The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 1 - chapter1

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The galactic era is 3,400 years old.

The vast earth turned into scorched earth in the flames of war, and the red, red, and bare rocks emit black smoke in the wind. A huge silver mech was shot down in the desert, the wings were cracked into pieces, reflecting the cold white light of the artificial satellite in the night sky.

The cockpit was ejected from the body of the mech, and it fell on the sandy ground that instantly turned into glass debris due to the high temperature.

Gavin opened his eyes slightly, his vision blurred. The blood on his forehead flowed from his hair along the nose to his chin. He tried to raise his hand, but he could not feel the existence of his left hand at all.

“Injury check: left half body fragmentation, stomach fragmentation, blood loss has reached 1000cc, the situation is urgent, please immediately receive first-class intelligent treatment …”

The probe of the artificial intelligence machine in the cockpit extended his claws, and he only heard Gavin coughing twice before approaching, and said hoarse, “Forget it, Phoenix.”

The profile of his side face is extremely deep, and the line from the bridge of his nose to the chin is impeccable. When he speaks, the corners of his mouth are gushing with blood, reflecting his pale face, which is especially thrilling.

The artificial intelligence hesitated: “Your condition is very dangerous, please receive treatment immediately; the vital index is 50% … 45% … 42% …”

“Phoenix,” Gavin exhausted. “Help me connect to the rebel headquarters.”

Snow broke from the broken display, and the picture became clear after a few seconds. Inside the Gemini Empire State Building are all the empire generals that have survived since the first galactic war. They were all black military uniforms, ten people in a row, staring solemnly at the broken mech phoenix on the screen.

Set Heinrich stood on the throne, staring at Gavin’s expressionless face for the first time.

“Surender, Marshal,” he groaned. “The league lost.”

Gavin had a little invisible smile and said, “No.”

Setter lowered his head, and within a few seconds no one could see the expression on the man’s face. When he looked up again, his eyes had been firmly firm.

“At 1:15 am on November 2, 3,400, the Galaxy Era, twenty-three hours ago, the fifty-third chairman of the alliance submitted a surrender to the empire, and actively disintegrated the alliance system. All the military forces, disbanding the parliament, acknowledging and surrendering to the rule of the empire. “The man paused and whispered,” Marshal, the alliance is no longer there. ”

Gavin didn’t speak, just looked at him lightly.

“Life index thirty-eight … life index thirty-five …”

Explosions came from afar, and the screen returned to clear after a series of drama liè vibrations, and the count of Phoenix Machinery suddenly sounded: “Life index twenty-one … life index twenty …”

Seth Heinrich’s fingers clung to the edge of the display platform so hard that even a terrible green tendon burst on the back of his hand.

However, his voice was smooth:

“The alliance system that has ruled mankind for thousands of years in the era of the Great Galaxy has disappeared. In order to stay alive, the committee actively sold the positions of the Glory Legion and the Marshal of the Three Armies to the Empire …. Marshal, surrender, they betrayed you.”

Gavin closed his eyes, as if after a long and arduous journey, he finally saw the end.

At that moment Seth felt that he was even relieved.

“Seth Heinrich, the first emperor of the Great Galaxy era, the new Gemini of the future.” Gavin smiled slightly, saying, “when I first brought you out of a lower military school for the first time, what happened? I didn’t expect that in the future, I would insert my hands back | I was the one who turned you on. ”

The emperor’s throat rolled a little, as if trying to say something, but was interrupted.

“You use your personal glory to end the alliance’s thousand-year rule. However, the human system perishes and the alliance spirit is immortal.”

When Gavin spoke, his voice was indifferent, thousands of miles away, but strangely hoarse and gentle.

“Heinrich, even if you are crowned and emperor as emperor now, and the entire galaxy is inlaid on your scepter, in my eyes you will never be an emperor.”

Seth Heinrich’s face changed slightly: “Marshal …!”

Gavin interrupted him, “Phoenix.”

The artificial intelligence was silent for a long time before finally saying, “Yes.”

The probe extended the robotic arm, took an injection from the left-hand side of the cockpit console, and slowly descended after inhaling it with a metal probe until it penetrated into Gavin’s left arm, which was unable to move due to serious injuries.

Everyone was aware of something in front of the screen. Heinrich opened his mouth but couldn’t make a sound.

He pressed firmly on the console’s nails and even leaked silk. His entire arm muscles were spasm and his whole body trembled slightly, but nothing could be heard.

As the injection was slowly pushed in, Gavin’s face became paler and his eyes became more and more scattered. A few seconds later, the potion was exhausted, and Gavin suddenly closed his eyes, and a mouthful of purple-black blood poured out before opening his mouth!

“Heinrich …” he gasped. “… I …”

The last sentence disappeared into the salty wind before exiting, and never rang again.

The sand in the night covered the mech, completely covering the screen under the pale moonlight.

“Gavin …” The future Gemini emperor trembled, tears dripping into the bright red salamander, leaving a dark red water mark.

“Gavin … Silia …”

The wind of Stardust whistled past, slowly sinking the remains of Gavin Silia, the most legendary army **** in the history of the Alliance, into the deep desert.

In November 3400 of the galaxy, the century-long war between the alliance and the empire ended, the alliance system was declared disintegrated, and Gemini founder Seth Heinrich ascended the throne in the same year.

This man from a poor family who had studied at a low-level Alliance military academy finally became the first interstellar emperor in the outer space era, and the highest centralized human being in history.

After he ascended the throne, he issued a series of reform laws, including the abolition of all privileges of the family in the alliance government, the large-scale tailoring of the bureaucratic system, the elimination of government affairs, and the establishment of a council … Among the most notable is the abolition of the alliance army System, all troops have been reorganized.

In the new army system, the illusory position of Marshal of the Three Armed Forces was no longer set up, and the only commander of the empire was the emperor himself.

However, only one person’s status remained the same.

-Gavin Silia.

As the last Field Marshal of the Alliance, the most outstanding military strategist of the Galactic Age, Gavin Silia’s supreme rank was reserved by the emperor’s special purpose.

Although he was considered the chief natural enemy of the empire, when the emperor took the oath of throne, he still publicly admitted to the entire galaxy:

“Hundreds of years of battle, invincible, only the commander can not be defeated … the commander still has his name, and the alliance has been defeated. From now on, all glory belongs only to the commander himself.”

The Gemini Empire, the egret star.

The new Versailles Palace surrounded by bimonthly bathes in the silvery white light, and the silence of the main hall is silent. Only when the luminous lotus is in full bloom, an ethereal song is looming from the heart of the distant lake, like a distant chant in heaven.

The female officer was walking across the stone steps with her skirt corner, and suddenly heard footsteps after hearing the sound, a tall figure came out of the endless darkness of the hall.

“Your Majesty?” The female officer stopped. “Did you dream again?”

Seth Heinrich was standing by the cold stone fence, squinting at the two red moons in the sky, half-squeaked, “He dreamed of the Marshal again.”

The female officer did not think it was strange, and asked softly, “Is it still when the marshal is dying?”

The handsome emperor shook his head and suddenly smelled the ethereal fragrance in the air: “What’s this smell?”

“It’s mint, Your Majesty. The mint in the palace is blooming.”

“…” Heinrich was half a while, whispering: “No wonder I dreamed that when I was still close to the commander of the Gavin commander, he mentioned to me one day of blooming … said that he was in the egret Born in the blooming mint field on the star … ”

The emperor’s tone gradually faded, as if falling into a distant and unclear dream.

“……His Majesty?”

Heinrich didn’t look at her and asked, “Do you know what the Marshal’s name means?”

The female officer stared blankly.

“He was slightly cold, and he grew up in an orphanage until he attended the military academy. He never saw his parents.” The emperor paused and said, “‘Silla’ is the name of the mint garden where he was born. ”

The female officer opened her mouth, but did not know what to say.

There was a bell ringing at midnight in the distance of the palace, and it was gradually dispersed with the rush of water.

“Your Majesty … It’s late, let’s rest early …”

Heinrich turned and walked back to the gorgeous hall. Suddenly the female officer couldn’t help but said, “Your Majesty!”

The emperor’s footsteps, the female official eagerly said: “Mint flower was considered a precursor to reunion in the ancient earth era, the flower language is‘ wish to meet you again ’, Your Majesty—”

“See you again?” Heinrich whispered, though the voice was deep without a smile.

“I hope so … with your words.”

The author has something to say:

Xinwen seeking collection seeking flowers ~! 2k novel reading network

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