The Supreme Hero’s Younger Brother

Chapter 1

"Hey, look. It's the hero's brother."

"Huh? The rumor about that teacher was true?"

"It's true, it's true. Don't you know his family name?"

"It's Cazmere. He never said his full name when he introduced himself, so I've never noticed. Aside from their blonde hair, nothing else is the same."

"Cazmere!? The hero's name is Ludric Cazmere, isn't it?"

"That's what we've been telling you. Are you even listening, idiot?"

"Oh…So, his name is Rye Cazmere then? How did you guys find out?"

"Teacher Godford told us. What do you think Teacher Rye's heritage is?"

Rye walked down the hall amidst the whisperings of the students around him. He was used to people talking behind his back and looking at him with pity or mocking when he was a child, so these little harmless gossiping didn't affect him.

It was still troubling though. He hoped the students would still listen to him in class. If not, he would definitely get into trouble with the academy. Fortunately, he taught history class and has proper certification for it. It has nothing to do with fighting and magic which needed practical credibility.

He fixed his glasses and sighed.

As they said, he was the hero's brother. His older brother, Ludric Cazmere, was announced as the hero once he reached adulthood at 17. At that time, he was 14 years old.

Every human being in this world was blessed with a special heritage by god since their birth. A person's special heritage equals their second identity. Their heritage was often what determined their path in life and what they were destined to be.

Some heritage straightforwardly said the person's job class, but most heritage said the skill they were blessed with. The more general their heritage was, the more powerful the person bearing it would be.

For example, the heritage [Archer] was more powerful than [Shoot bull's eye 10 times a day]

As you have probably guessed, his brother has the heritage of a hero. But not just a hero, he was a [Supreme hero].

Before his brother, there were also other people that had a hero heritage, but their hero class was also determined such as [Sword hero], [Mage hero], and [Paladin hero]. In addition, a supreme heritage means his brother was the hero of all heroes.

As for he himself…

"Hey, Rye!" A burly man suddenly head locked him from behind, "What are you doing spacing out like that? You almost crashed into a pillar."

"Godford…you dare say that when you spilled unnecessary things to the students?" Rye wore his glasses back.

Thankfully, he chained them to his neck.

"Ahahaha…" Godford let Rye go and scratched his face nervously, "They were asking about my school days, and it slipped out."

"Don't 'Ahahaha' me. If I can't conduct my classes smoothly anymore, you're taking responsibility."

"I'm sorry, don't be mad!" Godford placed his hands together in forgiveness, "I'll treat you to dinner tonight!"

"I'm not particularly mad, but I'll take up your offer."

"You're a saint! I'll treat you to the best restaurant in the city within my budget!"

"That last part makes me drop down my expectation," Rye turned around, "The next period is starting soon. See you later."

"Wait for me at the gate."

Rye walked into the lecture hall where the students were already waiting. History class was one of the least favorite classes among the students along with alchemy class and math class. But because they needed a good grade in every class to graduate, they still listened to his lecture.

But now, because of the news going around that he was the hero's younger brother, none of them could focus except for one or two.

"If you can't focus on the lesson, at least quiet down your voice so as to not disturb those who want to learn." Rye knocked the board with his pointer to get the students' attention.

Once the students stopped their buzzing, Rye continued the lesson. His image on the students was strict, so, fortunately, they weren't brave enough to ask him directly.

It wasn't that he was strict though, he was just doing the bare average as a teacher. Maybe because of his glasses. His eyes also looked pretty menacing because of how sharp it was and how his iris didn't touch the bottom of his eyes. It gave the impression that he was glaring all the time.

His brother took after their mother's round almond eyes. Everyone could be comfortable around his brother.

Well, he got over that complex after his puberty passed.

After all his classes ended for the day, he tidied up his things and looked at the time. Godford still has one class to teach. There was an hour left before Godford finished, so he decided to go to the chapel.

The chapel was empty most of the time except at praying time. Since he was little, he always went to the chapel to hide. It gave him a sense of security since nobody was there. Even if there was, no one would dare do the act of harming other people in front of god.

Now, he often went there if he needed a place to think or just relax. He wouldn't classify himself as religious. What he liked was the chapel itself, not god. After all, the one who made his life difficult was the god himself.

The statue of god immediately greeted him when he opened the door. It was quite big, around 20 feet or so. He was wearing a hooded robe, holding the sun in his hands. His statue was the same everywhere. Nobody has ever seen what his face looked like.

The most blasphemous act according to the Supreme Pope was to carve or draw god's face. Even imagining one was considered a sin.

Rye sat down at a random seat in the middle. He didn't like being close to the front or back too much. One was too close to god the other was too close to the door. Either one made him restless.

If the statue wasn't that big he might've been fine with it though.

Rye took out a book from his bag and opened the page he bookmarked.

Over an hour later, a hand suddenly appeared and snatched his book away. Turning around, he saw it was Godford.

"I knew you were here," Godford closed the book and smacked Rye's head, "I've been waiting for over 20 minutes, you know!"

Rye took his book back and bookmarked the last page he read, "Sorry, I was too immersed."

The two of them left the chapel together and headed out for dinner.

"Only 2 of my students listen to my class today. You're also paying for my food, right?"

"Urk…fine," Godford inwardly cried for his wallet, "Just don't order the most expensive food on the menu."

"If it's to my liking, I can't help it."

"Then we're changing to a cheap pub." Godford turned around to another direction.

Rye grabbed the back of his clothes, "I don't think so."

Much to Godford's dismay, Rye ordered the most expensive menu and a bottle of champagne. His last month's salary went into dust.

After finishing dinner, they returned to the teachers' dormitory provided by the academy. Each of them got a personal bedroom with a bathroom attached to it. For them, it was a decent accommodation but wasn't so much for those who were used to luxury from their noble households.

Arriving back, Rye took a bath before he reviewed tomorrow's lecture. He couldn't help but recall the conversation he and Godford accidentally heard at the restaurant.

The hero and his party have just won a battle against a demon general in the west. They finally ended the 5-month war between the west border and the demons.

At this rate, the news of Ludric defeating the demon lord would come soon. He has been pushing back the demons which initially devastated 80% of the kingdom. Now that the demon on the west area has been defeated, all that was left was the south. After that was dealt with, the kingdom would be completely clean from demons and Ludric could focus on the demon king.

If nobody stopped Ludric at the time he was crowned hero, he would already be dead by now from recklessly trying to face the demon lord. But with the experience he got from exterminating demons for 6 years, he was definitely strong enough to defeat the demon lord.

Being separated for 6 years, he definitely has forgotten that he has a younger brother.

Rye took off his glasses and leaned back in his chair.

If the news about him being the hero's younger brother spread out, he wondered how Ludric would react. Would he deny it? Would he be confused? Ludric has never liked him, so it would probably be the latter.

If Ludric denied it, it would be easier for him though, so he hoped Ludric would do that. Those kids, should he give them a surprise quiz tomorrow?

Rye picked up his pen.

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