The Sixth School.

Chapter Twenty Nine.

Chapter Twenty Nine: Under The Table…

There was a bit of a scramble to get a room ready for the unexpected number of guests that had shown up. Greg had already given instructions to have a room ready for some special guests earlier that day. And to her credit, his sister, Tayani, had prepared a room. It, however, had only been set up for eight people. And yet, there were now ten people in total, three from the Town-head’s household, including the Town-head himself. Three from the Ember household, two from the Valla household, and Bran from the Aria household and Greg himself. He, however, didn’t fault his sister for this unforeseen issue. Had someone asked him that morning how many special guests he was expecting, he would have said four. The heads of each of the three families along with the Town-head. Looking back at it now, Greg realized that he should probably have seen this coming. The truth, however, was that Greg hadn’t even remembered that these scions of the three major families existed right up until he saw them.

Greg couldn’t help but turn and glance at the Town-head who was calmly watching the rearrangement of the dining room area with an air of calm detachment. Among all his special guests, he was the only one that had made the expected personal appearance. He might have come with his family, which Greg didn’t expect, but still, he was here. Greg couldn’t help but wonder if in trying to send someone Greg could relate to, the other three families hadn’t shot themselves in the foot. The event might have been a send-off party. Greg, however, wasn’t even for a second deceived about the nature of what was going on here. Negotiations were about to begin here. Each of the four sides at the table would want him on their side. It would be covered in flowery language and empty platitudes. Greg, however, knew that there was a very real chance that he might sit down with four neutral parties and later stand up with one ally and three enemies. Which one of the four would be his friend and which three his enemy, remained to be seen.

By personally showing up instead of just sending his kid, the Town-head had gained a big advantage. Not only did he hold much greater authority than the kids from the three families, but he probably also had several years more of negotiation experience. He would probably run circles around the younger kids in the negotiations to come.

Greg could almost see the logic behind the attendance choice of the three families as opposed to the Town-head. The three families probably thought of themselves as strong and capable regardless of whether Greg joined them or not. To them, sending their kids was more an attempt of keeping Greg from joining their enemies as opposed to getting him to join them. With the Town-head, however, it was much more important for his family’s future that they gain him as an ally. As such, he hadn’t been willing to just leave it to his kid to deal with this crucial negotiation. Not to mention, the haughty Shalia didn’t strike Greg as the most convincing of negotiators.

Greg smiled at his mother and sister and the three other women that had come to rearrange the dining room so it could accommodate fourteen people as opposed to the eight that it initially could. He knew that the extra seats at the table were just in case more unexpected guests came to the event. Greg himself couldn’t say for sure that they wouldn’t be needed, as such he didn’t object to them setting things up like this. Looking at them, Greg could tell that his mother and sister were just as tense as the rest of his guests. Not even they knew what such VIPs were doing at their house. Ignoring his guests, Greg walked forward to his mother. Greg’s first instinct was to place his hands on her shoulders in a placating gesture and to let her know that everything was going to be okay. It’s only at the very last second that Greg remembered that he still had the SENSUAL TOUCH bangle on. His hands which had been about to rise, remained at his side even as he smiled at his mother. “Thank you, Mother,” he said warmly. “Everything will be okay,” He said in a reassuring tone.

His mother, who’d been looking at him with slight worry in her eyes, couldn’t help but cast a nervous glance at the guests when he said this. Her gaze quickly turned back to him and much to Greg’s surprise, hardened. “If you need me, I’m always here for you,” She said in a voice that, while neutral, hid a resolve of steel. Greg understood what she meant and couldn’t help the warmth that filled him. While at the back of his mind, Greg had always known that this woman was Roka’s mother and not his, she had never felt more like a mother to him than in this moment. She didn’t know what was going on, but in a few words, she had just told him that she would come to his aid no matter who she had to stand against. Greg didn’t doubt that even if it meant standing against all the guests in the room, this woman would still stand on his side without a moment of hesitation.

“I know, Mother,” He said smiling.

His mother regarded him for a while before she turned to the Town-head. Offering him a slight bow, she excused herself and started walking out of the room. His sister and the other women did the same before following her. Greg smiled and thanked them as they left before turning and welcoming his guests to take a seat. The Town-head took the head seat at the table. This wasn’t a power move targeted at Greg. This was simply how it was in this town. No matter who he visited in the town, the one occupying the position of Town-head would always occupy the head seat at the table. It was the respect given to his position of Town-head as opposed to the particular individual in the position.

In their own house, his wife would have taken the seat closest to him on the right as the next highest-ranking person in their household. In someone else’s house, however, the head of that household would take that position. As such, Greg was seated in the seat closest to the Town-head on the right. The Town-head’s wife sat opposite him to the left of the Town-head. In the seat next to Greg was Bran. Greg had noticed Niya angle for this chair. The taciturn athlete, however, had moved just a second faster and without a word, settled down on it. The scion of the Valla household resentfully looked at Bran when he did this. Greg could understand why he did so. In this world, how close one was to the head of the table represented their seniority, with the right side of the table being considered superior to the left. Why that was, Greg couldn’t even begin to puzzle out. By taking the seat closer to the head of the table, Bran was wordlessly placing himself in a position of superiority compared to Niya.

Still, despite the awkward moment, Niya was cultured enough to not argue with Bran for the seat. Instead, he took the seat beside Bran further down the right side of the table. Without planning for it to be so, the table ended up divided by gender. Shalia sat next to her mother and much to her delight, opposite Bran. Naiya sat next to her on the left side of the table. Much like his brother who resented Bran for taking the ‘higher' seat, the girl seemed to resent Shalia. Though, by the repeated glances she kept throwing at Bran, Greg suspected that the resentment had nothing to do with the fact that Shalia had taken the superior seat. Instead, it was because she was seated opposite the guy Maya seemed smitten with. The triplets from the Ember household had all chosen to seat themselves on one side of the table even though there was an available seat closer to the head of the table next to Niya. Greg suspected that this had nothing to do with Niya or gender divisions. Instead, the triplets simply seemed to act in perfect synchronicity.

Greg wasn’t sure what to make of them. Whatever one did, the others mirrored perfectly. And as if to up the ante, there wasn’t even the slightest delay in their actions. As such, there was no way to say that one was in the lead and the others were following their example. Pulling their seat, stepping to the side, sitting down, brushing back a stray lock of hair, and turning to smile in his direction. It was all done with such fluid grace that they each seemed to have genuinely intended to do those things individually. The fact that the other two did the same thing that they did, didn’t even seem to occur to any of the sisters. What was even more odd as far as Greg was concerned was how nonchalant everyone else at the table was being about this. It was almost as if they were all used to this bizarre behavior from the triplets and thought nothing of it. It’s only when this strange trio spoke that one would be broken out of the illusion that they were all copies of one another. They each seemed capable of independent thought from what Greg could tell, so how it is they could perfectly mirror each other was a mystery that Greg would have to solve on another day.

With all the women on the opposite side of the table, Greg could easily gauge their reactions to the title items that he had on. So far, apart from the Town-head’s wife, none of those present had shown any reaction to the title items. This, however, didn’t worry Greg at all. He knew perfectly well that the title items didn’t have a fixed timeframe within which they were expected to work. Instead, it was more a function of willpower. Years of being the Town-head’s wife had probably corroded all of her willpower as all her needs were probably taken care of without her having to exert herself too much. This was probably why she was the first to succumb to the effect of the title items.

With her daughter, Naiya, and the triplets from the Ember family, it was probably more a function of pride as opposed to strong willpower. In her discussions with Olivia, Greg had long since learned that there are elements in a person that can either raise or lower their resistance and willpower. His mother, for example, would be much harder to affect, not because she had particularly high willpower but because such a relationship with him was probably taboo in her mind. While the innate AROUSING title that he had would eventually grind away at that barrier till it was no more, it still remained as an impediment at present. With the girls here at the table, it was probably more out of pride than thinking it taboo. They saw themselves as the equivalent of the children of nobles in this town. To them, Greg probably didn’t measure up to the lofty view that they had of themselves and so they would never deign to even look his way

Greg had to fight off a maniacal smile as he turned away from them. Eventually even that resistance would be worn down. Spoiled brats were known for being stubborn, but once one cut through that, there usually wasn’t much more to them. Greg’s eyes turned to gaze into those of the Town-head’s wife. Whenever Greg had succeeded in turning on a woman, he had only stayed for a minute or so around them before moving on. He, however, hadn’t been able to pull away from these particular guests. As such, His titles had probably been fanning the flames of the woman’s lust. Greg had to give it to her, she was a master at wearing a poker face. If Greg didn’t have the system, he too would never have known that she had been ensnared by his charm. Other than a soft smile, she offered no indication that anything was off with her. Greg preferred it that way. Looking at the giant of a man that was the Town-head, he didn’t fancy having to fight a furious or jealous version of him.

“Roka,” The Town-head was the first to speak once they were all settled. “My daughter has told me so much about you,” He said.

Greg didn’t miss the slight wrinkle that marred the bridge of Shalia’s nose. It was almost as if just being associated with him annoyed her to no end. “All good things I hope,” He replied with a genial smile pretending that he hadn’t seen Shalia’s reaction.

“She tells me that you’ve become the healer’s student,” The Town-head continued. Greg didn’t miss how the Town-head sidestepped his question. From the look on Shalia’s face, it was clear that she hadn’t at all been kind when speaking of him. The others at the table turned in his direction with interest when the Town-head asked about this. Their inexperience in negotiations showed in this moment as they all made it all too clear that this was what they were really interested in.

“I am,” Greg answered briefly, offering no more information than strictly what was asked. He wasn’t going to make this easy for any of them. To the very last one, they had all come here with the desire to make use of him. Even though they were the ones that had come to him, they all thought of him as being beneath them. Even the Town-head, for all his desperation, probably expected him to be grateful that he was thinking of using him in his fight against the three families. The harsh truth was that Greg was weak at present. His family was also vulnerable. As such, he couldn’t afford to have any of the three families, or the Town-head as an enemy. This was the only reason he was entertaining them and hadn’t kicked them all out. But while he suffered their presence, he wasn’t going to also give himself up to them on a platter.

There was a bit of an awkward silence after Greg’s answer. They’d probably thought that Greg would launch into a tirade about how this came to be, or why he deserved to have the healer as his teacher. He, however, didn’t feel the need to explain himself to any of them.

“Splendid! Splendid,” The Town-head was forced to keep the ball rolling as he spoke to cover the silence. “It’s the town’s good fortune to have a talent such as yourself,” He went on, taking a different tack.

Greg’s smile widened seeing clearly that the man had decided to take the flattery approach. “You are too kind,” He replied to the Town-head, then took on a somber tone. “I only wish that my father had been here to see it,” he said. “If. uhh, if he was… I’m… I’m sure he would be proud!” He said forcing himself to keep a somber expression as his gaze turned to the table before him. The reason Greg had stumbled all over his words wasn’t for lack of something to say or being overcome with emotion. Instead, it was the soft foot that was currently creeping up his calf moving towards his inner thigh.

When arranging the table, there was usually a small distance between the head seat and the first two seats on either side of the table. This was done to avoid the ones seated there having to knock their knees under the table while they sat. But while the seating arrangement succeeded at doing this, it also gave the Town-head’s wife a straight shot at his crotch which her foot was slowly but resolutely creeping towards.

“Indeed he would,” the Town-head wasn’t dismayed by Greg not playing into his hands. Instead, he launched into a small philosophical monologue on the finitude of life.

Meanwhile, Greg barely heard a word of what he said as his wife’s foot finally began to gently press on the bulbous head of his rapidly hardening cock. Looking at her, the woman was gently smiling as she pretended to listen to her husband. Had someone taken a picture of her at this moment and shown it to a thousand people, not one would be able to imagine that the angelic beauty was currently giving Greg a footjob right in front of her husband. It took all of Greg’s control to keep from gasping when the woman’s delicate toes started to massage his cock as she ran her foot down the length of his rod. With the woman looking at her husband, the others at the table couldn’t see much of her face as it was obscured by her long flowing locks of auburn hair. Only the Town-head and Greg who was seated opposite her could see her expression. With the Town-head lost in his diatribe about life and how fleeting it was, Greg was the only one that caught the way the Town-head’s wife’s eyes slightly widened as her foot tracing its way down the length of his cock painted a picture of the monster that Greg kept hidden in his pants. By the time she got to the base of his cock the woman couldn’t help but turn a disbelieving gaze in Greg’s direction. A subtle but cocky smile was playing on Greg’s lips as he returned the woman’s gaze.

The Town-head’s wife unconsciously bit on her lower lip as she began to massage the length of his hardened member under the table with her foot. It was a good thing that Greg had already been leaning forward as this kept Bran, who was seated beside him, from seeing anything that he shouldn’t. The corner of the table already prevented the Town-head from seeing what his precious wife was doing, so it was the hand on this side that Greg cleverly brought under the table. By this point, Greg was only offering monosyllabic responses to the Town-head even as he took hold of his wife’s foot and pressed it harder against his cock.

The Town-head cast a glance at his wife when she let out a sudden gasp. A smile crossed his face as he continued to speak. “Yes, shocking as it is, this is the truth…”

Greg could only thank all his lucky stars that the woman’s gasp had perfectly coincided with what the Town-head was saying. Pressing the woman’s foot against his cock wasn’t just for his pleasure. Greg still had the SENSUAL TOUCH bangle on. His taking hold of her foot had probably elicited both arousal and pleasure that the Town-head’s wife hadn’t been expecting, hence the gasp. Greg could feel the foot slightly tremble in his hands as he began to quietly massage it in as subtle a manner as he could. At the start , the Town-head’s wife still tried to massage his cock in tandem with Greg’s ministrations. Eventually, however, she seemed to lose herself to the strange pleasure that this simple foot massage was eliciting in her. Part of Greg was disappointed that she didn’t continue with the footjob. A part of him was even tempted to let go of her foot so she could continue. Another more sober part of him, however, understood that this was for the best. It would be a rather awkward scene if at the end of this talk, Greg stood up and there was a large wet spot on the inner thigh of his pants.

But while he didn’t get the chance to enjoy the pleasure the woman’s foot could offer, the woman herself was doing her best not to let show the strange pleasure she was getting from that very same foot. From her ankle all the way up the toes, Greg turned the woman’s foot into one large erogenous zone. And from the half-lidded stare with which she was looking at her husband, she clearly was losing the fight with herself to keep what was going on under the table from showing on her face. Luckily for the two of them, her husband was more focused on Greg than he was on her. Greg himself was careful to maintain a thoughtful look on his face even as he slowly pulled his shoe off and brought his foot to the knee of the Town-head’s wife’s other leg.

Greg felt her leg shake slightly when his foot came in contact with her knee under the table. In any other situation, it would have been a small and insignificant detail. But in this situation where Greg was using the SENSUAL TOUCH bangle as his primary means of attack, it caused something to click in his mind. Greg had been limited in his thinking. With the SENSUAL TOUCH title, he had only been thinking about his hands. Now that he reviewed it again, however, there was nothing in the description of this title by the system that limited its effect to any particular part of the body. In other words, so long as Greg consciously touched a woman, regardless of the part he used in doing so, the effect would still hold. This realization opened up a whole vista of possibilities to him. Enough so that Greg had to fight off the urge to smile like some stereotypical cartoon villain.

Had she been in more control of herself, she would probably have tried to resist his advance. The Town-head’s wife, however, was too lost in the throes of pleasure. She barely even noticed as Greg pushed her knees to part spreading her legs open. Her half-lidded eyes closed and she bit a bit more forcefully on her lower lip as Greg’s foot traced the length of her inner thigh. Tendrils of pleasure were spreading out through her body from the places where he was in contact with her. Her thighs were trembling even as Greg teased and toyed with her. As a man, his feet were nowhere near as soft or dainty as those of the Town-head’s wife. The SENSUAL TOUCH title, however, negated any discomfort they might have elicited and left the woman fighting to hold back a moan that was threatening to tear out of her throat.

“Are you okay?” The Town-head’s voice broke both Greg and the man’s wife out of the momentary stupor that had taken them and caused them to turn in the man’s direction. Apparently, the effect Greg had been having on the woman had been enough that even the Town-head had noticed that something was off with her.

If there was anything close to an Oscar award in this world, then this woman most certainly deserved it. Here they were, each with a foot on the other’s crotch, or very close to it. And yet, there was no panic or change in her tone as she spoke. “Forgive me love,” She said. “I suddenly feel a little faint,” She said, fanning herself lightly with her hand.

Greg could tell that the man was concerned for his wife and reached out for her hand. “You shouldn’t overexert yourself,” The man replied. “Perhaps I should get someone to take you back home,” He offered with genuine care. In that simple exchange, Greg understood why the woman’s willpower was so low. She was clearly spoiled by a husband that loved her a tad too much. She had quite literally been sitting down all through their exchange, and yet, the moment she said she was feeling faint, rather than question her, the Town-head immediately went along with it. Greg doubted that there was any excuse she could give that he wouldn’t immediately believe. For all his bulk and boisterous nature, the Town-head appeared to be wrapped around his wife’s little finger.

A conspiratorial smile crossed Greg’s lips as he moved his foot to the middle of her parted legs. His big toe ran along her slick folds there were wet with arousal and came to rest on the pleasure nub that was her clitoris. If asked right after what the hell had been going through his mind, Greg wouldn’t have been able to say, even under the pain of torture. He knew he was risking a lot by doing this but a wild reckless abandon had taken hold of him, perhaps partly due to his blue balls, and caused him to do something quite dangerous. As soon as his big toe made a full circle around the woman’s clitoris, the dam broke. The woman leaned forward, making a pained expression as she rested her face on her free hand. The look of concern increased in the Town-head and even the others at the table.

Meanwhile, Greg could feel the way her pussy was repeatedly collapsing on itself as a violent orgasm tore through her. Still, full of that reckless abandon, Greg continued to rub circles as best he could around the woman’s clit, causing a second orgasm to sneak up on the first just as it was about to peter out. Try as she would the woman couldn’t keep herself from letting out a long moan as a shudder ran through her body. Luckily for the two involved, she succeeded in maintaining the pained expression on her face which made it seem like she was moaning from pain as opposed to pleasure. Another lucky thing, as far as Greg was concerned, was the fact that the woman wasn’t a squirter. No amount of acting would have allowed them to explain away a dress that was soaked through with her love juice.

“Shalia, help your mother to the carriage,” The Town-head immediately commanded when it became clear that she wasn’t getting any better.

Letting go of the woman’s foot and pulling his leg away, Greg watched as she was ushered out of the room by her daughter on shaky legs. Greg could tell that the Town-head wanted to go after the woman. He, however, held himself back, clearly looking to deepen the relationship between them. Greg, however, spoke before he could. “I am beyond honored that you would wish to stay behind on my account, Town-head,” he said in a subservient tone. “But I would be too ashamed if I kept you from your sick wife,” He added mankind an expression of both concern and respect on his face.

Given how much the man seemed to be attached to his wife, he had already been conflicted on whether to stay or not. Greg’s words, however, pushed him towards the option he’d already been trying to resist. After a long sigh, the man smiled at Greg. “Your concern for my family warms my heart,” He said. “Tell you what, to make up for this interrupted occasion, you are invited to come over for dinner at my house tomorrow after your classes with the healer,” He declared. “The man, while blind when it came to his wife, was still a shrewd negotiator. He wasn’t willing to let go of the chance to win Greg over to his side. He had used what should have been an impediment as a chance to get him in a more private setting where the other three families wouldn’t be able to listen in on their talk.

A genuine smile crossed Greg’s face as he replied. “I’d be delighted to.” If he was going to sink his claws even deeper into the Town-head’s wife, then he’d need another chance to interact with her. Greg knew that he was probably playing with fire and could very easily end up in a bad place if he wasn’t careful. He, however, had tasted such a perverse delight today and wasn’t willing to let go. He’d deal with the various issues that came his way as they did.

When the Town-head got up, the others at the table did as well. Following the man’s example, they each offered Greg an invitation to visit their households for a meal, each on a different day. Unlike the Town-head, however, there wasn’t as much enthusiasm in any of them. It was only then that Greg realized that none of them had said much of anything at the table.

Thinking about it for a while, however, Greg understood why. To begin with, none of them had even come to this party of their own free will. They’d all probably been assigned the task by someone higher up in their household. Secondly, they each thought of him as occupying a lower position in the social hierarchy than they did. As such, they would consider it to be humiliating and beneath them to try and convince him to join them. If anything, in their minds, he should be the one grateful that they’d even chosen to grace him with their presence. And if all that wasn’t bad enough, the final nail in the coffin was the fact that all three families had sent their young ones together. Perhaps if they were alone, they might have made an effort to win him over. But with others in their peer group present, they would sooner die than take the social and ego hit that trying to get in his good books would be to them. As such, not only was the Town-head the one that spoke the most throughout, but even after he had left the event they didn’t take it as their opportunity to try and win him over, they just left as well.

Greg didn’t mind this in the least, with a smile, he just went back to hosting his father’s send-off party and fanning the flames of lust in all the women attending…


Greg couldn’t help the perpetual smile that had been on his face all evening. The day had been a resounding success as far as he was concerned. Not only had he been able to add a good number of the women in the town to the system, but he had also been able to keep the promise he made of giving everyone that attended his father’s send-off party something to take home with them. And good as that was, Greg had even unintentionally managed to make the standing of his household rise sharply within the town by having not only the three major families but even the Town-head and his family attend the event. And just as a bonus to top it all off for him. Greg could see the joy that had been in his mother’s eyes as they brought the day to a close. Tired as she had been, the woman seemed to have gained some kind of closure after having held this event for her late husband.

All that was without even counting on all the lust points that he had managed to accrue over the day. Roughly a little over a hundred women had attended the party. The BASIC missions for almost all of them had a danger rating of none. This was because the basic missions weren’t all that risqué in nature, they were just parts of normal basic interaction. The same, however, wasn’t true of the only INTERMEDIATE mission that he had pursued all day of arousing the women. A majority of them had come with their husbands or brothers, those that came with a female chaperone were few and far between. As such, there was a very real danger of coming to some form of harm if the ones that had come with the women had realized what effect he was having on them. As such the danger rating for this second part had swung between low ad average for different women. Despite doing all the BASIC missions with all the women that had come today, the total lust points they gave as a category came to a little over five thousand lust points. Meanwhile, the single INTERMEDIATE mission that he had completed repeatedly with every woman that had attended, owing to its varying danger grade, gave almost twenty-seven thousand lust points as a reward.

All this, however, paled in comparison to his little escapade with the Town-head’s wife. It wasn’t until Greg saw the SUICIDAL danger grading on the missions he’d accomplished with her that Greg realized just how risky what they had been doing was. If at any point they had been discovered by the Town-head, chances are that Greg would have been forced to fight the man to death. Remembering the size of the man, plus the fact that Greg had expended all his magic points fighting his uncle, his chances of winning that fight would have been negligible at best. Since Greg was the one that had put himself in the situation, Olivia likely wouldn’t have intervened. The only way he would have come out on top would have been to either run to somewhere secluded and use the last remaining contained alchemical bomb that he had or to order his familiar to fight on his behalf regardless of whether she wanted to or not.

 For better or for worse, however, Greg had managed to pull it off undetected and the rewards were incredible, to say the least!

Ø BASIC - Interact with the Town-head’s wife for five minutes.

Lust points: 6.

Danger Grade: Average (X5 multiplier).

Total lust points: 30.

Ø BASIC - Hold the Town-head’s wife’s gaze for ten seconds.

Lust points: 8.

Danger Grade: Average (X5 multiplier).

Total lust points: 40.

Ø INTERMEDIATE - Turn the Town-head’s wife on.

Lust points: 70.

Danger Grade: Suicidal (X100 multiplier).

Total lust points: 7000.

Ø ADVANCED - Grope an intimate part of the Town-head’s wife’s body.

Lust points: 680.

Danger Grade: Suicidal (X100 multiplier).

Total lust points: 68,000.

Ø ADVANCED - Have an intimate part of your body groped by the Town-head’s wife.

Lust points: 840.

Danger Grade: Suicidal (X100 multiplier).

Total lust points:84,000.

Ø EXPERT - Bring the Town-head’s wife to orgasm.

Lust points: 7,900.

Danger Grade: Suicidal (X100 multiplier).

Total lust points: 790,000.

Ø ADVENTUROUS - foot-play,

Lust points: 130.

Danger Grade: Suicidal (X100 multiplier).

Total lust points: 13,000.

Ø DAREDEVIL- Without saying anything, grope an intimate part of the Town-head’s wife.

Lust points: 5,700.

Danger Grade: Suicidal (X100 multiplier).

Total lust points:570,000.

Total Lust points obtained: 1,532,070.

“The system wants me dead!” is all that Greg could mutter to himself even as he grinned like an idiot at the bounty that he had just collected. The wide chasm between several low-risk missions versus a few high-risk ones was all too clear to see. Even when the low-risk missions involved over a hundred different women, they still couldn’t even hold a candle to one high-risk mission. In other words, the system was quite clearly rewarding him for it whenever Greg did something stupid that could potentially end his life. From the Town-head’s wife, Greg had gained one and a half million lust points! Not because the woman had been all that hard to seduce, but because with every move that Greg made, he was walking on a tightrope over the abyss. One misstep and his life might have very well been forfeit.

Greg couldn’t help but let out a long, slow exhale even as he forced himself to calm down. Once he had some modicum of control over himself, Greg turned his gaze to the top of the COMPLETED MISSIONS tab where the words were glowing in bright golden letters.


Ø Arouse more than a hundred women at a single event.

Ø Bring the Town-head’s wife to her first-ever orgasm right under the nose of her husband.

Ø Bring the Town-head’s wife to multiple orgasms right under the nose of her husband.



Greg wasn’t sure what to make of the feats themselves. It would seem that for all the love that he showed her, the Town-head had never really managed to bring his wife to climax in bed! Whether this was because he was a poor lover or just selfish in bed, Greg didn’t know and didn’t wish to speculate. Instead, Greg couldn’t help but feel sorry for the guy. Not only had his wife been pleasured by another man right under his nose, but she had even gotten her first-ever orgasm while he watched! It was enough to make any man puke blood if he ever found out!

Greg had been really surprised when he saw the feats of lust at the top of his COMPLETED MISSIONS tab. The last time he’d gotten a feat of lust, a seventh-tier mage had been involved. As such, he hadn’t been expecting to see one again any time soon, unless the healer was once again involved. When he’d asked Olivia about it, however, the familiar, who was seated on the floor opposite him, had let out a snort as if it was a dumb question.

“You are a mundane human, master,” She had replied. “Even fifth-tier mages rarely come into contact with seventh-tier mages. If getting a feat of lust required a seventh-tier mage to be involved every time, then you would be right, the system would indeed be trying to kill you,” She said in a matter-of-fact tone. “The feats, just like the danger grading of the missions are calibrated based on you as the individual, not the target. If you were a powerful mage, then what you had done today wouldn’t be considered a feat. But as the weak and largely powerless mundane human that you are, to do what you did today requires a lot of balls, which is why it counts as a feat of lust,” She explained.

Greg could see the logic in the familiar’s words. What had happened between Greg and the healer was a once-in-a-lifetime event. It was something that could only happen when the stars aligned, not something that any mundane human could be expected to pursue. In other words, Greg had been lucky beyond what words could capture. “What does it mean by merging them?” Greg asked, turning his attention to the other part that he didn’t understand.

“Although they are all feats, not all feats are the same, master,” Olivia replied. “Don’t expect to get the same tier of rewards for these feats as you did with the healer,” She explained. “In the one case, you were a mundane human dealing with a seventh-tier mage. In the other, you were dealing with individuals that haven’t even reached the first tier as a mage,” She relayed. “If you hope to gain the same tier of rewards with this second set of feats as you did with the first, then you are in for a big disappointment,” She informed him. Once again, Greg couldn’t really argue as he saw the logic behind this.

“But while not all feats are the same, you can choose to stack the ones you do obtain,” Olivia went on. “Rather than get several small relatively less valuable or less powerful rewards, you can choose to bide your time, accrue several feats of lust, up to a maximum of ten, that you can then merge for greater rewards than you would have otherwise obtained, “ She explained. “The greater the feats of lust that you merge, the greater the reward you will obtain in the final analysis,” She revealed.

“Understanding the simple explanation from his familiar, Greg found himself feeling torn. Should he merge the feats now and see what rewards he could obtain from them? Or should he wait and try to stack up more feats of lust before he tried to merge them? It was the age-old tension between immediate gratification and deferred rewards. Getting the rewards now might feel good and prove useful in the present. He, however, might also be preventing himself from gaining much greater rewards in the future! What the right decision to make was, Greg didn’t know. Before he could stress himself with the question of which option to go with, however, a new prompt appeared from the system that drove all thoughts about the feats out of Greg’s mind.





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