The Tyrant’s Beloved Empress

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

After the worship, a couple of newlyweds were surrounded and sent into the bridal chamber. +++Mobile reading visit m. The new house in the Palace of the King’s Palace has been cleaned up a long time ago. It’s so festive. The two sat down beside Xi’s bed. Xipo handed over a delicate golden scale: “Please lift the head of the bridegroom.”

Xiao Zhige did not answer, staring at the person beside him, not knowing what he was thinking.

No response was received, the smile on Xi Po’s face stiffened, and after a while, he cautiously reminded: “Wang Ye?”

Xiao Zhige only then recovered, glanced at her, and said lightly: “You go out first.”

Xipo had heard of his evil name a long time ago, and when she saw his bridal chamber, she didn’t see any joy (color) on her face. She thought that he didn’t like the new princess, and she didn’t dare to say anything. Putting down the golden scale, Ma Liu went out with the others, and even closed the door thoughtfully.

In the new house, Xiao Zhige didn’t use the small scale, but just lifted the eye-catching red hijab. When I saw An Changqing was not dressing up for her daughter, her face (color) improved. He curled his eyebrows, as if thinking about what to say, for a long time, he asked abruptly, “Hungry?”

An Changqing looked at him in surprise. He had been hanging his head before, but now he raised his eyes and looked at the man in front of him—his newlywed husband.

For many years, he and Xiao Zhige had their separate lives, and they didn’t even take a good look at this rumored man who was cruel and violent. Now I look closely and realize that he is actually very handsome. At this time, he was just an unfavored prince. In the eyes of courtiers, he was a waste who almost lost his succession qualifications. In the eyes of the people, he was a man who killed tens of thousands of people without blinking. ) God”.

However, at this moment, An Changqing looked at him attentively, only to find that he was just a young man about to be weak. Although his face was calm and serious, it was far from the cruelty that could stop a child from crying afterwards. The two ink eyebrows are like swords, and there is a shallow “Chuan” pattern between the eyebrows. The eye sockets are slightly deeper than ordinary people, and the eyeballs are pitch black, like a deep pool with no bottom. The bridge of the nose is high and the lips are thin, but there is a kind of natural majesty and dignity.

An Changqing stretched her eyebrows and smiled slightly at him. No matter if everything is real or dreamy, he always takes the first step. Once he listened to the rumors, not only trapped himself, but also failed Xiao Zhige. Now, he wants to try to understand this person.

Who is naturally violent? Later, the cruel and cruel emperor actually had a soft mind when he was young, and would ask his princess whether he was hungry after the tedious wedding ceremony. It’s just that everyone chooses to ignore these trivial details, such as him once.

“Don’t you drink Hexiu first?” An Changqing looked at him with a smile.

Surprised again in his eyes, it seemed that he did not expect An Changqing to have such an attitude. Xiao Zhige paused before serving two cups of wine: “It’s okay.”

Arms crossed, the two drank the wine together, like a pair of mandarin ducks crossing their necks.

After the drink was over, Xiao Zhige stood up, prepared to go out to entertain the guests, walked to the door, and turned around and said, “The small kitchen has some snacks. If you are hungry, you will send someone to get them.”

Without waiting for An Changqing’s response, he strode out.

An Changqing looked at the back of him leaving, so calm and vigorous, like a green pine like a cypress, not much more alive than the dull emperor.

Xiao Zhige went to the front yard to entertain the guests, while An Changqing stayed alone in the Xi room. Looking at Xiao Zhige’s attitude, he didn’t treat him as a woman just because he married him. He was not cautious in asking (sexual xing), got up to move his muscles and bones, took off the heavy hair crown, and (take off tuo) the heavy jersey. Without these burdens, the whole person is a lot lighter. He put on a dark red woven gold coat at random, and found a hair band to tie his long hair behind his head. Then he called An Fu, who was guarding outside, to go to the small kitchen to get snacks.

Sure enough, the small kitchen was equipped with all kinds of cakes. An Changqing ate a few to soothe the hungry belly, and then seriously pondered the current situation.

At the beginning, he only thought that this was another dream he had imagined.

After his death, he was still trapped in the huge palace, and he saw Xiao Zhige act more and more radically, becoming more and more unscrupulous. Three years after his death, Xiao Zhige launched another four or five wars. Although he eventually drove Beidi to the depths of the grassland and occupied half of the city of Xideng, Daye suffered heavy casualties. After years of war, countless farms were abandoned, and in the winter, people were hungry for thousands of miles. People without food can only eat by changing their children, which is called purgatory on earth.

The people who were forced to have no way of life rose up, and there were rebellions by refugees everywhere in Daye. With the support of the two great generals Chu Anliang and Shi Lezheng, the abandoned prince Xiao Qi’an gathered 200,000 refugees to encircle Yejing under the banner of “Cut the tyrant and return to peace”. He was called “The Battle of Slashing the Dragon.” “.

That battle was extremely tragic. For more than ten years, Xiao Zhi Ge Rongma had spent more than a decade, and he commanded the 50,000 guards in Yejing to contend with 200,000 refugees. After nearly a month, the corpses outside Yejing were everywhere, and the bones that were built up were fast. Leveling with the city wall of Yejing, the displaced sergeants stepped on the bodies of their dead companions to climb up. And Xiao Zhige’s iron armor spear stood on the city wall, really like the sky (to kill sha) into the mortal world.

A month later, the gate of Yejing opened wide, but it was not the refugees who broke through the city, but the imperial guards in the city opened the gate.

With the support of the two great generals of the pillar country and countless soldiers, the abandoned prince entered the main palace, looked around, and found the self-decision Xiao Zhige in the remote Qiwu Palace.

The former emperor sat in front of the window of the inner hall of Qiwu Palace and ended his life with a sharp knife.

The waste prince chopped off his head and hung it above Yejing City Gate. The corpse was thrown into the mass grave to feed the wild dogs. It is claimed that he killed the tyrant by himself, but he is the man to whom the destiny belongs.

Only An Changqing, who was watching silently, knew that Xiao Zhige had a plan to win, and the Guards were the elite trained by him and were loyal to him. Although the number of 200,000 refugees is large, it is not a climate. Besides, 150,000 had already been (killed), and the remaining 50,000 would only be sooner or later.

But that night Xiao Zhige summoned the commander of the Imperial Guard and issued the last military order, ordering him to open the gate of Yejing and return.

Then, the emperor sat in Qiwu Palace holding a piece of jade pendant all night, and at dawn, he chose to stop himself.

No one knows his final thoughts, only An Changqing who was on the sidelines caught a glimpse of the Pisces jade pendant held by the emperor before his death. It was a birthday gift given to him by his mother on his tenth birthday. This jade followed him. For eighteen years, he was not taken down until he died. An Changqing thought that the jade had been buried with him, but he didn’t expect it would be in Xiao Zhige’s hands.

It was not even buried with him, but was held tightly by the dead emperor in the palm of his hand, with the ground as the coffin and the sky as the cover, and was buried in the mass grave together. At that time, An Changqing wanted to pick up a straw mat for him and couldn’t do it. I can only watch the emperor’s headless corpse being eaten by vultures and wild dogs, and in the end only a desolate skeleton is left. And that piece of Pisces jade pendant, without the cover of blood (flesh rou), was finally exposed (exposed) in the bones, and was picked up by the beggar who passed through the mass grave.

On that day, looking at the empty palm of the skeleton, An Changqing suddenly cried. He just felt sad as never before, crying so much that his consciousness fell into chaos, and when he woke up in a muddle-headed manner, he had already returned to the fifteenth year of Qingli’s midwinter, his wedding day with Xiao Zhige.

An Changqing looked down at her hands, and (touched Mo) (touched Mo) her cheek again. The touch was so real, it was not like an illusory dream at all.

Perhaps it was God’s favor, seeing that he lived in a muddle-headed life in his previous life, and missed a lot, which gave him a chance to do it all over again.

Do it all over again, never repeat the same mistakes again.

While he was thinking, the sound of An Fu rang at the door, followed by the creak of the door opening and steady footsteps. An Changqing turned his head and saw the young Xiao Zhige walking towards him calmly.

“Lord.” An Changqing smiled unconsciously and got up to meet her.

When he came to the front, An Changqing realized that he was full of alcohol, and he should have been drinking too much. He stretched out his hand to help, and found that Xiao Zhige was more than half his head taller than him, his body was even stronger, and his tentacles were all firm muscles (flesh rou).

Fortunately, although Xiao Zhige drank too much wine, his mind seemed to be clear, and he let him sit by the bed without moving.

After placing the people, An Changqing took An Fu to the small kitchen to cook sober soup. When he came back, he found Xiao Zhige staring straight at him, his eyes were unpredictable, his face was solemn, and his slightly frowned eyebrows added a bit fierce.

An Changqing felt a sudden shock in her heart, and she was a little timid instinctively. Then I remembered the gentleness of the man holding him in his arms over and over again, and the tension of the string came loose again.

Slowly exhaling a suffocating breath, An Changqing sat down beside him, held the bowl and smiled: “Wang Ye first drink some sober soup?”

Xiao Zhige’s eyes fell on the thin white fingers holding the porcelain bowl, and his eyes trembled. An Changqing’s hands are very beautiful, fingers are like shaving green onions, they are long and thin and white, and only slightly close at the fingertips, forming a nice arc, the nails are neatly trimmed (dry gan), and they are shallow under the swaying candlelight. Pink (color).

Xiao Zhige’s Adam’s apple rolled and drank the sober soup without a word.

After drinking, the bowl was set aside, and the atmosphere sank again. Xiao Zhige was reticent at first, but An Changqing was anxious because of the next bridal chamber.

In the previous life, he and Xiao Zhige had never consummated their lives.

At that time, he was only full of fear, and it was not bad to cry with a cold face at Xiao Zhige. Even when drinking Hexijiu, there was a panic and a blank expression on his face. Later, Xiao Zhige seemed to see his fear, and went to sleep in the study without saying anything. After that, he stayed in the study room. At that time, he secretly rejoiced for a long time to escape.

It’s just this life, but I can’t go the same way anymore.

He knew a little bit about what the two men should do, An Changqing comforted herself, as long as he was fully prepared, it shouldn’t hurt. And the rumors are not credible, he had learned it in the previous life. In this regard, Xiao Zhige should not be as fierce as the rumors… right?

An Changqing blushed, and quietly glanced at the head of the bed. As expected, there were two delicate small porcelain jars, which should be used for that purpose.

Slightly clenched his fingers, An Changqing tried to make her voice sound more natural: “Master, it’s not early, it’s better to go to bed earlier.” He tried his best to finish the sentence calmly, and he even (exposed) one sentence. The truncated necks are full of red clouds.

Xiao Zhige didn’t move, but his eyes were deeper.

He didn’t move, An Changqing became anxious again. The flushing on his face also faded, leaving only a pale white. The instinctive fear that had been suppressed rose again, looking at him at a loss.

The two sat side by side on the (bed chuang) and remained silent for a long time. Although An Changqing saw that Xiao Zhige did not move, he did not intend to leave or get angry. Just feel more at ease. He thought of the jade pendant that the emperor had held firmly in the palm of his hand until his death, and he was a little bolder. Suo (sexual xing) turned his heart back, flushed his face and slowly approached Xiao Zhige, supporting his shoulders with both hands, and actively pressed the man’s lips.

Since the mountain doesn’t come, it’s just me, so if I go, it’s the mountain.

The man’s lips are a bit dry, but unexpectedly soft, with a slight warmth. An Changqing rubbed it a few times, and then she didn’t know what to do. He has been a baby for two lifetimes. He has neither a woman nor a man. His knowledge of **** is not that much. It is already the limit to take the initiative to give (kiss wen).

He was hesitating whether he should retreat, but he was suddenly grabbed by a strong force. The man who had been provoked by him suddenly turned back and held his lips. His lips and teeth were pried open, and the man’s tongue drove straight in. Even the kiss (kiss) was like a war, with an overbearing beak.

An Changqing was out of breath by her relatives, her arms wrapped around his neck subconsciously, hanging softly on his body.

It took a long time for Xiao Zhige to let go of him, his rough palm slid down the curve of his cheeks, pinched his chin, and looked at him: “Aren’t you afraid of me?”

He had predicted that An Changqing would be reluctant to do this marriage. After all, it was he who insisted on marrying someone (qiang) in. What’s more, according to his investigations, An Changqing also has a cousin who treats him very diligently. The two (guanguan) seem to be very close…

I was prepared to face his anger or cold eyes a long time ago, but I didn’t expect him to be so…close to himself.

Xiao Zhige’s heart tightened slightly, but the strength of his hands did not relax, and his eyes were fixed on him, as if he wanted to see the bottom of his heart through this confusing appearance.

An Changqing looked at him for a moment, then first looked away. Subconsciously licked his lips, but tasted the salty smell of blood. He later realized that the man was so rude that he bit his lip.

He raised his eyes and glanced at Xiao Zhige quietly, but accidentally caught a glimpse of the man’s reddish ears. An Changqing’s uneasy heart immediately settled down. Thinking back to all the things in the previous life, I couldn’t help but feel a little wronged and sad. The arm clinging to the man’s neck tightened again, An Changqing nuzzled his hand like nostalgia, and whispered: “I’m not afraid of you, I’m just afraid of pain…”

The young man who has not yet reached the crown, his face is like a fan, his body is romantic, and his voice has a low and soft ending. He is not deliberately appealing, but it is even more soft-hearted, and he can’t wait to put people in his arms. In the palm of your hand, don’t let him suffer any wrongdoing.

Xiao Zhige’s fingers trembled, and he subconsciously released the grip on his hand. After knowing it, he reacted rudely, perhaps pinching him.

Feeling the man’s movements, An Changqing turned his eyes and guessed his thoughts. I secretly smiled in my heart, and became more convinced of my own thoughts.

This man looks fierce on the surface, but in fact he is very careful and gentle. An Changqing recalled all sorts of past lives, only to suddenly realize that he had been indulgent and gentle to himself. He softened (body shen) and snuggled into his arms, his cheeks were slightly red and said: “The prince will wait a while… be lighter…”

Xiao Zhige’s (bodyshen) body tightened in an instant. He pushed the person away and got up, facing An Changqing with his back to say: “You don’t have to be like this, I won’t (qiang) push you.”

After speaking, he did not look at An Changqing again and strode out of the new house. It’s just that between the hurried steps, how much vent (exposed) a trace of embarrassment of fleeing.

The author has something to say: An Changqing (worried): You guys said… Does the prince do not want to? Or not?

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