The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 36: Written as Cohort, Read as Rivals

After leaving the Seeker Guild, I headed to the Orc’s Club on foot.

At every Seeker bar, representatives from each party would get together and hold a meeting once a month. The aim of such meetings was to make all the Seekers' activities go more smoothly by sharing information, like the details of the requests they had done that month. Information gathered by the boss of the Seeker bar was also shared here.

If a Seeker didn't want to be an "information have-not", it was a meeting that he or she should definitely attend. According to what Lloyd had said, back when he had attended as the leader, no one had ever been absent. Everyone understood deeply that the difference between life and death laid in whether or not they had the information they needed.

However, I had ranked up, and already had plans to create a clan, so there wasn’t any information that I wanted badly enough to make me fulfill my obligations to everyone at the Orc’s Club. The information that I required was already the kind from one Rank higher.

And yet, I decided to make a point of participating, despite my busy schedule, because I had a purpose other than the meeting.

When I arrived at the Orc’s Club and opened the door, the other representatives were already assembled. By right, it was outside of business hours, but the representatives were allowed to enter the bar.

「Noel, over here!」

The handsome man with brown hair, who was beckoning to me with a smile, was Wolf, the leader of Lightning Bite. Wolf was sitting at a larger round table in the middle of the bar. The leader of Fist King, Logan, a big man with a crew cut was also at that table.

Those two people, who had bad blood between them, were not sitting together because they had reconciled. It was because each representative’s seat was determined by their achievements. Only Wolf, Logan, I, and Veronica Redbourne, the leader of『Scarlet Lotus Flower』, could sit at this round table.

Her Job was Mage, C Rank. She was an intelligent-looking beauty with a blonde short bob and a red headband.

She wore crimson leather armor, but as it was designed for women, it didn't give a brutish impression and its design was smart and elegant. The armor only covered her chest and shoulders. She wore a skirt that exposed her white thighs. Her armor’s defensive capabilities would be worrying if she was a vanguard, but since Veronica was a rearguard, it was probably the best for her, in terms of weight.

When I sat down between Wolf and Logan, Veronica, who was in the opposite seat, raised her eyebrows in displeasure.

「Even though it’s the first time you’re attending, to be the one who arrives the latest, you’re such a big shot, aren’t you, Noel?」

「But I wasn’t late for the start time of the meeting?」

「That’s not what I’m talking about. It's a matter of etiquette」

「I see, so nagging about trivial details like this is what is trendy according to the rules of etiquette. I'll certainly carve that into my heart. Thank you very much for teaching me such useful knowledge for free, Veronica」

At my words, Veronica raised her eyebrows higher.

「Noel, you have a very bad reputation these days. It would be fine if it’s just that, but you drew the Yakuza to this bar? Don't you think you should be a little more prudent?」

「Oh, so Veronica is scared of the Yakuza. I've done something inexcusable then. I apologize from the bottom of my heart」

「Can you not fool around? This is an important issue」

I was at a disadvantage when talking about the Gambino affair so I raised my hands in surrender.

「I'm sorry. I'm apologizing to all of you, that was my fault」

And then, I continued.

「But don't worry. I won't be coming to this bar anymore. Today is the last time. I've ranked up, and the creation of my clan is done. I'll be going up in the world one step ahead of you all」

「What did you say!?」

Veronica was shocked, and at the same time, the surrounding tables all began to make a fuss about it.

「Hey, Noel! Is that true!?」

I nodded at Wolf, who had drawn closer to me.

Truthfully, the clan hadn’t been created yet and was still in a pending state. However, it wasn’t a lie to say that it had been created because it was ready to be created at any time I wished.

「Isn't that amazing, Noel!? Congratulations! I mean, that’s cold of you to keep quiet about it the entire time! Let’s call Leisha and the rest and celebrate!」

Wolf, a nice guy with an open-hearted personality, congratulated me empathically. On one hand, I was grateful, but on the other, I thought that it was improper for him to act so favorably towards a rival.

「I'm happy, but you're always running out of money and can't afford it, right? I’ll just appreciate the sentiment. Thanks, Wolf」

「Urg, s, sorry......」

Other than Wolf, the other Seekers all had sinister expressions of envy and jealousy. I could hear them bad-mouth me with soft voices. No, Logan was also different. He didn’t congratulate me like Wolf did, but he had crossed his arms, closed his eyes and hadn't moved an inch.

Veronica, the most mortified person in the bar, took several deep breaths to calm herself, then put on a contrived smile that looked like it had been cut from a mold.

「Congratulations, Noel. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. Yes, truly」

「Thank you, Veronica, I feel grateful from the bottom of my heart. Yes, truly」

「Still, I can’t fathom why someone who has gone up in the world would attend this meeting. Are you being condescending? Or did you simply want to brag about it?」

「It's a terrible misunderstanding that I’m condescending or bragging about it. I’m not one to put on airs just because I'm finally standing at the start line. Please stop interpreting my actions in a bad light」

「……If that’s the case, then why are you here?」

「This bar has treated me well for a long time. I wanted to take one last look at all your faces too, so I simply thought that I should at least attend this meeting once. In other words, I’m making memories」

「Making memories, you said? You--」

When even Veronica’s face was turning red, Wolf intervened.

「Okay, let’s stop fighting. It's almost time to start the meeting」

「Silence, idiot wolf. Idiots should just sit silently」

Wolf, who had gotten a good scolding, opened his mouth and was about to refute her, but he returned meekly to his seat instead. He knew that he was no match for her verbally.

「……Haa, I’ve had enough. Now then, let's start the regular meeting」

Thus, my first and last meeting started.

The meeting finished without incident but also without any new information. The participants left the bar with expressions like they had finally finished their work for the day. I also wanted to go home quickly, but there was something I needed to do.

「Wolf, Logan, have one drink with me」

Their eyes widened at my invitation.

「What happened, all of a sudden?」「For what purpose?」

「It’s fine once in a while, right? You don’t have to be so wary, I’m not going to bite」

The two of them looked at me suspiciously, but eventually agreed.

「What about you, Veronica? I'll treat」

「It's fine」

Veronica, who had remained until the end, got up from her seat and left the bar briskly.

I shrugged and looked at the boss of the bar.

「Boss, let us stay for a while. We’ll leave as soon as we’ve had one drink」

「I don’t mind, but make it quick. I have to get ready to open for business for the afternoon shift」

When I nodded, the boss brought three drinks. Even though we hadn’t ordered, he was sensible enough to bring us our respective customary drinks.

As I took a light sip of my wine, Wolf looked me in the eye.

「So, what do you want? Since this shitty monkey is here, it isn’t simply about deepening friendships, is it? Drinking with Noel is fine, but my ale will taste bad with this guy here」

「Haa, that's my line, idiot wolf」

「Stop quarreling with me in the middle. I’ve had my fill of that」

I drank the wine in the glass in one gulp and told them sharply.

「Both of you are slacking off」

At my accusatory words, their jaws dropped in shock.

「Wolf, you reported earlier at the meeting that you screwed up a big request, right? Why did you fail?」

「No, even if you ask me why......」

「The subjugation target was a depth four Beast, Brain Eater, right? Certainly, it's a strong opponent for C Ranks, but the current Lightning Bite should have been able to defeat it」

「Th, that's......」

「Were you just unlucky? No, that’s not it. This failure was caused by your negligence as the leader」


I looked at Logan next.

「Logan, you're the same. While you haven't failed a request, you have no notable results. Why are you not taking on big requests?」

「……It's none of your business, isn't it?」

「It’s none of my business. But I'm concerned. You’ve actually met the rank up conditions already, right? Considering your achievements so far, you should have met the conditions last month. And yet, you stayed at C Rank. What are you afraid of?」

Logan, who had the secret that he had been hiding seen through by me, looked away.

「Huh, Logan is able to rank up as well? Are you serious……」

Wolf appeared shocked that the person he hated had beaten him to the punch. Ignoring that, I looked back and forth at them.

「Why haven't either of you pulled even one step ahead of me while I was at a standstill when I was rebuilding my party? Why didn’t you establish a lead? What on earth were you doing?」

The two of them didn’t respond, and only hung their heads. I sighed and stood up after leaving the money to pay for our drinks.

「If you're not going to do your utmost, then quit being a Seeker」

Now that I had finished what I wanted to do, I turned on my heel and left the bar.

I couldn't tell them directly about what I had heard from old man Harold, but with this, they should have a stronger sense of urgency. I didn't criticize two people that I liked simply because I wanted to. However, it was true that they were slacking off. At that rate, making it big as Seekers would just be a pipe dream.

When the Variant crossed over, it would be a big deal for the country, but it would also be a chance to pile up achievements. If they remained weak during this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, they would probably never get a chance to ride the wave to success ever again in their lifetimes.

In other words, my goal was to start a fire under them so that they could take advantage of this opportunity.

I'm the man who would one day be at the top of all Seekers. I lived only for that, and if necessary, I would kick anyone down, no matter who they were. But on the other hand, I did think that those who had the potential to grow, should realize their potential.

There was no value in becoming a king in a world that only had small fish. It was only after I had proved that I was the strongest among famous powerhouses, that I would be a true king who had reached the peak.

Those two were the most promising ones in my cohort by far. I couldn't forgive them for staying stagnant despite that. Those who were qualified to go up in the world, should aim for it.

Of course, what they would decide to do in the end, would depend on their feelings.

「Dammit! That Noel, saying whatever he wants!」

Wolf punched the table in a fit of anger.

「Hmpt, taking your anger out on things. You're an idiot after all」

Wolf wrinkled his nose when Logan glared coldly at him.

「He also said whatever he wanted about you, shitty monkey. Aren't you angry?」

「That guy doesn't have so much free time on his hands that he'll scold people just because he feels like it. He's most probably trying to light a fire under us. Can't you tell his true intentions?」

「Even I know something like that!」

He knew from the start that Noel was not being malicious. But the words were far too sharp for Wolf, who had failed a request, and they had hit too close to home for him.

「I've made up my mind」

Logan downed the whiskey in his lowball glass and continued.

「I intend to accept Veronica's proposal」

「What did you say? ......Did Veronica approach you too?」

Veronica had approached Wolf a few days ago. At that time, she had proposed a certain plan. Wolf had wanted to refuse, but Veronica had left as soon as she said her piece.

「So she did go to the idiot wolf as well. What a shrewd tactician. But the proposal is attractive. I won't catch up to Noel using orthodox methods......」

「Logan, I hate you a lot. You're violent, arrogant and there's nothing about you that's worth respecting. But, as someone who leads a party just like you, I understand the accumulated hardships you've experienced so far. Despite that, how can you throw it all away? Veronica's proposal is a『merger』of parties, you know?」

Veronica had argued before Wolf that a『merger』was the fastest way to become stronger. Certainly, what Veronica said was correct. But merging meant that the original parties would disappear. The name of the party, which they had an attachment to, would also be changed to something else.

「Unlike you, I don't intend to throw everything away」

Logan stood up, turned his back to Wolf and said.

「In the Orient, there is a saying,『Too many captains will steer the ship up a mountain』. Only one person can be the leader of the new party. In that case, I'll just have to become the leader. Even if the name of Fist King is gone, as long as I'm the leader, that party is Fist King」

「Are you going to fight Veronica? I didn't know that you could rank up, but she must have noticed. In other words, at the time she proposed the merger, she should already have some kind of countermeasure in place」

「You're probably right. But I've already made up my mind. That's all there is to it」

Logan walked tall as he left the bar. Wolf was only one left.

「……You idiotic fool, it's the end if you lose, you know?」

Wolf gulped down the contents of his ale mug.

「Boss! Give me another mug!」

「No. Go home, Wolf」

「One mug is fine, isn’t it!?」

「No. You're interfering with the preparations to open the bar so get lost. Go look for requests or do some training, you should have things you need to do as well」

There was no one to turn to. The boss kept harping on him to go home. Wolf suddenly felt that anything and everything was futile.

「……Isn't it fine to not be in a hurry to aim higher? I'm just satisfied with having adventures together with my trusted allies......」

「Wolf, that's wrong」

Before he knew it, the boss was standing in front of Wolf.

「For people, a time when they become old and weak will inevitably come. It’s the same even for the long-lived elves. You should do your utmost while you still can. It’s only after you're already doing your best, that you’ll find the leeway to think about additional things. If you think only indulgent thoughts from the very beginning, you’ll find that you don’t have the leeway to do anything before you even realize it」

「Haa, a lecture all of a sudden…」

「I’ve seen many Seekers in this bar. There are countless old Seekers who were promising when they were young but couldn't make it big. Wolf, do you want to be like them too?」

Wolf closed his mouth and couldn’t answer.

「Then, I’ll ask you this. Do you want your precious allies to end up like that? If so, you aren’t qualified to be their leader」

「Won’t I be even less qualified to be leader if I got too eager for success then failed……」

「At that time, just get down on your knees and apologize. Keep apologizing until your allies forgive you. Wolf, a leader doesn't need to be unfailing. You must fulfill the responsibilities of the path you have chosen」

The boss, who had replied in a strict tone, poured the contents of the ale bottle he had in his hand into Wolf’s mug. Looking at the golden liquid and bubbles that filled his mug, Wolf smiled bitterly.

「Here’s some charity. Drink it, then go home」

「Hmpt, I’ll do just that」

Wolf gulped down the contents of the mug in one breath and stood up energetically.

「Alright! I’ve made up my mind too!」

「What are you going to do? Are you going to accept Veronica's proposal?」

「I'm not a one-man leader like that shitty monkey. I’m a man who can't do anything without his allies. So…… I’m going to discuss it with them first」

「Is that so? That’s good」

「Boss, thanks for everything」

When Wolf thanked him, the boss laughed happily.

「I don't need your thanks. More importantly, hurry up and go up in the world then pay your tab」

「I know! Just wait and see, it'll take me no time to pay it off in full!」

While saying something commendable, Wolf left as if he was fleeing.

The owner smiled as he watched Wolf's back disappear.

Noel is still a tsundere.
Anyone else happy that we've been getting a steady stream of female characters? It was kinda lonely with just Alma, Mary and Leisha for the entire Part 1 but I feel that there's a fairly decent balance now.

And if there are any readers who are confused by the title, please go back to my notes on chapter 1.

But for all that, the conflict of this arc isn't really showing up, is it? We know Noel has a week and that's about it. It's been set-up after set-up for the future and we still have no idea what Noel's plan is. Well, the wait is almost over! Almost! We're catching up with Leisha and Loki next though.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.