The system is the king of the counterattack master

Chapter 1373 Mission

"Spacesuit? You mean that old pervert Dongmenshe already has the ability to establish a base on the moon? Are you kidding me? It's a big deal for us to go to the moon now. He has the ability to set up a base on the moon. Opened a branch?

"Han Xiaodong couldn't believe his ears at all, this news was like a nonsensical joke to him.

"Humanity's current technology can support the establishment of bases on the moon, but the cost is relatively high, and there is nothing strange about this.

Ever since human beings entered the industrialized age, do your own calculations, which year will there be no wars?And which country or organization will really invest all its funds in one thing for hundreds of years?

Without these internal frictions, do you think it would be an incredible thing to build a moon base?A loss in World War II is enough to open a moon base, right? "

K's rebuttal left Han Xiaodong speechless. It's like two students, one is eating, drinking and having fun every day, and the other is just studying. It's something you don't even have to think about.

In this way, it is only natural that Dongmenshe's philosophy will be supported by some people. Who wouldn't want to be with better people.

"You've really presented me with such a big problem that I think stopping that old bastard is going to be the opposite of what you're doing."

Han Xiaodong sighed, stood in place and looked up at the moon, Zong La and the others managed to convert all the space shuttles into equipment for the atmosphere.

Well now, in order to find the creator, he has to change it back again, this project is a bit big.

Even if he landed on the moon and found the location of the server, Han Xiaodong also didn't have the confidence to guarantee that he would be able to destroy the server. After all, it is still unknown what will happen there.

"Let's put it aside for a while and let them calculate it. It can't be calculated in a day or two. Let's go to Jeff's family first to see if we can find some other clues."

After staring at the sky for a while, Han Xiaodong finally gave up the absurd idea of ​​going to the moon, and chose to go back to the hotel honestly, trying to figure out what to do next.

After taking a shower at the hotel, Han Xiaodong lay on the bed and began to sort out the clues he had learned in the past two days. Whether it was the two little girls or the base on the moon, the impact on him was not insignificant.

He even hesitated for a moment, wondering if what he was doing was right or not. Anyway, Dongmenshe has indeed achieved achievements that ordinary humans cannot achieve. From this point of view, he is successful.

But is achievement everything?It's as if a person's wealth means success, which is undoubtedly a common idea in modern society.However, is this idea really correct?Can the standard for measuring the right and wrong of something really be so simple and rude?

Shaking his head, Han Xiaodong wanted to throw away all the messy thoughts, thinking about how to deal with Dongmenshe next, but after working hard for a long time, he still couldn't calm down. He always felt that if some things were not resolved, he would not be able to Go on firmly.

"Don't think about it, let's solve your cognitive problems." Knowing that Han Xiaodong was tossing and turning in bed, K finally couldn't stand it anymore, and jumped out to intervene.

"We don't have that time right now." Han Xiaodong sighed and said weakly.

"You are evading. If the cognitive problem is not solved, you will not know whether what you are doing is right or wrong. No one can move forward knowing that it is wrong. Let you go astray." K pointed out Han Xiaodong's problem sharply, leaving him speechless for a moment.

"I can understand your thoughts. Unfortunately, I am a system and cannot teach you truth and philosophical speculation. And this part is what you currently lack.

Of course, I can’t blame you for this. How many people live to tens or hundreds of years without thinking about it clearly, it’s already very good that you can do this. "

Facing the rare compliment, Han Xiaodong was a little at a loss. He and K have been more like partners for so many years, always fighting back and forth, which made him even forget that this system is much stronger than himself.

"I can completely turn myself into a closed system, set the rules, and then include you in, let you perform tasks according to my settings, and at the same time give you appropriate rewards, and finally achieve my goal. In your human research, this is called conditional control, and it should be said that this is also an effective control method.” K mentioned another possible way of getting along between the two.

"But you didn't do that." Seeing K pause, Han Xiaodong immediately took up the conversation.

He knows that this method is not the most powerful, if K is willing, it can even take over Han Xiaodong's body and become a superman.

However, this guy is like a born lazy man, who has never thought of such a thing, but has been rambling behind him.

"Why?" Han Xiaodong asked a little puzzled.

"My system command setting is to accompany and help you grow, and help you become an autonomous person. If I train you in the same way as training animals, there will only be two results in the end:
One is that you are completely dependent on me, without any independent thinking, and become my tool; the other is that you have developed your own consciousness and started to resist me, and in the end both sides will suffer.

Human beings have a very interesting saying, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. I am not a game system, let alone a training system. I am a growth assistance system. I need to let you master skills and independent thinking ability, even if one day Leave me, and you won't become a waste because of it.

This is the original intention of my creator. I carry the function of continuing civilization, so I should not create puppets, but should spread knowledge and ideas, so that the knowledge and wisdom of the population can be inherited, and then continue to progress. This is my mission. Mission, do you understand? "

K explained his mission for the first time, which surprised Han Xiaodong.

If it wasn't for the Ark and the Creator to mess up the situation, he wouldn't have faced so many troubles. Thinking about it, before that, K was really helping himself to learn more knowledge that he didn't know, that is, to complete the mission of knowledge dissemination.

But Han Xiaodong never thought that there would be such a logical setting behind this vicious-looking system, which made him re-acquainted with K and the creator behind it for the first time.

Seeing that Han Xiaodong did not speak, K continued: "This is where your father and I reached a consensus, to help you grow and to continue the knowledge and wisdom of my civilization, this is my mission.

So now the question comes, you think about it now, what is your mission? "

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