The Unseen Angel in MHA


Within a few days of the passing of Nemuri, her parents held a small funeral for their daughter with all of us close friends attending it. Then a few weeks passed as I got a text from Hizashi saying that they suspect an leader of the villains is in their city. After Nemuri’s death and the other heroes that died alongside her, I hammered into the heads of the remaining heroes the importance of contacting me if they suspect a villain is one of the leaders.

“What do you know?” I ask with some urgency in my voice to Hizashi and Ryuko who are the watchers of this city. At this point, Rumi is halfway through her pregnancy and so I'm more on edge as I want to end this war before my child is born.

“Not much just some chatter amongst the villains we captured, saying someone important is coming to this city to ensure it falls as the villains lost one of their controlled cities,” Ryuko says to me and I nod my head.

“Any idea who it might be?” I ask them to see if they suspect anyone.

“No, though–” Hizashi begins to say before in the corner of my eye I see three blackened bullets covered in hellfire, directed towards me and the others.

These bullets were extremely quiet and from their size of them, we should have easily heard the gunshot sound. Though before the three shots could reach us I make a wall of holy fire which consumes the bullets. Hizashi and Ryuko get into defensive positions looking around with keen eyes as we all look for the shooter quietly. The only sounds heard were the whistle of the wind and distant sounds of city nightlife.

We all look around as I turn into my angelic form and still notice nothing. Then around two dozen villains with more than half possessed ambush us. Hizashi and Nemuri jump into action, but I blast everyone in the vicinity with my holy fire killing them all. At the same time, I notice half a dozen bullets come through my blast of holy fire. Each bullet is heavily covered in hellfire and heading toward my friends.

I rushed forward and took the bullets myself since that was my only choice to save my friends and I would not lose any more friends or family, as they passed through my holy fire. Which for some reason seemed to not affect the hellfire-covered bullets too much. Each bullet impacted me as I covered my friends with my body and wings. The bullets exploded on impact covering me with hellfire which burned me severely. Burning my wings and breaking some of my armor that they hit burning my skin underneath.

Pushing through the pain, I turned to where the shots came from and saw a purple-haired woman shooting a dozen more bullets my way. She was more than 10 km (6 miles) away from us it seemed. Her name is Kaina Tsutsumi once a renowned unground hero but turned vigilante and villain known as
Lady Nagant. From how I remembered the shots fired at the government leaders, seems this was the person behind their deaths.

I pushed my friends to the ground and told them to stay down as I fly towards her. Though each bullet she sent my way would follow me, with my heavily injured wings I couldn’t fly at my top speed. Meaning I would have to tank each bullet or deflect them with my Halberd which I summoned. Using my skill with my weapon which is a part of me so to speak, I deflected the bullets headed my way or cut them in half. With only a few hitting me injuring me further.

I blasted her with my fire once I was close enough and ensure my friends were able to escape. As the fire was reaching her she brought her hellfire out to block my holy fire and jumped inside the building she was standing on. This place luckily seemed vacant of any civilians or people in general. I landed on the roof covered in hellfire burns which would have killed a normal angel, but I remained able-bodied proving my superiority above many of my brothers and sisters.

‘Seems she is possessed by another champion-level demon,’ I think to myself since she is able to injure me pretty heavily and block my hellfire.

As I land inside the building it is a giant warehouse that has many hiding places inside it and seems abandoned though. Looking around I do not see her and this place is heavily saturated with demonic energy meaning this was her hideout in the city. Though since her demonic energy is everywhere in this building it will be very difficult to pinpoint her exact location. I just know she has not left the area yet as the place is radiating demonic energy heavily still.

“Lady Nagant, I know you are there come out and accept your death,” I say trying to get her to respond so I know where she is. Though like the well-trained and the smart woman she is, she remains quiet.

Then two dozen bullets come out from every direction toward me and I do not hear any gunshots. The demon she is possessed by just like Muscular is very attached to her and similar. Enhancing her abilities far past what they once were, making her extremely dangerous. Since hellfire is very difficult to heal me as normal angels do not heal from any injury sustained by hellfire, I’m still not at my hundred percent. I managed to slice each bullet in half making them useless, though I’m still unsure where Lady Nagant is located.

With the eerie silence taking over the room, I keep my guard up as I wait for any sign of Lady Nagant. Just as I was waiting for a sign of Lady Nagant a huge blast of hellfire is sent towards me, bigger than any I’ve seen before from a possessed person. I used my holy fire to protect me from it creating a dome around me, made from my holy fire. The wave washed over my dome and almost broke through due to my injuries already sustained. After the hellfire disappeared I saw the villain known as Dabi and once the first son of Endeavor, Toya Todoroki. Seeing the mad look on his face and Lady Nagant shooting more bullets my way no longer in cover but using Dabi as her first line of defense.

“Toya, it's me your Uncle! Do not make me kill you, please!” I say to him as I cut through the bullets sent from Lady Nagant and counter his hell fire with my holy fire.

“I’m not TOYA! Toya is dead and only Dabi remains!” Toya now calling himself Dabi yells at me in extreme anger and hatred with an angry expression on his face.

Gritting my teeth, I push forward steeling my revolve to kill Toya and end this war sooner than later. His quirk seemed to be very strong now since he only uses hellfire and the demon possessing him seems as crazed as him. With both champion-level demons possessing them and my injuries sustained from the bullets earlier, I’m being pushed to my limit. Though as I fight I can feel my domain over wrath urging me to let it out and use my anger as fuel. However, I’m worried if I do I may kill Toya and currently I’m having trouble doing so. As I grew to see him and his family as my own, after losing my family once I’m not sure I could kill someone who I once saw as family.

“Toya! Please! Just stop!” I yell at him desperately trying not to give in to my wrath.

“Once we are done killing you, we will kill your wife and daughter!” Toya says to me with a sadistic laugh. Though that was what made my wrath take over, hearing him threaten my current and true family.

“Then forgive me,” I say as I release my realm, and my power surges instantly healing my injuries. The two stop trying to kill me for a split second as their instinctual fear takes over feeling the true wrath of God fill the abandoned warehouse.

The wrath of God is like an endless sea of fire as it burns everything in its path to nothing. The only beings who can tread inside this sea of holy fire and survive, are God and me as I’m his wrath made into physical form.

Lady Nagant screams as her body is destroyed and taken over by the demon possessing her. The demon is called Varratha the Silent, the champion of Pythia the lady of lies, and overseer of the eighth layer of hell. Varratha is a taller black as night, skinned demoness around 6’2” (188cm), with the same completely black eyes, and two pairs of horns. Varratha is wearing her armor meant for war which offers decent protection from holy fire. She is also wielding her two daggers dripping with a black sludge lick substance, which is the most deadly poison in existence that can even kill normal seraphim with just a cut.

Dabi falls to his knees screaming also, but resisting the demon while they both fight for control. As wrath has filled me, I no longer care for Toya as he threatened my wife and child. I send a wave of extremely deadly holy fire that even Lucifer couldn’t block in his prime, as I’m currently tapped into my true realm, and out of all the angels, my holy fire is the strongest. Though as it is about to consume Toya a dagger flies across the room and stabs Toya in the chest sending him back a few dozen feet and pinned to the wall.

I see that Varratha saved him, or the demon that possessed him as it gained control with the death of Toya. I turn my attention to Varratha as she runs around sending blasts of hellfire my way and daggers trying to kill him by any means necessary. During this time, the champion of Astaroth the lord of fire and overseer of the sixth layer of hell, Banaxuk the Eternal Flame. Banaxuk is around 10’ (3 meters) and a very ugly demon with deep red skin that has cracks all over it as hell fire burns right under his skin. He has a pair black charred of horns and a long tail that ends with a sharp-looking bone sticking out that is forever on fire. Banaxuk wields his signature one-handed axe and whip which are both covered in hellfire.

“YOUR SOUL WILL BURN IN FOREVER TORMENT!!” Banaxuk roars after bursting free from Toya’s dead body. Banaxuk then charges me as Varratha disappears from my sight since I looked away from her at Banaxuk’s shouting.

With my holy fire covering my wings and protecting my back in case Varratha tries to backstab me, I turn to face Banaxuk's charge head-on. He whips at me with his hellfire-covered whip, which I grab with my arm covered in holy fire. If he was his lord his hellfire could potentially rival my holy fire, but he is not so I’m able to block it as long as I remain tapped into my true realm. I then yank his whip trying to bring him closer to me as he digs in resisting me. Though my strength outmatches him as he comes toward me slowly ripping the ground up trying to resist me.

Varratha then appears under me crouched down and attempts to stab me in an opening in my armor. I let go of Banaxuk’s whip making him stumble backward as I just dodge Varratha’s strike against my inner thigh. I bring my halberd down to cleave her in half, but she jumps backward just out of my reach and hides behind Banaxuk to disappear once again.

“You both will burn in the eternal holy fire!” I yell in anger as this fight is becoming annoying.


AN: Sorry for not uploading yesterday, there was an issue with my puppy that turned out to be nothing major. Everything seems to be fine now, but he goes back to the vet on Thursday to ensure everything is ok.

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