The Supreme Hero’s Younger Brother

Chapter 11

I accidentally set the time to PM. Fortunately, I checked 🥲

Rye attached the letter he wrote for the king to a bird and let the messenger bird fly away. On his way out of the building, he passed by some reinforcement soldiers who came with him to the south border.

"Sir Rye!" They excitedly approached him, "We're going to a pub to celebrate our victory! Will you join us?"

"I do not mind joining later, but I want to go somewhere first." Rye nodded.

"Really? Where are you going? We'll escort you there." The soldiers offered.

"Do you know where the chapel here is?"

"I know!" One of the soldiers raised his hand, "I can take you there, Sir Rye."

"It is alright. You can just tell me where it is. You guys go ahead and celebrate."

"Sir Rye, are you going to the chapel to thank Solistus? We can't be the only one that celebrates. We'll also offer our gratitude!"

"Wait, no, it–"

"Guys, let's go to the chapel to thank Solistus!" They invited their fellow soldiers around them.

Rye, "…"

In the end, Rye went to the chapel with a group of soldiers tagging along. They enthusiastically shared their battle stories from earlier with their comrades and to Rye.

Now he knew that winning a person's heart through their stomach is true.

Because the chapel was made for the people of the town to use, its size was bigger than the chapel in the academy. The chapel didn't have any priests inside and was free to use by common people.

The priests and bishops were serving in a separate temple which not all towns have one. They were usually located in big cities with the main temple located on a private island belonging to no country.

They entered the temple and took a seat. But when Rye wanted to sit down he was stopped by the soldiers.

"Sir Rye, you should be the one who lead our prayer." The soldiers brought him to the front.

Rye, "…"

He's not being bullied right now, is he?

He sighed and climbed up the steps. He stood in front of the altar and faced the statue of the god. Once everyone was ready, he clasped his hands and recited the prayer.

He never led a prayer before, but he remembered the words from the weekly prayer at the academy. He recited the opening and changed the content to words of gratitude.

"Lastly, we beseech your guidance for our future and bestow us your protection from the evils of the world, the creation, and ourselves. May the light bless us all."

"May the light bless us all." The soldiers repeated.

Just as Rye finished, the sun on the statue suddenly glowed. Sparkles of golden lights showered down from the ceiling, bringing warmth and power to the soldiers rained by it. Outside the chapel, sunflowers sprouted and bloomed magnificently. The clouds above cleared away, letting the town be basked by the morning sun and bloomed all the flowers inside.

Not only the soldiers, Rye was also stunned frozen in place. He watched in astonishment as all the phenomena unraveled before him.

Was Solistus that satisfied that they won over the demons? The heroes haven't even defeated the demon lord yet?

Rye felt something touch his head and caught it when it fell down.

A sunflower.

A small sunflower pin with golden petals and intricate pearls as its disk floret. It was identical to the pin he was wearing on his robe.


The spirit is also here?

"Woah!! Lord Solistus is blessing us directly!"

"My mana is overflowing! My fatigue is all gone!"

"Lord Solistus is bestowing us his protection!"

"Thank god I come here to pray!"

"Sir Rye, your prayer is amazing!!"

"As expected of Sir Rye!"

"Huh? Ah?" Rye was caught off guard, "No, it has nothing to do with me…"

"Alright! Let's go celebrate with everyone while the sun is up!! We'll share our joyful day with Lord Solistus!"

The soldiers yelled in agreement and excitement. They quickly got up from their seats and left in high spirit.

Rye who was left alone, "…"

Are you sure those golden lights aren't drugs?

He looked at the sunflower pin again before attaching it to the other end of the chain. He scanned the empty chapel and eventually decided to speak to the altar.

"I'm sorry for assuming you're a ghost. I don't think only saying thank you is enough for the robe you gave me, but I really don't know how I can repay you."

Rye paused in thought. After a long while, he pulled out the necklace he was wearing underneath his clothes and took it off.

"I don't have any powerful items, but this necklace is the most precious thing I have. I received it at my coming of age ceremony at 10. The pendant is my birthstone. I regard it like a protection charm," Rye put it on the altar, "Thank you again. I'll come visit you any time I found a chapel. I'll also try finding something of an equal value to give to you."

Rye looked around once more before he finally left. Seeing the sunflowers outside, he caressed a petal briefly.

Mn. It's soft to touch.

He stepped out of the gate with a light heart. Meanwhile, in the chapel, the pendant he left at the altar vanished into the sunlight.

That day, all the pubs, restaurants, and eateries gave free food and drinks for the soldiers, knights, and heroes to feast. Music and singing were heard everywhere from the drunken soldiers while they exchanged their gallant action stories with their comrades.

Thanks to the heroes, there weren't many lives that were lost. For those that did, they were already buried before they went back to the town. Their helmet, where their name was carved, would be returned to each of their family when the army returned home.

"Aren't they too energetic?" Orphel watched the drunken soldiers in wonder as he snacked the food in front of him.

Rye found it was the batch of soldiers that went praying with them. He silently sipped his beer.

Forgive them. They just got drugged earlier.

"So it's true that Solistus blessed the soldiers who went to pray at the chapel earlier?" Orphel turned to Rye, "They said you're the one who led the prayer."

"That's not it. Solistus must've been very pleased that we won over the demon army and cleaned them out of our kingdom. Moreover, we came to thank him afterward," Rye corrected it, "Did you guys ever go to thank Solistus after you won a battle?"

Lucifius shook his head, "No, I don't think so…Only the priests."

"See?" Rye drank his beer again.

Well, it wasn't his initial plan though.

"Still, I didn't expect you can drink alcohol, Rye." August commented.

"Why not? I'm an adult man."

"It's just that you look more like the serious type that doesn't like getting drunk." Lucifius added.

"I like drinking, but it doesn't mean I like getting drunk. I always make sure to stop before I reach that point."

"Ohh~ What's your limit?" Bell excitedly asked.

"Not telling."

"Alright! Let's have a drinking contest!" Orphel filled their glasses full. He dropped 10 silvers to the table, "10 silvers each. Winner takes all."

"You think I'll fall for that?" Rye raised an eyebrow.

"15 silvers." Bell added the bet.

Rye didn't budge.

"20 silvers." August added more.

Rye, "…"

"30!" Lucifius directly put his pouch on the table.

Rye sighed, "You guys are that curious?"

The 4 knights nodded and put 30 silvers each onto the table. Rye considered for a while and put 30 silvers himself.

"Don't cry when you lose."

"Oh! Sir Rye is having a drinking contest with the knights!!" A soldier noticed.

"Sir Rye!? Drinking!?"

"I'm betting 10 coppers for Sir August!"

"Hah! Too little. 50 coppers for Sir Rye!"

"Are you crazy!? But I'm also betting for Sir Rye."

"No way. You never saw Sir Bell drinks? I'm betting for Sir Bell."

The soldiers became rowdy and called on their bets with their comrades. They all gathered around Rye's table to watch the drinking match.

Not far from them, the heroes watched the hype at their own table.

"Your brother sure is popular, Ludric," Rosetta commented, "They didn't gather around you for once."

Ludric only smiled and continued eating his food.

"He's always putting on airs and arrogant," Desmund scoffed, "Turns out he's also a two-faced bastard."

"He never even talk to us. We're the ones who're supposed to be dissatisfied with him, but what's with his attitude?" Lilith also didn't like Rye.

"If it wasn't for Ludric, he wouldn't even be able to join our party."

Ludric calmed them down, "I forced him out of his job. Don't blame him."

"You're too kind, Ludric." Rosetta sighed.

"You two are like heaven and earth honestly." Desmund agreed.

On Rye's table, the soldiers that bet on Rye cheered loudly once Orphel gave out on their eighteenth glass, making Rye the last man standing.

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