The Sword Saint Also Has A Succubus Class

2. A Bestowal

"What," Vale said dumbly, failing to digest that her clothes were simply gone. She stared down at herself, baffled by how her skin was abruptly exposed to the air.

"Seriously," Lust exclaimed, stepping forward and cupping Vale's breasts with two hands, bouncing them up and down. "Ten out of ten, girl! And I'm not just saying that."

Finally, Vale jolted into awareness, mostly thanks to how another woman's hands were on her breasts. She squeaked and retreated, nearly stumbling and falling in her haste to get away—a very uncharacteristic trait for the disciple of a Sword Saint.

"I'm naked?!" It was half question, half exclamation, full disbelief.

"Deliciously so," Lust agreed.

Vale's mouth opened and closed like a fish's. Her hands were firmly clamped over her breasts and crotch respectively, buying as much modesty as she could given the situation.

"Give them back!"

"Your clothes?"

"Yes, my clothes!" In her disorientation, Vale had forgotten who she was speaking to: an Immortal. Not just an Immortal, either, but someone even more powerful. "Please," she tacked on hastily.

"Sorry," Lust said. "No can do. It's part of the process. You agreed to my Blessing, didn't you?"

"I have to be naked for it?"

Lust raised an eyebrow, and Vale's brain finally caught up to the fact she was speaking to a goddess called Lust.

"Um," Vale said.

Maybe she should have insisted on being told what the Blessing was, first.

"Hands away," Lust scolded her. "I've got work to do."

Out of sheer disbelief, and the authority in the goddess's voice, Vale obeyed. Her hands fell to her side, exposing herself again and Lust made a lewd, appreciative noise in the back of her throat. Vale almost covered herself back up because of that alone. Did this woman have no modesty whatsoever? Making those noises to a woman she'd just met! Unbelievable.

"This might feel weird," Lust said. "But don't be worried, it's normal."

She didn't give Vale a chance to respond before her hand was pressing against her stomach, then sliding—fingers pointed downward, stopping only when she'd cupped Vale between the legs.

Vale's thoughts went entirely blank.

A woman… an Immortal… and the most gorgeous one she'd ever seen for that matter… had her hand between her legs, pressing against her, her…

She began to heat up, and it wasn't just that emotion, but something else.

Pink light glowed in Lust's grip, spilling out from between Vale's legs. Slowly, Lust's hand pulled back, and as it did, more pink light manifested, thickening and hardening. Deft movements of her hand morphed and shaped the light, like she was working with clay, and each squeeze and turn of her wrist had Vale sucking in a breath of surprise—and of pleasure. She could feel through it, somehow, and it felt… incredible.

Bit by bit, the Goddess of Lust sculpted a vibrant pink shaft of light between Vale's legs. She rolled her grip around lower down, and two spheres took shape to go along with the sword. When she was done, she stepped back to admire her work, and the pink light faded, fading from vibrancy into the color of pale flesh—the color of her pale flesh. Thick and veiny, perfectly suited to her frame and complexion, there was a now a cock between her legs.

Vale had already been beyond words, but now she was especially struck silent. She stared down at the thing Lust had created, disbelieving.

"There we go," Lust said approvingly, giving an emphatic nod. "Looks good on you."

"What— what did you just do?" Vale whispered in disbelief.

"Gave you a cock," Lust said matter-of-factly. "What's it look like?"

She stumbled a step backward, and her cock bounced up and down—which made her spine arch at the cascade of never-before-felt sensations. It wasn't something that should produce pleasure, simply moving around with an erection, but it very much did, because she was feeling things she simply had never felt before. Similar, yes, but still different. And the fact she was already hot and flustered, knowing that she was naked in front of another woman, didn't help.

"Might be a bit sensitive to start off with," Lust said cheerfully. "You'll get used to it."

"I, I don't understand. Why did you— why would you— your Blessing is—?"

"The Blessing of Carnality!" Lust announced with a flourish of her arms. "And you're my newest succubus. Congratulations!"


"Not like how you know them, probably," Lust clarified. "The Blessing takes different shapes, depending on the person, and the world. Oh, I'm so excited to see what happens with you."

"But… but why?"

"Why?" Lust hummed as she considered the question. "No reason," she said. "You're not the first, you're not the last, and I might not even pay much attention to you after this, if you end up boring. But that's the fun. Finding out!"

Vale gaped at her.

"But the reason I chose you in general," Lust continued, "is that, right there." She pointed.

Vale looked down at herself. "What?"

"Look how much you're blushing," Lust said gleefully. "All the way to the tip of your ears, and down your chest too. You look like you're about to melt! Oh, you're going to make a wonderful succubus. Especially with all that chivalry you were showing earlier. Mm, just perfect." A devious look appeared on her face. "You know, if you ask nicely, I could help get you acquainted with that thing. It'd be really fun, I promise." She stepped up to Vale, pressing her breasts into hers, Vale's cock squeezing quite lewdly into the woman, sliding up along soft flesh before being sandwiched between their stomachs. "What do you say?" Lust murmured into her ear, breath hot and tickling. A hand trailed down her waist to squeeze her ass.

Vale's stammering at the proposition was entirely incomprehensible, not forming even half of an actual word despite trying for a good quarter-minute. Lust only laughed louder, pulling back to clap her hands.

"Okay, sorry, I'm not trying to be mean," she said. "It's just hard not to tease. It's who I am. Literally."

"How does this give me power?" Vale asked, struggling to compose herself. She was trying very hard to ignore the weight between her legs, the new sensations that came with the tool.

And such a big one, too. Why was it so big? Ten inches wasn't average, was it?

"Not sure," Lust said. "Like I said, it depends on how it manifests. But Blessings come with power, I swear that to you." She hummed. "I think it's time you go find out—I'm curious too. And while it's been a delight, I have places to be." She waggled her fingers in a dainty goodbye. "I'll be keeping tabs out of curiosity, but remember, you're on your own. I'm not your patron or protector or any nonsense like that. Saving your life once was all you'll get! That said, please don't get yourself killed, that would be such a waste."

And with those parting words, the goddess flicked Vale on the forehead—

—and suddenly she was flying backward, like a gnat swatted by a titan.

For the hundredth time since she'd woken, disbelief coursed through Vale at what had just happened. Because abruptly, she was soaring through the air at unbelievable speeds, wind whipping her hair. She had been thrown from the mountaintop in an instant, and landscape blurred beneath her in a streak of colors, so fast she couldn't make anything out. The mountain she had called home shrunk, shrunk, and then vanished in mere seconds. The speed was incomprehensible.

Shouldn't a blow like that have killed her? Her forehead only stung, and not even badly.

And then she was descending, crashing back to the earth like an angel cast from the heavens. Panic rushed into her, because if the goddess's flick hadn't killed her, surely the landing would. Years of training at least provided some level of calm, rational thinking in the chaos: despite how fast the ground was coming up, she knew Lust wouldn't get her killed mere moments after giving her a Blessing. The goddess's protection would extend to the landing. Right?

Lust had come off as a rather rash person, not someone who thought through her actions…

Fortunately, Vale didn't have to panic for long. She hit the ground with the force of a falling star, and earth fountained in all directions as she skidded to a stop, splitting trees and tearing up a wide path of destruction.

And then all was calm.

The sound of forest wildlife returned, chirps and tweets and other noises, having briefly frozen at the ruckus she'd created.

She had lived.

Moreover, there wasn't a bruise or ache across her. Lust had protected her landing. Shakily, she dug herself out of the ground and stood on trembling legs, breath coming fast and shallow. Pebbles and clumps of dirt fell from her body. Lust's temporary protection hadn't extended to keeping her clean. She spat out dirt and rubbed her hair, tail, ears, quickly trying to groom herself. She didn't like being dirty.

Still breathing hard, she climbed out of the miniature crater and into the forest she'd landed. Looking around, she tried to calm her thoughts. But even a Sword Saint's disciple couldn't be expected to take everything that had happened in stride.

Seeing no immediate danger, she sat on the ground and forcibly brought calm, where ingrained training had failed her. She meditated. Minutes passed, and eventually her breathing came as slowly and rhythmically as ocean waves.

She opened her eyes and stood, newly centered. Sort of. As centered as could be expected for the absurd events that had taken place.

What now?

There were many things she had to confront, mentally, the foremost being her Master's death and what Lust's Blessing had done to her body. But both would go ignored, for now; she simply wasn't in the right head space to deal with either of those things, for vastly different reasons.

She was alone, out in a potentially dangerous forest, weaponless, and for that matter, stark naked. Even worse, her spiritual core remained inaccessible, meaning she was as weak as a regular mortal. She was, in no small way, in danger. And thus she needed a plan.

Step one was to find civilization. Lust hadn't known why Vale had been stripped of her power—and stasis shouldn't have caused such a thing—but locals would surely have some sort of idea. At least, if what Lust had said was true, and 'the shape of power in this world had changed.'

But what did that even mean? She didn't doubt the words of a woman who had proven her divinity—the memory of sailing through the sky because of a flick to her forehead would be forever ingrained into her memories—but it was a strange claim to come to terms with nonetheless. Lust hadn't even known what spiritual cores were, so did that mean she drew strength from elsewhere? As other people of this world would?

'This world.' Her world. There would still be glimpses of old civilizations, surely. Even if centuries or millenia had passed, such time scales weren't enough to completely erase what she had once known.

Not that she'd known much about the world to begin with. She'd grown up in a small, impoverished village, and had only begun learning more about the wider world during her apprenticeship under Master Northstar. And even then, he had been mostly concerned with teaching her the blade.

She sighed.

What a situation she'd found herself in.

Either way, she had to find civilization. Or other life in general. Which posed its own problem, because she was naked. Her cheeks colored, and she firmly didn't think about her lack of modesty, and how that wouldn't be changing before she found somebody. But at least for now, out in the woods, there wasn't anybody to care.

Being thousands of miles from the mountain top she'd called home, and thus without the slightest clue of what her surroundings were like, she picked a random direction and walked.

Why had Lust thrown her so far? For a specific reason? Or had it been a dramatic display to introduce her to her new life, and to encourage her to 'go explore'? Regardless of her intent, Vale appreciated the expedited path down. Scaling the mountainside would've been a grueling task as a mortal.

The forest didn't seem especially dangerous, or at least nothing rushed out snarling to attack her. Minutes passed as she padded carefully through, keeping her eyes sharp. She picked up a heavy stick and sharpened it the best she could, to at least have a primitive weapon on hand. She was a disciple of the sword, though, and so wielding a spear, even primitive, pained her in a literal manner: her soul was bonded to her weapon choice, and even now she felt anxiety not having a sword strapped to her hip, ready to be drawn.

She found a stream to clean off in. The water was cold, painfully so. The suite of benefits that came from wielding dense spiritual energy had left her frail in many ways, one such being the re-introduction to mortal concerns like temperature. She wondered whether she needed to worry about hypothermia come night. Her stomach was also starting to growl. There were mundane threats facing her, everyday ones, not just monsters or forest predators.

Though, as she found out after drying off, monsters were the more pressing threat, because one attacked her less than ten minutes later.

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