The Unseen Angel in MHA


The demon standing in front of me was the last one I suspected, but then again they did betray God at one point. The demon standing in front of me looked a lot like me, though instead of pure white wings, they were black as night same with their skin. The halo made of holy fire that I have was above their head, but theirs was made of hellfire. Seems Amenadiel has gotten the taste of the throne and was consumed by the power it held.

“Amenadiel, you have once again fallen. Though this time there is no hope of forgiveness,” I say to him while no longer in pain as my mortal body is gone, but the wrath of God is swirling around me.

“Says the being with little to no experience of what it is like in heaven!” Amenadiel says with hatred in his voice.

I just ignore him as the time for talking is over and send a wave of holy fire that is stronger than anything I’ve used before. Amenadiel can sense the strength behind this wave, but instead of burning him apart, he appears to be able to block it. It may have taken him a lot to block my attack, but he nonetheless blocked it. That should not have been possible. Then I see a rift of hell has been opened and many demon lords standing next to Amenadiel having helped block my attack.

“I heard about your capabilities, so I used the champions as pawns to distract and gauge your strength. Was I saw your true power a while back, I destroyed and consumed the souls of some other demon lords. Then claimed the realm of Lucifer as my own, I may be just slightly weaker than you. But I can still hold my own against you, plus I’m not alone,” Amenadiel says to me as a rift is torn apart letting in the remaining demon lords.

Asmodeus, Mammon, Belial, Levistus, Pythia, and Zariel all step out releasing their full strength. They all stare at me with hatred and anger, I may be the strongest being below God. Though with all these demon lords and from what Amenadiel said even I will have a difficult fight here.

Summoning my halberd, I stare them all down preparing myself to make a last stand. I then charge forward attempting to kill Amenadiel ending this once and for all. Though the demon lords intercept me, while Amenadiel stands at the back sending wave after wave of hellfire to ensure my holy fire is too distracted protecting me and my loved ones to be used. Zariel, Mammon, Belial, and Levistus are in close combat with me, while Asmodeus and Pythia are assisting Amenadiel with holding my holy fire at bay.

Using my skill with the halberd I manage to block many attacks coming my way as I’m surrounded by the four demon lords. Though a few slip past my guard cutting into me and making me bleed. Though my pain tolerance and will to fight are leagues above what they used to be, now that I’m no longer trapped in a mortal shell. Cutting through the latest wave of hell fire sent by Amenadiel and the two demon lords. I manage to pierce Zariel’s throat, lifting her up with my halberd and burning her with my holy fire that covers my weapon.

Ducking down I dodge the swipe from Mammon as I throw the burning corpse of Zariel away. Then I parry the strike from Levistus as Belial manages to stab me in the back with his trident. Grunting from the pain as Belial’s trident pierced my shoulder burning me with hellfire. I backhand his trident from me while kicking Mammon in the chest and back a few feet from me, giving me another opening to strike at Belial. Using this small opening I sidestep Levistus’s downward strike and cut down towards Belial’s knee. As I suspected he blocks my strike, using the butt end of my Halberd I smash his face making him stumble back. I do another side step as Mammon thrusts his spear at my back. Mammon’s strike pieces Belial instead, making Belial roar in pain and rage.

Belial punches Mammon in the face from the friendly fire he just received while I parry Levistus’s greatsword. I then kick Levistus in the inner knee making him stumble, the two other demon lords finally get over their anger for each other but not in time. As I bring down my Halberd cutting into Levistus’s head like an axe cutting into firewood, slitting it down the middle. Amenadiel is becoming increasingly pissed as two of his demon lords are banished back to hell. He knows as soon as he or his two others stop suppressing my holy fire I will end this immediately. At the same time as soon as I finish with these demon lords his defeat will only be ensured.

Belial and Mammon quickly get over their frustration with one another to once again flank me. The two send strikes my way with Mammon sending a thrust toward my head as Belial sends a thrust toward my chest. Using my halberd I parry Belial’s trident catching it between my Halberd’s tip and axeblade while ducking below Mammon’s strike. I push Beial back with all my strength making him stumble back a few feet making him stabilize himself. I then turn to grab Mammon’s spear as his newest thrust is directed toward my thigh. I then pull him toward me as I grab his throat and twist us both around making Belial’s thrust pierce Mammon in the back instead of me.

Mammon screeches in pain as Belial grunts in annoyance ripping his trident free. Using Mammon’s pain as a distraction, I decapitate his head from his body with a quick swing from my halberd. Kicking his dead body toward Belial who uses his trident to smack the dead body coming his way, away from him. I charge Belial who thrusts his trident at me as I duck and dodge each strike from him. I charge past him but not before cutting his ankles with my halberd making him stumble from his tendons being cut.

Belial swings his trident around himself wildly attempting to keep me away, though I jump over his wild swing. Using the spearhead of my halberd I pierce his eye and into his brain killing him instantly. His body drops to the ground as I turn to look up at Amenadiel and the two remaining demon lords. Though I noticed Amenadiel is missing, thankfully my family is still protected by the holy fire dome. Asmodeus and Pythia seem to understand they are dying here, so Pythia gives a battle cry as she charges me. Asmodeus looks to be ripping a rift open back to hell to escape me.

I send a wave of extremely powerful holy fire burning Pythia to nothing as I grab Asmodeus right before he can escape back to hell. Asmodeus swing his mace backward trying to get me to release him. Though I just block it with my halberd, while forcing the rift to close with a blast of holy fire. Asmodeus stumps back while giving me a worried look since he knows he is dying today. He charges me while swinging his mace downward at my head. I sidestep his swing and pierce his thigh with my halberd keeping him stuck in place as I grab his arm holding the mace and break it. He roars in pain grabbing my halberd instinctually trying to remove it, but my holy fire burns his hand off it.

“Answer me quickly and truthfully, then I promise to make your death quick. Or I will imprison you in the realm of wrath for eternity,” I say to Asmodeus who grits his teeth while staring at me in deep hatred.

“Where did Amenadiel go?” I ask him as he stares me down.

“Back to hell! Probably hoping you won’t follow and even if you do he is even stronger there, maybe matching your strength since you angels become weakened surrounded by all that sin,” Asmodeus says to me while staring daggers at me.

“Good,” I say while ripping my halberd free and decapitating Asmodeus with one fluid swing.

I then walk over to my holy fire dome releasing it to see my family is completely fine. As they all see the bodied and dead bodies of the demon lords which are now disintegrating they turn to me with happy looks. Rumi and Eri jump into my arms hugging me in happiness. While Lucifer stares at me with sadness, understanding what I did and now I will have to leave behind my family forever.

“Dad! You did it!” Eri says with a happy laugh after hugging me. I just smile down at her as sadness fills me, as I will only get to watch them from above after today.

“I’m glad you are safe. I love you both so much,” I say while hugging them one more time, this time Rumi can sense something more is going on.

“Akihiko… what is happening?” Rumi asks me and now Eri understands bad news is coming.

“As you both know I’m an actual angel. To use my full powers I could only do it for a bit before I could heal up fully. Well, this all happened, to save you all I had to use my powers fully, which means I’m no longer mortal. I must return to heaven as is the rules of the universe, but first I will ensure Amenadiel gets his punishment,” I say to them and Rumi stares at me with disbelief trying to process this information.

“What does that mean Dad?” Eri says to me not fully understanding me and in denial a bit too.

“That after today I won’t see you again in person. I’m so sorry… I wish I could live out the rest of my days here with you both… but I can’t,” I say to her as she begins to tear up and cry as she hugs me. Rumi is just standing there unmoving as she is in denial about this information.

“I love you both more than you could imagine,” I say while kissing Eri’s forehead and giving Rumi a sorrowful smile.

“Brother please watch over them,” I say to Lucifer who gives me a serious nod for once and eyes that show he is displeased with me having to leave my family behind.

Lucifer is holding Eri back as she breaks down understanding I’m leaving them forever. I then open a portal back to Lucifer’s throne room, as I intend to ensure Amenadiel goes to my realm for eternal punishment. Right before I walk through Rumi calls my name and runs over to me.

“Akihiko!... I… please… I love you,” Rumi says tearing up and choking on her words, but then hugs me one more time. Hugging her back I give her one last loving kiss before, looking back at my family for the last time until they die here on Earth.

Steeling my resolve I step through the rift into Lucifer’s old throne room, now Amenadiel’s place of residence. I see Amenadiel sitting on his throne and a huge army of demons between me and him. An army of several billion as they all look at me, while I give a grim look and summon my Halberd readying myself for this last fight. Amenadiel stares at me with a smug look feeling he can overwhelm me with numbers.

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