The School Idol’s Obsession

Chapter 2: That Day

◆Inoue Aimi’s POV◆


Inoue was an apathetic girl, she showed no interest in no one. She made a facade of a bright girl act, she had to as many people put a lot of high expectations on her. She didn’t want such a life, whether at home or at school everyday was a lot of expectations.


At home her own mother expected her to be academically at the top, at school her own teachers observed and expected her to be the role model of all students, her own classmates looked upon her as the popular girl, the so-called school Idol, everyone of her peers gave her a fake kindness just because of her popularity. She didn’t have the  time to ever have less expectations from the people around her…


...until she met him.


“Another day of this never-ending fake life...when will this...end…” The girl starts her day with a depressing state of the mind. 


Everyday was the same for her daily routine wake-up, prepare, and go to school. She hated such life, she considered her surroundings as a shackle. She was tied down to the things of expectation.


All of those kept on going until she met him…

Sano Itsuki, an average yet awkward individual. Whenever she looks at him, she feels the quiet and unquestionable feel to him. He doesn’t feel like any of the people she has ever met in her life. Unlike others he is showing no interest in her and he doesn’t have the facade of acting kind to her. 


He was...different, to her he was different. 


To her curiosity, she tries to befriend him but only ends up in vain as it obviously shows how much the boy is avoiding her. Befuddled, she couldn’t comprehend Sano’s actions.

No one has ever avoided her as much as he did, for the first time in her life she had felt the feeling of being ignored. 


“Uhm...Inoue-san, I think it would be better if you don’t talk to someone like me.” A sudden words of humility. She is surprised by Sano’s own words, she didn’t get why he would say that to her. She couldn’t help but be attracted to Sano’s way, a spark of interest she can’t stop resisting.


“...That’s no good, Sano-kun...I want to get to know you more…” Inoue thought to herself. Sano oblivious to how Inoue is thinking and looking at him.

◆Sano Itsuki’s POV◆


“...That’s no good, Itsuki-kun...You’re trying away and...push me away again. I’m not...going to let you go...not anymore, because from now’re mine♡ and...mine alone♡!”

It was hopeless to get out of Inoue’s grasp. A very abnormal strength is being shown from how tight Inoue was hugging Sano. Sano is desperate trying to get free from  Inoue, as he struggles Inoue couldn’t help chuckle from how Sano is desperate. “...How cute♡ boyfriend is struggling cutely♡…” Inoue’s words made Sano even more afraid.


“Bad Boyfriends must be punished♡…” Saying that Inoue drew her lips closer to Sano. A second late Sano couldn’t stop Inoue’s attack on him.

Feeling that Inoue’s grasp was weakening, he wasted no time in escaping from Inoue’s grasp and parted with her lips. It was surprisingly sweet, that was the first time Sano had tasted that sweet feeling.


He backed away from Inoue, and took some distance from her. Inoue was blushing from kissing Sano.

“...What are you doing, Itsuki-kun?...Come me...Don’t leave me, Itsuki-kun…” Inoue is walking towards Sano staggering. Sano tried to find another way out but sadly the second door is also locked. 


“...You...can’t, Itsuki-kun…” Inoue is walking closer and closer. Sano’s only way out now are the windows. He took a run for it, he was on the second floor. Looking below him he saw an emergency ladder, with no hesitation Sano went down the ladder and made a run for it.

“...You can’t...escape, Itsuki-kun...You’re one else can...have you…”


“...I-I’m...home....I got back safely…” Sano panting heavily as he escaped from Inoue. Now he has more reasons to not go to school, one girl is trying to “target” him. It’s no longer in the category of troublesome, It’s already in a dangerous sense of situation.

“She’s dangerous...I have to be more careful around her from now on…” Determined, he resolved himself for the worst.

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