The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

25: The Holy Mother

~12 years ago in the Eternal Tree located in the middle of Duskwood Forest~

"Everyone listen closely."

When this woman speaks her voice travels across every chamber of the tree. Her appearance is that of a small child. It wouldn't even be correct to call her a loli. It would be more correct to call her a midget. She possesses a cutesy yet stubby appearance. She has long black hair that touches the ground given her short status. And she has a circle tattoo on her forehead. And she always keeps her eyes closed. She isn't blind. It's just that her eyes are like the stary sky at night and contain a vast amount of mana. If anyone were to make eye contact, their very soul would crumble by the huge magic pressure.

A calm and collected person, although she quickly becomes infuriated if her height is mentioned. But nobody would dare bring that subject up. For she is the Queen of all elves. And most importantly the mother of all elves. A mortal that although is physically week, rumors say that her magic is on the level of a god. The demi-goddess Lumiera Elvenheim. 

She gave birth to the elf race. Originally all elves came from her womb. How old was she despite having a child body? Nobody knows. In modern times reproduction is done normally between elves. Elves don't feel lust. They only have sex for the purpose of making a child. And even now, she is present whenever a new elf is born. She might not give birth anymore, but people still address her as venerable mother.

"Now I have finished discussions with the Mazoku Warlord."

Her retainers became restless. A few days ago the Hero Guilford Pendragon came and talked to the queen about forming an alliance. Uniting their efforts to stop the Mazoku. And now, the queen has also talked with the Warlord.

"Your Majesty, did the Warlord also wish to form an alliance with us?"

"No. On the contrary. It was most curious. She didn't want to form an alliance. She simply requested to ignore the humans. She said that her wish is for us to ignore their conflict."

"Then… what shall we do? What is your decision?"

Her word was absolute. Nobody would dare defy her. Anxiously her court awaited her response.

"I think it's best if…"

But her words were cut off short. The doors to the throne room burst open. A big and muscular Mazoku with grey skin and long black hair entered the room.

"A Mazoku? Who are you and how dare you just walk in here?"

"I am General Borgeos of the southern faction. And I have an interesting story for you. Let me present you with an easier decision."

As Borgeos continues talking, Lumiera becomes more wary.

"For us Mazoku, the only way to survive is the Maou. So I couldn't care less about the Warlord. And that's why I came up with a splendid idea. You, the mother of all elves shall also become the mother of the Maou. With your powerful mana and my genes the child that will be born between us will surely rise and become the Maou!"

"What are you even saying? You barge in here and you expect me to accept a proposition like that? Sorry, but I refuse."

"Haha! Such a choice doesn't exist. I'll force you to accept if needed."

Lumiera raises her hand. In that very moment vines with sharp throns emerged from the tree assaulting Borgeos.

"Do you really think you can do as you please before me?"

"Yes. What wonderful power! But I came prepared."

The vines that were aiming at Borgeos suddenly fell limp on the ground. 


"Allow me to explain. I'm sure you heard of the Maou's weapon, Demon Sword Zeshia. Well I am wearing the Maou's armor. This armor is kept by the southern faction. And given my position nobody will notice that I took it. This armor has the ability to nullify all magic regardless of how powerful it is. It's far superior than the Warlords' Ruin Eyes. That makes you powerless before me!!"

He once again started walking towards Lumiera.

"Now come. I will have you bare my child. I'll do it here and now!"

"No. Stop!"

At that moment from behind, a jet black fireball around the size of an average human was aimed at Borgeos.

"You still don't get it? I told you, magic is… AAAAAGUAAH!!"

But the flames didn't disappear. Borgeos was fully engulfed by the flames bringing him to his knees.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but that piece of junk won't protect you from me."

"Lady… Yurishia?"

"I thought I smelled your stench, Borgeos so I left my party for a bit and teleported back here. Would you please end this freak show now? You're making me look bad."

"You bitch… I don't understand… why didn't the armor react?"

"It's quite simple. That armor creates a bubble like invisible shield around you. When magic touches that wall it is cancelled out. But what if the wall can't detect magic? I launched 2 attacks right now. The first fireball was extinguished, but I hid a magic formation deep inside the first ball. When the first one was cancelled, the magic formation was already inside your barrier since it was covered by the flames. Much like an umbrella. You removed the umbrella and then the second spell was triggered. It's actually quite simple to deal with once you know the trick."

"You fool! Can't you see that my way of thinking is logic? It's the only way to…"

"Blah blah blah! I'm tired of this. I'll have you die now."

"Wait! If you destroy me you also destroy this armor. You realize what that means? This is a national treasure that…"

Yurishia leaped and closed the gap between them, fully pierced the armour and pushed her claws into Borgeos's stomach.

"As I said it's junk. If I have no use for it then I'm sure the Maou won't need it either. Now fall. [Inferno Burst]!"

Ominous flames burst out of Borgeos body and quickly rots away along with the armor. Lumiera was looking towards Yurishia in amazement.

"Sorry Lumi-chan. You had to witness something unpleasant."

"I thought I didn't give you permission to call me in such a casual manner."

"Aww come on, don't be so scary. Last time you even tried pulverising me with your eyes."

It's true that during their first encounter Lumiera opened her eyes. However her horrific power was offset by Yurishia's Ruin Eyes which also have a form of magic nullifying ability. It was actually the first time Lumiera could look someone in the eyes.

"Lady Yurishia Bahamut. I am grateful for your help. However, is this some kind of scheme?"

"You already should know that. After all you have the ability Sense Lie."

Sense Lie was a skill unique to the holy mother. As its name implies she can tell if the words someone speaks are a lie or not. Her ability can't be used on elves, but it works on all the other races. 

"What is your goal?"

"I told you before. I just want peace between all races. Even the humans. I don't particularly resent them. But to achieve peace, I only ask that you won't interfere."

Lumiera let out a soft smile after hearing her words.

"Very well. Warlord Yurishia, I chose to believe in you. Hear me, my subjects! I declare that the elven nation won't get involved in the war between the humans and the demon race. I have spoken!"

"Umu. Splendid. I thank you deeply. Then I shall take my leave now. I hope the next time we meet won't be in such a formal manner. But as simple friends. You're so cute that I just want to hug and pat you."

"Hey! Cut that out. I'm not a child. I may look small but I lived for many years. You're the child in my eyes. And just so you know it's not like I'm not doing this because you told me to. I'm doing this because I feel like it! Baka!"

And with a small chuckle the Warlord Yurishia once again teleported out of the Queen's room, leaving Lumiera with a small throbbing feeling inside her chest.

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