The Third Reich: I Became Emperor

Chapter 175

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Before World War II, the US military was not strong in high-precision industry, and was even weak. In some aspects, it was not as good as expected. Why was it able to dominate the world later? The most important thing was that it absorbed the industrial strength of the German army and even the entire Europe, so it was able to dominate the world in such a short time.

Now the US military has not won this war, so in the end, there is still a big gap in the industrial background of both sides.

"Damn it, call for help, we are no match for them! Quick!"

"Already calling for help, my god, when did the German army appear?"

"Our P-51 fighters, come quickly, we can't stop them, they are very fast."

The Germans were not fools, they also knew the performance of their own fighters, and their goal was to kill a large number of enemy planes, so they went after those planes with weak combat effectiveness at the beginning.

"They are coming, they are coming, we are saved"

"Don't be happy too soon. Our fighter planes may not be as strong as the enemy's."

"FUCK, what should I do then?"

"What else can we do? Keep attacking."

But as one fighter plane after another was shot down and destroyed, the pilots of the American fighter planes still screamed in fear.

But no matter how they screamed, this fierce air battle was still going on cruelly. If they were not careful, they would be shot down immediately. Fortunately, the American pilots gradually recovered from their fear and began to fight back.

"Quick, use our numerical advantage. We are no match for them in one-on-one battles. Then we will surround them. I believe we can definitely destroy the Germans."

"Yes, yes, that's it, we will surround the Germans together and wipe them out, anyway, our number is several times theirs."

No, it's bad, they are evacuating, don't let these new German fighters leave, pull them away quickly"

"Damn, they are running very fast, stop them quickly!"

"Asshole, stop it!"

""387" Hey, on time what?"

"Damn it, it's a German jet, retreat quickly."

When the U.S. military began to suppress the German TA-152 fighter group with numbers, the U.S. pilots began to shout excitedly.

But before they could get excited for long, they saw a black shadow appear in the distance, rushing towards them at a very fast speed.

When they saw the silver-white fuselage, the U.S. pilots panicked.

They had seen the power of jet planes, so when they saw the German jet planes flying over, they subconsciously wanted to escape.

After all, the shadow cast by the jet planes on them was too big.

The jet planes that came this time were the first batch of successfully trained J-6 jet planes. The jet planes belonging to the Southern Theater were still under maintenance. This was the support that Rommel specially approved by calling August.

"Damn, it’s very fast. What kind of advanced fighter plane is this?"

"Damn it, he caught up with me and I can't get rid of him"

"Ahhh, help me!"


A missile flew directly over from a distance, instantly stunning the American fighter pilots. They did not expect that the German army had such advanced aircraft. The J-6 was equipped with the PL-1 missile, and of course some were equipped with the Sidewinder missile. Although this type of missile is less effective and has many launch restrictions, it is still easy to deal with these propeller aircraft.

As for the J-6 jets equipped with the Sidewinder missile, they are still in training. Their goal is to defend the Atlantic Ocean.

After all, the navy's combat effectiveness is still average, especially in the area of aircraft carriers. Although carrier-based aircraft are still being produced, they are still unable to cope with the huge scale of the enemy's aircraft carriers. If they have the assistance of the J-6, they can better blockade the entire Atlantic Ocean.

"What new type of aircraft is this?"

"This looks like a missile."

"Oh my god, is this a missile? It's totally unstoppable."

"And it seems to have tracking capabilities."

No matter how the U.S. fighters tried to evade, it was still futile in the face of the J-6 jet fighters. They simply could not evade.

When the J-6 jet fighters joined the battle, the losses of U.S. fighters increased sharply. One after another was shot down, and some were even blown up in mid-air.

"It's so beautiful, just like fireworks."

"Yes, I haven't seen such beautiful fireworks for a long time."

On the ground, hundreds of Tiger and Panther tanks were ready to go, showing their killing fangs, looking at the distant

"Hey, what kind of fighter plane is this? It looks very powerful."In a tank command vehicle, an officer stared at the sky in the distance, where the war was raging, and said to the officer next to him:

"I don't know, maybe it's some new fighter plane?"

"It's amazing that there is such an advanced fighter. If it had been brought out earlier, would we have won a long time ago?"

"This is a matter for the top leaders, and has nothing to do with us. I just want to know when those American troops will arrive here so that we can have a big fight. I am getting impatient, and they are really slow."The officer said nonchalantly.

"Yes, the speed of these American troops is really slow, but they shouldn’t be unable to defeat those Italian troops, right?"

"That shouldn't be possible. If we really can't win, what do we need to do?"

"Why is the speed so slow?" the officer next to him asked curiously.

"Who knows, but it should be impossible to lose. After all, this time the three armies are conducting landing operations on such a large scale.���The Italian army is weak and poorly equipped. It should not be able to stop the attack of the US army. I am worried that the landing troops will be almost wiped out by the rocket launcher."The officer next to him shook his head and said."In that case, we will just wait here." Someone said with a bitter face

ニ"It shouldn't be. According to the headquarters, the US landing force this time is nearly several hundred thousand, and they are all well-trained and well-equipped elite troops, especially their generals are all famous generals."

"With such a strong lineup, I think it shouldn't be too bad. If they are really trapped by several of our divisions, it would be really embarrassing."

"Maybe they really are that shameful."

"It shouldn't be so vulnerable."

Hearing this, the tank battalion commander shook his head and said

"It's hard to say. Didn't you see that the enemy's fighter planes in the sky were hit hard by our fighter planes and suffered heavy losses?"The officer next to him pointed to the sky and the American fighter planes that were fleeing in panic and said


These words left several officers speechless, not knowing what to say.

Originally, when the US fighter planes first appeared, they were densely packed, with almost a thousand fighter planes. According to many people's estimates, there were at least 1,300 to 1,400 fighter planes.

Many people thought that they would not be able to hold on to such a powerful air force, but unexpectedly, they actually had a batch of advanced fighter planes, especially when the J-6 joined the battle, it was simply a crushing defeat.

Many people were surprised and stunned, they did not expect the situation to reverse so dramatically.

While the German army was still watching the show, the US army on the other side was miserable, especially the German rocket artillery bombardment, which caused heavy losses to Allen's First Division, with more than 2,000 casualties in just ten minutes.

"Damn it, where is our air force? Why hasn't it found the German rocket launcher position yet?"Alan couldn't help complaining.

You know, they finally advanced forward, but were beaten back to the beach by rocket launchers, and even lost a lot of weapons and equipment because of their panic escape.

"They are still fighting, and the Germans have new fighter planes, which our fighter planes cannot resist at all."The communications staff said helplessly.

"Bastards, these bastards, trash."Inside the German headquarters, Lieutenant General Ziegler was staring at the map.

"Report, we have used up most of our rockets. We can only fire two more rounds at most. Should we request support?"A staff officer said to Lieutenant General Ziegler with some concern.

"Well? Then report it, but I don't think the commander will give us any more rockets."Lieutenant General Ziegler nodded in agreement. After all, this thing is so useful.

It has become a hot commodity for the front-line troops. They are asking for it everywhere, but the total amount is limited, so they are not allocated that many.

"There is no other way. These rockets are the last in stock. I heard that after using up this batch of rockets, we will have to wait for a long time before we can have more of them.���"The staff officer shrugged helplessly and said

"Yes, that's a pity! It would be great if we could mass-produce these rockets!"Lieutenant General Ziegler said with some regret.

"Why don't the logistics department expand production? In this way, we can defeat the enemy in the fastest time."The staff officer asked in surprise.

"Who knows? But I still like this rocket. It's powerful enough. Lieutenant General Ziegler said calmly.


Just like that, the headquarters fell into silence. On the other side, the fleet led by Dönitz was about to return to Italy.

However, he was reading the telegram reported by the submarine, which clearly recorded the number of enemy ships.

"40 enemy ships, heading 090, speed 20 knots; among them there are 3 aircraft carriers, 1 seaplane carrier, 10 battleships, 11 cruisers, and 11 destroyers!"

When seeing the number of warships, Dönitz's first reaction was to escape, because this was only a squadron of the enemy. Such a powerful strength made him terrified.

This fleet did not come from the waters near Italy, but from the Pacific Ocean. It had fought with the island country's warships several times. At this time, its morale was high and its combat effectiveness was not weak. It crossed the Atlantic Ocean and finally came to the Mediterranean Sea.

Originally, Dönitz's fleet did not discover it, but it was discovered by submarines in the Atlantic Ocean. The only thing that surprised Dönitz was that the commander of this fleet was only a major general.

Moreover, he was not very familiar with this major general, or felt very unfamiliar. If it was Joseph King, Nimitz, or Admiral Lacy, he might be very familiar with them. It was precisely because of the change of people that That’s why he felt unfamiliar, and he didn’t know what the other party was planning.

In fact, Major General Theobo had no intention of coming to the Mediterranean. According to his wishes, it would be fine to stay in the Pacific Ocean, but the Navy Department took a fancy to his command talent and thought he should be able to show his talents in the Atlantic Ocean, so they threw him here.

However, when he came to the Atlantic Ocean, he found that the strength of the German warships had reached a peak, especially after the navies of the three countries united, that strength was no weaker than theirs, so he immediately asked the president for help.

Perhaps it was because when the president learned that Marshal Dönitz’s aircraft carrier fleet was sailing in the direction of Sicily, Italy, he decisively asked Hewitt to dispatch some aircraft carriers, battleships, cruisers, and destroyers from their large-scale fleet to Major General Theobo..........

For this reason, Rear Admiral Theobo's fleet has become so powerful, even far beyond the general task force, reaching the power of the main fleet.

As for the direction of Dönitz's fleet, the US fleet is actually very worried. After all, they are arguing about the direction of the second battlefield at this time.

If they fail this time, the second battlefield will be completely bankrupt, and they will even have to pay a greater price to break the German iron wall.

So this time they can only succeed, not fail, which is why Rear Admiral Theobo's fleet can be greatly enhanced in such a short time.

It can be said to be a bait, or a surprise soldier, anyway, their role is to hit the enemy hard in a short time.

On the other hand, the US military staff was also very annoyed, shocked, even shocked, or panicked.

Although the overall situation in the Pacific battlefield is that the US military has suppressed the island countries, in some local battles, the US military is still at a disadvantage, especially after the island countries have been strengthened by the German army, their combat effectiveness has soared. As a result, their island competition is very tragic, and even a longer time needs to pay a greater price, and there is also air combat.

With the enhanced book, the air combat strength has greatly increased, and the US military has even begun to slowly lose some of its air superiority, so the US military is still very troubled at this time.

Especially after an aircraft carrier fleet appeared in the Atlantic, the US military leaders were even more angry, because this meant that they would have to pay a more tragic price. However, some people believe that the Germans should not use aircraft carriers. After all, the Germans' experience in using aircraft carriers is not a little bit worse than that of the US military, so he thinks that the other side will definitely not use aircraft carriers.

In other words, the combat effectiveness of the German aircraft carriers should not be strong, and they should be able to win in a very short time, but this time it was a bit beyond their expectations.

But some people still believe that they must be vigilant, although so far their fleet has not yet engaged in a direct battle with Marshal Dönitz's aircraft carrier fleet, or it can be said that even a tentative battle has not yet begun; but even so, the US military leaders have already listed the German aircraft carrier fleet as a highly dangerous role, and they must be 100% vigilant and exploratory.

So when Major General Theobo's task force was temporarily expanded and supported, the first order the president gave Major General Theobo was to find out the true strength of the German aircraft carrier force, the performance of its weapons and equipment, and the number of its personnel within 24 hours.

Major General Theobo also attached great importance to this, because he knew very well that the president's attitude towards the European battlefield was much more serious than that on the Pacific battlefield.

Because as the president said to his finance minister:"I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia, or even Hawaii than the German army occupying the entire Europe, and I don't want Big Beard and Fatty Qiu to be defeated. As long as we can defeat the German army on the European battlefield, we can use the British fleet to defeat and surrender Japan within 6 weeks!"

"We don't even need the bearded man to make a move, we can completely defeat those Japanese, so the German army is our main enemy, or even the strongest enemy."

This is what the US President said. Although he disagreed with the president's strategy of Europe first and Asia later, he didn't object too much.

Anyway, for him, whether it was Japan or the German army, they were all a group of evil enemies, so he would be obliged to fight against them.

So after receiving the president's request to test the war, he immediately dispatched a squadron of seaplanes to the area near Marshal Dönitz's aircraft carrier fleet to conduct detection and find out the bottom line.

However, in addition to seaplane reconnaissance aircraft, his aircraft carrier also had more than 30 fighters and a dozen bombers. Their original tasks were to conduct reconnaissance and tentative attacks. Now it was a bit difficult to conduct a bottom line, but they still bit the bullet and attacked.

Within a few minutes, Marshal Dönitz received information about the attack of US fighter planes, their location, and how far away they were.

"It seems that these American troops are really impatient and are about to attack us. Should we immediately send carrier-based aircraft to intercept them? Marshal."

After reading the report, a naval operations staff asked respectfully

"Of course we have to fight back. We have been followed by them for so long. If we don't show them some strength, they will think that our navy is easy to bully!"

Admiral Dönitz said with a gleam in his eyes and a smile full of fighting spirit.

He looked as if he hoped that a big naval battle would break out immediately so that he could kill people and be in a good mood.

"Yes, Your Excellency Marshal.

Seeing the other party so excited, the naval operations staff was also excited and responded happily with a sharp look on his face.

"So how do we fight back now?"

Then the naval operations officer continued to ask:

"Let's send 50 fighters to meet them first! Let's give them a surprise! When their reinforcements arrive, we will use our new carrier-based F-8 aircraft to wipe them out! Just wipe them out completely!"Marshal

Dönitz said with sharp eyes and a bright smile on his face.

It seemed that at this moment he was not talking about combat deployment, but something very happy.

"Yes! Marshal!"

The naval operations staff nodded respectfully._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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