The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 9


Although Gavin ’s military academy was not well-opened, it was finally worthwhile. For example, the second-generation official roommate always helped him to have breakfast, and always looked at him with an inexplicable look.

Gavin was slightly overwhelmed by this, thinking that this is what lp should be.

Gudrow did not pick up the fault from the endorsement, and the two days have subsided a lot. The disadvantage is that no one in the class is willing to ignore him. From training to eating, he is always alone.

Armed technician’s second lesson is to get off the workshop.

As a technician, you must be familiar with every part of the mech: the mech has 50,400 parts, the b-class has 128,000, and ** basically breaks 200,000. They have to learn to assemble and disassemble these parts, to understand their functions and parameters, and to know what problems will occur in the mech if these parts fail.

Goodro issued a pile of loose parts and asked students to group them by themselves to assemble. Unsurprisingly, Gavin found that he had been ordered again. When facing the hill-like parts in front of him, he had no choice but to go to Goodro.

As a result, Director Gu said coldly, “Aren’t you aiming at Marshal Silia? The armored technician of Mech Phoenix is ​​Marshal himself. Work hard and you can do it!”


Gavin filled his mind with the three-character scriptures and walked away.

Then that night, the second-generation official roommate saw thousands of mecha parts in the living room and was shocked and asked, “How long will it take?”

“A week.”

“… Are you sure for a week?”

Gavin inexplicably glanced at him: “Is there a problem? You might as well collect the trousers hanging on the balcony this time, not I say you, always flying there in the wind like a flag …”

The roommate ran away, covering his face.

Assembling the parts was not too difficult for Gavin, it was just one arm of the d-class mech. But brainpower is one thing, and physical strength is another. It’s a hard work to assemble this arm weighing hundreds of kilograms without anyone’s help.

Gavin struggled for three days. On the fourth day when he left the workshop, his eyes were flushed, and he was about to buy a good night’s sleep. Suddenly, Gudrow was standing in the hallway at the entrance of the workshop, his face was dim in the shadows.

“Done?” He asked lightly.

“……Yes, sir.”

Goodrow crossed Gavin and walked into the workshop without a word.

The gondola lifted a huge and sloppy robotic arm, the elbow was the muzzle of the black hole of the electric heat gun, five fingers stretched out into the air, and the metal glowed cold in the high light.

Gudrow narrowed his eyes for a while, then calmly said: “It is commendable-many of your classmates have not even sorted the parts up to now.”

Gavin was very cautious about Gudrow’s praise: “Thank you.”

“The day after tomorrow, there is a ** mechanical nerve band renovation project, so you can also watch.”

After he had said this, he turned and walked out. Gavin froze. Before he could say anything, Goodro’s back had disappeared outside the workshop.

If this is an ordinary person, Gudrow’s performance may be understood as appreciation, but Gavin has a strange intuition for this eccentric director. He always feels that there is a deeper motivation behind Gudrow’s behavior.

And no matter what, the motivation is not well-intentioned.

Two days later, Gavin came to the senior mech refurbishment field, which is a huge outdoor space covering an area of ​​tens of square kilometers, with various lathes, towers, pressure hammers and outdoor computers. ** Mecha is very rare in the technician department. Many senior students came to watch and squeezed a corner of the repair field.

This mecha is said to belong to a colonel of the Ministry of Emperor **, which damaged the nerve band during the exercise, resulting in poor mental control. The colonel trusted Goodro’s expertise and entrusted mech to him. He did not expect that he would use the mech as an experimental article for the students to practice.

A group of senior students manually driven the mech, raised it with their arms high, and at least dozens of meters off the ground, before letting another group of students tie their waists and hang from a height to enter the maintenance channel under the armpit of the mech. in. The students on the ground observe the process through the floating screen, while listening to Goodro’s live explanation:

“Mecha’s most important energy source is also the key to using mind control mecha, which is myeloid fluid!”

“The main component of myeloid fluid comes from the driver itself, and the rest is a high-energy solution compressed through hundreds of processes. You should know that mechs with neural tissue have artificial intelligence, and myelin is the spirit between the driver and the mech. The bond of communication can also stimulate the further development of artificial intelligence and enable Mech to acquire autonomous learning capabilities in battle. ”

“The higher the mental threshold, the stronger the substance secreted in the brain, and the higher the amount of medulla. Take the Alliance’s first mech Phoenix as an example, its intelligence can reach its peak. The emotional approach is quite close to humans-after Field Marshal Silia died, the mech phoenix turned off automatically and has not been turned on so far. ”

“In the internal standards of the mecha world, the Nirvana of the Alliance Phoenix is ​​a 4s-class weapon, and the overall mech is a 2s-class. The Her Majesty of the Emperor and the Red Golden Lion of the Military General Aaron, these two Mecha has made corresponding improvements based on Phoenix’s main program, so the overall rating is 3s. ”

“There are very few 4s-class weapons in the universe, most of them have died with the destruction of mechs, and they have turned into dust in the depths of space. The currently known 4s-class weapons are the most famous guns of Nirvana. , Its users have become a golden badger. ”

“But whether the level of myelin from the golden pupa is on par with that of the Phoenix is ​​a matter of debate, so whether the power of the Nirvana gun is still 4s has also been the focus of controversy.”

Although the military school students present were the best picks of the heavens, they still heard very little about mechas above s level, and they were full of longing.

“If only I could touch Nirvana’s gun with my own hands-no, I would be satisfied at a glance.” One of the seniors couldn’t help but whispered to his companion, “It is said that when Nirvana’s gun is waved, it will cause a thousand in the atmosphere. Thousands of thunder and lightning split everything that was blocked into ashes. Think about the scene … ”

“What’s more? The output of Nirvana’s attack is greater than the interstellar nuclear bomb. Think of the battle of Venus Fortress!”

“Yeah, if I could become a first-rate technician someday …”

Gavin’s eyes twitched, and he said that I could see Nirvana’s gun without becoming a first-class technician, and it was chopped a lot by him. I don’t want to see him again in my life.

Of course, if you say it, everyone will think he has hysteria, so don’t mention it.

At this time Goodro’s voice stopped, as if he had received an internal communication, and returned to the podium after a few minutes: “The team working at height is one person behind, which classmate is willing to go up and help?”

Somehow, Gavin’s eyes suddenly jumped.

He knew why Goodro called him here.

Sure enough, many people on the training ground raised their hands in horror, but after Gudrow looked around, he slowly pointed at Gavin: “The first-year classmate in that corner … it’s yours.”

If his eyes were hot, Gavin would have been burned immediately. He slowly stood up and walked to the stage with all the seniors envious and jealous, and several students immediately came up to help him suspend the rope.

“You need to reach the top of the tower through this lifting plate, and there is a toolbox on your side. The rope will hang you to the maintenance access, the angle is very tricky, you must go down this way.” Goodro Indifferently asked, “Aren’t you afraid of heights?”

“……Do not.”

Goodropi smiled and said, “That’s good. Working at height is the number one priority for armed technicians. You should always get used to it.”


If his eyes are hot, Gudrow must be burned immediately.

If Gavin knew the armed technicians, he would know that all students must start from a low altitude of ten meters, and the first-grade students who work at heights above 70 meters would not be touched by any means.

At this height, airflow and temperature will have a great impact on the human body, simple cable control is not safe, and countless students are injured every year.

But it was too late to say anything.

Gavin reached the top of the tower through a lifting plate, and the students on the ground looked like swarms of ants. He closed his eyes, feeling the wind rushing past his ears, and then someone pushed behind him-


Gavin’s body plummeted in the air, and all the blood poured over his head, followed by a long, loud echo!

The cable straightened momentarily, and Gavin’s body was standing high in the air-

At the same time, above the tower, the cable bolt suddenly made an ominous crack!

“No! Grab the rope!”

“Professor Goodro-!”

“Lift plate! Quickly lift the plate-!”

The students screamed in horror, and Gavin felt his heart beat.

He felt a loose rope around his waist, and the pull of his body suddenly disappeared.

That moment was stretched indefinitely, and all the details were extremely clear, like a slow-moving mime.

He fell from a height and the toolbox came out of his hands. The rapid passing wind made him unable to make a sound, and reached out and grabbed the air in vain.

Did it end like this?

When so caught off guard?

Do not–

Do not—-

Gavin tilted his head unconsciously and saw ** Mech’s hollow eyes.

At that moment he opened his mouth, as if trying to call for help, but his mind was completely blank and he completely lost any ability to think.

The gale whizzed past the mech, and they stared at each other unconsciously. After a few seconds, their mechanical eyes suddenly lighted:

“** Mechanic purple green bat, self-starting is complete.”

“The mental plug is turned on and the neural network is activated.”

“Instruction 1: Anti-gravity field.”

The huge mechanical arms were raised at the same time, centering on Gavin’s body, forming a closed loop in the air. Immediately after the “buzz”, the anti-gravity field was activated in the mechanical ring, and Gavin’s body that had fallen suddenly stopped suddenly!


“It’s okay … it’s okay!”

Cheers erupted on the ground, and they were clearly heard in the air at dozens of meters. Gavin floated in the antigravity field, staring at the eyes of Zi Qingbat.

** The mech slumped over and gently put him on the ground.

“The instruction is complete and the mental process is closed.”

The mechanical eyes blinked and then went out again.

When gravity recovered, Gavin slumped to his knees, and many students rushed forward to surround him. Goodrow squeezed out of the crowd and walked in front of him.

“Are you OK?”

Gavin suddenly looked up at him, a few seconds later, coldly at a volume that only he could hear each other: “It’s okay … thank you.”

Goodrow looked at his gaze and sank.

Just then the cockpit landed, and the student in charge of mecha stumbled and ran, “Professor Goodro! Professor, I, I-”

Goodrow interrupted him, pointing to Gavin: “Come two and take him to the medic.” Then he turned to look at the mech student: “It is permissible to order mech in an emergency. Yes, you did a good job. ”

The student’s lips trembled, and even the words he spoke trembled without saying: “No, professor, I didn’t do anything … the mech, that mech started by myself …”

Goodro’s look changed immediately.

He looked at the purple bat, and the dark gray eyes of the mech looked back at him indifferently. Goodro sighed and murmured, “… I see.”


Gavin’s condition was not serious, only a slight abrasion of the lumbar muscles, but the military doctor saw him as a bt, and forced him to stay in bed for an afternoon.

Edna first came and told him that the matter had been investigated clearly. The break of the cable tie was a coincidence. The students who were suspended in the front didn’t think it was right, but only Gavin happened to be the worst one.

Gavin thanked her politely and said that the department of armed technicians was good and that there was no need to transfer.

Edna left with anxiety, and the second unexpected came Principal Caroline.

The LP female principal has large curly hair, a tall figure and a tough face, and she has a strong military presence when she raises her hands. Somehow Gavin thought she looked a little familiar, but given that Edna gave him the same feeling, he could only attribute it to the fact that all women were the same.

“I’ve heard Edna in your case. Overall, her decision is my decision. But I still want to confirm. Will you leave the Royal Military Academy when Heinrich’s people leave?”

Gavin never thought about it, but said, “Maybe.”

“I hope you stay.” Caroline resolutely said, “Your talent is unquestionable, but this society is too unfair. The people of the Protection Association use the deprived **** to gain benefits and control most of this society. People ’s reproductive rights, and even to save the empire ’s birth rate, even Heinrich could n’t stop them immediately. ”

Gavin murmured, “The disadvantages of classism …”

“The empire did save the social order that was about to collapse, and did a lot of things that could not be done in the late period of the alliance, but many of the disadvantages were also caused by this.” Carolyn paused, meaning: “One I once knew Friends have said that replacing good dictatorship with good dictatorship is just to quench thirst, and I think you agree with it. ”

Gavin stared at the headmistress, and a strange weird feeling suddenly burst into his heart.

“… Anyway, I just want you to be safe.”

Caroline was also aware of her disability, and hurriedly dropped the sentence, and then stood up and left.

Not long after she left, the ward door was knocked again, this time unexpectedly by Gavin.

——It is Goodro.

This tall, middle-aged man was wrapped in a dark iron coat all year round, and the bright light of the ward did not illuminate his gloomy face for half a minute. He closed the door heavily, stared down at Gavin, and said before he even said, “–I know you think it’s me.”

Gavin didn’t say anything, but asked: “Oh, I think so?”

“Don’t play around with me, you milky smelly bt devil! Do you think I’m a killer just to get you out of the technician department? Why do I need to do this? What do you think you are?”

Gudrow approached one step, and Qinglian’s face was completely red:

“Yes, you are very talented, but I am the head of the Armed Technician Department! I have been here since the founding of the Royal Military Academy. From the Alliance period I was a famous technician in the Galaxy. Mecha Phoenix has been repaired! What value do you have for me to deal with you? It is an insult to me just to think about it! ”

… he didn’t even think there was anything wrong … Gavin’s eyes twitched slightly.

“Yes, it is really my intention to let you do aerial work.” Goodrow took a breath and admitted with hate: “Because I want you to leave the technician department, I think that 70-meter aerial work is enough to scare you … let you Report yourself and leave. ”

When he said this, the expression of reluctance was too obvious, and Gavin finally couldn’t help asking: “But you clearly said that I was talented, why …”

“What do you know? You are a bt!”

“Professor! Marshal Silia is also bt!”

“So he’s dead!” Gudrow roared. “He died alone after purgatory pain! The whole universe knows he is a loser!”

In the ward’s embarrassing silence, Goodro straightened up, and restored his cold and mean look:

“Except for Marshal Silia, you are the first bt I’ve ever seen who can force a ** mech to boot. You do have a talent, and that **** talent to send people to death.”

“You are a bt, you do n’t know that defending the country and defending the country is actually the responsibility of lp. Their innate conditions are doomed to bear the responsibility of bleeding, injury and even sacrifice, but you can be spared. Do n’t be dazzled by your talent. , Stupidly embarked on a seemingly glorious glory in fact there is no way back. ”

Gavin froze.

Goodrow wore a stiff collar and said stiffly, “I will abide by the assessment agreement, but I still want you to quit yourself-think about it.”

He turned away and looked so frosty that he didn’t even look at Gavin.

After several consecutive visitors arrived, Gavin didn’t take a rest in the afternoon. He returned to the bedroom at night and was dragged by his roommate. He made a fuss. After confirming that Gavin didn’t even have his hair, he started to ask about what ** Mecha looks like. His words were full of Hongguo’s jealousy.

“If I can touch ** Mecha at a close distance, it won’t be a problem to jump off the tower! You guys are so lucky, ah ah! Dinner must be invited by you!”

“… I almost died.”

“This is not the point! Do you know dear! ** The entire empire of mechs does not exceed one thousand! Unfortunately, my vision is not enough to enter the mech team, otherwise if I can have a mech … no, class b I’m satisfied! I have no other wishes in my life! ”

Gavin’s heart was suddenly full of dark thoughts: if this guy knew that he was holding a 3s mech in his ears, he would faint on the spot. I want to see …

This standard official second-generation roommate-with a weird name called Jinge-was a guy with two verticals. With his infinite enthusiasm for gossip, Gavin finally knew that Gudrow was not exaggerated, and he was indeed a remarkable technician.

Goodro had served in the Alliance Glory Legion in his early years, presided over the maintenance of a large number of mechs, and was even fortunate to have done maintenance work for the Double-S Mech Phoenix. During the battle of Venus Fortress, Marshal Silia was in poor health. Gudrow took the initiative to request a report to enter the Phoenix to assist the Marshal in combat, but was rejected by the parliament.

As a result, that battle encountered a solar storm, and Mech Phoenix suffered heavy losses in order to protect the smooth retreat of the two armies. As a result, the alliance was defeated, and the entire battle situation was overturned.

Goodro was very blameful and soon retired from the Shining Legion.

Later, Silia died on the battle of Red Saturn, the Glory Legion was broken up, Gudrow quietly left in grief, and wanted to spend the rest of his life teaching in the Penang galaxy; however, Principal Caroline knew that he was extraordinary and repeatedly invited him. Came to the Royal Military Academy as the director of an armed technician.

“He does have a lot of sexism, but the technology is there.” Jinge said while spitting chicken drumsticks, “My friends in the technician department admire him very much, but those techie-savvy tempers It’s a little strange, don’t take it seriously. ”

Gavin nodded and said nothing.

Goodro’s mean face appeared again, but for some reason the disgust disappeared quietly, replaced by slight sympathy and sadness.

This sympathy and sadness lasted until the monthly assessment.

“Ancient-German-Luo-!” Gavin angered. “Too much!”

A giant shoulder armor was lying on the workbench, and the assessment question was to find at least one mechanical failure within half an hour-all right.

The problem is that the toolbox is empty! Not even an electronic knife!

Gavin was full of turbulent grass and mud horses. He asked the proctor teacher to protest twice, but the results were like mud cows entering the sea without a word. At the third protest, the teacher was finally impatient and told him directly: “Director Gudrow said that in the actual combat environment, armed technicians will always encounter situations where there is no tool. Is it impossible to repair without tools?”


Gavin finally realized that in order to get him out of the technician department, Goodrow really cut out.

He returned to the workbench, staring at the one-meter-thick shoulder plate, he couldn’t help but tap the alloy surface with his hands.

The 3s stupid lion once said that his mental threshold was extremely high, and the purple green bat had also been forced to power on, so is it possible to use his own mental strength to figure out the internal structure of this shoulder armor?

“Don’t think about it. This is a purely mechanical shoulder plate. There can be no neural net in it.”

As soon as Gavin was looking back to find where the sound came from, he just listened to it and continued:

“Of course it would be different if I had my help-look, now you realize the importance of carrying me next to you?”

Gavin said suddenly: “… Griffin?”

The red gold earrings under his hair flashed, looking like a triumphant wink.

Gavin was suspicious: “Don’t you run out of energy and shut down? What’s going on now?”

“Uh, actually I have emergency backup energy …”

“Stay here until now?”

“My perseverance is so moving …”

“Perseverance of a machine?”

“Don’t look down on the machine! Will the people who look down on the machine one day cry for the machine?” Gryphon was angry and angered: “Too much, seeing the long-lost friend’s first reaction is not a cry of tears. Come and hug! Do you still want me, huh ?! ”

If you were accidental … Gavin’s mouth twitched and he said, “You better tell me the source of energy, or else …”

“How else? I’m a mech! 3s mech! How many people dream of just wanting to look at me for a lifetime and want to touch my little hand-”

Gavin silently took off his earrings and walked to the window.

“No-you ca n’t be so cruel! You are so cruel! Well, I said, what kind of hero is you to treat a little mech that runs out of energy … No! Do n’t be impulsive! Let me just say! ”

The griffin paused, and instantly changed the extremely realistic choking throat tone: “Actually, I tried before I shut down … to extract myelin from your body …”

Gavin screamed, opened the window!

“No, no, no! Stop! Swearing in my mother ’s name that it is completely harmless to the human body! But extract a trivial ingredient from your body | liquid and process it! I am a small and principled machine How can I hurt humans! ”

Gavin held the ear clasp in his hand, and hung dangerously in the air: “–you have no mother.”

“… in the name of His Majesty Heinrich.”

Gavin thought for a while, “It’s your mom.” —

The author has something to say:

Comrades have come to advertise again. The new article by Comrade Luo Ye three years later and the previous rebirth article are a series, which will be a separate article and a big push!

Thank you, Shen Tianxin, for your kindness! Long review of Lord Sinner! !! !! !! !! !!

Thanks to Minjiang, rk, Xie Shenyan, Xia Cao, ln2100, Taohuacuo, Yaocao Hebi, Tuyaya love the mines attacked by Huaihuai in various attitudes! !! !! !!

Thank you Tiger Grenade! !! !! !! !! !! !!

bow! !! !! !!

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