The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

89: Yurishia reveals herself



"Summon… Efreet…"


I doubted my eyes for a moment. In front of Dante stood a flaming monster with large horns, red skin and burning fire wings. His lower body was engulfed in a red smoke, similar like what you would expect from a genie. I recognized this creature well.


One of the great primordial spirits, Efreet. Master of flames. His might is only second to a Grand Dragon. Dante was extremely burned. His flesh was even exposed, but he was alive. Efreet turned around to Dante.


"Next time how about giving me a warning, before summoning me for something like this. In fact, don't summon me again for at least a month. That took a toll on me."


Efreet then vanished into flames.


"Won't… forgive…"


Dante stood back on his feet.


"I won't forgive you! No matter what… I'm going to kill you no matter what!!"


Yare yare. It's impressive that he's still alive after taking that blast. However, as I mentioned before, my victory is assured. Like a raging beast, Dante jumped and headed towards me. But his momentum was interrupted. He stopped midway and violently coughed blood. His flesh was starting to rot slowly too.


"What… what the hell did you do to me? I definitely avoided the impact...Is this… some kind of poison?"


"Just because you avoided it, doesn't mean it didn't hit you."


"Guaaahaa…. What is this??"


"Even if I explained it to you, you probably wouldn't understand. Every cell in your body is going to fade away. Even if you survived the blast itself… it was a nuclear attack. And because you were exposed directly to it… you're experiencing what's known as -- radiation!"


What a pathetic sight. He really thought he could stand up to me. The only one that I ever considered my equal was Guilford. This guy knows a few tricks, but that's all.


"Fuck… it hurts!! It hurts!!! This pain is unbearable!! AAAA!!!"


"Give up. If you surrender, I'll heal you."


"P… please… help… I surrender!!"


What a troublesome fellow. I should just leave him to die. But, this is necessary for the phase 2. Since Nuclear Blast is a spell I developed, my Cure All can heal the radiation. Still, that doesn't mean I will heal him fully. I just stopped the decomposing process. His cells are back to normal. As for your flesh wounds, heal them yourself bastard. Keeping you alive is the only miracle you'll get from me.


"WAAAAA!!!" A great cheer came from the arena.


"Yes!! Yurishia won!!!"


"As expected, our idol is the best in the entire world!"


"Indeed. She is super cool….*sniff*..."


"I want her to embrace me!!"


The applause finally stopped after a few minutes. All the royals were left speechless. However, now that the battle was decided, Byron finally stepped down from his seat and came near me. Go on. Let's see your humiliation as you proclaim me the winner.


"Attention everyone! The grand final is now concluded. I will now announce the result. The winner of the match is… Dante Wilnas. Yurishia is disqualified!"




Loud voices came and complaints came from the stadium. And of course, I wasn't very happy either.


"Excuse me, but it's clear I beat him. Lethal force was also allowed during this match. So on what ground are you disqualifying me?"


"It was stated at the beginning that the ring was supposed to be your battlefield. When you cast that giant spell you stepped out of boundaries. Given that you broke the one single rule, it leaves me no choice but to disqualify you."




I took in a deep breath. I knew from the start that they won't play fair. But to resort to such a stupid reason like that… without thinking I violently grab Byron's throat and lift him up.


"Awk… what the fuck do you think you're doing!? I am the one of the 3 great lords… unhand me at once!! Who do you think you are!?"


"Have you already forgotten me?"


I brush him aside. I wanted to keep my identity a secret until I finished with Liliana too. But given the performance I just displayed… there's no point anymore. I'm going to give all you a harsh wake up call. So I took my mask off… and my appearance was made visible for everyone.


"No… it can't be… you… can't be alive…."


The audience also became noisy. Both commoners and nobles.


"Oi, are you seeing this?"


"That's… the legendary Warlord…"


"Are telling me this Yurishia… is the one and only Yurishia Bahamut?"


"Idiot… she was killed by the hero!"


"But… that doesn't look like an illusion. Moreover she took something off…"




I amplified the strength of my voice with magic. From this point on, it's time for your current view of society to crumble.


"Listen well, you magotts! I am Yurishia Bahamut! Your Warlord has returned! I wasn't dead to begin with! And now, I intend to reveal all your vile acts!! So listen closely, because everything you know is one big fat lie!"


Good. That should get their attention. Normally I would just settle for killing Byron. But since these losers worked so hard to make nobles look so much better, it will give me no greater satisfaction than trampling all over that. Let me see the despair in your eyes, when I take everything from you, the same way you guys took everything from me!

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