The Shopkeeper of Konoha

13. What a profit!

Ayame almost had to run and call for his father when she saw how the two people came and kind of accused Aoto for selling drugs. But surprisingly, Aoto held his ground and explained. Later when new customers came to get the gifts that he had given away previously, she felt relieved that what Aoto spoke in the beginning was the truth.

It seemed like that the 'gift' was really good and Aoto made strict rules of selling the item.

"Aoto, I was really scared for you."

"Why? Just because someone didn't use it correctly? hahaha.. You should have more faith in me."

Ayame just nodded her head and continued helping her friend.

The rest of the day went like the previous day. Many people came for the bread, while Aoto gave the new customers the 'gifts' which he had given the previous day, while he sold to the previous customers which he had given already.

Writing the names and selling it, as usual. This wasn't effective because there was a high chance that once someone wanted more of it, they would send different people to buy from him and thus making it hard to keep track of the supply. But for now, he wanted to maintain it. It was because if someday he was called for selling illegal items, he could always show the register and get along.

Of course, this was very slow and he would lose time but there was no way around it. Only technology could make this easier but he didn't have access to that.

Aoto spent the rest of the day selling bread and weed. He had sold quite a large number of weed as many came to buy them to stack up their week's supply while some people just wanted to try for another day before believing in the power of weed.

By the evening Aoto sold 1k ryo worth of weed and he had been able to get rid of 1 crates. After closing the shop at night, he went to his room to see how the system calculated his profit.

"System, I have sold some weed. Now how will you calculate?"


The profit is always half of what the host sells from the system


With that statement, an amount of money vanished from his pocket magically. He felt the change in his pocket and checked. He was missing 500 ryo. The system was really powerful! It stole money from him without moving!

But Aoto didn't care. He was happy that the system remained true to his words and just took half of the money.

"System, how much do I have to pay to buy weed from you?"


Each joint will cost the host 10 ryo.


"10 ryo? I earn 150 ryo from 6 cigarettes, which is more than 20 ryo. Damn it's double the price. "

Aoto was happy that he was making a huge amount of profit and it will help him a lot. Money always had power in any world. He could hire ninjas for security purposes, though it wasn't required for him, but he had a feeling that soon he might be attacked and for that reason he needed a fake safeguard.

Of course, if everything else failed there was the system to make sure he was safe. Aoto went to sleep with a genuine smile on his face. It was the first time he had been happy after coming here. All this time he had been in a constant state of anxiety but now he finally had some peace. At least even if his bread business failed, his weed business could catch up and help him a lot.

As expected the next day, the new customers who he had gifted weed to came again and this time to buy weed. Ayame was surprised how these people were coming after just one gift. Aoto really made a new business out of some green tobacco. Teuchi too got the smell that Aoto was selling an extra thing but he didn't mind as long as it didn't harm people and was helpful for them. There were people who went after smoking even after knowing the fact that it was dangerous for health.

And Aoto's new cigarette at least had some good effects from what he had heard so he was very supportive of Aoto's new venture and encouraged him. In this manner a week had passed and by the end of the week he was able to sell 15 of the crates  that he had got free from the system.

Statistically, it should have been more after the initial boom, but the reality was different. Not everyone in Konoha smoked and not everyone knew of his new gift that had just entered the market so it would take time for his new venture to grow. In addition to that, he had sold the joints in packs to the people before which would last a week so the end of the week was approaching, there were less and less customers.

But he was more than happy seeing his personal profit with just his sales. He had earned 7k ryo in just a week! This was like a dream to him. And this profit was after the system had taken half the profit. He couldn't help but be giddy in happiness.

And in order to celebrate his happiness he asked for Teuchi and Ayame to have a little celebration together.

"Aoto-chan, you should save your money. It can be used on rainy days. You never know when this money would be required." Teuchi said as he had a little bit of concern in his mind. After the Kyuubi attack, there has been a rumor floating around that there might again be a war between the villages as many villages would try to take action against Konoha since it might have been weakened due to the Tailed Beast attack.

Even if there was no war, there would definitely be skirmishes and Teuci was concerned that there might be loss in business too. Aoto who had been living in clouds due to sudden growth of his personal wealth was brought back to reality again. He was reminded again of what kind of world they lived in.

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