The Strongest Exercise Upgrade System

Chapter 31 - bargain

“One hundred taels? Why don’t you grab it?”

Zeng Yu almost jumped with anger when he heard what Old Man Wu said.

He rubbed such a long mouth with Old Man Wu, focused on the flaws in this thing, and gave it to the individual without perfect skin.

The purpose is to be able to buy this furnace tripod at the lowest price.

What Zeng Yu didn’t expect was that this old man Wu was treacherous as a ghost, with only promises, but when it was the turn of the offer, he was full of fierceness, and he looked like eating people without spitting out bones.

Before getting those dozens of taels of gold, this hundred taels of silver was definitely a huge sum of money for Zeng Yulai.

At that time, Zeng Yu’s total net worth was only in his early 100s.

Zeng Yu didn’t expect that this old man Wu really dared to speak loudly. One mouth would cost a hundred taels of silver.

Seeing Zeng Yu’s angrily and depraved appearance, Old Man Wu insisted on Qingshan not letting go, shook his head and said:

“It’s not that the old man didn’t want to count it and gave it to you, but that this is really an antique of high value!

It’s not that the old man is telling you. If this thing is brought to the heads of Lin Luozhang’s three major families, with their careful vision, you will definitely be able to see the extraordinary treasure!

They will definitely buy it without hesitation!

It is also because we have a good relationship, the old man first thought of selling this thing to you!

If you don’t want it, I will sell it to others! “

Zeng Yu sneered and said:

“Want to sell to three big masters? Then you have to be able to meet them too!

I can guarantee that if you dare to take such a broken thing to the three major families to promote it, you will be thrown out by the guardian before you enter the door!

Selling town treasures? Do you think that the three big families are all collecting broken copper and iron? “

Zeng Yu stopped paying attention to Old Man Wu, pretending to turn around and leave.

“Eh, fish, it’s okay if you have something to say! Don’t leave in such a hurry!”

Seeing that Zeng Yu was about to leave, Old Man Wu quickly grabbed Zeng Yu and said:

“It’s not that the old man doesn’t want to sell Benyi to his friends, but because this treasure is really valuable!

When buying this thing, the old man did not spend less money!

If you are intentional, the old man will be cheaper for you!

Even if you have ninety-nine taels! “

“I’m pooh! For a price of one hundred taels, you give me a discount of one tael? Are you giving alms to a beggar?

Tell you, I will give you thirty taels of this thing at most! Love to sell, not to sell, not to sell, down! “

Zeng Yu shouted angrily, and was about to leave.

“Don’t go, don’t go! Thirty taels are too little! Eighty taels are for you!”

Old man Wu stopped Zeng Yu who pretended to leave.

Zeng Yu: “No! Up to 40 taels, no more!”

Old man Wu: “Sixty taels! Sixty taels! Who is the two of us, with such a good thing, I will die for selling you sixty taels!”

Zeng Yu: “Don’t: fifty taels! One price! I’m really gone if I don’t sell it!”

Old Man Wu was stunned, looking at Zeng Yu’s resolute appearance with a complicated expression.

Finally, I could only shook my head, sighed, and said, “That’s fine! It’s only fifty taels! Friends are really good at bargaining! Such a good treasure, you can buy it at half price! The old man is really convinced! is you!”

Zeng Yu smiled and said: “Don’t cry miserably! Your heart may still be secretive at this moment! You can sell this broken thing for fifty taels. If you don’t make money, my Zeng will be reversed. write!”

Old man Wu has a thick face, he just smiled when he heard the words, and said: “This business is only small profits but quick turnover! Since the transaction is concluded, please invite friends to pay for the silver and take the things away!”

Old man Wu rubbed his hands, he couldn’t wait to be authentic.

Zeng Yu didn’t talk nonsense, and directly removed the burden behind him, and began to draw money from the burden.

Zeng Yu put an ingot of one or two silver in front of Old Man Wu, rounding up to fifty before he stopped.

Since the embarrassment that occurred after trading with Old Man Wu last time, Zeng Yu has realized the importance of carrying change.

Therefore, when he came out this time, Zeng Yu deliberately replaced the hundred taels of silver bills with lumps of silver.

Old man Wu stared at Zeng Yu taking the silver one by one, and smiled bitterly: “Why don’t you pay with a silver ticket? Twelve ingots of silver will do too! Why do you bring so much scattered silver? It’s too inconvenient!”

Zeng Yu smiled mysteriously, and said: “No way, vendors like scattered money. To facilitate transactions, I bring my own change.

There are fifty two in total, can you see enough?”

“Enough is enough!”

Old man Wu received the cash and smiled openly.

Zeng Yu just wanted to pick up the stove and leave. Old man Wu stopped Zeng Yu again, took out a strange black cloak, and said:

“Fish, please wait!

This is a flying bat wing produced by Buyifang. It is a good baby for outing adventures and assisting flying!

With this thing, all the cliffs are like flat ground!

And this thing is very easy to use, so far no bad reviews!

This is a second-hand product. If you want it, I will sell it to you for ten taels! “

However, Zeng Yu’s interest in this flying bat wing is lacking. He has now learned how to walk freely and has done a good job. This thing has little effect on him.

Zeng Yu shook his head and said:

“I’m not interested in this thing! This thing is a one-off sale!

Jumping off the cliff wearing this thing, there are only two endings, dead and not dead!

People who are not dead naturally admire it.

People who are dead can’t give bad reviews!

This is the truth of its zero negative reviews so far! “

“Ah, that’s right! Why didn’t I think about it?”

Old man Wu suddenly realized.

Zeng Yu ignored the performance of the old man Wu, picked up the set of stove and left the street and returned home to Zheng.

Although this thing is not big in size, it is heavy to hold, at least five or six hundred catties.

Fortunately, Zeng Yu is now the post-eighth strength, able to pick up heavy objects with one hand.

Holding five or six hundred catties in his hand, he walked easily.

When he got home, Zeng Yu put the medicine refining stove inside the house so much, he ignored the stove.

Instead, he hurriedly took the dozen or so seedlings and planted them on the open area of ​​the vegetable garden, and then poured the water from the Huiyuan pot.

After doing this, Zeng Yu returned to the house and studied the medicine refining furnace cauldron carefully.

“It’s a pity that this is only a damaged magic weapon, and it can only be used to refine low-level pill now! If the furnace is intact, then I can make a lot of money!”

Zeng Yu felt the pill furnace that was missing an ear, thinking with regret.

However, Zeng Yu also knew that if the furnace ding was intact, it would not fall into his hands. It would have been bought by a monk who knew the goods a long time ago. Where would it be his turn to buy it?

However, Zeng Yu knew in his heart that he had definitely earned this defective product for fifty taels of silver.

After all, a piece of magic treasure, even if it is damaged, its materials are already very precious.

It was made with some good materials that only those who cultivated immortals would use.

Old man Wu can pass through without recognizing such materials, but the scanning function of the upgrade system is reversed, and there is absolutely no error.

After studying the furnace tripod, Zeng Yu began to practice.

Zeng Yu is now high-spirited. He has already sworn that Jiang Qianxue will not marry in this life.

It’s just that Jiang Qianxue is a peerless talent, and has reached the advanced state at the age of twenty.

Although Zeng Yu’s strength has grown rapidly recently.

But in the end, it was nothing more than a post-eight warrior.

The realm of Jiang Qianxue is really far away.

Furthermore, it is uncertain whether Zeng Yu can enter first.

There is a huge barrier between the latter realm and the first realm. The vast majority of warriors are stuck in the lower ten realm, and it takes a lifetime to pass this hurdle.

Zeng Yu was also not sure whether he could step over.

But for Jiang Qianxue, even if it is a big hurdle, Zeng Yu will pass by even if he desperately!

Zeng Yu has no retreat. Only by cultivating and advancing continuously can he get closer to his dream.

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