The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 19 - 019, the problem of survival

Then didn’t she turn from a great young woman in the new century into a black household who couldn’t walk even an inch? !

Mu Yiren thumped the quilt depressed.

Oh my god, it’s killing me! How does this make her live?

Even though she lives in a new era of advanced technology, she has also taken a history class, not to mention that she is still a scholar. She has learned every subject thoroughly and comprehensively.

Although she has never experienced this era, she is also aware of the difficulties and limitations of this era.

Not only material restrictions, but also travel restrictions. Everything depends on distribution. In short, there are restrictions on everything, not to mention the atmosphere of the general environment in recent years.

She will not be arrogant and think that she can do what she has with decades of knowledge. On the contrary, she is not an indigenous person, and many things are unclear. She should pay more attention to restrain her words and deeds.

During this period, everything will be caught typical. The so-called shot is the first bird, and she has no interest in the first bird.

Moreover, she doesn’t have the kind of great feeling to save the whole world, and she also doesn’t have the kind of magnanimous feeling like the Virgin Mary, to save the poor people from the water.

She hasn’t settled down herself, so how can she think about taking care of others, anyway, this is the general environment of this era.

As for the heroes and so on, it’s better to leave it to others.

In addition to being an optimist, she also knows how to recognize the status quo.

If one day, she really has the ability to help others, think about it again.

Now, she doesn’t even have a clue about her future life.

“what should I do?”

Mu Yiren was lying on the bed, staring straight at the dark roof in a daze.

Frankly speaking, she knows Aunt Qin now, no, she can no longer call the word “aunt”. Since she already knows the age she lives in, she should follow the local customs.

The title ‘Auntie’ is too modern and seems out of tune with this era.

Besides, what she was a little familiar with was the death of her savior Qin Mingsheng, and she had never spoken to the other Qin family members.

However, judging from the dinner table, the two sisters-in-law of Qin family didn’t seem to welcome them very much, and there was a sense of disgust in their tone.

Thinking about it, I can understand how precious food is these days. The Qin family had a hard life, and now they have to support themselves, a stranger. It is normal for them to complain.

But if they continued to stay, Muyi thought, they would not be complaining, but resentment!

However, after leaving the Qin family, where can she go?

Although the sky and the earth are huge, this era does not allow me to move around at will.

If you want to leave without proof of identity, maybe she will be arrested as an enemy agent in the next second.

It’s hard to save her life, she doesn’t want to finish it like this.


After thinking about it for a long time, Mu Yiren didn’t come up with a clue, but the more he thought about it, the more tangled it became.

How could she have come to this red age? The most tragic and embarrassing thing is her own identity. If you are not careful, it may be reported secretly, and a crime will be arbitrarily put on it. It is not easy. thing?

If the reform and opening up in the 1980s and 1990s were so good, she could still take advantage of the spring breeze of reform. Even if she had no business acumen, she could follow behind the big businessmen and pick up leaks.

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