The System’s Harvester

Chapter 14: Takeoff

Late Afternoon - Early Summer : Richmond, Virginia | East Coast United States


*Bl-Bl-Blub* *Ding!* -Hm?- Hearing my system ping, I used my hand to motion the panel up in front of my face before quickly skimming it. -Ah, it's the data link...-

Data Link Requested

Requester: "Saint Michael"

Colloquial World Name: Earth

Disclaimers <Expand>
Administrator's Note <Expand>
Accept Deny
WARNING: This server is of a significantly lower rank than the host's residential server.

-Disclaimers?- Quickly tapping on 'Expand', my panel updated with a wall of warnings, as well as explaining some basic concepts of what exactly data links were, who could view what, and how they could be used maliciously.

In short, data links were the tethering of a user's main system profile and a mirror of that profile permanently planted into another server's database. This meant the user would inherit access to the tethered server and all its functions regardless of their connection to it, so even if they were in another world, connected to a different server, they could access and communicate with the tethered server and anyone on it, as well as receive quests and transfer items.

According to the warnings, this interaction was typically reserved for administrators or their closest underlings to let them still communicate with their world while they were away, but it still held many benefits for normal users.

However, as expected, being constantly connected to a world's server also meant that that server's administrators would have access and jurisdiction over the user's profile, being able to not only issue quests with penalties, but even directly manipulate their inventory and upgrades.

It was essentially a link that signed away your freedom, hence the endless mass of warnings in the disclaimers tab.

However, in my case, I wasn't too worried about it. Even though Michael would technically have some authority over me, I was confident he knew his orders would, at best, reach my ears as suggestions. -He can't afford to upset me either, so I doubt he'll try anything stupid like touching my shit or giving me quest penalties...-

However, while I cringed just thinking about the possibility, that would be the last time it crossed my mind.

*Woop* Swiping away the panel, I went back to the request and opened up the Administrator's note, expecting to see a note from Michael.

However, it seemed to be a note from a very different administrator, reading as follows, "This is not a normal data link, but that isn't because it's what the requester asked for. Essentially because of some errors in your profile, it cannot be formally accessed, meaning you will have to manually input data for the linked server to see. This also means the local administrators will not be able to view or directly edit your actual profile, so many system-based utilities that require that functionality, like 'quest rewards' and 'command penalties', are essentially rendered useless. Rewards and penalties must be transferred to you physically, with the exception of gold.

If you decide to accept, you will unlock a new tab in your system that will let you freely tweak your visible data, but be forewarned, it will likely notify the system when changes are made. Also please keep in mind that the administrators will still be able to edit that visible profile, as well as restrict server access from it like normal."

As my eyes reached the end of the message, the rest of my body remained completely still with an expression of disbelief on my face.

But it only took a moment for it to morph into a wide, predatory smile. -Oh my...-

Although to any normal user, the penalty of not being able to receive anything that couldn't be transferred through physical means like stats or upgrades was brutal, for me it meant nothing.

-It seems I was worried for no reason!- Happily accepting the request as I comfortably rested my cheek on my fist, I returned to my main System panel and promptly tapped on the new tab labeled 'Data Link'. *Woop*

Almost instantly, a new panel lined with tabs appeared in front of my face with an extensive forum that looked like a more detailed version of my local system panel, listing everything from name and titles to stats, an inventory, and 'skills' which I momentarily assumed were the same as upgrades.

However, unlike my actual stat panel, all its values were blank with the exception of my name. -Holy shit...-

Tapping the blank space next to 'Strength' on the forum, a number pad immediately popped up. "Hahaha!" I couldn't help but let out a laugh. -How terrifyingly convenient...-

It was quite literally a universal key that released nearly every restriction on me currently. -Looks like I won't need to worry about lying until I'm caught anymore...-

Quickly filling out the information, I set my display level to just over 600 with pretty balanced stats, set my race to normal 'Human', and selectively left several things like my class as 'Unselected'. -Now all that's left is to get a proper ID for Earth and I can get comfortable...- *Woop* -Assuming I can get a handle on my aura, at least...-

Confirming my inputs, I was immediately sent back to my main system panel, and went to close it, but before I could wave it away, a large red warning appeared.

Unauthorized System Data Tampering Detected

Contact an administrator immediately...

-Huh? Unauthorized?- I immediately tilted my head. -Ah, is this what the note meant by notifying the system?- Assuming it was nothing to worry about, I swiftly swiped it away, not paying it any further mind. *Woop* -Anyway...-

*Bl-Bl-Blub* Leaning back and relaxing once more, I looked over at Bella, wanting to ask something, but was only interrupted by another tiny system panel appearing as a voice met my ears. "Thirty seconds till takeoff, please ensure you are properly seated or in an inertia controller."

-Huh?- It was a voice being relayed through the system. "Takeoff in thirty seconds? Was that the captain speaking?"

Bella immediately nodded with a slightly confused expression. "It was, but don't worry. This entire suite has a supersized inertia controller on it, so it will only feel like gravity has momentarily increased. If you need it, I can prepare the cushions and-"

"No no, it's fine." I quickly waved her off. -I was more curious about how they used the system to make a local announcement like that...- But her statement did make me curious. "What exactly is an inertia controller though?"

She immediately smiled as a hologram appeared over me. "Typically they are used on the beds in higher-end rooms and suites, but they are also purchasable individually in other parts of the airship. Essentially, they will rotate during the takeoff so, with the help of the cushion, it just feels like gravity increases for a moment, letting most people comfortably sleep through takeoff. This room has the same concept, except the entire suite will rotate."

-Interesting...- "In that case, go ahead and switch the skyroom to the outside while we take off." -I wonder if the view outside will shift with the room...- Finally lifting myself out of the tub, Bella handed me a towel with her mouth and the screens all flickered to once again reveal the sky outside.

"Please beware that this skyroom being active during takeoff can cause nausea. Is there anything else you would like me to prepare?" Her tail curled slightly as she sat down not far away.

"Not now, but I do have a question." I looked over at her while I dried off. "How does identification work on Earth? Is it all done through Local System Panels, or do you have your own methods?"

She gently tilted her head before giving a quick response. "Earth still uses traditional identification methods. Unfortunately, the only things that can be openly verified with a system panel are age, name, race, and level, so we use traditional IDs to track everything else. If you do not have one, I would advise visiting just about any guild, or the International Security Organization to get one. Typically the government registers users when they initially return to Earth, but if you didn't get logged, please do so when we land." Her tone was quite serious. "Knowingly unregistered users are considered criminals, and can land you in a troublesome situation regardless of your strength."

"Is that so?" -I guess I should grab one before I do anything else after landing...- Thankfully though, now that I had a local system panel, I didn't need to stress about it.

*Cl-Cl-Cl-Clink* *Pat-Snap* Finally standing up, I started making my way back into the lounge while equipping my armor, just in time to feel the pressure on my feet grow, and see the horizon become the sky. -How fascinating...- The entire room truly rotated almost ninety degrees while the ship zipped down the runway and took to the air.

"Ah, I actually have one other question." Glancing over my shoulder as I equipped my gloves, I watched Bella walk into the lounge with her attention aimed at me. "Where would be the best place to go to learn about mana after we land?"

Her head immediately tilted. "Are you familiar with the 'System Forums'?"


- Bently Horne ~

"Hooh..." Letting out a tense, anxious breath, I firmly gripped the frame of the doorway leading into our guild hall while the airship began taking off. -Thank god we're finally getting off the ground...-

The guild hall was absolutely packed with people, leaving barely any room to move, with people using anything firmly connected to the ground as a backrest during takeoff.

But even with so many people, besides a few groans of pain as we started accelerating, there was barely a peep.

As the boarding began, the news about the wall having collapsed, and even a rumor that some figure of the Church had been killed were beginning to spread like wildfire. While we were trying to get important figures on the airship, it turned the airport into a mess, but regardless of how many people we managed to stuff in the airship, there were still tens of thousands of people fearing for their lives that we had to leave behind.

It left a terribly bitter taste in my mouth, but it was simply the reality of the world... Not everyone was equal, and not everyone could always be saved.

But of course that didn't keep humanity from trekking forward. As we lifted off the runway, we received word from our captain that he could confirm military transport airships were on the horizon, and it wouldn't be long before they arrived to help those still stuck at the airfield.

The issue was.. I didn't think they realized the jaws of the creature they were running right into... "Fuck..."

However, as I hung my head, someone loudly spoke up. "Uh.. guys? The Regional Quest was completed..."

Jolting slightly, I instantly opened my system panel.

Regional Quest

An Unknown Entity has entered the Region

Entity Ranking: Unknown
Estimated Ranking: Leviathan Class

Objective: Kill the Entity
Reward: 1 [Divine Wish] | +300 Levels
<Contribution and Reward Distribution>

Quickly looking into the contribution tab to see who completed it, the panel updated to show a huge leaderboard.

But it was.. empty. -What the...-

"It was completed.. but there's no one on the contribution list?" No one knew what to think of it. "Could.. an administrator have dealt with it?"

It was a plausible theory, but there was one thing I couldn't ignore no matter how hard I tried. -My Sensory Overload skill is still active...- It had activated earlier in the day when I first felt the presence of what I assumed was the 'Entity' of the regional quest. -But if the quest is done, and the entity was dealt with.. why is it still active...-

"Perhaps the system just bugged and marked the quest as completed?" The crowd quickly began coming up with theories. "After everything that's happened, it wouldn't surprise me..."

But I wasn't buying it, and after a moment of thinking, slowly getting more and more anxious, one of my guildmates came up to me with a worried expression and explained they noticed the same thing I did.

"Do you think the presence is from the administrator, or maybe an apostle?" Diane whispered to me while the crowd grew chatty in the guild hall.

"That's possible, but I don't know..." My gut told me the presence I felt was coming from a being different than a god. "It feels too much like the presence of a monster..." Looking at her, I noticed her worried gaze. "I know you've noticed that as well..."

She anxiously nodded before looking away. "But is there any point in thinking about it?" Leaning up against the wall behind me, she squatted down to the floor and pulled her knees into her chest. "We have to trust the administrators in times like these. If the quest being marked completed was a bug, we will know soon..."

Watching her hands quiver slightly, I felt my stomach churn.

But there was nothing we could do besides pray and wait.

At least that's what I thought.

*Pat-Pat-Pat-Pat* Hearing someone running down the hall behind me, I looked up to see a young woman in some unusual attire running down the hall with a military helmet in her hands. -She must have been the last to board... Who is she?-

But instead of running past me and continuing into the guild hall like I expected, she ran straight up to me and stopped. "You are Bently Horne, the Sparrows Guild guildmaster, right?" Her face was pale with an expression of both fear and exhaustion.

"I am." I tried to respond formally, but her appearance did nothing but put me on edge.

"I need you to help me hide." Her eyes darted around the guild hall as she spoke softly. "My name is Diana Hale, a US pilot stationed in Arlington. I have been granted permission by the Sergeant Major of the US military to use whatever methods necessary to bring this helmet to him, but there is a monster on board this airship that could compromise it..."

She seemed quite genuine but spoke like someone on the brink of insanity. "Huh?"

"S-S-She looks human, l-like a paladin of the church, b-but isn't... I can't explain here, so please take me to some place isolated..." Tightly clenching the helmet, she seemed to be praying. "If 'she' finds me.. I'm certain I will die..."

But while Diane and I simply raised our eyebrows at each other, after just a moment, my mind froze solid.

Opening my system panel and jumping through menus, I quickly landed on my 'Sensory Overload' skill's info page and looked for the information on the source of the presence.

It read: "Target is nearby." -But.. we are at least a few thousand meters in the air now...-

Slowly looking back at the tense woman, I felt my heart sink. "L-Let's continue our talk elsewhere..."


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