The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

6: What’s the next step?

"Alright, Nelia. We left the island behind now. It will take a few days for them to organise a search party. Now, I think it's time we had a little chat."

I bet you are wondering why I'm not using my mind control ability on her. It's quite simple. It doesn't work like that. It's not an almighty ability. 

Sure, I can use it on the weak minded with no issues, and I can give small subliminal orders to stronger people, but for someone like her, I would need to weaken her mind and break her spirit from resisting me first if I wanna put any sort of brainwashing on her.

"How delightful! I do enjoy a good gossip between girls. What do you want to talk about?"

"I'm serious here! Tell me, why did you go to such lengths to free me?"

"It's a long story, but I guess we have time. So I'll start with the beginning."

For starters Nelia told me how she figured out I was still alive. After all, those 3 bastards reported me dead, so technically nobody should know I am alive. Nelia was a big fan of mine. She admired me and wished to meet and fight alongside me. When the news of my death came, she was heartbroken. 

However, she was rather clever. Everyone accepted the story my former companions told me. But there were a few small inconsistencies with it. And she noticed them. A small example is that they reported that we were ambushed by the Hero in a trap. I was killed, but the 3 of them returned without a single scratch on them. That doesn't make sense.

Over the past years she started to gather clues, try connecting dots, following rumours until eventually it led to a clue on Titania Prison Island. 

"How did you know it was me? I don't exactly look the same."

"I didn't. I bluffed my way. I had a hunch that the most fortified holding place will be reserved for you. The moment when you confirmed you were lady Yurishia… I just continued the plan from there. Of course, I was also prepared to send my spiders in each and every cell if it was needed. I'm glad my intuition payed off."

"Ok. That's pretty smart. But all this doesn't answer my question. Why did you save me?"

"Because the world still needs you."

Fuck it. I already tried giving everything I had for this world and look how that turned out. I almost got killed and spent 10 years in jail. Not interested. Before declining her request I wanted her to finish her story at least. As a sign of courtesy I'll hear her out.

She continued the story. In the past 10 years, the world drastically changed. I never expected this, but it seems that right now all the countries and races have a temporary non-aggression treaty signed. 

The reason for this is because a greater threat has emerged. All around the world of Stellaria small cracks started to appear. The so called schism phenomenon. A dimensional rift that keeps appearing randomly.

Through that rift various deadly creatures are coming through. They don't have a goal. They didn't make any demands. Like wild animals they just rampage and kill everything in their path. Some looked like giant gorillas with orange fur and sabertooth fangs. 

Others looked like boars with plate armour like an Ankylosaurus dinosaur. Apparently these types were the so called C class threat category dimensional monsters.

Given their appearance everyone thought they were part of the demon race. But even the Mazoku were attacked. As such, all world leaders decided to temporarily end all wars and hostilities until this mysterious threat is dealt with. 

"Look, Nelia, although I appreciate that you rescued me, I won't go out of my way to involve myself in such matters. I have just one goal right now. And that is to kill Byron, Volmund and Liliana."

"Lady Yurishia, what exactly happened that day?"

It's been a while since I had a long chat. I won't deny that I missed having a conversation. And it doesn't cost me anything to tell her. So I told her what happened, how I was betrayed and left for dead.

"I… I really am sorry. But… killing those 3 will be troublesome. They all became key important people in their respective factions. But, there is a way for both of us to get what we want!"

I tilted my head. What is she talking about?

"The only way you would be able to kill them without any repercussions is to become the Maou!"

Well… that is one way to put it indeed. The Maou's word is absolute. And I think I get where this is going. The weapon reserved for the Maou, Demon Sword Zeshia is a weapon said to be able to cut through anything. That would include the so called schism. There's still a gap in her story, but I am curious about something else first.

"And how exactly do you think I will be able to become the Maou?"

"By joining the Demon King Academy, of course!"


"The Demon King Academy was established in accordance with all the factions with its base on neutral territory. Ever since the crisis and temporary peace the 4 faction leaders decided to focus all their efforts in the Maou. So, they established the academy. After one year at the academy, a tournament will be held to decide the strongest student. And the winner will be given the chance to take the Maou test. The rest of course will carry on with their lives."

They put the fate of the Maou into a school? This is… quite annoying. School is generally time consuming no matter what world you're in. I was hoping for a swift revenge, not a long term project. I'm not too thrilled about this.

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