The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

4: Escape plan

The problem I am currently facing is breaking out of this jail. I have no clue how I can get pass the 3 seals placed on this cell. Day after day I kept hoping to find a flaw of this place. Anything. 

A loose screw, guards not doing their jobs properly… anything at all. But I couldn't find a single fault in it. It's not an exaggeration to say that this place is more secure than any modern prison.

"Well well, what do we have here?"

I heard a faint voice. It was a woman's voice. I looked up to see if it was coming from entrance. But I couldn't see anything. 

"Nono. Over here."

I looked at my right and on the wall I saw a rather big spider. When I say big, I mean similar in size to a tarantula, but it looked almost like a black widow. Except it was red. Something like this is quite rare.

During my days spent in this world I did learn that there are unique members of the arachnid Mazoku that can control and communicate through spiders, but this is actually my first time seeing this.

"Don't be scared. This little fellow doesn't bite."

"Who are you?"

"Oh my. Isn't it proper etiquette to introduce yourself first before asking for anothers' name? Or have you forgotten that, lady Yurishia?"


"So it really is you. I'm so happy that the intel wasn't a lie."

"I don't know what you're talking about…"

"Now now, no need to lie. You might look like a human but I have good judgement. You are the former Mazoku Warlord. Lady Yurishia Bahamut."

"Kek. You seem to know me, but I still don't know who are you."

"Pardon me. I just had to make sure. My name is Nelia. I am of the arachnid Mazoku. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"What do you want from me?"

"I want to help you escape."

My body jolted for a split second. 

"I am serious. My spider minions can deactivate the seals keeping you trapped."

"Ha. If that were true, it would be pointless. This prison is located on an island. Without means of transportation, getting out of this cell means nothing!"

"Ara? There is no problem. In 2 days time a cargo ship will come to leave provisions. I already am hidden abord and will help you."

"I don't get it. Why? What's in it for you? If you are expecting some kind of favour you can forget about it. I'm done with shit like that."

"Please be at ease. I have no ulterior motive. I just want to meet you and be useful to you. I will tell you my story, but I rather do it face to face. That's all I am asking. For you to listen to my story. What do you have to lose?"

Can't argue there. My main goal right now is to get out of this hole. But no matter how I think it out, I can't get out on my own. Like it or not, I need help. 

"Alright, Nelia. I'm in."

"Excellent! Then in 2 days time, my spiders will cancel the seals. All you have to do is reach the docks after. I can't wait to meet you!"

With that the transmission was cut off. 2 days, huh? I don't know what she's planning. Everyone should know I am dead. Well, I will deal with her if she tries anything funny. For now, hope and my burning hatred are the only things I have left.


2 days passed rather quickly. It was night time. And the moment had approached. I could hear the spiders crawling everywhere. Although I don't know what they did, it worked! The seals suddenly disappeared. This is my chance! I took a powerful leap and jumped out of the hole.

"Hey! Stop! Get back in your cell or we will use lethal…"

Before he could finish his sentence, I closed the gap between me and the 2 guards. I grabbed their heads and forcefully pushed them into the ground. Cracks were formed with their silhouettes and they blacked out.

"Darn. As expected. I lost too much of my power. They should have been turned into a puddle of blood. I can't even use my teleport ability."

Standing in one place wasn't going to help though. More guards will come soon. I need to keep moving.


"Come on men! Keep looking! She couldn't have gotten far!"

I was currently hiding inside some sort of storage room. In there I managed to find some clothes and a weapon. Normally I wouldn't need a weapon at all, but it's better safe than sorry. It's worth pointing out that up till now I was covered in rags. This prison is supposed to provide clothes once per year, but there are rarely people that live that long in this dump.

And now to gather my thoughts. I need a plan if I am to reach the docks. Every guard will be focused on me. But what if I give them more targets? This place has roughly 1000 prisoners. And although not everyone is dumb, the majority are.

There are plenty of normal cells in this place. If I manage to open them all, I'm sure a riot would occur. I can use the commotion to sneak out. Yeah. That sounds like a plan. 

So after waiting a while I left the storage room. I made my way to the holding area. I raised my hand and a small blue sphere was formed.


As I crushed the sphere in my palm and called the spells' name, the shockwave spread across the entire room. All the doors opened instantly!

"What the…!?"

"Is it Christmas today?"

"I don't see any guards."

Of course everyone was making a ruckus. 

"Fellow prisoners. Fear not. I was the one who opened the gates. I plan to leave this dump. You're free to go your own way too?"

"Oho! Christmas really came early!"

"I got a bone to pick with one of the guards."

"It's payback. Let's trash this place!"

Good. It didn't take long for the prisoners to run amok. 

"What! Sound the alarm! The prisoners are… Guaaah!"

Chaos finally covered this place. I better not hang around too much though. You idiots march on forward and keep the guards busy! Although I hate to say this, the knights and wizards here are better equipped and stronger than these misfits.

Going as fast as I could I tried getting outside, but the path was always blocked. Suddenly a yellow vine grabbed onto my right arm.

"I caught one. Quick. Take her down!"

2 wizards tried to engage me. One had this vine looking thing extended from his staff. As for the other…

"[Shock Bolt]!"

So they were trying to paralyze me. Sadly that won't work. A complex crest formed in my eyes. My Ruin Eyes triggered. Before the spell reached me it disappeared into thin air with just one glance. Needless to say the same thing happened to the vine.

"Annoying. Get lost. [Flame Burst]!"

Both the wizards were covered in flames when I chanted that spell and sent crashing into the wall. Normally they should be turned to ashes. I need to get my former glory back. 

Guards keep spawning everywhere. The riot will be put under control soon. Damn it. If I can't get to the ground level, than the only other option is to go up. I need to get to the tower.

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