The Road Home

Chapter 26 - Inch Mountain Dream (4)

It ’s kind of guilty to come out and ask Lu Yanchen if they want to go to the toilet, and you get people to do push-ups. It ’s too inhumane … Go all the way back and read all the way and let Lu Yanchen say something to others Already.

Lu Yanchen didn’t answer. She put her right hand under her long hair, held her thin neck, and took her to the reception room. Gui Xiao took two steps and felt that something was wrong. Everyone was crouching back to back. How could he behave like a little chicken …

Forget it, people who drink too much don’t care about him.

Back to the room, Lu Yan Chen Jiu Jin head over, sober on the bedside.

Gui Xiao guessed that he was going to sleep. Without turning on the light, he just touched the basin of warm water, turned the mascara a little bit, washed his face, twisted the towel to dryness, wiped his face and neck, and his arms. . Just do it and go to bed.

It was the sleepiest time to arrive at five o’clock, and I felt that Lu Yan’s palms were rubbing against her chest, and she was too lazy to talk, twisting her body and turning over, but it was in his heart, and her skirt was pulled Go up, the posture is right, directly into the topic.

Gui Xiao didn’t know if he was dreaming, or true.

Intermittently, it felt like it had just come up, humming twice.

Lu Yanchen pulled her face over and kissed her, and the door was knocked suddenly … After Xiao Ling woke up, Lu Yanchen didn’t move anymore, and both of them were silently silent as if they were still “sleeping” “Then I heard the outside said,” Road team? Road team? Aren’t you going to watch the dogs? Are you training? “

No response.

It is estimated that people want to understand that they can’t be disturbed, or that they are naively and purely think that the two are sleeping under a quilt. In short, the sound of footsteps is gradually distant. Then he continued, panting heavily, intensifying …

Someone rushed closer and shouted, “Report!”

Lu Yanchen didn’t hold back and scolded the word “reliance”. I guess I remembered that if I drank too much last night, all the squadron members would not see him go to watch the dogs, and they would definitely come over one by one and want to do something It’s over.

He stepped out at the knocks of the door, raised the zip of his trousers, and got out of bed with his naked upper body: “OK, I see.”

He turned the drawer and looked for chewing gum everywhere, he really found it. Not only chewing gum, but also no one’s family came to live here, but also half a box of Durex …

Just woke up and watched her sleep beside her.

I was thinking, assuming that the two had not split up, she should come to live for a month every year after college. Here, or her family’s room, cover up in the toilet. It is not convenient to take a shower. The clothes were hanging in the room, and complaints were inevitable, but the tossing in the quilt at night was frustrated.

People have lived for decades and wasted so long in a hurry. It’s really not worth it.

Gui Xiao’s clothes were crumpled by him, while he sat up and dragged his skirt down.

Her hair scrambled behind her ears, she propped her head on the bed, put on her boots, and did not stand firmly. Lu Yanchen copied it on her cheekbones, pressed her to her chest, and squeezed the chewing gum with paper. Throwing away the trash can, then lowering her head and sucking her lips, the energy that has not been done is rubbed in this action, burning hot.

After a few moments, she felt less enjoyable, pulled her collar down an inch, and rubbed her skin with rough palms. Cold wind came in through the cracks of the closed windows, and the people who were not cold but blew hot and hot.

“Don’t make it,” Gui Xiao laughed. “Someone will call you again.”

Is it true that I didn’t go out several times and what happened …

He was bathed in the morning and afternoon light, and smiled very decently.

Gui Xiao has never shied away and really likes his face, eyes, facial features, and there is no fault anywhere. At first he saw him coming under the poplar tree in the dirt playground, and he threw it out and gave it all to him.

Really handsome. Now, even more.

From the picture at the gas station two years ago, he held the water bottle up and spit it down. With each movement, his eyes re-drew her heart; and later, in the heavy snow in Erlianhot, watching the goose feathers and heavy snow The lights in the room penetrated the night sky, shining on her, watching him next to the window, most of his face was hidden under the shadow of the brim; and outside the hotel, more than a dozen shadows rushed over, such a man pushed himself open–

Even when she was not a teenager, even a stranger, she would fall in love with this man even if she met later.

The two went to the playground, and the group had communicated. The two who had knocked on the door refused to get close to Lu Yanchen, and they ran far away, avoiding them, lest they be taught. Dozens of military dogs were let go, as if they were going to chase the fugitives, and rushed in the morning light, and Gui Xiao stepped back a bit.

After all, Qin Mingyu also had a wife in the past. He understood this kind of psychology and rushed forward to scold him. It took a lot of effort to lead them away.

“Afraid?” Lu Yanchen asked her.

“It’s okay,” Gui Xiao shook her head. “It’s a little dazed to see so many large dogs.”

There are people in the community who are huskies, who can make her subconsciously avoid, let alone so much. But fortunately, she has a long-lived little Jingba, and has an instinct for the creature like a dog …

Lu Yanchen narrowed her lips, and Guixiao’s most lovely place was her “hard mouth.”

He pressed his finger between his lips and made a special whistle.

With this sound, Qin Mingyu’s efforts were in vain, and the dogs came over in excitement, and no one could stop them. Dark shadows rushed up and around, dozens of tails were shaking desperately in front of them, and surrounded Guixiao and Lu Yanchen.

One of the mammoths came up–

“Ah!” Lu Yanchen hugged the army dog ​​while Gui Xiao screamed in a loss.

Her heart was still banging with joy, the dog had stuck out her tongue, whistling hot air, and flattered Lu Xiaochen’s tail to Gui Xiao in her arms. “This one you have?” Gui Xiao worked hard to treat the black-faced military dog ​​as a Jingba, and touched the dog’s forehead, and the wet red tongue licked her palms all over again.

Lu Yanchen smiled: “The old captain raised it, and I raised the dead one.” There was no time to dismantle the explosives, and he ran straight away, leaving the crowd and being killed.

The dog in his arms lost his owner. He lost the dog and made a pair.

Lu Yanchen scatters the dogs and runs with them to the playground.

The morning mist frosted, freezing Gui Xiao’s brows, following his steps, and following.

The person in front of him was different from usual. In the past, she used to describe him with perfunctory publicity. Now, at this moment, she really saw what Lu Chen was in her bones.

A man with dozens of military dogs, entering the training ground, is like a wolf walking into the wasteland, and Yingxiang is flying high.

For the last time, he took these military dogs, walked over low-pile nets, turned over over two meters of high boards, high-altitude soft nets, high-speed descents, and sloping ropes, and those military dogs followed him.

Just after the mud pond except ice, I flew in without blinking. The water splashed for a while, then came out and covered with mud.

Qin Mingyu squatted next to the mud pond, smiled, lit the fire barrier, one by one, puddle fire barrier, puddle fire barrier, there are more than a dozen. The flames of snoring swelled one meter high, and the heat wave was rolled over by the wind, brushing Guixiao’s face, toasting her eyes, and her heart suddenly being lifted.

People next to him shouted, “Qin Mingyu, aren’t you afraid that the road team will come up and pump you?”

“Don’t make fun of it,” Qin Mingyu fell down and smiled proudly. “He’ll give us this if he’s okay. There is a sister-in-law today, can’t you get it back?”

Everyone laughed, squatting not far from the pit to watch the lively, even Gao Hai raised his wrists and held up time.

“Don’t be distressed, this is the side dish before dinner.” The squad squad leader grinned.

Looking at Gui Xiao’s face, if he sees the mountain, field, air-based, land-based infiltration training, it is estimated that he will not sleep at night.

Lu Yanchen was able to play with interest. He came out of the puddle and rolled over the fire barrier without any ambiguity, and then rolled down into the puddle. The flame is more than one meter high and the water hole is more than two meters deep. After so long tossing all the way, the person jumped up from the last ditch, wiped the muddy water on his face with his right hand, and kneaded himself. Earlobe: “Take the ointment.”

Gao Hai promised that he ran away fortunately, and a group of people had been doing morning exercises every day, but now they are back.

He walked back, and Gui Xiao followed along with the watermark left by him.

The army dogs also chased by their tails, and wanted to follow him, especially the army dog ​​who had always shown him coquettishness, and refused to leave in half a step, chasing after passing the cafeteria. Lu Yanchen had no choice but to bow, rubbing his palm twice on his head: “Go.”

The mud-covered military dog ​​sobbed a few times without moving.

Lu Yanchen smiled slightly and kicked it: “Not shameful?”

The dog moaned again, and then shook away the mud, and Fei generally caught up with his companions.

Back in the reception room, he rushed back to clean.

Breakfast was served on a small day.

Qin Mingyu and the squad squad leader were cheeky and came to eat rice, and brought two bottles of wine by the way.

This is really farewell party.

At about seven o’clock in the morning, the two big men started steaming their white pickles and started to eat, and Lu Yanchen had to drive away. Gui Xiao sat next to him, eating a bite of meat dumplings in his mouth and taking two mouthfuls of white porridge. Lu Yanchen’s short hair was still half wet, and Gui Xiao was afraid he would catch a cold. He took the towel on the back of the chair and wiped him. Such a small action, seeing the squad leader squinting in tears, staying in the team for a long time to see the old sows are double eyelids, suddenly seeing a big beauty so tenderly rubbing Lu Yanchen’s hair, too exciting People …

Lu Yanchen had a funny glance at Gui Xiao.

If there is no outsider, he has always been waiting for her. When he was not so good, he did n’t know where the sun came out. Gui Xiao saw his narrow eyes and put a towel on his knee, no matter what. Already. Continue drinking porridge.

Halfway through the meal, two people came. The three men immediately stood up and called the team Chen.

The 40-year-old man, who had a sharp eye, laughed at the moment he saw Lu Yanchen: “It’s not easy to come back to see you,” and then look at Guixiao, there was a slight pause, “This Is it your wife? “

Lu Yanchen nodded: “Call Guixiao.”

Gui Xiao shook hands with the man, and after a few rude remarks, he turned his hands upside down and looked at her: “My memory should not be bad. Have you ever seen a daughter-in-law who hasn’t come through?”

Have you seen? Gui Xiao went to see Lu Yanchen, she was not impressed.

In the living room for a while, Lu Yanchen finally admitted: “Yes, I have.”

One thing that is quite far away, I did not expect the captain to remember.

To say that these people sometimes have a good memory, which is a little bit wrong. Even if it has happened for more than ten or twenty years, it can still be printed in their minds. How long can I think of it even after such a little clue and People are up on numbers. For example, he still remembers the first time he caught a person who was trained overseas. He once saw in the materials that he even remembered what he said when he confessed. But sometimes they have bad memories. Many people have rescued their fellow villagers. When they are recognized, they do n’t remember. For example, tens of thousands of people in the Wenchuan earthquake were transferred to the quake zone to rescue people. Apart from a uniform, who still remembers Whose face?

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