The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

94: The plan is set in motion

A pair of beautiful hot ladies entered Liliana's chambers. Both of them were alluring. Since Mazoku age differently than humans one could mistake them for sisters. But they are in fact mother and daughter.


Both of them had long silver hair, pure crimson eyes, pointy ears like an elf, and of course visible sharp fangs. Instead of horns, they had a pair of bat ears attached to their heads. Their magic power was also impressive. And their breasts were also on the large size. Tiana, the daughter, who was floating and clinging to Carmilla, her mother, had a childish gaze, yet her body wasn't that of a child. In fact, you could mistake her for an oppai loli, as she wasn't very tall.



"Tia, behave yourself. We are in the presence of lady Liliana. Show some respect."


"I can't help it. I so want to sink my fangs into the bastard that killed my brother."


"It's all right ladies. I understand your feelings well. You don't have to show restraint."


Truth be told, when Volmund described her sister as a sadist, he wasn't exaggerating. She wasn't particularly close to her brother. But this was the perfect excuse to spill someone's blood and use all her torture techniques.


Lady Carmilla was acting more dignified, however she was angry too. Her household name was damaged, so she was determined to take revenge. Both of them wanted to do this for the wrong reasons.


"I must ask you this again, just to be sure. Are both of you sure you want to go with this attack?"


"Oh, yes. We are grateful for your assistance, but after we heard what that mischievous Warlord did, we can't sit back. After all, she stole Zeshia without any witnesses and refused to take the test."


"Yeah. Self proclaiming herself the Maou just to humiliate the nobles, killing my brother and Lord Byron… unforgivable. We want to lead this assault. Even if we have to kill everyone in that town."


Liliana showed a soft and gentle smile, however, deep inside her heart she was displaying an evil grin.


"Very well. Since it's both of you, and with the combined force of the southern faction and a few of my personal troops, that town won't stand a chance. But make sure you surround it from both sides. Each one of you attacking from different directions is the best way to crush all their defenses."


"I can't wait to sink my fangs into her neck."


"Now now, honey, make sure you leave some for mommy too, fufu!"




~1 week later~


A week has passed since I took over the city. It was quite a chore trying to establish an order. However with the help of my slaves and the Black Dragon Squad, we managed to sort things out.


Amelia became sort of like a mayor of this town, making sure all my laws are enforced. I eventually also cast the master-slave contract on Leona too. She said she was feeling left out, so now she's my slave as well. The radicals and those who openly tried to resist were all killed. And my Worshipers along with all the white uniforms made sure to spread their love for me and try to open people's hearts.


Needless to say… I am exhausted. All the planning I did during the tournament so that I can counter everything Byron might have tried, as well as claiming the town really took a toll on me. I'm not physically weakened. It's more mental fatigue. So for now I just wanted to be alone, so I teleported outside of the town, and was resting near a lava pool. The warmth really helps you to relax.


Well, I say I wanted to be alone but…


"You Mazoku sure love the strangest things. How can you live in such a dull environment?"


"Excuse me, but I didn't ask you. And it's not my type either. It's not my fault that they build this town in a volcanic area."


"I'm curious how the demon territory changed during my sleep, that's all."


Zeshia was still attached to my back, so technically I'm not alone. Although she can be serious, she sometimes picks the most annoying times to open her mouth.


"Yurishia! Jump right now!"


Without any warning Zeshia shouts in my head. I've never heard her so distressed. She wanted me to move? My body kind of reacted without me noticing. I placed some force in my palms, did a back flip and jump away like she told me.


I was in luck. Because in the next moment a giant explosion detonated in the place I was previously standing.


"What the hell!?"


An attack? I didn't feel anything. Where did it come from? As I was having those thoughts, a creature emerged from the smoke. Something I never saw before. A humanoid monster with scales like a lizard, large claws on both it's hands and feet, a pair of muddy wings and a long tail. As for the head, it was identical to a triceratops. Is this supposed to be a dinosaur?


"Hmph. So you managed to sense that one? I'm impressed. But at least this proves you really are the Warlord I know!"


"What the hell are you talking about? You say you know me? Sorry buddy, but it's the first time I see you. And if that is your idea of a greeting, you need to be taught some manners."


"I understand your confusion. It's only natural that you don't remember me. After all, I look nothing like I used to."


I got a bad feeling about this. This thing…


"I go by the name of Syrius. But you once knew me under another name. I was once… Guilford Pendragon."


…!? Is this for real? I'm not shocked about the fact that Guilford is alive. In fact, I actually suspected he might have been turned into a monster, ever since my meeting with the xenomorph in the desert. I'm shocked because I can't sense any form of corruption in him. But this can only mean… he's sane and went along with this transformation out of his own free will.


Even more… I can't sense his power at all. This means….


"Yurishia… this guy is dangerous. We…"


Yeah. Zeshia had the same thoughts as me. We can't win this. But if he's here to go on a rampage, I can't run away either. So I readied my guard. I got to get ready for the worst. Still, I can't help wondering… what the hell happened to you, Guilford?

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