The Sun Reborn (Cyberpunk 2077)

Chapter 3: Goro Takemura

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

V makes his choice and enjoys the fruits of Alt's labors in more ways than one.


As Alt continues to wrap her tits around his length and suckle at the head of his cock, V leans back and looks up at the ceiling for a moment. The beautiful blonde is a much better view of course, but he needs to be able to think clearly. One might argue that getting his dick fellated and tit-fucked wouldn’t be conducive to that sort of thing, but V would probably put a bullet in that person’s head before listening to their advice.

… Fact was, he wanted Yorinobu dead. It wasn’t for any logical reasons, of course. It was just that the man was the next in line for who V could blame for everything bad that had ever happened to him and his. Jackie and T-Bug were dead because Saburo Arasaka had shown up at the worst possible time. Just fifteen minutes later and they would have been free and in the clear by the time Yorinobu killed his dad.

But Saburo was dead, so getting revenge on that old fucker wasn’t in the cards. Sure, technically V could have destroyed Arasaka entirely and gotten his revenge on Saburo’s ghost that way, but that would be giving Yorinobu what HE wanted. And even if it wasn’t logical or rational, V didn’t want to give Yorinobu what he wanted. He wanted to ruin the other man, entirely.

Sighing, V makes his decision. It’s not anything final, to be fair. He just decides he’s not going to kill Takemura. Not while the other man can still be of some use to him.

With his plan forming in his mind’s eye, V turns his gaze back down to the beautiful woman in between his legs. Alt Cunningham looks right back up at him, her breasts pressing into his thighs and the sides of his cock, her lips suctioned down around the tip of his member. Once he’s giving her his full attention once again, the blonde picks up the pace, bobbing up and down the first few inches of his shaft much faster.

She even brings a hand up to fondle his churning balls, leaving V to groan as he finally tips over the edge a few moments later. Alt pulls back right at the last second and tilts her head back, lifting up her breasts and taking the shower of his cum all over her face and tits. Or rather, she appears to anyways.

After he’s finished cumming all over her, Alt flickers for a moment before teleporting back to his side, lounging on the couch still naked as she makes a show of scooping his seed off of her tits and into her mouth. V’s eyes follow her at first while she moans happily and sucks her fingers clean, but then his gaze moves back to where she’d been and his vision rights itself after a moment.

Snorting derisively, V tucks his cock back into his pants and zips himself back up before shaking his head.

“Gonna need to pick up some condoms if we’re going to continue this relationship, Alt.”

Pausing, the AI tilts her head and pouts mightily.

“I don’t see why. You can’t exactly get me pregnant, V.”

Shaking his head, he gestures underneath the coffee table a few feet from them… where his actual load had all landed, making a fresh mess of an already incredibly stained motel room floor. Alt follows his eyes, even as she continues to play with herself and the fake seed that covers her equally unreal body. After a moment, she just sighs and concedes the point to him.

V isn’t too bothered of course. The end result is that he didn’t make any mess on himself after all, and it’s not like this place isn’t already used to being a dump anyways. But he’s not going to go around jizzing all over the floor or bed back in his apartment just because Alt wants a suck and fuck. So… condoms.

Ignoring the naked AI making obscene noises beside him as she continues to pretend to clean herself of his cum, V focuses on the matter at hand and does something he’s always hated doing. He hurries up and waits.

You would think, Arasaka being what it is and Goro Takemura being who he is, that it wouldn’t take that long. But no, it’s another hour before Alt finally lets out a telltale sigh.

“He’s arrived, V.”

Nodding his head almost imperceptibly, V focuses on the door, waiting patiently. Once Takemura is in the building, it doesn’t take him long to reach the motel room. Finally, the door slides open and the Arasaka Samurai steps inside, gun already drawn. As a matter of course, V lifts up Yorinobu’s piece and points it at Takemura, putting them in a tense standoff.

Stiffening, Goro’s finger tightens but he doesn’t pull the trigger. In other circumstances, he might have done so. His life is over now that he’s failed to keep his Master safe. However, V is aware that Takemura has explicit orders from Yorinobu at the moment. Not only has Yorinobu told Goro that he wants V alive, but he’s also told him to check in the moment that he finds his father’s killer.

Of course, what Takemura doesn’t know is that Yorinobu doesn’t actually want V alive, he just wants a chance to kill two birds with one stone. V’s own grip on his stolen firearm tightens as Alt makes a backdoor into Takemura’s cyberware for him and he hears the Samurai’s subvocalized message to his superiors.

“…-ocated Arasaka-sama’s killer. I repeat, I have located Arasaka-sama’s killer.”

The message doesn’t actually go anywhere, courtesy of Alt. Something that Takemura seems to realize after a moment, his face tightening up almost imperceptibly in rage.

“You. What have you done to my comms?”

V just smiles.

“I shut them off so we could have ourselves a talk, Goro Takemura. See, I didn’t kill your Master. His son did.”

Takemura stiffens, his anger growing at V’s accusation.

“Thief. You expect me to believe you snuck into Yorinobu-sama’s penthouse, stole experimental technology, and had no part to play in Saburo-sama’s murder?”

Scoffing, V shakes his head, though his eyes never leave the angry Samurai. If Takemura decides to shoot, Alt will shut him down in a heartbeat. But that’s still a heartbeat that V has to be ready to dodge if need be.

“Listen to yourself, Takemura. By your own words I’m a thief. Not an assassin. Why would I kill Saburo Arasaka? Besides… I have proof.”

V can’t help the satisfaction that fills his voice at those last three words. Because they’re true. And they would have been true last time around too if motherfucking Dexter DeShawn hadn’t fucking shot him in the head, killing him. Or if the Relic resurrecting him hadn’t also scrambled his brains in the process.

Fact was, Kiroshi Optics all came with recording software. And you bet your fucking ass V started recording the moment he realized Saburo-fucking-Arasaka was walking down those stairs into the penthouse. He had had the whole thing on video… but of course, circumstances had ruined any chance he could have had of using the footage to clear his name the first time around.

This time though, he’d not only averted his own death, but he also had Alt Cunningham as well. With the backdoor into Takemura’s mind…


V tilts his head to the side and the bullet passes through the couch where his face had just been, even as the Arasaka Samurai reacts rather poorly to finally realizing he’s been hacked. Of course, a moment later and Alt has taken control, forcing a blinded Goro Takemura down onto his knees, his gun clattering from spasming fingers.

It’s in the ensuing darkness that Takemura must be experiencing that V’s memories of Konpeki Plaza begin to play. In his own mind’s eye, V watches the video right alongside Goro. Listening to Jackie awed but also terrified voice once again is painful, but not as painful as it once would have been. Together, he and Takemura get a front row seat to Yorinobu and Saburo’s last altercation. And to Saburo Arasaka’s murder.

The video ends before V and Jackie can get out of the hollow pillar. Before T-Bug can be caught by Arasaka Cyber-Security and killed. It ends with V looking down at Saburo’s dead body right after Yorinobu has made up the lie about his father being poisoned in order to keep Takemura from getting too close to the body with its skull caved in at the back.

V gives Alt a nod and she returns Goro’s ability to see and move. The Samurai gasps as he comes out of what was effectively a Braindance without a Braindance Wreath. He scrambles for his gun as he rises to his feet, but he doesn’t immediately lift the weapon and point it at V again. Instead, he looks… lost.

“That… that could have been falsified. Edited to make Yorinobu-sama look like the guilty party.”

V shrugs.

“Could have been. But it wasn’t. You more than anyone know it wasn’t. Look back on your own memories, Goro Takemura. You got a glance at both the pillar and your Master before Yorinobu shooed you away. You can’t tell me you didn’t see the crack in the glass and the bloodstain. You can’t tell me Saburo looked like he’d died of poisoning.”

Goro is quiet for a long moment as he thinks back, no doubt analyzing every detail of the two or three seconds where he was rushing up to his Master’s downed form before Yorinobu got in his face and shut him down. It was such a short amount of time, but combined with V’s perspective…

To really bring the point home, V waves his hand in the air and Goro’s own cyberware activates, pulling up glowing camera feeds in the air between them. V would do it himself, but he’s practically a virgin when it comes to cyberware at the moment. The lack of chrome itches, but he’ll get that fixed soon enough. For now, using Alt to utilize Takemura’s cyberware is a decent stopgap measure.

Especially when V is doing so in order to show Goro his own would-be killers. The camera feeds reveal glowing red eyes in the dark and stormy weather outside, as three different Arasaka Cyber-Assassins are revealed in their hiding places all around the No Tell Motel. Takemura stiffens at their presence.

“Not any back-up you know about, presumably.”

Gnashing his teeth, Takemura shakes his head, his free hand clenching into a shaking fist.

“… I told Yorinobu-sama that I needed to do this alone. To regain my lost honor.”

V nods amicably at that.

“Well I have good news and bad news. The good news is, they aren’t here to help you regain your lost honor. The bad news is, they aren’t here to help you at all.”

Goro’s eyes alight with understanding, even as his sour-faced scowl becomes even more pronounced. V just shrugs and drives the point home.

“If I’d let you send that message of yours, they would have been on us as soon as we were on the road in your car. And neither of us would have survived the ensuing ‘tragic’ car crash. Especially since Yorinobu would have taken your message as the signal he needs to finally shut off all of your company-given cyberware.”

Takemura jolts at that last dig, his eyes glancing down to his body. He’s positively filled with chrome, all of it not just Arasaka-branded, but also Arasaka-owned and Arasaka-maintained. A blindly loyal dog like Goro has probably never paid much attention to the fact that Arasaka has a kill switch for his chrome… until today.

Looking frustrated and perhaps a little defeated, Takemura hisses.

“… Say that I believe you. We must get this evidence to those who can use it. Yorinobu Arasaka must be held accountable for his patricide.”

V smiles thinly, still holding Yorinobu’s stolen gun aloft.

“You can do that if you like, Takemura. I’m not going anywhere with you though. What do you think will happen if we walk out of this building together? It won’t matter if you didn’t report it in, your watchers will and they’ll receive the orders to kill us both all the same.”

He can see the logic of what he’s saying settling over Takemura like a shroud. Shoulders slumping, the Arasaka Samurai’s tone becomes begrudging.

“What do you suggest then?”

Gesturing with the gun to the two bodies he’s dragged over to the wall, V just smiles.

“Dexter DeShawn and some nobody. The Fixer who planned the Konpeki Plaza Job and his huscle. Feel free to take credit for the kills and report that you’re still pursuing Saburo’s killer… me. Normally, not getting results right away would be unacceptable in a company like Arasaka. But Yorinobu won’t care all that much. He wants to zero you if you actually find me but keeping you on a wild goose chase for as long as possible is just as good for his purposes. After all, the longer you’re busy with tracking me down, the longer he has to dismantle the Arasaka Corporation from within.”

That gets a wide-eyed look from Goro Takemura, and V knows he has him in that moment.

“He… he would not…”

“No? Wouldn’t he? He’s just killed his father, Takemura. A man he’s hated for decades for infantilizing him and pushing him down. Do you really think Yorinobu will be content with reigning over all that his father built? Or will he make it his goal to tear down everything Saburo created?”

V can see how troubling his words are to Takemura. A company man through and through, even with his Master dead. Finally, the Arasaka Samurai nods.

“… We will go with your plan. I will pretend to be hunting you, even as I take your evidence to those who can stop Yorinobu’s madness. You must promise me you will remain in Night City, however. If you leave… I will be forced you hunt you down in earnest.”

The threat might have had more bite to it if V and Alt hadn’t dominated this conversation from start to finish. There’s nothing Takemura can do to them, but whether the Arasaka Samurai knows it and is just putting on a brave face, or whether he actually believes he has a chance… well, it doesn’t matter.

“I’m not going anywhere, Takemura. Feel free to call me in when you finally need a bullet put in Yorinobu’s head. I’ll be happy to do it for you… for the right price.”

He’d be happy to do it for free, but Goro doesn’t need to know that. Indeed, his words have the intended effect on the other man, who narrows her eyes and growls.


A step up from thief is nothing else. Smiling thinly, V inclines his head.


With their goodbyes said, Goro Takemura whips around and leaves the room. Once he’s outside in the hallway, he immediately tries to send a message off… but to his credit, it’s the right message. Alt checks it over before letting it through her net, and its exactly what V told Takemura to say. Perfect.

V lets out a low sigh as he watches Goro depart through motel cameras. After a moment, the Cyber-Ninjas discretely follow. With that fire properly managed for the time being, he can turn his attention to other things. Though admittedly, he finds himself at a crossroads now. On the one hand, he needs better chrome, meaning a visit to Vik. He also needs to let Misty know that Jackie is dead since he sent Jackie’s body onto his mother.

On the other hand, he needs to contact Evelyn and Judy sooner rather than later, and he doesn’t trust a phone call to do the trick. Meaning he needs to go to Lizzie’s sooner rather than later.

Rising to his feet, V feels Alt drape herself over him from behind, clad once more in her white top and blue jeans as she nevertheless rubs rock hard nipples through both of their shirts into his back.

“Where to next, V?”

Grunting, he heads for the door, his mind already made up.

The Vote:
[ ] Head to Vik's to meet with Misty and Vik first - 35%

[X] Head to Lizzie's to meet with Judy and Evelyn first - 65%


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