The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 153: destroy the signboard

After Hu Zheng was beaten out of the martial arts field, after Qin Haoran could no longer deal with the anger and spat blood…it was as if the world had suddenly become peaceful. 

The martial artists who were watching took a long time to regain their composure. 

The experts of the Alliance looked over at Qin Haoran with sorrowful glances. 

Four out of the seven rounds had been completed; Vast Spirit Gate had lost four rounds, so winning the next three was meaningless.

Alliance Chief Qin would also need to go to the Ironbone Sect and clean… the latrines. 

That was the Vast Spirit Gate’s leader! That was our alliance chief!

Unacceptable! How could this be accepted?

These experts had gathered at the Vast Spirit Gate early just to watch Jun Changxiao humiliate himself, to watch as the Ironbone Sect disciples were beaten down. 

But the result? What was the result?!

Reality was the exact opposite of their expectations. The one humiliated was Qin Haoran and the ones beaten were the Vast Spirit Gate disciples. 

The audience members regained their composure but chose to remain silent. 

Even those that favored Jun Changxiao did not expect for the Ironbone Sect to be on a winning streak, or for them to win so cleanly!

An eighth-grade sect wrecking a sixth-grade sect. 

Those who were here watching could believe it, but would anyone else believe it?

Not only was it difficult to believe, once this information was passed throughout Qingyang Commandery, the first response of those who had not personally witnessed the event would be that this was nonsense, the second reaction would be that this was fucking nonsense!

Wang Donglin was lost in thought.

The four Ironbone Sect disciples’ display had been very intimidating, shocking him greatly. 

He even started to think, on Holy Spring Mountain one year later, how strong would these young children have become?

This, the Azure Mountain Sect was inexplicably waiting to see. 

“Alliance Chief Qin, my disciples have won four rounds. You must fulfill the bet, coming to the Ironbone Sect to clean the latrines.”

Jun Changxiao’s smile was innocent and harmless as he added, “Relax, my sect’s latrines are not smelly.”

The audience felt the corners of their mouths twitching. 

Cut the bullshit! Your sect’s latrines weren’t smelly?!

Alliance Chief Qin was still clutching at his chest, hands fiercely trembling, his breath also coming in rapid huffs. 

He could not accept defeat, could not accept having to clean the Ironbone Sect toilets!

“Who was it?” Jun Changxiao looked at the martial artist in the audience, saying, “Repeat your words from a moment ago, so that Alliance Chief Qin can hear them.”

The martial artist being spoken to quickly turned his head and disappeared into the crowd. 

Jun Changxiao shook his head. “Since you won’t repeat it, this lord will.”

Looking at Alliance Chief Qin, he clearly repeated, “Whoever does not follow the rules of this wager is a degenerate of Jianghu, spurned by everyone.”


Hearing these words, Qin Haoran vomited some more blood. 

The honored and respected people of Jianghu, what was it that they cared about most?

Correct, it was their reputation!

Vast Spirit Gate had lost today; if he did not fulfill the agreements according to the bet, that was equal to bringing ruin and shame upon himself!

Qin Haoran slowly raised his head, his reddened eyes locked onto Jun Changxiao. As his anger and killing intent soared, he grit out, “Sect Head Jun, do not go too far!”

“Aiya, you’re scaring the baby to death.” Jun Changxiao flashed his hands in feigned fear, then said, “Is Alliance Chief Qin planning to be shameless, silencing the witness of a crime?”

Wang Donglin smiled. “Alliance Chief Qin is the lord of a sect, the chief of the Hundred Sects Alliance. How could he act shamelessly? Sect Head Jun is overanxious.”

This was like a heaven-sent knife to the chest!

Qin Haoran’s body rocked, like he was barely able to stop himself from collapsing to the ground. 

“Sect Head Jun.”

One expert could no longer bear it and coldly said, “Everyone here is a person of Jianghu; when you look up, you won’t see it, but it will be there when you look down. There is no need to be so harsh!” [1]

“No need? Be so harsh?”

“Haha! Ahhaha! Ahahaha!”

Jun Changxiao laughed, cackling like the devil and making the others feel a chill wrapping around their backs. 


Suddenly, he stopped laughing. With a tilt of his head, he coldly answered, “Old fogy, I ask you, if the ones who had lost were my Ironbone Sect, would you still stand there and speak these words?”


“You wouldn’t! He wouldn’t! None of you would! Because in your eyes, my Ironbone Sect has been assigned a worthless life at birth! Our entire life brings shame unto others! We should just be stepping stones for others, constantly oppressed!”

His voice only got more sonorous as he spoke, Jun Changxiao’s expression growing fiercer. 

“A group of people full of words about benevolence, of group of hypocrites lecturing while filled with hypocrisy. With what qualifications do you say that this lord has gone too far? With what qualifications do you pose as a noble man before me!?”

“Xiao Zuiji!” Jun Changxiao pointed at the main hall, a blue vein popping out of his forehead. He angrily instructed, “Destroy that signboard for this lord!”

Xiao Zuiji, who had just returned, summoned the Type 88 and aimed the muzzle right at the main hall. Even if this shot might have terrible consequences, he did not hesitate at all before pulling the trigger.

The command of Sect Head, Disciple would only obey. 


A blast of light exploded forth. 

Under the gazes of more than 1000 disciples, under the eyes of so many experts, the signboard with the three words ‘Vast Spirit Gate’ was blasted into powder!


A suitable day for travelling and meeting up. 

Avoid opening shop; go see friends and family instead. 

Seeing the sect’s crushed dignity in the crumbling signboard, Qin Haoran’s anger and killing intent was no longer able to be contained. His Martial Ancestor cultivation exploded and he charged at Xiao Zuiji. 

One step, two steps… then he stopped.

Xiao Zuiji’s rifle had moved, the muzzle now locked onto the man's head. The boy indifferently said, “If Alliance Chief Qin thinks that he is quick enough to avoid the Invincible Might Cannon in my hand, he can try it.”

With a gun in his hand, he threatened the Vast Spirit Gate’s leader, the Hundred Sects Alliance’s chief. 

At this time, the scene could only be described with two words: fucking cool!

Clang, clang, clang!

Their sect head was being threatened with a hidden weapon! The thousand Vast Spirit Gate disciples simultaneously drew their weapons. 

Clang, clang, clang!

Lu Qianqian, Li Qingyang, Su Xiaomo, Tian Qi, and Li Fei respectively revealed their own weapons and protected their own sect head, eyes twinkling with cold light. 

Zhou Hong had not drawn his sword, but a cold breeze blew through and scattered his hair, revealing his swordlike pupils. 

The sword wrapped in plain black cloth in his arms trembled and hummed, as if it was ready to obey the moment its master summoned it from the sheath. 

Ye Xingchen was silent as he stepped in front of Jun Changxiao, taking up the vacant spot in the defense. 

Whatever, whatever. 

I still have to take advantage of his resources, so let’s just temporarily pretend to be a disciple of the Ironbone Sect.

Hence, eight disciples stood around the sect head, taking up eight different positions. As long as the Vast Spirit Gate disciples dared to come forth, they intended to counterattack!

On Spirit Spring Mountain, they were unafraid of the Holy Spring Sect. 

In Vast Spirit Gate, they were unafraid of facing a thousand disciples. 

They dared to face a sixth-grade sect’s disciples in their own domain; the various martial artists could only feel admiration!

Qin Haoran clenched his teeth. “Jun Changxiao, you have destroyed my Vast Spirit Gate’s signboard, trampling upon my Vast Spirit Gate’s dignity, this is an absolutely irreconcilable enmity!”

Jun Changxiao indifferently responded, “Isn’t it laughable to discuss dignity with a man who cleans toilets?”

These words seemed to ruthlessly tear at Qin Haoran’s heart, as his expression painfully twisted. 

He clenched his fists, killing intent reaching new heights as it filled the air. 

However… he didn’t act. It wasn’t because he dreaded the Type 88, but because Wang Donglin walked out from behind and said, “Sect Head Jun, destroying the signboard was too much.”

Jun Changxiao said, “Senior Wang, you also saw it a moment ago, Alliance Chief Qin refused to fulfill his side of the agreement. This lord could only destroy the honorable sect’s sign in order not to tarnish the two words ‘noble spirit’.”

“In this old man’s eyes,” Wang Donglin spoke as a peacemaker. “Sect Head Jun has destroyed the signboard, making both sides of the bet invalid.”

“This…” Jun Changxiao stroked his chin and said, “This lord listens to Senior Wang, I only fear that Alliance Chief Qin will not agree.”

Wang Donglin said, “Using a sign to cover a bet, gaining exemption from cleaning the bathrooms for one year, how can he not agree?”

“Right?” he glanced at Qin Haoran, “Alliance Chief Qin?”

[1] 抬头不见低头见, lit. ‘when you look up, you won’t see it, but it will be there when you look down’; in context it means ‘we will see each other often'

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