thread we are balancing on.

“Glad you are protecting me then brother,” Lucifer says with a chuckle, but I can see the nervousness behind his eyes.

“Fuck, then it doesn’t matter who is claiming your throne. I just need to hunt down every possessed and force them out of the mortal realm. Staying with me and my family cloaks your weakened demonic energy,” I say with a sigh as I need to make a few phone calls now to tell everyone who is still fighting for control back over Japan and my cousin what is really going on.

“Shota, call everyone you know is still alive and we need to talk on a private line later. I will do the same,” I say to Shota after calling him.

“You found something important?” Shota says to me before we hang up.

“Yeah, very important. It has to do with the fact I’m really an angel, gonna be hard explaining to others. But hopefully, it will help them understand what we are really up against,” I say before hanging up as he gives a tired sigh.

Then around one in the morning, which was when everyone we knew could be on the phone. I called them and set up a secure line so only the people on the call would know what we are talking about. Only a few dozen or so heroes were left fighting in Japan, even the hero studies students were fighting, though they weren’t in this phone call. My Cousin was the only non-Japanese person on the phone call, my Uncle was also on this phone call. He was staying with Midoriya to help him through this troubled time, my Uncle was also getting close to Midoriya’s mother, romantically it seemed.

“What is this about Rapture?” a hero asks once everyone is on the conference call.

“For starters, I’m sure you’ve all been seeing me use my ‘quirk’ fully and that it makes me look like an angel as the public has started calling me Japan’s guardian Angel. Well, the truth is I’m technically quirkless and that I’m actually an angel. You may not believe me, but for now just listen to what I have to say,” I say over the conference call as a few heroes speak up doubting me immediately and an argument breaks out.

“Quiet! My Nephew speaks the truth! If any of you still have respect for me, please stop and listen to the rest of what he has to say,” my Uncle says silencing the argument immediately as they recognize he is on this call. Many heroes still respect my Uncle and look up to him so because of him they will listen to me.

“The enhanced villains we’ve all been fighting have turned out to be people possessed,” I start to say and a handful of heroes make a fuss again.

“People! Please, Rapture is not lying. I’m Exodus and the leader of a hero squad that hunted down paranormal issues in our country. Here I just sent you all the case files we had in the past involving people that were possessed. I thought some of the enhanced villains we were fighting seemed familiar for some reason,” Exodus says backing up my statement while sending everyone a copy of all the case files that he has done over the years. This seems to get everyone to understand that the supernatural world might just be real to some degree.

“As I was saying if you come across more enhanced villains or super enhanced ones, once you kill them and you must kill them. You need to dump atleast a cup worth of holy water or holy salt on the deceased person. I suspect the leaders behind these enhanced villains are possessed or made a pact with much stronger demons. Meaning if you come across a villain who is well known (named) and acts like an enhanced person, you should call for my assistance immediately. As now the amount of holy water you can carry will help you other than piss them off,” I say to everyone who goes quiet while listening to this.

“How will we get access to all these ‘holy’ supplies? Also, why not just let a priest or someone perform an exorcism on these ‘possessed’?” I hear Hawks who is on this call speak up and his voice holds many doubts.

“I will talk with the religious leaders around the world and ensure they know what is really happening. As for getting them exorcised, you tell me how well that would go trying to keep an enhanced villain still long enough for a priest to perform the rite,” I say to him with some annoyance in my voice.

“Rapture are you sure about this?” Hizashi says and he now sounds even more worried hearing this all.

“Yeah one hundred percent sure,” I say while texting my close friends, cousin, and Uncle to answer my next conference call after this with only us involved.

“Fine, guess it wouldn’t hurt to try this, not like we have more to lose,” a hero says and everyone agrees to head to their local church or religious center tomorrow to grab as much holy water or salt as they can. Once the call is over I make a new one with only my close friends, Uncle and Cousin.

“There is more, but I do not trust the others with this information,” I say to everyone.

“The demons seem to be hunting down Lucifer, as he left hell. Whichever demon lord took over hell needs to kill him and consume his soul to gain complete control over hell,” I say to them all and I hear Cathy cursing at this information, apparently Lilith is also there too as she lets out a small laugh in the background.

“Wait! The Devil is here! Should we find him and arrest him or what?” Hizashi says and everyone else except for Cathy begins to talk about what we could do.

“Guys! Wait!” I say as everyone quiets down.

“I have him with me, he is staying at my house. I’m watching over him and he knows what is at stake, so he will not leave either. Plus he can not do much as he lost the throne and most of his powers along with it,” I say to them and they all go quiet hearing me.

“So what do we do?” Shota says trying to figure out the next best course.

“For now hunt down everyone possessed person removing the demons from this world. Then searching for the leaders, as they will come for us once their army starts becoming smaller. Though if you come across any villains who you suspect to be possessed by powerful demons call me immediately, none of you can handle them,” I say with seriousness at the end concerned over my friends' safety.

“Understood, stay safe everyone,” Shota says before leaving the call and everyone else then hangs up.

‘Time to meet the Pope and other religious leaders,’ I think to myself and turn to my angelic form and head to Rome to see the Pope. Once over at the Vatican Palace, I dropped into the Pope’s room who was currently eating while reading since it is late afternoon in Italy.

“We need to talk,” I say making the man jump and about to call out, but seeing my appearance makes him fall to his knees as he prays to God.

“Listen and listen well. Demons have begun invading Earth making these villains attack around the world. You need to tell everyone to make as much holy water and salt as they can. Then distribute it to the heroes around the world, the heroes need to dump this holy water or salt on the dead body of these possessed villains to rid the world of these demons. Understand?” I say to the Pope waiting for a response.

“Of course, messenger of God,” the Pope says looking up at me one last time in reverence before I fly off to the next religious leader.

I met with the Dalai Lama, a very connected Swamis, the Grand Imam, and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. Which covers the most practiced religions in the world, Buddhism, Hinduism, Muslim, and Judaism in that order. This all took me the rest of the night for Japan as I returned an hour after the sun rose. Thus starting the pushback in the war of heroes and villains.

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