The Undetectable Strongest Job: Rule Breaker

Chapter 392 - Chaos in the Palace

Chapter 392 – Chaos in the Palace

Chaos in the Palace

By the time the capital came into view, Hikaru’s party were a little dirty all over. They walked all day every day, but thanks to Paula’s healing magic, they were only as tired as they were when they arrived in Treeland. Lavia couldn’t handle the wagon’s rocking well.

As expected, no bandits attacked them.

「I guess that’s money wasted.」Hikaru joked.

「I’m really glad to have you along for the ride. Not only do I feel safe, but I’ve never had a guard who was so much fun to talk to.」Nino flashed a smile.

Hikaru was surprised. It could have just been a merchant’s typical lip service, but Hikaru felt pleasant to hear such words.

「We see the walls.」Nino said.「That means we’re only about an hour away.」

「Something looks wrong, though.」

It was normal for the guards to conduct inspections at the gate to the city. Import taxes were also collected there. But the queue was too long.

When they got to the end of the line, Hikaru heard people talking.

「Man. What’s with this crowd?」

「No idea. Apparently beefing up security or something.」

Hikaru knew right away that the emperor’s attempted assassination contributed to this.

「Damn it. We can’t afford to get stuck here now.」Hikaru murmured.

「You can go ahead.」Nino said.


「At this rate, we might not enter the city until night time. I’m pretty sure adventurers and travelers with no luggage are inspected separately. They can enter the city right away. There’s something you have to do, right?」

「Are you sure about this?」

「This is far enough for your job. Oh, but I’ll have to deduct the appropriate amount from your payment.」Nino grinned.

Hikaru realized he said that so he wouldn’t worry too much about it.

「Thank you.」Hikaru said.「I’ll take you up on that. You got that, Lavia, Paula?」


「We’re good to go!」

「Okay, we’ll go on ahead. You’re almost there, but be careful anyway.」

After a short farewell, Hikaru and the girls moved quickly. He could see the long walls of the capital up ahead. Heavy clouds appeared from the eastern skies, looming over the city.

「I didn’t expect it to go this well!」a noble said.「Your ingenuity is superb.」

The hook-nosed man, Count Zepetta, laughed at his fellow progressive nobleman’s flattery.「This is nothing compared to bargaining with merchants. You can tell those conservatives are really slacking.」

「I hope we can tear down the conservatives little by little so that all of us can become members of the Imperial Council.」

「Speaking of tearing down, Margrave Korn is furious. He’s apparently setting up checkpoints on his borders with the conservatives.」

「I hear he’s increasing taxes. Half of your cargo as taxes? That’s terrifying.」

「More and more merchants will come to the south. The tax-free plan among our domains was a huge success.」

Nobles in the southern region of the empire belonged to the progressive faction. They all had their own specialties, but they had one thing in common: the conservatives had sucked their wealth for years.

It was then that Count Zepetta, who had made a fortune growing kounatsu, spoke up and united the southern aristocracy.

The abolition of taxes increased the movement of goods and greatly improved the lives of ordinary citizens. Many emigrated from the conservatives’ lands after hearing the rumors of a better life.

Surrounded by steep mountains and called the sticks, the southern region of the empire saw rapid development.

The conservatives didn’t just sit around and do nothing. They sold various goods to the progressives at high prices, but when they couldn’t do that anymore and more people began to emigrate, they imposed a tax on the emigration. Such a law didn’t exist, but once it was enacted by the Imperial Council, the progressives couldn’t do anything about it.

The progressive’s greatest desire was to earn a spot in the Imperial Council.

「I must say, I’m surprised the Prime Minister gave us a spot.」Zepetta cocked his head in contemplation.「I thought it would only end with the dismissal of the Minister of the Right.」

「No need to think about it too much. The result is all that matters!」

「Indeed! Oh, I think it’s about time for your meeting with Count Ron.」

「You’re right.」Zepetta said.「I’ll be leaving, then.」He bowed to the nobles and left the room.

A dark light danced in the nobles’ eyes as they watched the Count go.

「Goodness. Count Zeppetta sure is carefree. We’re the ones risking our lives.」

「He doesn’t seem to suspect that we asked Count Ron to take the spot in the Council. If things go well, Count Zepetta will be joining him anyway.」

「We can’t really expect much from him except to be the progressive faction’s banner. The lighter it is, the easier to wave.」

The men chuckled.

Before the sun went down, Hikaru checked into an inn and went out as Silver Face. First he headed to Alice’s place, a spy of the Empire.

「Um… no more, Silsil… Not that…!」

「Hey, stupid spy.」


Alice was sleeping comfortably when Hikaru dropped a fist on her head. They were in an apartment located in the capital’s residential area where ordinary citizens lived. Alice was blending in with the public.

「What?! Silsil?! How?! We were just eating a huge cake!」

「Is that what your dream was about?」

「You took the strawberry I was saving for last…」

「So that’s your impression of me, huh?」Hikaru sighed.「Anyway, tell me what’s going on inside the palace. Starting from Kaglai’s condition.」

Surprised, Alice turned to face Hikaru.

「A-Are you going to finish His Majesty for good?!」

「No. So you also think I’m the one who did it.」

「You didn’t?」

「I would never fail to kill my target.」

「I see. Makes sense.」

It does? Hikaru wondered.

「I heard His Majesty is in a coma. The assassin coated the blade with an unknown poison.」

「Where did they take him?」

「It’s top secret.」

「Okay. Since you won’t tell me, I have no choice but to ask the Prime Minister.」

「Why are you making it sound like it’s my fault?!」

Hikaru smiled.「Because you know where he is, but you don’t want to tell me. I’m pretty sure the Prime Minister is anxiously waiting for me. After all, I have with me a master of Healing magic, known as the Flower-Masked Goddess.」

A woman in a floral mask suddenly emerged from the corner of the room.

「Now tell me where the Emperor is. Flower Face might be able to awaken Kaglai from his coma.」

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