The True Path of Pirates

Chapter 469 The strongest man!Whitebeard vs White Dragon

Radamandis, located on the Isle of Thunder near the entrance to the New World.

For Dahai, who is constantly changing and has a particularly bad "memory", the "Pluto" battle happened a long time ago.But the island of Radamandis is forever engraved by the sea.

The large amount of transferred charges changed the nature of the island, turning this originally ordinary island into Thunder's "playground". Even the creatures on the island and nearby seas began to gradually change and become more adapted to the island. environment to come.

Similarly, lightning interferes with nearby electromagnetic fields and nearby ocean currents, making this sea area synonymous with chaos.Therefore, even the most experienced helmsman is unwilling to approach this island of thunder and lightning and become another victim of thunder and lightning.

"Boom! Crack!"

The thunder and lightning kept roaring, showing its power to the fullest, but the ship that suddenly sailed into this lonely sea seemed to arouse the anger of the thunder and lightning, making them become even more violent!

However, the huge whale-shaped sailing ship still moved forward steadily, completely ignoring the terrifying thunder and lightning.But when the lightning struck the ship, they mysteriously disappeared.

"Gu la la la! This challenging weather is more suitable for men to fight!"


Facing the proud and fighting white beard, Bista, who had just cut off the thunder and lightning, could only helplessly flick his wrist to relieve the burning numbness.

"But dad, after all, the opponent has such a huge terrain still have to be careful!"

"Don't panic, Marco. Remember, no advantage is absolute. Sometimes, an advantage can become a constraint or even a disadvantage."

Whitebeard bent down and patted Marco on the shoulder, then he was the first to get off the ship and rushed directly into the island wrapped in thunder and lightning.

Seeing that he was so impatient, the rest of the people also jumped up and followed him into Radamandis.

When Whitebeard and his party entered the island, they discovered that although the thunder and lightning they saw outside the island were fierce and dense, when they entered the island, the thunder and lightning became calmer.

But for Marco and the others, such a "quiet" scene made them feel even more dangerous.Although there was no flashing thunder and lightning in their sight, the tingling and numbness coming from their skin made them feel "on pins and needles", as if they had been connected in series by invisible currents.

As they went deeper, the feeling of electric shock became more and more intense, and finally turned into actual pain, making Marco and the others subconsciously want to use Haki for defense.

"Boom! Snap! Click!"

However, just when they were about to use their armed Haki, the real sense of electric shock suddenly disappeared! What was "replaced" was the complete rage of thunder and lightning!

Regardless of whether they were outside the island or inside the island, all the thunder and lightning gathered in the center of the island, like iron-blooded warriors guarding their majestic emperor, and issued a soul-stirring cry to the intruders.

"Gu la la la! Little devil, this is the end of your little welcome trick, come out!"

"It's a pity. I originally thought it was at least wonderful, but it's a pity that it received such an evaluation."

"Haha, you're still far behind."

"Thunder Emperor!"

From the crackling thunder, Ryden's figure slowly emerged.He was not wearing a robe embroidered with the admiral's epaulettes, but was wearing a plain kendo robe. The only thing that stood out were the double blades hanging from his waist.

"White Dragon! You..."

"Don't be anxious, Bista. First of all, I am only here as a trader today. It is indeed unreasonable to call me by that code name. Secondly, since Whitebeard is here as promised, then my promise will naturally be fulfilled. "

I don’t know if it was Redden’s words that had a soothing effect, or the look in his companion’s eyes that was a reminder.Bista temporarily put away his anger towards Redon and became calm.

Redon's words also attracted the attention of others, and even Whitebeard couldn't help but glance sideways, his eyes becoming enthusiastic.Ruiden just smiled softly and raised his hand to point to the highest mountain peak in the distance.

"The paper recording the information is buried at the bottom of that mountain - whether it is the news about the son of Pirate King Gol D. Roger or the news about Pluto's battleship! Of course, as for whether you believe it or not , that’s another story…”



After listening to Ruiden's words, Bista, George and Sachi were all shocked.They looked at Whitebeard and Marco in amazement, and only slightly slowed down after the other nodded slightly in response, but it seemed that it would take some time for the gaping mouth to close again.

"Marco, you all go look for him. Although this guy is a marine, he shouldn't be able to deceive others."

"Dad, how about..."

"That's the captain's order! Go ahead."


Faced with Whitebeard's sudden toughness, Marco and the others could only do what they did.After giving Ruiden a hard look, several people hurriedly left and headed towards the mountain peak.

For a moment, only Whitebeard and Redden were left on the field.They were not in a hurry to fight, but looked at each other, as if they were looking for each other's weaknesses, or "exchanging" something.

"Tell me about the 'future' you promised!"

"Haha, I thought the strongest Whitebeard wouldn't care about my nonsense."

"Listening to young people's big words seems to be a good pastime. Tell me, whose hands do you think I will die by?"

Whitebeard is holding the naginata in his hand - the "Come Cloud Kiri", one of the twelve skills of the supreme sharp sword. He still looks as domineering and mighty as before, and he seems not to be disturbed by anything.

Under his curvy white beard was a playful smiling face, but deep in his playful eyes, there was a touch of worry and uneasiness.

Ruiden seemed to see Whitebeard's complicated psychological activities, and then he couldn't help but smile, and he looked a little lazy.

"I'm not talking big words, you can think of it as a prophecy."


"That person's name should be familiar to you, that is - Marshall D. Teach!"


As soon as Ruizhen finished speaking, a terrifying impact immediately struck in front of him, and the entire island trembled because of the man's anger.

"Tsk... Fortunately, I was prepared in advance, otherwise I would have suffered a lot."

"Hmph! If your plan was to anger me, then you succeeded!"

"It's not the best situation I'd like to see, but it seems good."

Ryden, who had just turned into lightning and escaped Whitebeard's surprise attack, was now flying in the air and slowly opened the double blades at his waist, and his whole person immediately became serious.

The slight uneasiness on Whitebeard's face has completely transformed into the flames of anger. The oppressive domineering force has swept across the entire island and headed straight for Redon!

"Boom! Boom - bang!"

“Dong dong dong—bang!”

The thunder that gathered over the island all boiled up, and they roared with all their strength, cheering for their emperor.

The terrifying tremors enveloped the entire island and a large area of ​​nearby sea. The violent fluctuations raised high waves and completely turned the island upside down, making Radamandis more like a purgatory on earth.



"Pfft! Ssssssssssssssssssss!"

And just as the two "soldiers", Thunder and Earthquake, were competing with each other, the kings also began their battle!

The overbearing and domineering energy that is the same as the real one collides violently, like two floods hitting each other, both trying to completely overwhelm the other!

However, the stalemate between the two did not last long. Soon Whitebeard's domineering aura began to gain the upper hand and gradually began to suppress him.

"Is this...the aura possessed by the strongest in the world..."

"Kid! Is that all? Don't be too disappointing!"

"Haha...what a stubborn old man..."

Ruiden's pupils were already flashing with blue light, and the overlord-colored domineering energy he exuded gradually turned a thin blue color, and his power became stronger!


The domineering people who were in a stalemate again rubbed against each other, causing a harsh friction sound in the air.And the sky was gradually separated, and like the island, it was faintly divided into two halves.

The competition between Overlord Color and Dominance is not just superficial. This special war is even more important than the result of the battle.If the battle is lost, there may be various reasons.But losing in terms of momentum is a victory or defeat in terms of hierarchical structure, and it must not be treated as a trivial matter.

Therefore, even though Whitebeard has a longer life experience, has experienced more battles, and even occupies an absolute advantage in dominance, Ryden still persists and will never and must not give up easily!

This battle about Overlord Se Haki will continue for a while, and on the other side, Marco and the others have also arrived at the foot of the mountain.

"The fluctuations there...are really hard to put into words."

"Dad and Bai Long, if possible, I would really like to watch around."

"In comparison, the piece of paper Bailong mentioned is probably more important to us. Search carefully and see if you can find it."

"Well, let's search separately."

Although this place was already a certain distance away from the battlefield, the aftermath of the domineering force still clearly reached their ears.This also made the people who were looking for the note paused in emotion, and they didn't react until Marco reminded him.

"This mountain is really not small. Did Bailong put anything here? How should we find it?"

"My father and I have the same judgment on this point. Although the other party is a navy and an enemy, his reputation should be justified. Since he said so, there must be no special circumstances."

"Marco, what's going on with dad? He's not a person who would be threatened at all! Why did he come here to duel with the white dragon without telling us?"

"I can't explain a sentence or two at the moment. Let's talk about it after a while."

Marco dispelled the concerns of the others with just a few words. However, Marco, who deliberately turned his back to everyone and seemed to be just looking for something, was frowning and thinking about the next thing.


months ago.

"Dad! Dad! What happened to you? Are those two people really yours..."


Facing Marco's questioning, Whitebeard said nothing. He just sat there quietly drinking the special drink. His face was neither happy nor sad, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

"Dad! Captain Marco! Do you have any new information?"

"Huh? Give it to me."

"Okay, captain, take it."

Just when Marco was still about to say something, a pirate on the ship walked to the cabin with a strange envelope, then handed the paper back in front of Marco, said hello and left as if running away. .

"Dad, here it is! This is sent to you separately. Please take a look at the contents first."


Although Marco's tone had become very soothing, Whitebeard still closed his mouth tightly and said nothing. He just opened the envelope with his huge palm and took out the contents.

"Huh? It's interesting. It's really good."


However, what Mark didn't expect was that not long after Whitebeard just opened the envelope, he couldn't help but smash it, as if he was marveling at something.

"Well, look at it for me, Marco. These are some very interesting topics!"

"Yes, Dad. This is... White Dragon? A deal? And a prophecy - impossible! It's just nonsense!"

"Gu la la la! Marco, don't directly deny those things that sound incredible because of prejudice. Although it is difficult to accept, this ability to foresee the future does exist. At least in the past, Kotsuki Toki and Fish-Man Island All diviners have this ability. What’s even more coincidental is that both Wano Country and Fish-Man Island have a close relationship with that white dragon.”

"I see……"

Although Marco accepted Whitebeard's teachings, he still had doubts about the white dragon in his heart.This is not a suspicion caused by prejudice, but simply a matter of camp.

"Just go to the appointment as this kid said. I would like to see how far young people have grown today! What do you think, Marco?"

" are the captain, of course I listen to you. But you must let us accompany you. You can never be too careful against the enemy!"

"Gu la la la, then it's up to you."

Whitebeard laughed twice and left Class A, returning to his bedroom.Marco had already started making arrangements at that time.

Until today.

Although the most powerful captains of the Whitebeard Pirates have gathered here.But in fact, a dragnet has already been laid out at the base camp of the Whitebeard Pirates.

In this way, whether the navy chooses to attack Whitebeard himself or choose to surround the remaining fleet, it will not become a problem.

Marco, who had arranged all this, did not think about those problems at this time. He only had one thought in his mind now, and that was to quickly find the piece of paper and know the so-called prophecy!

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