The Unseen Angel in MHA


The annoyance on Cathy's face was funny to see after my teasing, but after a short laugh, I released my wings. Ever since getting my quirk, I've worn a tank top below my shirt so if I need to take my wings out they don't tear through my clothes. Though as soon as my wings appear Cathy yelps in surprise, making her little sister look over and see my wings too.

"WOW! Akihi has wings?!" Cathay's little sister says out loud and shortened my name since it is hard for her to say. Her little sister's name is Sarah.

"So can you fly?" Cathy asks me as Sarah runs over to inspect my wings more.

"Yeah I can fly, I've always wanted to fly high, but you know Japan has laws against that," I say looking up at the sky.

"Can I touch them?" Sarah asks me, and I nod my head at her smiling.

"They are so soft!" Sarah says rubbering her hands on my feathered wings and Cathy comes over touching them too hearing her sister.

"You're right! Where are they always there? How did you hide them?" Cathy asks me as she feels my wings.

"No, I can make them appear and disappear at will. I have no idea where they go though, but it happens almost instantaneously," I say as they both are still feeling my wings, though Sarah is rubber her face in my wings now making me chuckle at her.

"Sorry," Sarah says backing away from me with an embarrassed face.

"As I said earlier, you can fly around here if you want," Cathy says backing away from my wings and motioning for me to fly. Giving it a quick thought, I turn to her.

"You sure it's ok?" I ask just double checking even though I really want to fly as high and far as I can. Cathy just nods her head smiling at me.

Without a second thought, I flap my wings shooting into the sky as fast as I can. Within seconds I look back down as I hear Sarah and Cathy exclaim after I took off, it appears I have already made it several hundred meters into the air. Then I refocus on flying as high as I can, and I push myself until I start to feel lightheaded. I pass through a few clouds on the way and they are not like pillows, but still feel nice to pass through. Looking back down I can see Cathy and Sarah still, it seems my eyesight is great too as I'm now at the height of the plane I took to the US.

The scene was even more beautiful as I could look all around without just one view available. I stay in this place for a few minutes looking around and just enjoying the freedom I've never truly had before. After taking everything in and just enjoying myself, I look back down refocusing on my cousins, I then nose dive, tucking my wings into myself to crash back down to earth as fast as I can. The speed of falling down was much faster than my speed to reach this height and I let out an excited laugh at the air flowing past me.

Within minutes I approached my cousins at extremely high speeds, following my instincts I didn't snap out my wings until I was only a few dozen feet from the ground. Though seeing me come falling down at my speed made my cousins panic a bit and I could see Cathy was about to use her quirk in some way to help me. However, right before she could my wings snapped out, and immediately stopped my fall, usually that would cause a lot of whiplash but I felt nothing.

"What the hell Akihiko! We thought you were falling!" Cathy says with an annoyed expression at me but lets out a nervous sigh at the end. Sarah nods her head agreeing with her sister.

"Sorry, I've never been able to really fly like that before and got a little excited," I say with a happy expression still reveling in the feeling of freedom. Though I land a few feet in front of them now.

"How high did you go? We lost sight of you once you flew past the clouds," Cathy asks me once she calms down.

"I don't know the exact height, but I seemed to be able to reach the same height as the plane we took to get here," I say with some thought about how high that could be.

"WOW! Can you fly us that high too?" Sarah asks me excited at the idea of flying too, much like my friends.

"I can fly you around, but I don't think it is a good idea to go that high with someone else. I want to train my quirk more before I fly someone else that high," I say to her and Cathy agrees with me, but Sarah gets a very sad puppy dog look on her face hearing me.

"Though I can fly you around still, just not that high," I say to Sarah seeing her saddened face, which immediately turns to excitement. Cathy smiles at her and nods to her since Sarah looked at her for permission it seemed.

Sarah runs over to me excitedly and I pick her up as I do with my friends. Then I fly us in the air, but not as fast as I just did earlier. I only take us to maybe around 100ft (30.5m), just above the trees that are around the area. Sarah begins to laugh excitedly while looking around. After about ten minutes of flying her around I bring us back to Cathy, who was watching us and waved at us while we flew around.

"Cathy you have to try it! That was so much fun!" Sarah says to Cathy once we land and runs over to her still happy from just flying.

"I mean, if Akihiko wants to," Cathy says looking at me with a neutral expression, but I can see the excitement in her eyes.

"Sure," I say with a chuckle and before Cathy can react, I grab her, making her yelp in surprise. Then I fly us into the air at the same height I took Sarah.

"Akihiko! A little warning next time!" Cathy says with an annoyed voice but quickly starts to enjoy the feeling of flying. I just laugh off her complaint.

Once we land back with Sarah after some time flying around, we then talk about our quirks and I tell them what I discovered about myself. Though the whole time I leave my wings out, as without them out I don't feel myself and always feel much better when I keep them out. This is why when I sleep I take them out as with them I feel like my true self. Seeing that it is getting late we all head back to the house and enter the front door. We can hear our family in the living room talking and laughing it seems. Though seeing us enter they all turn towards us, to greet us, but everyone stares at me surprised, except my parents.

"Akihiko, you have wings?" my grandmother says to me seeing my wings.

"Yeah, they are my quirk," I say to them with an indifferent shrug.

"Akihi can fly super high and fast too!" Sarah says before anyone else speaks, making my parents raise an eyebrow at me and my mom narrows her eyes at me.

"I was told here we can use our quirks more freely!" I say quickly seeing my parents give me their angry look, especially my mom.

"He is right, the US doesn't have as strict laws compared to some other countries. As long as he stays on our property and doesn't damage public property or hurt anyone he can use his quirk freely," my grandfather says seeing my parents' looks and agreeing with my statement.

"If you say so," my dad says with a shrug, but my mom still seems annoyed but lets out a sigh nodding with my dad.

"So I assume you had fun," Cathy's mom says with a knowing smile as her daughters have happy expressions on their faces, especially Sarah.

"Yeah, once Akihiko flew around by himself for a bit, he took us each for a flight," Cathy says nodding her head to her mom.

"Akihi flew as high as the planes! He even flew into some clouds!" Sarah says making Cathy and I sigh at her outing me. Everyone looks at me surprised though, even my parents, and I thought they would be mad.

"He didn't fly that high with us though!" Cathy says saving my skin before someone can lecture me for flying them that high. They all nod in understanding hearing Cathy.

"You can fly that high!" my dad says though breaking the silence after Sarah's statement. I just nod my head nervously, not sure where this is going.

"Wow, that is really cool. People have heard of flight quirks before but that is probably the highest anyone's ever flown. Just remember you can only do that while we are here, when we get back to Japan you can't do that," Dad says to me with a smile on his face, but becomes serious when mentioning Japan's laws.

"I know, I just really wanted to test how fast and high I could fly. The sight was so beautiful and the feeling of freedom was amazing!" I say excitedly remembering the feeling of freedom from flying like that.

"I'm sure it was, but please be careful in the future," Mom says to me with a slightly worried face.

"I know I will," I say and she just nods her head, but I can still see the concern in her eyes.

That night when everyone was asleep, I tried to sleep but couldn't even with my wings out. So I snuck out my window and sneaked away from the house until I was sure no one could hear me fly into the sky. Flying into the night sky I flew up to the same max height I did earlier. Though this time the scenery was different from the night sky, but even more beautiful as the stars as much more visible. The moon was also a beautiful sight in the middle of the night. For the next hour, I flew around in the sky and just enjoyed this feeling of true freedom.

After flying around and messing around, by flying through some clouds I relaxed in the air just enjoying myself. Then time passed rather quickly, and I tell that sun raise was going to happen within a few hours. I flew back down to the house and snuck back into my room. Quietly entering my room and closing the window behind me, I turn around and almost shout in fright at the sight of Cathy in my room.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I say in a hushed but confused voice, she just smirks before responding.

"I had a feeling you were gonna sneak out, thought I could get you to take me with you flying again. Though I wanted to see from you the max height and feel that feeling of freedom you talked about," Cathy says to me with the same smirk.

"Tomorrow we can, though it is almost morning. Just don't tell anyone I snuck out ok," I say to her and she seems to think about it for a bit.

"Sure but tomorrow night you have to wait for me and take me with you, or I'll tell your mom," Cathy says blackmailing me with a smirk.

"Fine," I say with a roll of my eyes and she smiles triumphantly.

"Great! Have a good night," Cathy says before leaving my room and sneaking back to her room.

'I should've locked the door,' I think to myself, before lying on the bed and wrapping my wings around me. Sleep takes me this time very quickly.

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