The Roller Coaster Needs To Sign A Life And Death Certificate? Reba Was Scared To Cry At The Beginning

Chapter 53

Chapter 052: Promise To Shoot Tv? The Script Is All Written!

Reba cried for nearly twenty minutes before she calmed down.

“Come on, wipe your face, I’m crying like a cat.” Jiang Lin handed her a wet tissue.

Seeing Jiang Lin’s outstretched arm, Reba suddenly grabbed it firmly, and then bit down hard.

Although Jiang Lin felt some pain, he did not avoid it.

The girl looked like that, obviously frightened, let her vent a bit.

After Ke Reba finished biting, she immediately regretted it. She lifted her teardrop face and looked at Jiang Lin, “Why didn’t you hide?”

“Let you vent your anger. Didn’t you just call my name and yell at me when you were so angry?”

“Ah, can you see it?” Reba asked in surprise.

“Otherwise, what do you think, those organ traps and snake flames are all made with special effects, and it is impossible to hurt you at all. I can see clearly in the monitoring room when you are playing.”

“Those are all fake?”

“Not all. For example, the gavel that hit you is a little real, but that toy should be made of foam, so it can’t hurt anyone.”

Jiang Lin explained.

“That is, when you are sitting in the car, the bumper car will receive the signal from the hammer to give that kind of feedback. If you stand on the ground, the hammer will not be able to hit you at all.”

This explanation made Reba a little dumbfounded. After opening her mouth wide open for a while, she asked.

“Isn’t our playground always focusing on real excitement? Why did it change this time and play with sound and light special effects?”

“It’s called what is true, what is false, and what is false is what is true. How can there be a routine that can be used to death? I didn’t see that you were scared like this because of preconceived ideas!”

Speaking of this, Reba’s teeth itch with anger, wishing she could bite Jiang Lin again.

“Okay, don’t gnash your teeth, I invite you to have a big meal to appease your hurt little heart.”

Reba originally thought that Jiang Lin would take her to have a good meal as compensation, so she turned around and took her to the staff cafeteria.

The closing time of the playground does not mean that it is off-duty time. After the park is closed, there is still a lot of work to be done, such as cleaning, equipment maintenance and so on.

In order to solve the meal problem of employees, Jiang Lin set up a canteen.

But in their staff cafeteria, there is no window for ordering meals, but a buffet style. Whoever wants to eat can directly serve it on a plate.

Although it is incomparable with those professional buffets outside, there are more than a dozen or twenty different types of food when the mess is added up.

Reba, who was still a little angry in her heart, sat at the same table with Jiang Lin, but ignored him in a fit of anger.

But Jiang Lin didn’t notice Reba’s little emotion at all, and happily edited the material just captured with his mobile phone.

While they were eating, Aunt Zhao, who had just finished her work, also came to the cafeteria.

“Reba, I heard that you went to test a new project with Xiao Jiang again, how do you feel?” Aunt Zhao asked.

“its not bad, right.”

“Xiao Jiang is really partial to you. Every time there is a new project, he always pulls you to be the first to feel it.”

Aunt Zhao’s words instantly made Reba blush.

She raised her eyes to secretly look at Jiang Lin, only to find that Jiang Lin was like an idiot, smirking at the phone screen, which immediately made her a little angry.

But what she didn’t know was that the reason Jiang Lin was smirking at the screen was because that guy was using her identity to interact with netizens.

Just now when Jiang Lin edited the video and uploaded it, he deliberately chose Zhang Reba’s tearful and ugly photo as the cover.

The drainage effect of this ugly photo was exceptionally good, and soon attracted a large number of netizens to watch.

Although the video shows only the tip of the iceberg of the new project, it also makes netizens enjoy watching it repeatedly.

“Oh my god, there are bumper cars here, it’s a real-life version of Mario Kart, it feels too fun.”

“Good guy, this mechanism looks really old and exciting, I feel sorry for Miss Sister for a second…”

“Judging from the consistent urgency of this playground designer, the real experience is absolutely impossible to be so simple…”

When Jiang Lin looked through the comments, he found that there were still many new fans who didn’t know the address of the playground, so he left a message in the comment area to ask.

So, he conveniently posted a top post, explaining the detailed address of their playground.

When he posted this post, netizens directly regarded him as Reba, and they all responded below.

Jiang Lin found it very interesting to see those so courteous netizens, chatting more and more with Reba’s identity.

Seeing Jiang Lin’s wretched smile, Reba thought he was looking at something messy, and couldn’t help stretching her neck out of curiosity to take a peek.

As a result, seeing this made her so angry that she hit Jiang Lin hard on the head with her chopsticks.

“You are not allowed to use my identity to chat anymore, the image I have managed so hard to manage has been completely ruined by you.”

“Okay, okay, stop talking, stop talking.”

After the two finished their meal, Jiang Lin sent Reba home as usual.

Seeing that Reba was still so angry, Jiang Lin smiled and said, “Why, are you still angry? Isn’t it just using your identity to interact with netizens, and this is also helping you create a friendly persona.”

“It’s not that I’m mad at!”

“That’s about the test, didn’t I tell you, it’s all fake, just to scare you.”


“Then what else can happen?” Jiang Lin asked curiously.

“You lied to me, you clearly said that bumper cars are not scary.”

“Don’t talk nonsense. My original words are that the excitement of bumper cars is not at the same level as that of roller coasters. How can I lie to you? Don’t you think bumper cars are not exciting enough?”

These words made Reba dumb for an instant.

These two are indeed not of the same magnitude. Bumper cars are more exciting than roller coasters.

But the problem is, who would think so.

But soon she found a new Huadian, “Then you lied to me too. Before you said that you had more than 100,000 fans, you made a movie for me. Now we have almost 300,000 fans just for a certain music.” , Where is the movie, why didn’t I see it.”

“Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten, at most one month, I have already written the script…”

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