The Supreme Hero’s Younger Brother

Chapter 28

"No one's here." One of the demons said.

"It does look like a perfect place to spy us." His colleague looked down at their camp.

"Geez, Lord Miril must've gone dizzy from the heat and hallucinated things. Let's go back or we're the ones who'll start to hallucinate."

"Shouldn't we check the area first? What if the man he saw is in hiding?"

"Then you do it. I'm too sluggish to move." The demon leaned on the tree Rye and Ash were hiding behind.

"You're always like this." His colleague sighed and started his search.

"You know I'm more sun intolerant because I was born in the night. Not my fault."

"Can you at least check if he's behind the tree you're leaning?"

The demon turned and peeked to the back, "Nope."

His colleague, "…"

At least make an effort to circle it.

Thanks to the sluggish demon, the place they were hiding at didn't get searched by his colleague. They left after a few minutes.

Rye and Ash made sure they really have left before standing up. They didn't go back to their spying spot.

"Is this Lord Miril perhaps the archdemon?" Ash speculated.

"No, their tone of voice didn't indicate they were talking about someone they fear or reverent. But he sounds like someone who has a specific role in the army."

"I am 100% sure that I did not get followed or spotted," Ash confidently said, "In physical form that is."

"I had been invisible since I set off from Hala, so I am also sure that nobody followed or spotted me. Physically." Rye also emphasized the last part.

"Let us inform of this Lord Miril and the archdemon to your dear brother. Are you able to hold up this barrier in motion?"

Rye nodded, "Follow my pace."

The two of them returned together.

They reported their findings to the rest and also their suspicion about the possibility of a spy in Hala.

"What if the archdemon has been leading the army in the first place?" Desmund asked.

"It's not impossible, but why?" Aerindel asked back.

"We have defeated 3 demon generals in Yigiris and completely cleaned out the demons. Even without a spy, this is big news that spread across every country. The demons of course knew about it too and could anticipate that our next goal is the demon lord." Rosetta explained.

"The route from Yigiris to demon territory can easily be guessed. The demon lord has finally recognized Ludric's strength and sent his archdemon to intercept us." Desmund added.

"Just to be safe, don't talk about the matter of spies with anyone else. I'll go discuss about this Miril and the archdemon with the generals and Head Bishop." Ludric stood up.

"I'll accompany you." Rosetta was about to get up.

"No need," Ludric stopped her. He turned to Rye and Ash, "We'll require both of your insight on this."

Rye and Ash nodded and followed him out.

Lilith looked at her worriedly, "He didn't mean it like that."

"I know," Rosetta walked out, "I'm going to rest in my room."

"Do you want me to–" Lilith chased after her.

"I'm fine." Rosetta gave her a look before heading to her room by herself.

Lilith, "…"

Aerindel and Freanor looked at each other, "…"

It seems like the hero party has some messy emotional chart going on.

When the meeting finally finished, it was just in time for dinner. Looking at the meat dishes, Rye avoided anything that contains eggs and bird meat, including chicken. Birds, excluding beasts, were regarded as Solistus's subjects and those who practiced priesthood were forbidden to consume them.

As for water, they were only allowed to drink plain water and juice.

Reading all those books really paid off. Even though he abruptly wanted to enter priesthood, he has the necessary knowledge to perform it.

They ate dinner with the royal family and the princess noticed Rye's choice of food.

"Sir Rye, you are Sir Ludric's younger brother, are you not?" The princess inquired.

Ludric noticed Rye was still praying and answered for him, "Yes, he is, Princess Nandia."

"I have heard that there is no priest in your party. I talked to my father about my wish to join your party since I myself am a priestess and I wanted to contribute to bringing peace to our world," Nandia regretfully said, "But I did not expect that your brother is a priest."

Rye finished his prayer and replied to Nandia, "Rest assured, Your Highness, I am not a priest. I am only trying to be more devout towards Solistus. If you wish to join my brother's party, you may discuss so with him. Your healing ability will be much needed."

"Is that so?" Nandia brightened, "Then, may I do so after this meal, Sir Ludric?"

Ludric turned to the king for confirmation. The king affirmed. He had already given her his permission.

"No need for discussion. If everyone agrees, then you can join us," Ludric looked at Nandia solemnly, "But, I must warn you, your life will be exposed to the risk of death. Your value and status will be the same as everybody else in this team and you will not get any preferential treatment."

The king didn't have any sign of negative feeling towards Ludric's words, but Nandia was slightly deterred.

Ludric continued eating his food, "If you are already discouraged from my words, I can't risk accepting you."

Compared to her, Ash who joined without any concrete reason was much better. He was the type to not back away from any challenge after all, for better or worse.

Since Ludric has vocally disapproved of her, the rest didn't give any thought. Anyway, they didn't really need a healer since Rye and Ludric could both cast healing magic albeit different.

"No, I was just…unprepared!" Nandia hurriedly said, "Please give me a chance, Sir Ludric."

"If you participate in tomorrow's battle with us, we may consider it."


In consideration of the archdemon and the mysterious Miril, they proceeded with their ambush very carefully.

Instead of going to monitor himself, Ash would send a drone as his eyes. It has a distance limit though, so he would still need to fly over until he was close enough to the demon army but was still far enough to not get caught. He gave Rye a communication device which he initially kept as a spare. He already sent Rock and Marissa a letter to bring a new one in case they broke in this battle.

Their main objective was to lure out the archdemon and Miril from the rest of the army. Ludric left Rye and Aerindel in charge of leading the Torihigen's army while he and the other heroes would fight the archdemon later.

Heritage was not just power blessed to them for nothing. It was the power to fulfill the fate they have been destined with. With that, only the heroes would be able to defeat high-ranking demons. However powerful a person was, without a hero heritage, they wouldn't be able to kill a demon general. Much less an archdemon.

And the only one who could kill the demon lord was the supreme hero.

Rye wasn't worried about Ludric. His title ensured him that he wouldn't die in this battle however badly his injury may be.

Aerindel didn't let Freanor participate in this one and was told to wait in the castle. Nandia, on the other hand, was going to follow them.

Because the demons were the weakest during noon, they set their plan in motion in the early morning. If they marched at an average pace, they would encounter the demon army near the peak of noon.

Rye spent the night before the battle in the chapel. He read his spell books to refresh his memory of all the spells he ever created. He often pulled an all-nighter for studying when he was younger and for grading exams when he was at the academy. With some snacks, memorizing his spell books all night wouldn't be a problem for him.

For once, he didn't sit on the middle section of the seats. He sat in the very front where it was the closest to Solistus's statue.

He was about to cast a spell to lit up the chapel when countless light orbs bubbled and glowed at the chapel's ceiling. The whole interior was as bright as day, with the lights hazily spilling outside.

Rye appreciated the mesmerizing view for a long while. He felt his cheeks were slightly burning and hid his blush with his spell book.

"Thank you…" He shyly whispered.

He should've brought a lamp from the castle to not worry Octavian, but he was also glad he didn't.

He shook his head and slapped his two cheeks. He must focus.

He prayed to Solistus for his blessing and opened his first book. When he unknowingly fell asleep nearing dawn, Octavian appeared and helplessly carried his sweetheart to his altar bed.

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