The Road Turns White Tonight

Chapter 297 - Third star

When I got on the bus, I was still in a daunting battle. I didn’t seem to have resisted Lin Haitao in my memory. Therefore, I must say that things must be reversed.

I did not pay attention to when Lin Haitao left, nor did I pay attention to what Wei Yulian and Lin Haitao said, and when he got in the car.

This car was originally filled with people from other schools. Thanks to Lin Haitao, Nina and Fangzi were driving at night. As a result, we could only sit in the last row. In the same row, Wei Yu colder than us at night. Forced to wait for Wei Yu cold beauty Cen.

Beauty Cen sits next to me, and Wei Yu cold sits next to me.

I suddenly remembered that my backpack was still in Wei Yuliang’s hand, and was just wanting to ask him, but Nina threw the phone to me, “Lin Shao is looking for you.”

I was startled and almost didn’t throw the phone back as a grenade.

Lin Haitao’s deep voice came to his ears, “Gu Yiyi.”

I had to respond, “That’s a coincidence.”

There seemed to be a pause on the phone side, “Gu Yiyi, you will continue to be heartless and heartless, and you will come back and I will pack you up and stay away from Wei Yu!”

I’m also angry, this Lin Haitao pinches my soft persimmon!

But I just did n’t dare to carry it with him. I could n’t afford to hide. I just wanted to put the phone on, and his voice rang again. “You are in bad health, do you know how worried I am, you fool I lied and said that nina came over to accompany you. Be careful on these two days and wait for you to come back tomorrow evening. I will pick you up. “

I held my cell phone for a long time until Nina shook me a lot.

Nina and Yoshiko asked, what did Lin Shao tell you.

I shook my head, only remembering that Lin Haitao’s voice was very gentle. He had never tried to talk to me in this tone. This tone was a bit like when Dad couldn’t help his mother.

I was a little at a loss, but seemed to like it a little, turned around and looked out the window, but saw Wei Yu Leng staring at me slightly, his eyes deep.

My heart fluttered, so I didn’t overdo it, and then scolded myself for being more attentive. He was looking at Cen Mei, what was you doing.

After talking with Nina and Yoshiko, I closed my eyes and rested. The president just said that there are still n hours to the camping place. It was a rare opportunity. The schools just happened to have friendships. The sound in the car was too loud and noisy. I slept badly last night, and I was drowsy. I was not affected and fell asleep.

In the dimness, I only heard a lot of people turn around and talk to Wei Yulian and Cen Mei, as well as the sounds of Fangzi and Nina squeak.

Later, the sound gradually diminished and everyone in the car began to rest. She seemed to have heard Cen Mei told Wei Yu cold that she was uncomfortable. Wei Yu cold said something gently.

In my sleep, I just felt tired and leaned towards Nina next to me.

Nina seemed to be stunned, and then held me.

A voice sounded low, it seemed to be calling my name, and soon I heard someone say faintly.

I muttered “Don’t be noisy” and arched into Nina’s arms. The air conditioner in the car was a little too big. I felt cold, and I put my hand in her arms. She sighed slightly and held my hand.

Her hands were warm and dry, and very comfortable, but there seemed to be some cocoons in the palms. I was a little surprised. How did her hands get bigger, she wrapped both my hands with one hand. But she was so tired that her arms were much more comfortable than usual. I didn’t care too much, and slept to death.

I don’t know how long it took, and the body was bumpy. I woke up and started to sit up.

“Just some potholes on the ground, not afraid.” Someone stroked me on the back.

I nodded his head awkwardly, and saw nina next to her leaning on Yoshiko. The two slept soundly, the sky outside was dark, and almost everyone in the car fell asleep.

I suddenly woke up in shock, nina fell asleep, who was keeping me asleep? I stared dumbfounded at the person on the other side, the other side stroking my back. Qing Jun’s handsome face, deep brows, isn’t it Wei Yu Leng?

No, right, it’s the beauty Cen who sits on the other side of me. How did it become Wei Yu cold? I blurted out, “What about Sister Xue?”

Wei Yu replied coldly: “She was motion sick. She was a bit uncomfortable. She changed her seat and sat in front.”

I was stunned, and I saw an unidentified object sleeping and snoring next to Wei Yuliang: Fat man, it turned out that this Jun and Cen Mei had changed their seats. I wanted to bury him with potato chips.

I suddenly remembered the phrase “don’t get in the way” when I was half asleep and awake, was it–

The slightly hot temperature came from my shoulders, and then I realized that I was still in Wei Yu’s cold arms, and quickly broke away, and said, “Sorry, why didn’t you wake me up?”

Wei Yu rubbed his shoulders coldly, his lips slightly tilted, “If you really feel sorry, then you can give me a pillow.”

I stepped back with a smile, “Senior really loves to joke.”

Wei Yuliang didn’t care, and he gave me a light glance.

I became more embarrassed and tore on the clothes on my body. The scent of grassy grass came from my clothes. I took a moment and took off my coat, which was not mine.

Subconsciously, looking at Wei Yu cold, he was wearing a white t-shirt, and his muscular texture was slightly stretched in his clothes.

My face was hot and I remembered that he was wearing this coat just now, biting his lip and handing back the clothes, but he didn’t pick up and said, “You put it on first, the car is a bit cold.”

I did n’t take it, neither did I take it. My distressed look seemed to please him, and the arc of his lips slowly opened, saying, “What do you care about a piece of clothing, you are not wearing my clothes? . “

What the **** is it that people can’t hear me! I almost didn’t bite my tongue, and a smirk came from the front. The president’s owing face turned from the seat in front, and there was also Cen Mei next to him, looking angry.

Nina, Yonko and Fatty also woke up.

I gave Wei YuLeng a stern glance, Wei YuLeng whispered, “Your saliva has wet my clothes.”

The fat man and the president laughed sourly.

I was ashamed and annoyed, took the clothes on his shoulders, snatched the backpack, and took the bottle of water to drink with hate, but heard Wei Yu coldly: “It’s okay to be kidding me. “

I was drinking water, and snorted, and nina, Yoshiko, the president and the fat man sprayed their heads together.

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