The School Idol’s Obsession




‘Why...? Why does she keep approaching me?’ The boy questions in his head.


Inside the empty classroom, two people are conversing. After seeing the atmosphere between the both, one could  think that a confession is being held there.

The two people here were Sano Itsuki, an average, yet awkward adolescent boy, and his school's Idol, Inoue Aimi. While staring at Sano, Inoue's eyes seem dead. Sano on the other hand, couldn't help but freeze at such a sight.


Staggering, Inoue came closer to Sano grabbing both his shoulders. “Why…? Why are…you...avoiding me…?” Inoue spoke, making Sano feel shivers up his back.

One would be happy if one of the popular girls in the school talks to you...except in Sano's situation. He couldn’t help but be scared at Inoue's behaviour, whenever she gets close to him he can’t help but fear Inoue’s actions.

“What a bad boyfriend you are, ♡ trying to avoid your girlfriend like that ♡…” Inoue said as she giggles from seeing the horrified expression Sano is making.

“G-Girlfriend…?” Sano questioned, stupefied. “Yes! I’m Itsuki-kun’s girlfriend. So don’t avoid me anymore, okay? Itsuki-kun.” Inoue whisperingly replied to Sano as she hugged him tightly.

Fear, anxious, distress Sano can’t help but worry about his future. “Will I be fine?” he can’t stop the thought of worrying whenever he is in the presence of Inoue. He got forced into a relationship before he knew it, as that happened Inoue hadn’t let go of him and is still hugging him tightly not letting him get out of the girl’s grasp.

Feeling that Sano was trying to get out of her grasp, Inoue looked at him with bewitching eyes. “Still trying to push me away are you? Now that’s not good Itsuki-kun, you’re making me sad.”

He gulped seeing the expression Inoue is making. Nervous as he is witnessing a side of Inoue that he is seeing for the first time.

“You’re a really bad boyfriend♡, trying to push me, your girlfriend away♡. You must be punished♡♡.” Inoue said seductively to Sano. 


Knowing that he won’t be able to escape from Inoue, Sano couldn’t help but just pray for his future.


*Ring* *ring* The alarm sounds in the morning of an expected school day. Sano is reluctant to leave his bed. He didn’t want to go to school, knowing that it would bore him to no end.


Sano is awkward but he is no loner, at the very least he is the type that bullies would ignore. He only had a handful of friends and acquaintances and he was fine with that. His problem was…”her”. He doesn’t know how or why that certain girl is always going his way, but his only thought was that it was troublesome attention. One of the reasons why he doesn’t want to go to school.

“Itsuki! Come down now, have your breakfast!” his mom calls for him. Reluctantly he comes down to eat his breakfast and starts preparing for school.


He can only hope that girl wouldn’t get in his way all the time…

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