The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 8 Interlude: Leaderboard

[Rodinia Announcement: 50% of the Lorikan Republic players have now reached Level 10. The Leaderboard has been unlocked.]

The Rodinia Announcement, which referred to the continent where the Lorikan Republic was situated, echoed through the game. It was a system-wide notification broadcast to every player in the Lorikan server, marking a key milestone—the moment when half of the player base reached Level 10. For most, it was just another notification, but for the competitive players, it was a signal that things would change.

In Pangea, the leaderboard was everything. It showcased the top 1000 players from each continent, ranked by their levels. As soon as the announcement dropped, all eyes in Lorikan turned to the newly unlocked leaderboard, eager to see where they stood or who dominated the ranks.

The players of New Camelot and the Murim Archipelago had already experienced similar notifications a few hours earlier, unveiling their own leaderboards. The competition was fierce on those continents, and the top players had already reached impressive milestones, with the highest-ranked individuals hitting Levels 15 and 16, respectively. Such levels, achieved so quickly, were nothing short of extraordinary, especially considering that half the general player population had only just managed to scrape into Level 10.

So, when Lorikan's announcement came through, expectations were tempered. Given that Lorikan Republic was the last of the major regions to hit this milestone, no one anticipated anything too shocking from the leaderboard reveal. Many players assumed the top-ranked individuals would likely mirror their New Camelot and Murim counterparts, hitting around Level 15 or 16—impressive but predictable.

That is, until the #1 ranked player was revealed.


[Rodinia Announcement: 50% of the Lorikan Republic players have now reached Level 10. The Leaderboard has been unlocked.]

Meanwhile, across the sea in the Murim Archipelago, the guild master of the Hao-Wei Gaming Workshop, Hao Shi, had just reached Level 16. Hao Shi, the eldest son of the influential Hao family and heir to the Hao-Wei Global Company, was leading his elite team of 300 professional gamers. His siblings—Hao Li Xiang, Hao Fang, and Hao Ling—were also top-ranking players, though they were currently grinding in the Lorikan Republic, another continent in Pangea. Despite their distance, the Hao family’s reputation extended far and wide, with Hao Shi at the helm.

Hao Shi's group had just finished clearing out a large swarm of monsters. The battle had been grueling, but the rewards were considerable. Even with the Essence split among 300 players, the sheer volume of enemies they had defeated ensured a steady stream of experience. Their efforts had been bolstered by a recent discovery—a hidden stash of superior weapons, armor, and rare items that gave their guild a crucial early-game advantage.

Most notably, among their spoils was a collection of elixirs that provided permanent stat boosts. Without hesitation, Hao Shi claimed the most valuable of these for himself. However, he was disappointed to find that drinking the same potion twice yielded no additional benefit. Rather than let the remaining elixirs go to waste, he handed them to his closest aides, ensuring that his inner circle remained as powerful as possible.

“Congratulations, Young Master. You are the undisputed top player in all of Murim and perhaps the world,” said Wei Jun, Hao Shi’s assistant and vice-captain, with an air of reverence. His words were not empty flattery—Hao Shi had cemented his position as the leading player on the continent of Murim, standing head and shoulders above the competition.

But Hao Shi remained unsatisfied. Shaking his head, he responded, “This is not enough. I need at least a 10-level difference between me and the other players to maintain my advantage. We must continue grinding.” His ambition was as vast as his resources, and simply being at the top wasn't enough—he needed to widen the gap.

Wei Jun, always diligent, was ready to carry out his master’s orders, but before he could acknowledge them, Hao Shi added more instructions.

“This time, I will take only 50 players. The smaller the group, the more Essence we can gain.” Hao Shi’s strategy was clear. By reducing the number of players in the raiding party, the amount of Essence he personally earned would increase, giving him a greater advantage. He wasn’t finished yet, though. “As for the rest of the guild, send them out. I want them either recruiting or assassinating the other players who’ve made it into the top 100. We need to ensure that the Hao-Wei Guild dominates the top rankings.”

The coldness in Hao Shi’s voice left no room for debate. His ambition extended beyond mere personal success—he wanted his guild to be the uncontested rulers of Pangea, at least in Murim.

Wei Jun nodded. “Understood, Young Master. It will be done.”

“And one more thing,” Hao Shi continued. “Send word to our branches in the other continents. The same instructions apply—either recruit the top players or eliminate them.” Though the order sounded ruthless, in the context of the game, Hao Shi was referring to in-game assassination. But in the real world, it could easily have been mistaken for something far more sinister.

“Yes, Young Master,” Wei Jun acknowledged before immediately logging out to relay Hao Shi’s orders to the other branches of the Hao-Wei Guild around the globe. Being on different continents in Pangea meant that players could not see the system notifications from other regions, at least not yet. This provided an advantage—Hao Shi’s plans to dominate Murim and potentially other continents could proceed without interference.

His strategy was calculated. By reducing the number of players in his party and sending the rest to either ally with or eliminate potential threats, Hao Shi would secure an insurmountable lead. If things went as planned, both his guild and his family’s name would gain worldwide recognition. Perhaps one day, the company will be known simply as Hao Global, transcending its current identity.

Several minutes later, Wei Jun logged back in, but this time something was different. His usually calm and expressionless demeanor now carried a hint of hesitation, a slight unease that Hao Shi immediately noticed.

“What happened?” Hao Shi asked sharply.

“Young Master, the leaderboard for the Lorikan Republic has just been released,” Wei Jun replied.


“The first-ranked player... is Level 19.”

The shock was palpable. Hao Shi, the leader of China’s top professional gaming guild, who had personally secured hidden caches of powerful items and led 300 of the country’s best players, was only Level 16. Yet someone in the Lorikan Republic had already surpassed him by three levels. How was that even possible?

“How did someone reach Level 19 so fast?” Hao Shi murmured, more to himself than to Wei Jun. His mind raced as he tried to rationalize it. “Is the quest in the Lorikan Republic somehow easier than ours?”

“I don’t believe so, Young Master,” Wei Jun responded. “The quests your brother and sisters received are almost identical to ours.”

“I see,” Hao Shi replied, his voice laced with frustration. “Then who is this player? What guild is he with?”

Wei Jun’s hesitation deepened, but he responded nonetheless. “All we know is that his name is... Adam.”


“It just shows a first name, Adam,” Wei Jun explained. “It’s a common name worldwide, and that’s all the system provides now.”

Hao Shi frowned, clearly dissatisfied with the lack of information. In Pangea, players’ names were displayed in the top rankings and dungeon clears, but there was an option to conceal one’s full identity once the unified leaderboard was activated. Until then, top-ranked players like this mysterious “Adam” would have their names displayed, but only to a limited degree.

“Investigate this player,” Hao Shi ordered, his expression hardening.

“It will be done, Young Master,” Wei Jun replied obediently. Then, almost as an afterthought, he added, “Here are the top 100 players in the Lorikan Republic, as you requested. My younger brother and one of your sisters have made it into the top 10. Your other two sisters are within the top 100.”

Wei Jun handed over the data:

Lorikan Republic Top 10

Adam, Level 19

Tyler Evergreen, Level 14

Hao Li Xiang, Level 13

Nancy, Level 13

Max Evergreen, Level 12

Wei Cheng, Level 12

Rebecca, Level 12

Cesar Andrews, Level 12

Jimmy, Level 11

Ralph Park, Level 11

Further down the list, Hao Shi’s other sisters, Hao Fang, and Hao Ling, were ranked 40th and 59th at Levels 11 and 10, respectively. Despite this information, Hao Shi showed little interest.

“Never mind that,” he said dismissively. “Let’s continue grinding.”


The Maxima Guild had been grinding tirelessly for hours. Even with a hundred players, Tyler Evergreen, the guild’s leader, instructed everyone to break into smaller groups. This strategy aimed to increase their essence gains more efficiently, ensuring that each group could optimize their leveling speed. The stronger players could carry the weaker ones once they had acquired better gear, and Tyler had carefully orchestrated this process.

After several hours of relentless grinding, Tyler and his elite core had finally reached the minimum level required to equip the superior gear they had secured from the hidden room. Once they did, the rest of the guild followed quickly, with those equipped carrying their less-geared teammates. As a result, the Maxima Guild quickly rose to the top ranks among the players in the Lorikan Republic, their progress unmatched by most.

“Double Slash!”

Tyler’s voice cut through the air as he activated his most powerful sword skill, unleashing it against the Vampire Bat he had been fighting. His instructions to his team had been clear: no one was to interfere with his solo battle. He had even temporarily disbanded the party to ensure that he absorbed all the essence from the kill himself.

[You have slain Vampire Bat Lvl. 9. You have absorbed 300 Essence.]

After several battles against monsters at a significantly higher level than him, Tyler finally earned enough essence to level up. Without hesitation, he allocated his new stat points into strength and invested more into leveling up his Double Slash skill. With his new greatsword, the damage he could deal was at least three times that of another warrior using a weaker weapon. His advantage was clear.

The weapon itself was nothing extraordinary, but in the hands of a skilled player like Tyler, it became a lethal tool.

Old Greatsword (Common)

Type: Greatsword

Damage: 100

Weight: 10

Durability: 80/80

Requirements: STR 15

Description: An old but well-maintained weapon.

Tyler had just hit Level 14, and his guildmates weren’t far behind, with most of them sitting at Level 12 or higher. Their location—a zone filled with higher-level enemies like vampire bats and other beasts—was a key factor in their rapid growth. While most players were stuck fighting the common giant rats and mutated spiders under Level 5, the Maxima Guild was farming in an area that offered both higher risk and higher rewards. With greater danger came a greater essence yield, and Tyler knew they had secured a significant advantage over the competition.

“With this, we’re definitely ahead of the competition,” Tyler said with satisfaction, his grin widening as he admired the power they had accumulated.

He turned to his guild. “Those of you with Blacksmithing skills repair all our equipment. We’ll resume grinding after that!”

However, before they could get back to the grind, a system-wide notification flashed across their screens.

[Rodinia Announcement: 50% of the Lorikan Republic players have now reached Level 10. The Leaderboard has been unlocked.]

Tyler’s eyes lit up with excitement. He had been waiting for this moment. After grinding for hours and carefully managing his guild’s progress, he was certain that his name would be at the top. His confidence was well-founded. He knew for a fact that his guild was ahead of their rivals. With most of his team already at Levels 13 and 14, Tyler was certain that no one else had out-leveled them.

With a confident smirk, he opened the leaderboard.

But the smile was quickly wiped from his face as his eyes locked onto the first name on the list.

Adam, Level 19.

Tyler’s stomach dropped. He had expected to see himself comfortably at the top, but instead, someone was ahead of him—by a significant margin.

“How did this guy reach Level 19 so quickly?” he muttered, disbelief clouding his voice. His hands tightened around the hilt of his greatsword. He hadn’t expected anyone to even come close to their levels, let alone surpass them by that much.

Without hesitation, Tyler barked an order to one of the newer recruits, a Level 10 archer who had just finished repairing his bow. “You! Log out and investigate this, Adam. Find out everything you can, then report back.”

The archer nodded, his face tense. Without delay, he logged out of the game, following Tyler’s command. As the recruit disappeared from the game, Tyler’s mind raced. He knew of a few professional gamers named Adam, but none stood out as someone capable of achieving this kind of feat—certainly not in such a short time.

Maxima had good equipment and was arguably the best of any guild in the Lorikan Republic. They had secured prime farming spots, had experienced players, and had been executing their strategy flawlessly. How could there be such a massive gap between them and this unknown player?

Frustration gnawed at Tyler as he turned back to his remaining guild members, his mind already planning their next move. If someone had found a faster method for gaining essence or discovered an unknown location, he needed to know.

“Where is the best hunting ground that yields the most essence?” he asked, his tone sharp and urgent. His eyes scanned the faces of his guildmates, waiting for someone to provide an answer.

The competitive fire that had pushed Tyler to the top in the world of professional gaming was burning bright. He wouldn’t settle for being second—not now, not ever. He knew they had to work harder, push faster, and uncover whatever secret had propelled Adam to the top. This wasn’t just a game to Tyler; this was war.


Elsewhere in the temple, the Hao-Wei team led by Wei Cheng gathered to discuss the mysterious level 19 player. Much like Tyler Evergreen of the Maxima Guild, they had been confident that their levels were among the top tier of the professional gaming scene. Simply being in the top 100 of the Lorikan Republic player rankings already brought prestige to the Hao-Wei name. But more than that, both Wei Cheng, their captain, and Hao Li Xiang, the vice-captain, had secured spots in the top 10.

Yet, despite their elite status, even they were taken aback by the revelation that someone had already reached level 19.

“I wonder how this player reached level 19 so quickly,” Wei Cheng muttered, his brow furrowed in thought. It was a puzzling mystery. Reaching such a high level in such a short time defied the typical progress curve.

Moments earlier, they had received direct orders from the Hao-Wei Guild’s main branch in China. The guild leaders wanted to know who this mysterious player was—and to either recruit him or, if necessary, engage in player-killing (PK) to bring him down.

“Maybe this person found a secret weapon that lets him kill high-level enemies with ease,” Hao Li Xiang, the vice-captain, suggested, trying to rationalize the impossible leap in level.

“It’s probably just luck. Luck can only get you so far, though. He won’t be able to hold that spot for long,” Hao Ling, the youngest of the Hao sisters, chimed in, her tone dismissive. She had been somewhat frustrated to learn she ranked the lowest among their elite team but consoled herself with the fact that she was still comfortably within the top 100 of the Lorikan Republic player base.

However, Ling’s frustration now fueled her next comment. “He doesn’t deserve to be recruited. I say we PK him and bring him back down to earth where he belongs!”

Hao Fang, the middle sister and the team’s archer, interjected. “But the real challenge is how we find this person. How can we recruit—or PK—someone when we know absolutely nothing about him?”

Li Xiang thought for a moment before speaking again. “I think this person is working alone. Otherwise, there would be a few more players closer to his level.”

The logic was sound. Forming a party meant splitting the essence gains among the members. If this mysterious player were part of a group, others would surely be near his level. The absence of other high-level players implied that this “Adam” was likely going solo, killing high-level enemies by himself and absorbing all the essence.

Hao Li Xiang turned to Wei Cheng and suggested a course of action. “Captain Wei, perhaps it’s time to revisit the Catacombs? That’s the only place we know of with enemies higher than level 10. We need to get there before any other guild does.”

She paused momentarily, letting her words hang in the air before continuing. “It’s highly likely that this player has been fighting high-level enemies alone, boosting his essence gain far beyond the rest of us. He’s clearly confident in his abilities.”

She glanced at Wei Cheng again, waiting for his reaction. He remained silent, deep in thought. So, Li Xiang pressed further. “The catacombs have the most powerful enemies in this area, and we know it.”

The rest of the team began to murmur in agreement. The cleric, Chang Yichen, spoke up next. “I agree with Vice-Captain Hao. That’s probably where this player is. Even if he isn’t, we planned to return there anyway, right?”

Hao Ling folded her arms, her frustration still evident. “Hmph! I don’t care about this player, but I want to level up quickly, too. Let’s return to the catacombs. My fire spells have grown stronger since we last went there.”

With most of his team in agreement, Wei Cheng saw no reason to delay their return to the catacombs. After all, their first attempt had been premature. They were under-leveled and had underestimated the strength of the undead enemies, which had forced them to retreat. But now, things were different. They had gained valuable levels and experience since their last visit.

“We’ll go,” Wei Cheng decided. “But this time, we’re going in prepared.” He quickly ordered a few more of the guild’s members to join them for this second venture into the catacombs. Their first attempt had only involved five members, but now, they would bring reinforcements to ensure they wouldn’t be overwhelmed again. The undead, powerful as they were, wouldn’t stand a chance against a properly prepared Hao-Wei team.

Their eyes were set on two objectives: hunting powerful enemies and finding Adam—either to recruit or bring him down.

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