The Third Reich: I Became Emperor

Chapter 171

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Soon, after these well-trained paratroopers finished their inspection and prayed before the final jump, the navigator said loudly:"Ready!"

After shouting this, the parachute door of the transport plane was opened instantly, and the thick clouds suddenly appeared in the eyes of all the paratroopers.

Because they were not flying high, they still saw night at this time. If they were higher, they would see daytime.

"My God, so many transport planes."The first paratrooper who was about to jump saw this scene and smacked his lips and said

"Hook it up!"The paratrooper captain ordered his men behind him.

All the paratroopers quickly hooked the cable and reported loudly:

""Jump!" The captain of the paratroopers said loudly when all the paratroopers were ready.

As the order to jump was given, the first paratrooper began to jump downwards. The airflow driven by the plane blew him downwards quickly.



"do not be afraid!"

"Hey boy what are you doing? Jump"

"I'm scared"

"What are you afraid of? Take a deep breath and jump."

After the last paratrooper jumped, the captain of the paratroopers was the only one left. He looked at the navigator and said with a smile,"May God be with you.""

"May God be with you."

The paratroopers began to land on Sicily, and the island also sounded the shrill air raid sirens. At the same time, a large number of searchlights, tracer bullets, and flares continued to fly into the air. At the same time, anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns of various calibers began to attack densely.

For a time, the entire night sky was filled with terrible and dense artillery fire, as well as the screams of the paratroopers.

"Damn, I got shot."

"Damn, my parachute broke."

"Help me!"

"I don't want to die!"

"Is there anyone? Please save me."

Faced with so many anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns, many paratroopers were scared and terrified. However, they were floating in the sky at this time, so they could only pray to God.

However, even so, many paratroopers landed successfully, especially those on gliders, who landed faster.

At this time, at the combat command headquarters in Sicily, more than a dozen German combat staff began to compile various intelligence.

The enemy paratroopers have successfully landed above our heads, and our air defense forces are counterattacking. Should we send out fighter jets immediately? Counterattack?" A combat staff reported solemnly

"No, let them continue to parachute. We will kill as many as they drop."

At this time, nearly 3,000 American paratroopers had successfully landed in the southern part of Sicily, dozens of kilometers away from the area they attacked.

The British paratroopers also successfully landed thousands of people, but in other areas. At the same time, the US bombing forces also began to bomb Sicily.

After experiencing several disastrous defeats, Eisenhower had become very vigilant in deploying troops. Every bombing was definitely escorted by a large number of fighters, because he also knew the power of the German fighters.

Although the German troops on the island were not panicked, the Italian troops on the island seemed very panicked, and some were even terrified.

"What should we do now? The Allies have arrived on the island. Look at the dense fleet of aircraft and countless paratroopers. We are doomed. We are doomed this time."

"Don't panic, we're gonna win"

"How to win, you will lose"

"What are you afraid of? We can just surrender now. I believe they won't kill us."

Seeing more and more paratroopers landing, many Italian soldiers were trembling with fear and said palely.

"Sir, if we surrender to the coalition forces without permission, we will be executed."A major next to him said with some concern.

"Humph, we have already lost, there is no point in fighting any further, why don't we surrender, are we just going to die like this?" Someone couldn't help but say

"What's more, our leader has been arrested, we can surrender"

"However, there are still many German troops on the island. If they know that we surrender, will they rush over to kill us? Someone looked at the German positions in the distance and said worriedly.

"Humph, if you are so afraid of death, then you should be buried with the Germans. Do you know how many American soldiers are out there? Look at the distance, there are warships and thousands of fighter planes."

"Anyway, I don't think this war will work, and I'm tired of it. I just want to go home."A lieutenant colonel insisted on his opinion.

This statement resonated with many people. They had long been tired of war and didn't want to fight at all. Now their only thought was to surrender and go home.

"Me too, I want to go home too, why don't we escape from here together."Someone couldn't help but say

"We should not flee, but retreat. We should fight and retreat at the same time. We should at least show the Germans that we are deserters. We must not let them think we are deserters."Someone suggested.

"That's right, we will retreat immediately if we encounter an attack from the coalition forces."After hearing this, the Italian commander in charge said excitedly.

However, there are many Italian troops who want to retreat before fighting. After all, they are only third-line troops with little combat effectiveness. They will definitely not be able to hold on if they encounter such a strong attack.

"There seems to be something wrong with that group of Italian soldiers?"A German officer looked at the Italian positions in the distance through a telescope and frowned.

"Do you want to retreat?" Someone couldn't help but ask

"A bit like"

"Humph, they are simply courting death.

The commander does not completely trust the Italian army.

A supervision team has been deployed not far away.

If they dare to retreat, they will definitely seek death.

"An officer next to him said disdainfully.

The three German divisions on the island are all newly established teams, and they have all been equipped with new weapons.

Their combat effectiveness is several times stronger than before.

Dayouci must show off his skills and let the US military see how powerful we are.

" Someone couldn't help but say

"Hehe, this time the US troops will definitely not return, hehe"

"I have long wanted to try new weapons, and this time I finally have the chance"

"Come quickly."

Seeing his devilish smile, the other officers did not answer, but were full of fighting spirit.

Just as the paratroopers began to land one after another, the dark British and American fleets also appeared on the sea.

Under the cover of the fleet, the landing ship began to rush towards the beach, and at this time, the 82nd Paratrooper Division that successfully landed on the island began to attack the beach.

Their goal was to capture the town not far behind the beach and occupy the airport not far away, so as to destroy the opponent's air support.

"Speed up and clear these beachhead positions as soon as possible before the Italians discover us."

At this time, a US captain jumped off the landing ship and began to shout loudly to his men behind him.

"Boom, boom!"

Two consecutive explosions started the battle.

"Damn it, it's a mine, they actually planted a mine."

A squad of soldiers was caught off guard and stepped on a mine, and all of them were blown up into the sky. Only three of them survived, but they also broke a leg.

"Damn it, I must kill all these sons of bitches."

The captain of the US Army looked at the wounded soldier howling in pain and roared like thunder.

With the experience, the group of US soldiers who successfully landed by parachute began to move forward cautiously, and in front of them were engineers who were constantly clearing mines.

"Da da da, da da da, da da da!"

The Italian troops stationed here had already discovered the American parachutes and began to fight back bravely.

""Quick, quick, where are the machine gun crews? Set up the machine guns and suppress the enemy with fire." The American captain saw this and immediately shouted loudly.

However, the machine gun crew was still a little slow to react. Many soldiers and engineers were immediately mowed down by the Italian army's bullets, and there were heavy casualties.

"Asshole, call for artillery support, position XXX. Five rapid shots.

The US captain decisively called for naval gun support, without aiming, and directly covered the area with fire.

""Boom, boom!" Although the Italian army's counterattack was relatively fierce, the casualties were heavy under the volley of naval guns, and the number of people who dared to fight back was instantly reduced.

In addition, many beach bunkers were destroyed and blown up, and the Italian soldiers inside were either killed or injured, or wailing in pain.

Those who could not help but escape could not escape the American submachine gun fire.

""Well done, kill all these sons of bitches, hahaha." The American captain shouted excitedly when he saw this scene.

With the support of naval guns, the landing troops quickly cleared the Italian troops on the beach.

Faced with the huge naval gun bombardment of the M Army, the Italian troops on the beach finally couldn't hold on and began to retreat.

In addition to helping the landing troops land, they also used naval guns to bombard the minefields on the beach to clear the minefield and reduce the casualties of the infantry.

"Kill all these damn Italian soldiers"

"We should be more careful. We underestimated the Germans last time and were ambushed by them, resulting in the loss of many troops."A major general said

"Well said. After all, we still haven't figured out the new weapons and equipment of the German army, so it's better to be careful before we fully understand these weapons."

"In addition, we have no idea how strong the German troops stationed in Sicily are, or whether they are equipped with any new weapons."

"Therefore, I think that no matter how smoothly our landing operations go, we must be extremely careful of the sudden counterattack of the German army."The chief of staff next to him said with some concern.

""You are right to worry, but you are a little too worried. This time, whether it is the army, navy, or air force, we are stronger than ever before, and our weapons and equipment are also very sophisticated. Even if there are three German divisions stationed on the island, we don't have to worry too much. We just need to be careful." The major general disagreed.

Although the German army is very powerful, the troops they mobilized this time are very powerful, and the German army will definitely not be able to hold on.

"Not to mention that there are three German divisions stationed here, even if they transfer a few more divisions, we don’t have to be afraid of them. The Soviet army on the Eastern Front can stop hundreds of German divisions. Can't we even destroy a few divisions?"

"If we really cannot destroy them, then I don't need to be a general and can just go home and retire. I believe that our troops are definitely the most powerful in the world. Does the German army have such a huge logistics as ours?"

"So the German army can only be defeated by us, and will not have any chance to fight back."The major general said confidently.

He was so arrogant and confident because their logistics were indeed very complete. There were more than a dozen supply ships not far away, ready to supply the landing troops at any time, not to mention that dozens of warships were eagerly bombarding the island fortifications. Wherever there was a request for help, there was artillery support.

He did not believe that the German army could still hold on under such powerful artillery fire, and would definitely be beaten to the ground by them.

"The general is right. We must never encourage others to be more ambitious and destroy our own prestige. No matter how cunning and powerful the German army is, or how advanced their weapons are, we are the most powerful and we will definitely defeat them."

"Victory will eventually belong to us, the German army will definitely be destroyed, and we will be the final winners."Someone flattered and said loudly.

Hearing this, the chief of staff continued to frown. He knew that he was indeed a little too worried, but the current situation still made him a little confused.

"Sir, don't you feel strange? The paratroopers have been airborne for half an hour, and we have never heard any bombardment from our ships. However, apart from the Italian troops, there seems to be no German troops on the defensive positions on the entire beach."

"There must be some conspiracy here, I think we'd better be careful."

In response to the chief of staff's suggestion, the major general said nonchalantly:"Don't worry so much, maybe the Germans were scared away by our powerful naval guns, or they are hiding somewhere trembling and dare not come out, or they may be too far away from our landing site and can't get here."

Anyway, he was not worried at all. In his eyes, the force of this landing was absolutely unprecedentedly powerful, and if it was somewhere else, it would definitely be a force to open up a second battlefield.

"It is possible that they were entangled by the paratroopers. After all, this time two paratrooper divisions were airdropped at once, which was a large-scale airdrop, and the German army would definitely be distracted."The operations staff agreed again. The chief of staff could only sigh helplessly for the pride of his superior, but this time the landing force was indeed unprecedentedly strong. If it were in the past, it would have been reported to the superiors long ago.

After all, if such a large landing force could not defeat several German divisions, it would be a real disgrace.

However, it has been almost an hour since the landing, and the German army has not appeared, and there is not even a sound. Faced with such a surprising situation, he couldn't help but feel a little scared, and even suspected that there was a conspiracy of the German army.

"Don't think too much. I think you are overthinking. The German army is not as strong as you think. We defeated Rommel's troops in North Africa. Believe me, there is no need to worry about the three German divisions. We will definitely win."

"Look back, with such a large-scale landing force, air force, and navy, do you think the German army can win? We are completely afraid of them."

Hearing this, the chief of staff didn't want to argue anymore. After all, everything was meaningless before there was any result. He could only sigh helplessly, then raised the telescope, looked into the distance, and continued to observe the situation on the beach.

At this time, in the sky, US fighter planes began to bombard the landing beachhead continuously.

Their purpose was to ensure that the landing troops could successfully complete the landing.

""Hey, that's a bit strange. Why haven't we seen any trace of the German army when we destroyed so many offensives?" an American pilot in the sky asked curiously.

The leader quickly replied,"What's wrong? Are you afraid of the German army?""

"No, I just feel it's a little strange. After all, we suffered a lot from the Germans before. I'm worried about what they will do this time?" The wingman pilot explained.

Hearing this, the lead pilot said unhappily:"That's all in the past. The scale of our landing this time is so huge. Believe me, we can definitely win. Even if the Germans hide, we can blow them out from underground."

At this time, the M Army has regained its original confidence. After all, their scale this time is very large, and there is no need to be afraid.

While they were discussing, hundreds of gliders and hundreds of C-47 transport planes not far away were looking for suitable places for airborne gliding over Sicily.

Due to the attacks of searchlights, flares, and anti-aircraft guns, many gliders have been destroyed, so the airborne troops suffered heavy losses.

After all, the island is so big that two divisions can't be parachuted in one place at a time. They must be scattered everywhere to cause trouble to the enemy.

"Why don't we land near the coast?"Looking at the gliders that had already flown over the coastline of Sicily, an officer asked in confusion.

"Don't you realize that there are more anti-aircraft guns on the shore than in other places? That's why they flew over the island to find a new landing site."A colonel responded loudly while looking at the battle situation below the island.

"But, haven't the other two regiments already released their gliders near the coastline?" the officer asked, still puzzled.

"Okay, follow the order. Now we just hope that the German fighter planes don't appear here, otherwise we will be in big trouble."The colonel ignored the angry officer and looked around at the battle situation.

"Hey, what's there to be afraid of? Didn't you see the naval guns attacking the beachhead? And those Italian soldiers being bombed, look at them, their fighter planes didn't even dare to show up."

"There are thousands of fighter planes around us. With so many aircraft, the German fighter planes will never dare to attack us."

"Humph, if we were not assigned to the second paratroopers, we would have already landed at the designated location, and we might have beaten the Germans on the ground to a pulp."The officer said with a furious look on his face._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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