The Strongest God [Online Gaming]

v2 Chapter 3

Biquge, the latest chapter of the fastest and strongest male **** (online game)!

Chapter 003: Tragedy qualifying

Li wanted to listen to Liu Chuan’s genre, and could not help but euphemistically suggested: “Liu Chuan, you just started playing this game. As a novice, I still think it is better to play archers, and it is too difficult for the master to operate!”

Liu Chuan said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter, I just like to play crickets and practice slowly.”

With a smile on his face, the roommate was calm and calm. Li Xiang was too embarrassed to hit him. He could only enthusiastically suggested, “Oh, if you are determined to play this genre, you might as well watch the videos of the great gods first. I remember the professional circle has A great man of Tangmen who played the genre recorded a lot of Raiders videos. His name is … What is it? “Li wanted to scratch his hair and think carefully.

Liu Chuan reminded him: “Is it called Heiner Baichuan?”

Li wanted to pat his head: “That’s right, it’s called Haina Baichuan, the former captain of the Huaxia team Haina Baichuan. Do you know him? There is a Sichuan word in his name. Do you like the genre of tadpoles you like to play? “

Liu Chuan said without changing his face, “Well, I like him very much.”

Zhu Xiaoyu next to him agreed, “I also like the Sichuan team very much. He can control seven crickets at the same time. It is awesome! Unfortunately, he suddenly retired and did not know what happened. In other words, he would not have heard of him for more than half a year. Is there any terminal illness? “

Li wanted to echo: “It’s possible!”

Liu Chuan: “…”

I stand here well! Don’t you curse me?

I ca n’t help but contend with the question of “Where did the Sichuan team go?” Liu Chuan was very clever at changing the topic and said, “Yes, are n’t you going to play in qualifying? Are the other two students online?”

Li wanted to look back at his friends list. Sure enough, he saw that two friends were online. Li wanted to quickly send a team invitation to the past. Five people formed a team to join the qualifying list. Randomly matched a passerby.

Soon, the system matching was completed, and a stranger was added to the five-member team. Li wanted to say hello to him in the team channel, and everyone pressed the preparation button.

“Your team has joined the qualifying queue and is looking for your opponent, please wait a moment.”

After half a minute, the match is successful, and a prompt pops up on the screen——

“Successfully matched opponents, random map loading, countdown 10, 9, 8 …”

Li Xiang hurriedly helped the headset and greeted on the team voice channel: “It’s about to start, everyone is focused and cheer up!” After encouraging morale, Li Xiang turned back to Liu Chuan and said, “Yes, I’ll take it later Commanding the game may not be able to explain to you in detail … “

Liu Chuan raised his lips: “It’s all right, let me see how you fight.”

The countdown ends in 10 seconds and the game officially begins.

Appearing in front of everyone is a beautiful peach blossom island, Li Xiang and his teammates refreshed the birth point in the lower left corner of the map at the same time.

The 6-player team competition rules are special. When the game starts, both sides will refresh at the corners of the diagonal of the map. This birth point is also their home base. The character will be resurrected here after the death. The more deaths, the resurrection The longer you wait.

Battle maps are randomly generated. Bamboo forests, towns, snowy mountains, swamps, and various maps can also bring different battle fun.

The purpose of the game is to capture three random flags randomly drawn on the map, and then bring them back to their base camp. After the flag is refreshed, the coordinates will be displayed on the small map. Whoever wins the more flags will get The ultimate victory.

A simple understanding is the mode of “random map capture the flag battle”.

Li thought their random map was “Peach Blossom Island”. This map looks very beautiful. The pink peach blossoms flutter in the wind. Even the ground is covered with a thick petal carpet. The 3D effect of the game is very good. However, Li thought they were obviously not in the mood to admire any beautiful scenery. Everyone stood together and added each other. Li Xiang then commanded: “Okay, let’s hold the group and go down the middle!”

Holding a team to push the middle, this is the most common tactic of the rookie board …

The map of Taohua Island is not difficult, and the terrain is not complicated. Li wants to take his teammates directly to the flag point in the middle of the map.

Five people walked to the fork in the road, and a Mingjiao suddenly came out behind a dense peach tree. Apart from that, an icy knife light split directly at everyone!

Li wanted to scream, “There is an ambush! Come on!”

——Khan, do not adjust the position when there is an ambush, you directly … on?

Several others listened to Li Xiang’s command and immediately rushed forward, smashing a bunch of skills.

Li wanted to continue commanding: “Kill the nurse first! Hurry! Kill the nurse!”

——Isn’t it time to kill Ming religion first? Mingjiao just moved too aggressively, and has long been out of the scope of treatment of his grandmother?

“Don’t care about that Mingjiao! Kill the nurse! Speed ​​kill the nurse!”

Liu Chuan: “…”

“Plus blood and blood! Give me a sip of milk soon! I’m going to hang up! I’ll take a sip of milk!”

Liu Chuan: “…”

What ghosts are commanding this! Liu Chuan was simply powerless!

Although the fourth stage is considered good among online game players, it is really weak in the eyes of professional players-do not know how to calculate damage, do not know how to control position, do not understand distance adjustment, and do not know how to observe and use terrain …

This is the case for e-sports projects. People who are higher than one level have completely different methods and consciousness.

When a professional team plays a game, each map must be carefully analyzed and researched. Various siege, guerrilla, east-west, and seduce enemies to go deeper … The professional circle has a group of captains full of bad water, creating a variety of tactics. As the captain of the Huaxia team, Liu Chuan was used to commanding professional leagues. Seeing that Li thought they were playing in such a mess, it was too sad.

After looking at it for a while, Liu Chuan could not help but remind him: “You retreat to the tree first …”

Li Xiang had red-eyed, and didn’t listen to the roommate’s reminder at all. He continued to shout, “Go up! Go down!”

Liu Chuan had no choice but to look at them angrily.

The first game was quickly lost, and the second game continued to be straightforward. Li wanted to be a little depressed, opened a bottle of Red Bull next to him and sipped a few sips, and shook his hands with great pride: “Come again ! “

Liu Chuan really wanted to say: classmates you fight like this, drinking Red Bull is useless!

As a crispy Tangmen archer, instead of hiding in the distance to suppress long-range firepower, he rushed forward with his teammates, and sometimes rushed to the crowd to save people, and used Tangmen as a melee. Rushing around the Tangmen, it’s really a personal …

However, this guy’s hand speed is quite fast, and the reaction of other teammates is significantly faster.

Liu Chuan couldn’t help asking: “Li thought, you have more than 220 hands?”

Li wanted to answer: “It seems to be 240!”

Hand speed, which is the number of finger operations in one minute, is referred to as APM.

In the domestic e-sports field, in the team-competitive competition, the hand speed of 220 is the passing line for professional players, that is, professional players must press 220 keys at least in one minute, and they must press exactly The position you want to press must not be mistaken.

The average person’s hand speed is around 120-150. At this hand speed, an hour can be used to type thousands of words. It can be seen how fast the professional players’ fingers will be. When the gods chat, a large number of words are typed out, and they simply follow Copy and paste are as fast.

Li Xiang’s 240 hand speed has actually reached the passing standard of professional players, so you might train to become a master. However, he clearly did not realize what the problem was, and Liu Chuan felt a pity.

Li Xiang’s personality is straightforward, **** and moral, and he also likes to rush around. His style is actually more suitable for melee sects such as Shaolin and beggars, and it is obviously not compatible with Tangmen.

After losing three games in a row, Li thought that their team would automatically return to the waiting queue and start matching opponents again.

Li Xiang drew his head a bit depressed, and the whole person looked like an eggplant beaten by cream.

Looking at the back of his head, Liu Chuan couldn’t help but ask, “Li thought, have you been playing Tangmen all the time?”

Li wanted to nod: “Well.”

Liu Chuan suggested euphemistically: “Have you ever thought about changing into a martial art? Like Shaolin and the like …”

Li wanted to look back, and looked at Liu Chuan with the same fool’s eyes: “Shaolin? Don’t kid me, Shaolin’s equipment is too ugly. And I think Shaolin is also useful for playing copies, playing arenas is really useless! “

Liu Chuan: “…”

are you kidding me!

That’s hard to see in the rookie bureau. You know how many sharp masters there are in the high-end bureau? The masters looked at the compassionate faces with the bead and the puppets. They really fought each other with a level of cruelty. Believe it or not, you are at such a level. When you meet a powerful master, you are absolutely pressed to the ground.

Liu Chuan looked at Li helplessly and thought, “I think you can give Shaolin a try. It’s boring to play Tangmen all the time, right?”

Li wanted to wave his hand and said, “No, no, you don’t understand! I still play Tangmen!”

Liu Chuan: “…”

——What should a stupid roommate give up treatment? !!

Liu Chuan suggested that Li want to change martial arts, Li Xiang actually said: you don’t understand!

Liu Chuan sees people playing games, just by looking at the keystrokes, he knows what level a person is at, and there is no room for improvement. Li Xiang ’s hand speed is actually very fast, but unfortunately, the operation is terrible. Such a talented guy has been taking detours unconsciously. Obviously, in the game, he has not encountered a truly reliable master, Liu Chuan Ren. Can’t help but want to mention him a little.

… Unfortunately, he didn’t listen at all. He resolutely gave up treatment and discredited to the end of Tangmen, a dead end that was not suitable for him.

Liu Chuan can’t always say: Actually, I am the former captain of the Chinese team.

If you say so, it is estimated that the housemates will not only believe, but they will think that his brain is problematic …

Moreover, Liu Chuan did not want to reveal his true identity this time when he returned to school.

It wouldn’t be good to be watched if it was known that he was the former captain of the Hainan Baichuan and Huaxia teams.

Li thinks their qualifying match is still in continuous tragedy. Liu Chuan watched a few games is really sad …

So Liu Chuan wisely decided to run first: “Oh, Li thought, I’m in a hurry, go back to the dormitory first.”

Li wanted to keep pulling his head, and when he heard the words of his roommate, he looked up at him and waved his hands to Liu Chuan weakly and said, “Go ahead … I’ll take a break and play another game …”

After losing so many games, it’s uncompromising, and it continues to send people so strong.

The picture was so beautiful that Liu Chuan couldn’t bear to look at it anymore and had to turn away.

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