The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 317 The most powerful spear in the world VS the most powerful shield in the world!

Developing energy shields?

Naturally, no one would object to such a good thing. Everyone agreed with both hands and feet, feeling excited and crazy about Gao Yuan's proposal.

After all, everyone knows that another nickname for energy shield is galaxy-level defense power.

In other words, energy shield is the front-end technology of Star Ocean and the standard equipment of all levels of starships. Only by mastering this technology can China's space journey truly go further.

After all, the universe is full of dangers. Without super defense technology, it is very likely that as soon as you leave the earth, you will be hit directly by meteorites or electromagnetic storms.

As usual, Gao Yuan once again came up with a solution, and everyone was even more excited after seeing it.

And this is the most awesome thing about Plateau. He not only sets goals, but also spares no effort to lead everyone to solve problems, and ultimately turn goals into reality.

"That's it for the arrangements for energy shield research and development. Do you have anything else to do?" Gao Yuan asked, looking around.

Everyone shook their heads, indicating that they had nothing to say.

At this time, Xu Qingzhou suddenly smiled and said, "I got some very interesting news. Do you want to hear it?"

Gao Yuan said: "Speak, and don't show off."

Xu Qingzhou chuckled, and then said with a helpless expression: "The big dog is back from the dead!"

"Can you imagine that because of our new energy plan, the big players in the Middle East went bankrupt one after another. They could no longer sell their oil and had to return to the desert to raise camels."

"However, as we embarked on a new journey to create energy freedom with controllable fusion technology, the big dogs actually came back to life relying on the photovoltaic technology we eliminated, and generated a lot of electricity relying on the powerful sunshine resources in the Middle East. , and made a lot of money.”


Everyone was dumbfounded, there was such a coquettish operation? China phased out photovoltaic power generation, allowing the big dog owners to come back to life?

But if you think about it carefully, this is true. Photovoltaic power generation relies on the sun. The bigger the sun, the longer the sunshine time, the lower the cost of power generation.

In the Middle East, apart from oil and camels, there is only the big sun. Under the premise that the whole world uses China's photovoltaic technology, the cost of power generation in the Middle East is much lower than that in other countries.

Don’t underestimate the issue of energy prices. In modern society, energy prices are the core competitiveness. Countries with cheap electricity prices have low industrial and agricultural costs, and products produced at low costs will be more competitive.

According to calculations, after the Middle East adopts China's photovoltaic technology, the cost of electricity per kilowatt hour is only about three cents, which is one-third that of high-latitude countries such as Russia and Sweden.

Even if high-latitude countries use advanced Chinese photovoltaic power generation technology, the cost is only about a dime. After all, the sunlight there is not very powerful.

As a result, an energy price gap is formed.

The Middle East sells electricity that costs three cents to high-latitude European countries at a price of five cents, which can generate a gross profit of 66%. However, it is cheaper for high-latitude European countries to buy electricity from the Middle East than to generate their own electricity. …

As a result, a new energy trade chain was born, and the big players changed from oil-exporting countries to electricity-exporting countries, and they still made a lot of money.

Damn it!

Gao Yuan said, and he suddenly felt like he was married to a dog. After working hard for many years, he actually made wedding clothes for the wealthy dogs.

"Europe is really unlucky. In the age of oil, they had to look at the big guns and old men. Now that they have entered the electric age, they still have to look to the big boys to buy electricity. Of course, some countries with foresight, such as Germany, In France, they all generate their own electricity, and they don’t buy electricity from big companies even if it’s cheap.”

"But the problem is that there are too many small countries in Europe. The big countries think about strategy, while the small countries only think about cheapness, so the big players can still get a piece of Europe's pie."

"As for the most unlucky one, it seems that I am probably Lao Maozi. In the past, they were one of the largest oil exporters on the planet. Now not only is the oil industry finished, but they also have to find big companies to buy electricity." Xu Qingzhou said in a teasing tone. .

Cao Feiyu shook his head, "I don't feel sorry for the old man. Slavs have always been an outlier among white people. The Angsa Group still pays attention to credit, but Slavs are the best at tearing up contracts. In their eyes, credit is nothing." None of it counts.”

"They have white faces, but they act like typical Mongolian convicts. I don't believe anyone who says that Slavs can be saved. In terms of per capita education level, economy and resources, they are not bad. They are two-faced. Has the personality changed? Not at all. This shows that some things that exist in the genes and bones cannot be changed unless it undergoes a very large-scale, thorough cleansing."

"Come on." Gao Yuan curled his lips and said: "We don't even bother to clean up the Angsa people, let alone the Slavs. They are not my race, so their minds must be different. If I say this, I will definitely be scolded by the whole world, but this It’s an ironclad fact and the basic law of how the world works.”

"So I still say, do your own thing well. If other ethnic groups and countries really want to learn, we can educate and guide them without delaying their own progress. However, people like Angsa and Slavs who are accustomed to double-dealing , let’s forget it, they can be happy themselves.”

Before you know it, the world is completely different from what it used to be.

Gao Yuan now controls the resources of the entire China and can achieve his goals according to his own ideas.

However, even so, it still took a long time to develop energy shield technology. This is not because the technology gap is too large. The terrifyingly strong magnetic confinement device of the controllable fusion device has not been able to survive on the plateau. The energy shield is in fusion confinement. On the basis of the installation, expanding and extending, and carrying out technological upgrades, it will be even less likely to stump him.

The main reason is that Plateau hopes for perfection. After all, as we all know, the magnetic confinement system used in controlled fusion is a kind of energy constraint, and the energy shield used by spacecraft and planetary colony bases must take into account both energy protection and physical protection.

Therefore, in order to achieve the goal, a large number of new designs and more complex testing links are needed.

As a result, time passed day by day, and Gaoyuan failed to release the technology in time for December 1, and waited until January 1, which is New Year's Day.

At the beginning of the new year, in the morning, major live broadcast rooms around the world opened on time, and countless viewers flocked in.

During the recent period, Fan Gaoyuan's live broadcasts have always had a stable audience number of around 100 million, making him the undisputed most awesome male anchor in the world, with more fans than all other anchors combined.

"Happy New Year!"

“One year has passed without me realizing it. Looking back on the past twelve months, it’s been really wonderful!”

"Yes, yes, my dad said that he has seen more black technology in the past year than he has ever seen in his life."

"Now that the new year has begun again, I hope that Boss Gao and I, Great China, will continue to work hard!"

"Must! In the new year, China must be awesome!"

"So, what's our slogan?"

"In the new year, China must be awesome!"

"What's our slogan?"

"In the new year, China must be awesome!"

The barrage was flying, the audience was discussing enthusiastically, and the atmosphere was filled with joy.

At the same time, the live broadcast camera was facing a desolate Gobi desert. It was empty for hundreds of miles and a biting cold wind was blowing. There seemed to be a lonely iron house in the distance. It was still very new. It looked like it had just been built. .

This is probably Plateau's experimental base again. Since taking over the Tarim Basin, Plateau has been doing crazy things, building many strange experimental facilities in the desert, and also likes to farm, raise fish and so on.

The people have become accustomed to this. Maybe one day when they wake up and look at the satellite map, they will find that there is an extra building in the Tarim Basin, or an ugly gully has been dug.

By the way, I can’t live in the plateau, which is a good land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River, but I have come to this desolate Gobi. Isn’t it just because of the big place and easy trouble?

At ten o'clock sharp, Gao Yuan appeared. He was wearing a white shirt, jeans, and a sports coat.

Thanks to energy freedom and powerful textile material science, even in the coldest arctic, a shirt and jacket can withstand the severe cold of minus 40 degrees Celsius, so it is normal to wear it outdoors in winter on the plateau.

Gao Yuan smiled and said to the camera: "Dear viewers, hello everyone, I am Gao Yuan, welcome to Kunlun Group's live broadcast."

"As we all know, not long ago, we launched a package of huge and exciting plans to enter the solar system. We are preparing to set up a super space station in Earth orbit, prepare to set up a base on the moon, build a large-scale resource mining and processing center on Jupiter, and prepare to build a large-scale resource mining and processing center on the distant Neptune. Establish an outpost space station, prepare to send an expedition fleet, go deep into the weird and complex Kuiper Belt, and find out what exactly exists in the outer reaches of the solar system."

"In short, we have the determination to move towards the stars and the sea, but at the same time, we must also complete the necessary science and technology in the era of the big universe in the shortest time and at the fastest speed."

"Today I stand here to solemnly introduce to you our energy shield technology! Kunlun King Kong!"

"Starships sail in the universe, build bases on asteroids, dispatch reconnaissance aircraft, and explore distant outer space of galaxies. All of them must be protected by energy shields, otherwise they will not be able to cope with the complex and changeable environment of the universe."

Gao Yuan's straightforward introduction immediately caused a huge sensation, everyone was shocked, and the barrage covered the sky.

"Awesome! Kunlun King Kong! It's actually an energy shield system!"

"Do you want it to be so strong! Fusion jet, unmanned interstellar mining, these technologies have just debuted, and it's soon the turn of energy shields!?"

"What is China's speed? This is it!"

"The energy shield has arrived, can the ion cannon be far behind? Can the colonization of Mars be far behind!?"

Gao Yuan coughed twice and faced the camera and said: "We always insist on convincing others with the truth, so without further ado, we will conduct the test immediately!"

"Look, everyone, the two-story metal building in the distance is actually covered by an energy shield."

"In order to test the performance of Kunlun King Kong, PLA will use the Kunlun Zenith laser transmitter to directly attack the target!"

"The most powerful spear and the most powerful shield in the world, the competition is about to begin!"

"Please wait and see!"

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