The Shadowed Legacy of the Soulless Messenger

Chapter 52: Aldis (6)

Kazas continued to speak.

“I don’t usually take in disciples. So many people have asked me to take them in as disciples that they could encircle the Kerim Mountains twice over if they stood hand in hand.”

It was impossible to gather enough people to encircle the Kerim Mountains even if all the servants and the Holy Knights of the King’s Church were also here. Would it even be possible if all of Hubris were gathered?

“Your older sister cut this with a sword, huh? Ah, or was this wound inflicted not by a knife but bare-handed? Terrifying. What petrifying talent.”

“… she’s not older.”


“She’s my younger sister. I’m older.”

“Hm. Well, whatever. Don’t you want to tweak that arrogant little Arael’s nose?”


Azadine was speechless. Despite suffering from harassment and torment for so long, he had never entertained thoughts of paying back his assaulters for their actions. He didn’t even have the mental freedom to entertain such a fantasy.

He, therefore, found Elder Kazas’ simple suggestion of returning what had been done to him quite refreshing. Azadine was too surprised to speak at this. Elder Kazas, considering his silence as rejection, became annoyed.

“Damn it. Why am I begging you to be my disciple? I’m not taking you in. Get lost! Enough!”

Kazas’ anger flared. He stomped on the ground, turned around suddenly, and stormed out of the shack.

“Ah, exc-excuse me…”

The startled Azadine was unable to follow due to his ill condition. A short moment later, though, someone’s head popped in from the shack’s door. Kazas stuck his head through the doorway.

“Oi! Aren’t you supposed to be chasing after me while crying now? Jeez seriously. This bastard’s so dense. I should just eat you up.”

“Oh, thank you for taking me under your care.”


“Uh, please take me in as your disciple.”

Kazas grinned with satisfaction.

“All right, Azadine. I’m different from the moronic Aragasa. The ripped fragments of the Book of Beauties of Nature, Flower, Bird, Wind, and Moon have created a maelstrom of different magics inside you, which shall be the foundation for the Writings of Kazas. You can become the greatest messenger.”

“Can I become a Rescue Knight?”

“A Rescue Knight? Those fools? Of course, you can. Though I don’t recommend it.”

Kazas smiled.

“Of course, this is only if you help me with my research.”

Azadine assisted Kazas with his research, while in return, the elder taught the boy the Writings of Kazas. Well, that wasn’t quite right. Instead of calling it teaching, it was closer to indoctrination and transformation for the better.

Kazas researched ways to extract the potent powers from the remnants of the magical Book of Beauties of Nature from inside Azadine’s body. They also researched methods to fine-tune and transform Azadine’s body to match his powers.

Though the book was called The Writings of Kazas, Azadine had truly made it into his own. Engrossed in his training, he didn’t have time to meet his only blood relative, Arael, or even Aldis.

Yet now, back in the present, he had reunited with Aldis in a secluded backcountry close to Salasma.

“You’ve grown so wonderfully, Azadine. I had not been able to meet you at the summer solstice festival because Elder Kazas selfishly made you a messenger all on his own. I missed you so much.”

Aldis smiled as she looked at Azadine.

She was now 34 years old. Yet, with the blood of the Heavenly Yaegas Gods flowing thickly through her veins, she still resembled the young girl from Azadine’s childhood.

“Ah, this isn’t the time to be smiling. Do you know what Arael did, by any chance?”

“I don’t know about that. I haven’t even seen Arael since I became a messenger.”

Azadine and Arael’s relationship had become completely negative. After leaving such a deep wound on Azadine’s face, Arael had not offered an apology and had instead audaciously told him that he should be thankful to her.

In the meantime, Azadine had become Kazas’ disciple, left the clan’s sanctuary, mastered the Writings of Kazas, was suddenly appointed as a messenger, and was sent straight to Salasma.

“Arael murdered Elder Cannahan and stole all the copies of Heavenly Kings’ Book collected by the clan. She had taken the whole clan’s wishes and efforts, just like her father.”

Salem, the head of the district, informed her of Arael’s wrongdoings.

“Elder Cannahan, that means the library’s… Arael killed him? Is that true? Could it be a false accusation?”


Aldis was Azadine’s ideal standard during his childhood. For him, she was the epitome of all virtues and values. The smartest, wisest, most benevolent, and most beautiful. However, now that he was an adult, he could see Aldis as just another human being with flaws that were only natural for humans.

Firstly, she showed favoritism when it came to Azadine and Arael. He was thankful for this, yet he could feel rage when she also sided with Arael despite his sister being in the wrong. The others also felt the same way.

“Arael called Elder Cannahan out and murdered him while her henchman robbed the library. That is an undeniable fact!”

“But why, though? Shouldn’t there be a motive?”

“Well, th-that… wouldn’t it be to have all the power to herself?”

Everyone was speechless. A motive?!

Arael’s arrogance was only matched by her skills. Her nature resembled a violent gust of fiery wind, which made it impossible for anyone to guess where she’d appear next. Like a wildfire that consumed everything in its path, it was only possible to know what direction it was going after the forest was consumed.

That was why no one wondered about her motives except for Aldis.

“The magical book needs to be interpreted. The more people we have, the faster that can happen. Arael’s the second in the hierarchy as she is the second messenger. She’s guaranteed to benefit from the Magical Book, so why would she want it for herself? Would there even be a person who could surpass her if she received the same Magical Book with the others?”

Even without trying to monopolize the Heavenly Kings’ Book, Arael would enjoy the same benefit. As she was already the most powerful messenger in the clan, her position allowed her to make the best use of the powers of the Heavenly Kings’ Book.

Aldis was basically saying that Arael didn’t have enough motive to betray and kill her own people.

‘Indeed. She wasn’t just playing favorites with Arael. Her argument was logical, but a bit too logical.’

Azadine and the district head wouldn’t have problems with each other right now if reason and logic were all it took to persuade people.

“If she wanted to revolt, wouldn’t it have been more beneficial to start this after gaining those powers?”

However, Aldis also made a good point with her questions. Though her argument didn’t prove Arael’s innocence, it definitely cast a shadow of doubt behind the motives of her revolt.

“Arael is extremely aggressive, violent, vicious, and spiteful. The tiniest insult is enough to make her kill someone.”

“Yeah. She thinks of the others’ lives very lightly as if they’re insects.”


All of them had assumed that Arael was the culprit and were now speculating on her motive. As for the motive behind such a grave incident, Aldis had heard nothing but excuses. Their sloppy attempts to justify Arael’s involvement were because she calmly observed them with The Eye of Harkonia.

“Okay then. I’ll have to leave to go and fight against Arael’s rebellion. District Head, Salem, Azadine, may have been dismissed for certain reasons, but please consider him a messenger regardless. I’ll take the responsibility for it.”

“Okay …”

“I hope you continue to allow us to use the Korasar Peddlers Guild and share information immediately. Also, please be generous with your support. Ah, of course, please put off Azadine’s execution order as much as you can within your range of influence.”

Azadine couldn’t help but laugh at Aldis’ words. Korasar Peddlers Guild had never supported Azadine in that manner. They fed him out of formality and only listened to his requests because they had no choice. They took his requests lightly since they regarded him as detestful and worthless. However, it seemed that Aldis’s words carried quite a lot of weight for them.


“Okay then, Azadine, shall we catch up now?”

Aldis smiled at Azadine just like she always did.

“So that’s the present 1st messenger, Aldis Jeddaha.”

Mediam shrugged after her first meeting with Aldis.

“She doesn’t look much different from me, does she?”

“She’s just like a goddess.”

Ismail and Mediam spoke at the same time, and they both fell silent.

“Ey, Ismail. That’s the first time I’ve heard you say something like that. So that’s your type, huh? Well, that makes sense. There’s no reason men wouldn’t like a beautiful woman, after all. So you’re a complete man, too, huh?”

“Rather than that, it’s more so that the features of the Yaegas Gods are really prominent. They say that the Emperor had a child with Harkonia, but to think that even among the Aragasa, the blood of the Yaegas Gods is flowing…”

“But did you see the expression on Azadine’s face? It’s that, isn’t it? I’m not the only one thinking that, right?”

“… …”

Seeing that Mediam’s attention had completely shifted elsewhere, Ismail realized there was no point talking to her anymore.

“My Lady.”

“What is it?”

“Do you really like Azadine? Or did you just fool yourself into liking him because you lost a duel to him?”

“So you think of me as a moron who doesn’t even understand her own feelings, is that it?”

“There are times for everyone when they… don’t understand their feelings. Anyways, serving Azadine is dangerous now, given the situation.”

“Huh? Why?”

“The Senate of Elders will probably announce a kill order against Arael for Azadine.”

“A kill order against Arael… wouldn’t that be for the entire clan?”

“Yes, that’s right. But it’ll be different for Azadine. Your family committed treason, so prove your innocence by relaying the punishment on her.- That’s probably what they’ll order him to do.”

“But why?”

“Arael’s the 2nd messenger. There’s no way she would raise a revolt without preparing for Azadine’s dismissal and the Curse of Service. Seeing how she rebelled so openly, this probably means…”

The interpretation of the Heavenly Kings’ Book must have shown significant progress.

That was Ismail’s conclusion.

“So you have an idea about the motive behind Arael’s actions, right?”

“Yeah. She probably did it to stop the interpretation of the Book.”


“That’s because…”

Those in the lower social classes of Aragasa were understandably resentful of their present situation. They were persecuted by Hubrisians from the outside and detested by their own people from the inside.

The chance of becoming a messenger might allow them a chance to rise in the social hierarchy. However, those fed well were nurtured lovingly, educated, and trained from a young age. Those who entered the selection process after doing odd jobs from a young age could not be equal. Status was still inherited.

Even if those from the lower classes were lucky enough to become messengers, they could only enter high society. Their status within the clan was still hereditary.

‘The interpretation of the Heavenly Kings’ Book and freeing the Aragasa from the Curse of Service would only strengthen the position of the Founding Families. It would only solidify the rank system among Aragasa and increase the authority of the ruling class. The whole system had to be turned upside down.’

Ismail speculated this to be the root of Arael’s motive, but he didn’t say it out loud. After all, there was no need to reveal the resentment the lower classes had against the system of ranks in front of people from Founding Families like Aldis or Mediam.

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