The system is the king of the counterattack master

Chapter 1390 The Secret in the Mural

K was at a loss for words when asked. Strictly speaking, only stars that can shine can be called stars.

But on the earth, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury can also be observed due to the reflection of sunlight, and they are closer and more dazzling than ordinary stars.

So from this point of view, not to mention the moon, the sun, even the earth is a star, but for this star, human beings are in the dark and do not know the true face of Mount Lu, only because they are in this mountain.

When asked by Han Xiaodong, K understood what he meant. No one can deny that, no matter in the east, west, north or south sky, the moon is the biggest star that can be observed on the earth at night. In this way, the brightest star in the sky in prayer , that is the only option.

"But the question is, what's the point of this riddle? If an entrance can be revealed as long as the moon hangs in the west, I'm afraid it has already been solved by others."

K's question made Han Xiaodong fall into silence again, did he understand it wrong again?He sat on the top of the pyramid in distress and watched the stars move in the sky. Suddenly, a meteor dragged its beautiful tail across his head, leaving a clear track.

"Relief! It's a relief! Find all the reliefs with the moon! Quick!" He excitedly shouted to K. The shooting star just now also made his thinking much clearer. He suddenly remembered that in the relief he had just seen, , one group seems to be related to the moon.

K was very efficient. After a while, more than a dozen relief murals were projected in front of Han Xiaodong's eyes. Han Xiaodong quickly scanned the reliefs, and finally fixed his gaze on a relief with a very strange content.

In the relief, a figure in ornate Egyptian attire is placing a curious round object on a tray, half-kneeling and offering it to a god with the head of a dog and the body of a man.

"There is something wrong with this mural." Han Xiaodong looked at the re-engraved projection of the mural, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "I remembered, this dog-headed god was carved later! There used to be an image here before, but it was erased later. It must be him! It's Dongmenshe, what we're looking for is this painting!"

In this mural, the moon is half-hung in the sky on the right side of the mural, but there is a huge pyramid blocking the corner of that moon.

Han Xiaodong immediately asked K to make a holographic projection, overlapping the murals with the topography of the entire ruins. Although many buildings have disappeared, most of the buildings remain unchanged, which confirms that what is presented on the relief is the ancient city under his feet .

"To the west, the moon hangs on the west side! That's where it is!" Han Xiaodong excitedly pointed to the direction where the pyramids are located in the picture, but when the holographic projection was removed, he was dumbfounded, because the place where the huge pyramid should have stood originally, It turned out to be a huge open space, not even a brick or tile on it, only a piece of wavy yellow sand.

"What is he trying to tell us?" Staring blankly at the desolate pile of yellow sand, Han Xiaodong fell into a daze. He couldn't understand the meaning of prayer now. If he really knew something, why didn't he tell him directly? If he insisted on using this weird method, if he wanted to play tricks on himself, would he have to spend so much effort?
"Let's go and have a look. Standing here is meaningless." Seeing Han Xiaodong staring at the open space without moving, K couldn't help reminding him.

Thinking of climbing up with all his strength, and now going down again, Han Xiaodong was 1 unwilling, but now there is no other better way, he can only try his luck.

The speed of going down the tower was much faster than climbing up. Soon, he came to the huge deserted sandy land. The desolate environment around him made him feel chills down his spine. There was countless dust, which made him cover his eyes subconsciously. After the yellow sand passed, everything remained the same, like a quiet and gloomy cemetery, waiting to bury all those who came here to find secrets.

"What the hell! Why should I listen to that lunatic?" Seeing that he had spent more than two hours in vain but got nothing, Han Xiaodong couldn't help cursing and praying. From the very beginning, he had some doubts about praying, but this is The only clue they can get now is to come here and try.

Normally, he might still have a little patience, but Wang Jiayuan was in an emergency. Although he had sent Xiaobai to help, he was still upset by being distracted by such a boring puzzle.

However, Han Xiaodong didn't dare to give up this clue easily, and the clues that were deciphered one after another made him always feel that there must be something different in it.

"Have you ever wondered why you must emphasize the brightest stars in the western sky before sunrise?" K suddenly asked a question.

"It should be to guide us to find that mural. It is the only mural with the moon in the western sky." Han Xiaodong explained, and this is the only logical explanation he thinks so far.

"Then why didn't you mention the pyramid? Wouldn't it be easier to find the pyramid directly? Among all the murals, only that one has that pyramid in it."

K's words made Han Xiaodong confused for a while, he really didn't notice this detail: "What did you say? Of all the murals, only one has that pyramid? None of the others?"

"Of course not! And the style of the pyramid is also very weird. It doesn't look like the Kushites, but more like the Egyptians. There must be something wrong here."

K immediately projected all the murals in front of Han Xiaodong again. Sure enough, among all the murals, only that one had the huge pyramid. The other murals, even if they were about the ancient city, did not have the huge pyramid.

" doesn't make sense!" Han Xiaodong was completely dizzy, he couldn't figure out the current situation at all, and he couldn't figure out what kind of medicine he was praying for in the gourd.

"There are only two possibilities. First, this pyramid was built later and was later destroyed. However, after scanning the landform here, no foundation was found. The second possibility is that this pyramid does exist, but usually, We don't see it, it only shows up at special moments on special days."

As K said, he switched to the weird mural again. Han Xiaodong looked at the full moon on the mural, then looked back at the full moon behind him, and said depressingly:
"Is the condition the full moon? In other words, we have to wait here until dawn?"

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