The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 12 Jiang Yuanyuan’s shock and Gao Yuan’s assumptions (four thousand chapters)

"Remember to treat me to hot pot. If it weren't for me, would things have gone so smoothly?"

"Don't worry, I'll treat you to Xiaolongkan when you're done."

"An old classmate, you don't even know that I don't eat spicy food?"

"Well, then I can treat you to pork belly chicken, or Chaoshan beef hot pot, right?"

"Hehe, that's pretty much it."

After walking out of the bank, Jiang Yuanyuan rushed to the plateau to bid farewell to Cao Feiyu and saw them getting into the old black Honda Accord.

"Yuanyuan, your classmate is really low-key. Why would such a rich person drive this car?"

Someone suddenly spoke behind her, and Jiang Yuanyuan looked back. At some point, her colleague Liu Zhenru came behind her.

Jiang Yuanyuan frowned, "They are not rich people. Gao Yuan's family has a small factory, so they are wealthy at most. As for Cao Feiyu, his parents are intellectuals, with a high social status, but his financial aspects are average."

After hearing this, Liu Zhenru's eyes widened, "So you don't know, this classmate of yours has a very powerful invention patent in his name, and with a stroke of his pen, Mr. Lu approved it for 50 million!" A new record set!”

Jiang Yuanyuan was startled. She did not ask about the loan amount just now. After all, it involved people's privacy.

However, she never expected that the loan amount would be so huge. Even though Jiang Yuanyuan grew up in a wealthy family, she still found it unbelievable.

After all, Gaoyuan did not mortgage any physical objects to the bank, but only mortgaged an invention patent in his name. Jiang Yuanyuan could not understand, what kind of invention was this? Is it actually worth so much money?

Moreover, the bank is willing to lend 50 million, which means that the real market value of Gaoyuan's invention is far more than 50 million, at least hundreds of millions!

With huge doubts, Jiang Yuanyuan knocked on the door of President Lu's office.

Lu Yong did not hide anything. He was on the phone at the moment, explaining to the leaders of the head office that the matter had been settled, and a 50 million loan was approved for Gao Yuan, etc.

The leader of the head office was not sure either, so he even called the Imperial Capital to ask what the person in the high-walled compound meant.

"Yuanyuan, do you have anything to do with me?" Lu Yong asked happily after hanging up the phone. From the leader's tone, it seemed that he was quite satisfied with his work.

Jiang Yuanyuan said worriedly: "Why did you approve so many loans to Gao Yuan? What if he doesn't pay back?"

Lu Yong was stunned, but soon figured out the inside story. Jiang Yuanyuan only looked at the problem from the perspective of a little girl, but she had no idea that there was such a high level behind this matter.

The reason why the emperor has experts secretly assisting is probably because it involves competition between great powers. After all, everyone knows that the situation is getting more and more serious now.

Lu Yong didn't understand it before, but through humbly asking for advice, he now fully understands the huge destructive power of X fiber on the entire chemical fiber industry.

Once this thing comes out, to put it mildly, it will shake the foundation of the international chemical fiber giants headed by DuPont in North America.

To put it seriously, it may cause a bloodbath in the global market! Completely change the industry landscape!

Lu Yong couldn't help but feel his blood boil when he thought of the bloody storm that X-fiber was about to unleash!

With an elder's kind smile on his face, Lu Yong said: "Don't worry, Gao Yuan will be able to pay off the loan on time. The new fiber he invented has huge market value. I have been working in credit for more than 20 years, so I am still sure of this. "

A twenty-year-old girl always has simple thoughts. After hearing this, Jiang Yuanyuan was overjoyed and said: "So, Gao Yuan is really smart, and the things he invented are quite valuable?"


Even the above are paying attention to it, I am afraid it is not just as simple as money.

Thinking of this, Lu Yong said to Jiang Yuanyuan very solemnly: "If you have time, get closer to this Gao Yuan classmate. His future is very bright."

Fifty million!

A total of fifty million!

On the way back, Gao Yuan couldn't help but giggle. He couldn't believe that he had received such a large sum of money.

As the old saying goes, a penny can stump a heroic man. Although this money was borrowed and will have to be repaid in the future, it at least solved the plateau's biggest dilemma at the moment.

"Let's go, let's find a place to celebrate." Gao Yuan said happily: "With this money, we can let go and fuck him to the fullest!"

"It's indeed worth celebrating. By the way, we also need to discuss how to allocate funds. From now on, we can no longer be as extensive as when your dad managed the factory. Each department must make financial budgets."

Cao Feiyu nodded in agreement, but when he turned around, he saw Gao Yuan making a call, so he smiled and said: "Are you planning to make an appointment with Jiang Yuanyuan? If you had known better, you should have made an appointment with her when you were at the bank just now. Call now, It seems a bit deliberate.”


Gao Yuan looked at Cao Feiyu suspiciously and asked, "Who said I want to date Jiang Yuanyuan?"

Cao Feiyu was suddenly startled, "White-eyed Wolf, you just promised to treat her to hot pot, okay, but now you forgot about it in the blink of an eye?"

Gao Yuan frowned, "Let's talk about Jiang Yuanyuan later. In fact, the person I want to date is Xu Qingzhou, a talented Dr. Xu. It would be great if he could help us with research and development."


Cao Feiyu helplessly held his forehead, thinking that when people celebrate, they ask a few girls to liven up the atmosphere. You actually only want to date one man? What do you mean by this?

So, in the evening, Jiang Yuanyuan didn't know if anyone invited her to eat hot pot, but the three grown men sat down at a Chaoshan hot pot restaurant.

Not to mention, the three stinky men are kind of like each other. They are all carnivores and do not like to eat vegetables. They ordered a table full of meat. The only vegetarian food was pitiful frozen tofu and chrysanthemum.

After drinking for three rounds, the three of them chatted more and more.

"Seriously, you already have the money, how do you plan to develop next?" Xu Qingzhou asked seriously.

Gao Yuan smiled and replied: "I plan to take the path of light assets and heavy research and development."

Asset-light? Focus on R\u0026D?

Xu Qingzhou's eyes immediately lit up, "I study materials and don't understand management matters, but what you said seems quite interesting?"

"It's very simple." Gao Yuan said: "We are only responsible for research and development, and leave production to other factories to make the most of China's industrial chain advantages."

"You also know that this trade war is very tragic. I see various experts on the Internet constantly analyzing and predicting, and their views seem to be quite reasonable. However, in my opinion, the West's ideas are actually very simple. They are They just want to kill us."


Xu Qingzhou and Cao Feiyu frowned at the same time. It seemed that Gao Yuan's judgment on the other side of the Pacific Ocean was far more cruel and true than ordinary people.

After a pause, Gao Yuan continued: "But since the West has decided to kill it and used all kinds of shameless and dirty methods, why can we still hold on?"

"Is it because there are so many of us?"

"Obviously not. India also has a large population and is younger. But I'm sure that if India were put in the position we are in today, they wouldn't be able to withstand a single blow and would just kneel down."

"We have a trump card in this world, and one of the most important ones is the entire industry chain."

"On July 24, 2020, some netizens pointed out that the North American authorities conducted a coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia in order to obtain the country's lithium resources. This behavior is obviously shameless."

"Soon, Tesla Group founder Elon Musk, a technology icon who has become extremely popular in recent years, publicly replied, "Oh, in this world, we in the United States can subvert whoever we want to subvert."

"Arrogant, downright arrogant and unreasonable. As soon as these words came out, a large number of netizens went crazy. You know, not to mention in North America, even in China, there are a large number of Musk fans. Everyone admires him and feels that he He is an internationalist and imagines that Musk can lead mankind out of the solar system, but in fact, Musk is a white supremacist at heart."

"I saw on the Internet that many netizens expressed shock and felt that their three views were shattered, but I didn't think so, because before Musk, another Zuckerberg classmate who was known as the son-in-law of China had already described the hypocrisy of white people. Gentle and fickle, on full display.”

“Once upon a time, Zuckerberg went to the imperial capital, ran in the morning in the smog, spoke half-fluent Chinese, and tried his best to please us. However, once he found out that he had no way to benefit from us, he immediately He stabbed us in the back without hesitation.”

Xu Qingzhou nodded, and continued Gao Yuan's words: "As early as 2010, when David Fincher was filming the movie [The Social Network], he actually predicted Zuckerberg's despicable nature. Unfortunately, at that time, We all felt that it was just a movie and we didn’t take the plot seriously.”

"Yes, sometimes I have to admit that artistic people such as directors and writers tend to have a more vicious perspective on problems." Gao Yuan shrugged and said: "In short, Musk and Zuckerberg, in fact They are the same kind of people, but Musk finally chose to put the factory in China. Why is this?"

"It's not just because of our entire industry chain. In the field of automobiles, our shortcomings are engines and gearboxes. However, Tesla is an electric car that just doesn't have an engine or gearbox. So if you look around the world, you can't find it anymore. There is a more suitable production location than China. Even if Musk is a white supremacist, he can only settle in Shanghai with his nose in his hands."

Cao Feiyu frowned, "Then I don't understand. Since Musk has no good intentions and may be detrimental to us if we grow bigger, why should we let him come? Isn't this inviting a wolf into the house?"

Gao Yuan thought for a while and said: "It's not about luring a wolf into the house, it's just a catfish effect at most."

"We also made a lot of investments in electric vehicles in the past few years, but in the end, car companies all went for state subsidies and defrauded the country of a lot of money, but they were unable to produce truly competitive products."

“You must know that automobiles are the largest industrial cluster on the planet, providing employment to hundreds of millions of people. In the field of traditional gasoline engines and diesel engines, it is difficult for us to catch up with those international giants. Even if we can catch up, it will take too long. .”

"But we can overtake in corners. We use electric motors to do things that cannot be done with gasoline and diesel engines."

“Before entering China, Tesla’s battery supplier was Japan’s Panasonic. However, starting from the first half of 2020, Panasonic was killed by the Chinese battery giant CATL. In addition, there are many parts companies that have suffered losses as a result. benefits."

"Market share is always limited. CATL has taken away Panasonic's business, and Panasonic will be furious. There are more and more electric vehicles. ZF makes gearboxes, Bosch makes fuel injection, and Denso makes engine accessories. , they will be in trouble."

"In any case, electric vehicles and traditional cars are two different tracks. Obviously, the track of electric vehicles is more beneficial to us. The bustling world is for benefit, and the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit. Musk He comes to our place to do business, and when we let him in, he does business as well, and everyone gets what they need."

After eating a piece of dragonfly and drinking down the beer in his glass, Gao Yuan said with a hint of drunkenness: "Back to the field of textile and clothing, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang alone, there are many related factories, and the industrial chain is already very mature. "

"We don't need to make all the money and distribute some of it to upstream and downstream factories. We just need to ensure that our own product moat is high enough and profits are high enough."

"And as we all know, many smart factories have moved to Southeast Asia a long time ago. I just want them to see that there are benefits to staying."

Gao Yuan explained his plan to make use of existing production capacity. The advantage is that it is fast, saving the time of building a factory himself, and he can get the goods immediately.

And there are no management costs. You know, setting up a factory and managing thousands of workers to work in an orderly manner are completely different concepts and very troublesome.

As for the disadvantages, the main one is spending money.

But this is not a problem for high-profit industries. Apple does not have its own factories, but Apple is the most valuable company on earth. In the final analysis, isn’t it because Apple’s profits are high enough that it doesn’t care if it gives some to foundries? .

Gao Yuan talked eloquently, Cao Feiyu and Xu Qingzhou nodded repeatedly, agreeing with Gao Yuan's ideas. There is no doubt that Gao Yuan is not the kind of person who decides things with a slap on the forehead. He has been thinking about these steps and details for a long time.

"It's getting late, let's talk about business." Gao Yuan raised his hand and looked at his watch and said, "If Dr. Xu doesn't mind, I'm still short of a R\u0026D director."

"Of course it's best if you can work full-time. If you don't want to give up the iron job of the national laboratory, you can also choose to work part-time and come to the factory to guide the work in your spare time. In short, I am really hungry for talents like Dr. Xu."

This night, Xu Qingzhou rarely suffered from insomnia. He recalled what Gao Yuan said at the dinner table over and over again. There was no doubt that he was a madman who supported the theory of entering the country, but Xu Qingzhou liked this madman!

In the hands of others, X-fiber may be a tool to make money, but in the hands of Plateau, it is likely to become an extremely lethal weapon.


With a sigh, Xu Qingzhou tossed and turned on the bed.

"Let's work part-time at Gao Yuan first." Xu Qingzhou finally decided: "We can't ignore the feelings of my parents. If my parents know that I resigned from the national laboratory and went to a private enterprise, they will be very disappointed."

There are 4,000 chapters, and it’s not easy to separate them, so I uploaded them together.

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