The Unseen Angel in MHA


Once the winter break ended we all had to go back to school. Most of the students were annoyed they had to go back. The first day for many students and teachers was a long one, so we reviewed where we left off in our classes before moving on to the next topic. After the first day finally ended as even I felt it dragged on, we all could now head to our club meeting.

"Good to see everyone again! How were your breaks?" Yui asks everyone once all the club members enter the classroom. Everyone nods in greeting giving a brief overview of their breaks.

"I'm glad everyone enjoyed their breaks, but now we should jump right back into our regular schedule," Yui says once everyone gives their experiences over winter break. We all nod and wait for her to continue.

"So the next person we are going to help is Rin if you could explain to us your quirk please," Yui says to her and motions for her to stand and explain her quirk.

"My quirk is called 'feline', just like the name suggests I have some aspects of cats. If I focus enough I can make my hand's nails extend like claws and enhance my reflexes," Rin says and she takes off the beanie she has always worn, showing a set of cat like ears, and out from her back that has been well hidden is a cat tail.

Some of the guys in the room coughed in awkwardness as they looked at her with red faces, Hizashi being one of them. Everyone else in the room gives them all deadpan looks, as they have perverted thoughts immediately learning about Rin's quirk. Rin seeing the looks from some of the guys becomes agitated.

"This is why I hid my quirk because of the perverts!" Rin says getting more annoyed as time goes by and she quickly covers her ears and hides her tail again.

"Listen everyone, if you act like this we will not let you help in the future with others' quirks and we will not go over your quirk. So please be respectful to her and do not act like a bunch.... Bunch of Neets," Yui says with an annoyed sigh and now the one staring at Rin with perverted looks quickly looks away and apologizes to them both.

"Now Rin, please you don't have to hide your quirk, especially if you are going to show us what you are capable of," Yui says and everyone who didn't have perverted thoughts nods their heads agreeing with Yui. Rin nods her head nervously and then takes off her beanie once more, while also taking her tail out of hiding.

"Sensei Haga, can we use the gym again? I believe with a bigger space I can better show my quirk," Rin turns to Sensei Haga asking her, to which Sensei nods and motions for everyone to follow her to the school gym.

Once there Rin goes and changes into her gym clothes which are sweat pants and a t-shirt, but her cat ears and tail are now in full show. After we all stand waiting for her she closes her eyes for a second, before reopening them. Once she does her eyes go from her normal deep brown to amber cat-like eyes. Then she jumps up from a standing position and almost touches the ceiling, a few inches from reaching it with her hands, which is about thirty feet high.

"Can you guys also throw the dodge balls at me? That way I can show you my reflexes and test them, please start with four people. I also can only keep my enhanced form for about ten minutes before becoming fatigued," Rin says to us and we quickly grab the dodge balls we used on Kenji.

Like with Kenji, we all grouped up throwing dodge balls at her. Unlike Kenji, who even without a blindfold had difficulty dodging the four dodge balls. Rin was able to catch them and if not catch them easily dodge them with her seemingly super-enhanced body.  After helping her test her ability, much like Kenji, we suggested she do what he does now. Exercise more and maybe learn a type of martial art that way she can become a better fighter since both of their abilities rely more on physical ability.


Over the next few months, we helped learn more about the second years' quirks in our club and retested the ones who we already helped. So far it seems the four leaders of our club and only third years have really increased their quirk abilities. They went from knowing little about their quirks to becoming very proficient with them and almost quadrupled their abilities. With that spring vacation came around, though our teachers warned us that after spring vacation would come finals or the final project depending on the class.

"You guys have any plans for this spring vacation?" Hizashi asked our friend group as we all headed home from the last day of school right into spring vacation.

"My family is going to visit my grandparents again so I won't be back until the day before spring break ends," Shota says and it seems he's not too excited at the idea of spending his spring break with his grandparents and cousins.

"Same, though I won't be spending the whole vacation with my grandparents the first half of the break," Hizashi says also with an annoyed sigh.

"Funny my dad wants us to go visit his parents this year, and they live at the very end of Japan down south. Though I heard the beaches there are great," Nemuri says with a somewhat excited smile and then they all turn to me.

"I'm not sure, but for the last couple of weeks, my parents have been acting weird. I think they have something planned, but I'm not sure," I say with a shrug and they all nod hearing me.

"I'm home!" I say entering my house once I arrive after chatting with my friends about our spring breaks.

"Oh, good! Come here Akihiko, your dad and I have a surprise!" mom says to me right after I announce I'm home. Following her voice which seems to come from the living room, I see both my parents sitting on the couch looking at me when I enter.

"What?" I say to them and narrow my eyes slightly trying to figure out what the surprise is. My dad just smirks at me and my mom has a smile, but I can see some nervousness in her eyes, which confuses me.

"Well remember how a few years ago you asked about your grandparents? Toshinori and I reached out to them a few months later, and after some talks with them, we decided to visit them again. Though we had a few long talks with them and decided to give them another chance. So your mom and I decided that this spring break we would go to the USA and visit them," dad says to me after a few seconds of silence took over the room from my question. Now I understand my mom's nervousness as she never seemed to like my grandparents.

"Ok... but why all of a sudden? I thought we wouldn't talk to them again?" I say taking a seat on an armchair next to the couch. My mom's eyes twitch at my question and my dad gives a long sigh.

"Well, the reason your Uncle and I stopped talking with them is....Well, your Uncle wanted to become a pro hero and our parents would always discourage him since it took a few years for your Uncle to awaken his quirk. He was a very late bloomer you could say and even after awakening his quirk, they tried to dissuade him. Though that's not what made us….dislike them. What was the final straw, when I met your mother they hated her, saying she was below us and not worth marrying. So I cut ties with them to marry your mother and your Uncle being very close with me cut ties with them too. We come from a pretty rich family and me marrying a 'lower class' as my parents said was stupid and they thought all 'poor' people are gold diggers," Dad says with an agitated face as he remembers the past and I look to my mom who smiles lovingly at my dad and grabs his hand in reassurance.

"We don't have to see them just because I was curious. If they are going to treat mom meanly, then I'd rather not meet them," I say after silence takes over the room for a few seconds.

"I appreciate that Akihiko, but from our talks with them. It would seem they are really trying to make amends with us and this will be a test to see if they actually changed," Mom says to me while still holding my dad's hand and he nods his head agreeing with mom.

"Ok...When do we leave?" I ask seeing that they both have decided it is time for us to meet them, and me for the first time.

"Our flight is tomorrow morning, so you need to go to bed early tonight as the flight is at seven in the morning," Dad says to me and I nod my head.

Going upstairs I change and then call each of my friends telling them what I am doing this spring break. I also explained to them why we have never talked with them before and they all wished me good luck. Afterward, I did some of my homework that was given to us over break. I saved the rest of the flight to the USA. The next morning I woke up to my alarm at five-thirty in the morning and go ready to leave for the airport, as mom helped pack me for the trip last night.

After getting through the airport check-in and going to our booked flight. We waited another ten minutes and boarding began, we were one of the first to be allowed on the flight, as my parents bought first-class tickets surprising me. Though my dad said that his parents wanted to cover the flight cost for us, explaining the first class seats for us. I took the seat by the window since I'd never been on a plane before. After sitting I took out the rest of my homework to work on until the plane took off.

"Oh! Someone my age! Hi, I'm Cathleen," I hear a girl's voice say to me and I turn to look. I see a girl that is taller like me for our age, with brown hair and slightly darker blue eyes.

"Hello, I'm Akihiko," I say to her slightly caught off guard by her informal and excitable personality, which reminds me of my Uncle slightly.

"Nice to meet you Akihiko! Why are you flying to the US? You look like someone from the US, but your name says you're Japanese," Cathleen says to me after taking the seat next to me. I can see my parents look back at us and smile seeing that my seating partner is someone my age.

"Well my dad's family is from the US and we are going to visit them," I say getting more comfortable around her as her informal way of speaking is a nice change of pace.

"Oh cool! I was just here visiting some friends that moved here from the US. Do you speak English?" Cathleen says to me.

"I can speak it, my dad taught me it as I grew up alongside Japanese," I say in English and she smiles nodding her head.

"What are you reading?" Cathleen asks switching the topic to what I'm holding in my hands.

"Oh this is just some homework that my school gave us for over spring break," I say to her still speaking in English as she is now talking in English only.

"Crap! That sucks! Glad my school doesn't give homework over breaks," Cathleen says to me and I laugh at her banter. The plane started to take off shortly after and once we were in the air I was able to finish my homework while chatting with Cathleen. With her sitting next to me the flight went by much more fun. However, looking out the plane and seeing everything from this high up made me want to jump out and fly. I was never afraid of heights once I got my wings and have always wanted to fly around freely, but with the laws of quirk usage, I am unable to.

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